Bhimasena S
Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 21 Feb 2010 07:19 and updated at 21 Feb 2010 07:19
Mahabharata: 18 Parvas
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Mbh.1.2.378 | The subjects of this parva are the establishment of the grand hall by the Pandavas; their review of their retainers; the description of the lokapalas by Narada well-acquainted with the celestial regions; the preparations for the Rajasuya sacrifice; the destruction of Jarasandha; the deliverance by Vasudeva of the princes confined in the mountain-pass; the campaign of universal conquest by the Pandavas; the arrival of the princes at the Rajasuya sacrifice with tribute; the destruction of Sisupala on the occasion of the sacrifice, in connection with offering of arghya; Bhimasena's ridicule of Duryodhana in the assembly; Duryodhana's sorrow and envy at the sight of the magnificent scale on which the arrangements had been made; the indignation of Duryodhana in consequence, and the preparations for the game of dice; the defeat of Yudhishthira at play by the wily Sakuni; the deliverance by Dhritarashtra of his afflicted daughter-in-law Draupadi plunged in the sea of distress caused by the gambling, as of a boat tossed about by the tempestuous waves. |
Mbh.1.2.389 | Then the story of Yavakrita, and then that of the great Raivya: then the departure of the Pandavas for Gandhamadana and their abode in the asylum called Narayana; then Bhimasena's journey to Gandhamadana at the request of Draupadi in search of the sweet-scented flower. |
Mbh.3.156.7919 | And Jatasura's head being severed by Bhimasena's might, he fell besmeared with gore, and having bitten lips. |
Mbh.3.177.8801 | Unrivalled by that of others, the might of Bhimasena's arms equalled the might of ten thousand elephants combined. |
Mbh.3.269.13069 | And having achieved this daring feat, heroic son of Madri, getting up on Bhimasena's car, obtained a little rest. |
Mbh.5.56.3133 | And at Bhimasena's request, Hanumat, the son of the Wind-god, will also place his own image on it. |
Mbh.5.56.3142 | And unto Bhimasena's car are yoked courses endued with the speed of the wind and the splendour of the seven Rishis. |
Mbh.5.82.3936 | Fie to Partha's bowmanship, oh, fie to Bhimasena's might since Duryodhana, O Krishna, liveth for even a moment. |
Mbh.5.141.6324 | Dhrishtadyumna, the prince of the Panchalas, that mighty car-warrior Satyaki, Uttamaujas, Yudhamanyu, the prince of Somakas who is devoted to truth, the ruler of the Chedis, Chekitana, the invincible Sikhandin, the Kekaya brothers, all of the hue of Indragopaka insects, Bhimasena's uncle Kuntibhoja of high soul and possessed of steeds endued with the colours of the rainbow, the mighty car-warrior Syenajit, Sanka the son of Virata, and thyself, O Janardana, like an ocean, great is this assemblage, O Krishna, of Kshatriyas that hath been made by Yudhishthira. |
Mbh.5.162.7309 | Where, O Falguni, was Bhimasena's might then? |
Mbh.6.54.2816 | And the mighty-armed Bhima, shaking his beautiful bow, and depending on the might of his own arms, fought with Kalinga, and Sakradeva, shooting in that battle innumerable arrows, slew Bhimasena's steeds with them. