Brahmana S
Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 21 Feb 2010 08:54 and updated at 21 Feb 2010 08:54
Mahabharata: 18 Parvas
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Mbh.1.3.854 | For a Brahmana's heart is soft as new-churned butter, even though his words bear a sharp-edged razor. |
Mbh.1.43.2263 | Decked with fame as thou art, thy success may be doubtful on that king affected by a Brahmana's curse and whose span of life itself hath been shortened. |
Mbh.1.50.2601 | That man, a Brahmana's menial, having come to us, represented fully everything as it happened between Takshaka and the Brahmana. |
Mbh.1.63.3096 | And in those waters dwelt an Apsara of the higher rank, known by the name of Adrika, transformed by a Brahmana's curse into a fish. |
Mbh.1.78.4411 | Vaisampayana continued, King Yayati, learning that she was a Brahmana's daughter, raised her from that well by catching hold of her right hand. |
Mbh.1.133.7101 | The princes then saying, So be it' repaired unto Bhishma and telling him of the purport of that Brahmana's speech, related everything about his extraordinary feat. |
Mbh.1.159.8313 | Hearing the inmates of the Brahmana's house wailing and indulging in piteous lamentations, Kunti, O king, from compassion and the goodness of her heart, could not bear it with indifference. |
Mbh.1.159.8321 | Hearing these words of his mother, Bhima said, Ascertain, O mother the nature of the Brahmana's distress and whence also it hath arisen. |
Mbh.1.164.8511 | For this reason have I resolved to set him against the Brahmana's foe. |
Mbh.1.166.8558 | Meanwhile Bhima, having slain the Rakshasa, returned to the Brahmana's abode and related to Yudhishthira all that had happened, in detail. |
Mbh.1.176.9028 | He replied, The Kshatriya's might lies in physical strength, the Brahmana's in forgiveness. |
Mbh.1.214.10487 | Summoned by the Brahmana, Arjuna reflected, with a sorrowful heart, Alas, this innocent Brahmana's wealth is being robbed! |
Mbh.3.26.1229 | The Brahmana's sight is without compare, and the Kshatriya's might also is unparalleled. |
Mbh.3.184.9186 | And Sanatkumara said, As fire assisted by the wind burneth down forests, so a Brahmana's energy in union with a Kshatriya's or a Kshatriya's joined with a Brahmana's destroyeth all enemies. |
Mbh.3.199.10126 | The removal after worship of the flowery offerings unto the gods, the removal of the remnants of a Brahmana's feast, waiting upon a Brahmana with perfumed pastes, and the massaging of a Brahmana's limbs, are, each of them, O foremost of kings, productive of greater merit than the gift of kine. |
Mbh.3.205.10494 | SECTION CCV Markandeya said, There was, O Bharata, a virtuous ascetic of the name of Kausika and endued with wealth of asceticism and devoted to the study of the Vedas, he was a very superior Brahmana and that best of Brahmanas studied all the Vedas with the Angas and the Upanishadas and one day he was reciting the Vedas at the foot of a tree and at that time there sat on the top of that tree a female crane and that she-crane happened at that time to befoul the Brahmana's body and beholding that crane the Brahmana became very angry and thought of doing her an injury and as the Brahmana cast his angry glances upon the crane and thought also of doing her an injury, she fell down on the ground and beholding the crane thus fallen from the tree and insensible in death, the Brahmana was much moved by pity and the regenerate one began to lament for the dead crane saying, Alas, I have done a bad deed, urged by anger and malice' |
Mbh.3.288.14064 | And Rakshasa hurled at Rama a terrible javelin looking like Indra's thunderbolt and resembling a Brahmana's curse on the point of utterance |
Mbh.3.312.15526 | Yudhishthira said, A deer was carrying away the Brahmana's fire-sticks. |
Mbh.3.312.15527 | Therefore, the first boon that I shall ask, is, may that Brahmana's adorations to Agni be not interrupted' |
Mbh.3.312.15528 | The Yaksha said, O Kunti's son endued with splendour, it was I who for examining thee, was carrying away, in the guise of a deer, that Brahmana's fire-sticks |
Mbh.4.68.2672 | Do thou speedily propitiate him so that the virulent poison of a Brahmana's curse may not consume thee to thy roots' |
Mbh.5.33.1592 | These eight are the immediate indications of a man destined to destruction, viz, hating the Brahmanas, disputes with Brahmanas, appropriation of a Brahmana's possessions, taking the life of Brahmana, taking a pleasure in reviling Brahmanas, grieving to hear the praises of Brahmanas, forgetting them on ceremonious occasions, and giving vent to spite when they ask for anything. |
Mbh.5.33.1621 | King Pandu consumed by a Brahmana's curse, had five sons born unto him in the woods that are like five Indras. |
Mbh.5.51.2890 | Even now I see that terrible mace of his, with eight sides made of steel, and adorned with gold, uplifted like a Brahmana's curse. |
Mbh.5.82.3913 | The exception in the case of a Brahmana, O sire, is due to a Brahmana's being the preceptor of all the other orders, as also the first sharer of everything. |
Mbh.5.112.5122 | Slacken thy speed, O ranger of the sky, remembering the risk to a Brahmana's life. |
Mbh.5.132.5869 | For all ruthless deeds and for the protection of the people, from his Brahmana's arms was created the Kshatriya, who is to depend upon the prowess of his own arms. |
Mbh.5.144.6472 | Long reflecting with a trembling heart on the strength or weakness of those mantras and the power also of the Brahmana's words, and in consequence also of my disposition as a woman, and my nature as a girl of unripe years, deliberating repeatedly and while guarded by a confidential nurse and surrounded by my waiting-maids, and thinking also of how not to incur any reproach, how to maintain the honour of my father, and how I myself might have an accession of good fortune without being guilty of any transgression, I, at last, remembered that Brahmana and bowed to him, and having obtained that mantras from excess of curiosity and from folly, I summoned, during my maidenhood, the god Surya. |
Mbh.6.120.6619 | Of touch as hard as that of the Brahmana's rod of chastisement and of impetus unbearable as that of the thunder-bolt, these arrows are afflicting my vital forces. |
Mbh.7.68.2934 | At the word of Kasyapa, the foremost of warriors, desirous of obeying the Brahmana's behest, caused by his arrows the very ocean to stand aside, and repairing to that best of mountains called Mahendra, continued to live there. |
Mbh.7.122.6044 | A Kshatriya's duty is battle; a Brahmana's, the highest asceticism. |
Mbh.7.181.9872 | The dire consequences of a Brahmana's slaughter are his that forgets the services he receives at other's hands. |
Mbh.7.189.10425 | Then taking up another celestial bow that Angiras had given him, and certain arrows that resembled a Brahmana's curse, he continued to fight with Dhrishtadyumna. |
Mbh.8.34.1680 | The Brahmana's rod, the rod of Death, Rudra's rod, and Fever became the protectors of the sides of that car and stood with faces turned towards all sides. |
Mbh.8.90.5728 | At that time, when the hour of Karna's death had come, Kala, approaching invisibly, and alluding to the Brahmana's curse, and desirous of informing Karna that his death was near, told him, The Earth is devouring thy wheel |
Mbh.9.17.1051 | King Yudhishthira the just, in that battle, carefully hurled that dart which resembled kala-ratri the Death Night armed with the fatal noose or the foster-mother of fearful aspect of Yama himself, and which like the Brahmana's curse, was incapable of being baffled. |
Mbh.12.5.190 | In consequence of a Brahmana's curse, as also of the curse of the illustrious Rama, of the boon granted to Kunti and the illusion practised on him by Indra, of his depreciation by Bhishma as only half a car-warrior, at the tale of Rathas and Atirathas, of the destruction of his energy caused by Salya with his keen speeches, of Vasudeva's policy, and, lastly of the celestial weapons obtained by Arjuna from Rudra and Indra and Yama and Varuna and Kuvera and Drona and the illustrious Kripa, the wielder of Gandiva succeeded in slaying Vikartana's son Karna of effulgence like that of Surya himself. |
Mbh.12.11.455 | These mantras regulate all the rites of a Brahmana's life beginning with those appertaining to birth and the period after it, and ending with those appertaining to death and the crematorium. |
Mbh.12.35.1874 | Plates made of the alloy of brass and copper stained by a Sudra eating off it, or a vessel of the same metal that has been smelt by a cow, or stained by a Brahmana's Gandusha, may be cleansed by means of the ten purifying substances |
Mbh.12.47.2520 | Salutations to thee, O God, that art the Brahmana's self, to thee that art the benefactor of Brahmanas and kine, to thee that art the benefactor of the universe, to thee that art Krishna and Govinda! |
Mbh.12.72.4090 | The Kshatriya is the cause of the Brahmana's growth and the Brahmana is the cause of the Kshatriya's growth. |
Mbh.12.74.4192 | All the orders should protect the wealth of a Brahmana even as they should the Brahmana's boy or life. |
Mbh.12.74.4194 | Everything is protected by protecting the Brahmana's wealth. |
Mbh.12.120.6795 | His wife Morality is also known by the names of Brahmana's Daughter, Lakshmi, Vriti, Saraswati, and Mother of the universe. |
Mbh.12.121.6911 | The rod of chastisement was given to Brahmana's son of subsequent birth, viz, Kshupa, that lord of all creatures and the foremost one of all virtuous persons. |
Mbh.12.164.9694 | Having ascertained a Brahmana's learning and behaviour, the king should make a provision for him, and protect him as a father protects the son of his own loins. |
Mbh.12.164.9731 | The same may be said of stealing gold and the theft of a Brahmana's property. |
Mbh.12.192.11500 | The remnants of a Brahmana's dish are like ambrosia. |
Mbh.12.192.11504 | He who pounds turf to clay for making sacrificial altars, or he who cuts grass for making sacrificial fuel, or he who uses his nails only and not weapons of any kind for eating sanctified meat, or he who always subsists on the remnants of Brahmana's dishes, or he who acts, induced by desire for reward, has not to live long in the world |
Mbh.12.270.16606 | As soon as he beheld that mighty-armed being, the Brahmana's feelings of devotion were excited, and he said unto himself, This one will surely bestow prosperity upon me. |
Mbh.12.271.16703 | In that forest, near to the Brahmana's asylum, lived a neighbour of his, viz, the virtuous Parnada of Sukra's race, having assumed the form of a deer. |
Mbh.13.14.892 | Vasudeva said, Hear, ye foremost of Brahmana's and thou Yudhishthira also, O sire, and hear thou too, O Ganga's son, the names that are applied unto Kaparddin. |
Mbh.13.17.2574 | Thou art the maker of the Brahmana's rod |
Mbh.13.47.4830 | What remains of the Brahmana's property, O Yudhishthira, after this should be divided into ten equal portions. |
Mbh.13.47.4837 | Even this should be the order of the ten shares into which the Brahmana's wealth is to be divided. |
Mbh.13.70.6569 | The property of a Brahmana, if taken, destroys the taker even as the Brahmana's cow destroyed king Nriga! |
Mbh.13.73.6760 | If a Kshatriya, possessed of such qualifications, makes a gift of a single cow, his merit becomes equal to that of a Brahmana's. |
Mbh.13.74.6808 | O thou of great puissance, those faults and those kinds of faults that have been said to attach to one that obstructs a Brahmana's sacrifice, are said to attach to the sale and the theft of kine. |
Mbh.13.101.9017 | All those men also, Brahmanas and Kshatriyas, that drank milk or ghee or curds, in the palace of the king who had stolen the Brahmana's kine, had to fall into hell. |
Mbh.13.101.9054 | Bhishma continued, Thus addressed, that Chandala, O scorcher of foes, poured his life-breaths as a libation on the fire of battle for the sake of protecting a Brahmana's wealth and as the consequence of that act attained to a very desirable end. |
Mbh.13.104.9333 | These are the three things which are regarded as pure and sacred by the deities and as such fit for the Brahmana's use, viz, that whose impurity is unknown, that which has been washed in water, and that which has been well-spoken of. |
Mbh.13.135.11289 | It is said that a Brahmana's duty consists in studying the Vedas and seeking the welfare of the human race; that a Kshatriya's duty consists in protecting men, and that a Vaisya's in promoting their material prosperity. |
Mbh.13.146.12235 | If the husband that is poor, or diseased or distressed or fallen among foes, or afflicted by a Brahmana's curse, were to command the wife to accomplish anything that is improper or unrighteous or that may lead to destruction of life itself, the wife should, without any hesitation, accomplish it, guided by the code whose propriety is sanctioned by the law of Distress. |
Mbh.14.20.727 | A certain Brahmana's spouse, beholding the Brahmana, her husband who was a complete master of every kind of knowledge and wisdom, seated in seclusion, said unto him, Into what region shall I go, depending on thee as my husband, thee that art seated, having cast off all religious acts, that art harsh in thy conduct towards me, and that art so undiscerning |
Mbh.14.21.784 | The Brahmana's wife said, Why did Word first arise and why did Mind arise afterwards, seeing that Word starts into existence after having been thought upon by Mind? |
Mbh.14.21.813 | The Brahmana's wife said, What did the goddess of Word then say, in days of old, when, though impelled by the Wish to speak, Speech could not come out |
Mbh.14.22.823 | The Brahmana's wife said, How is it that dwelling in subtle space, these do not perceive one another? |
Mbh.14.23.863 | The Brahmana's wife said, That naturally there are seven sacrificing priests is what was my former conviction. |
Mbh.14.34.1326 | SECTION XXXIV The Brahmana's wife said, This is incapable of being understood by a person of little intelligence as also by one whose soul has not been cleansed. |
Mbh.14.34.1332 | The Brahmana's wife said, As regards this symbol of Brahman, which is designated Kshetrajna, where, indeed, occurs a description of it by which it is capable of being seized' |
Mbh.14.34.1345 | The holy one continued, Then the mind of that Brahmana's wife, upon the destruction of the Kshetrajna, became that which is beyond Kshetrajna, in consequence of the knowledge of Kshetra |
Mbh.14.34.1346 | Arjuna said, Where, indeed, is that Brahmana's wife, O Krishna, and where is that foremost of Brahmanas, by both of whom was such success attained. |
Mbh.14.34.1348 | The blessed and holy one said, Know that my mind is the Brahmana, and that my understanding is the Brahmana's wife. |
Jijith Nadumuri Ravi
Research data published for the interest of people researching on Mahabharata.
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Reference:- Mahabharata of Krishna Dwaipayana Vyasa, translated to English by Kisari Mohan Ganguli; Source of Plain Text:; Wikified at AncientVoice. |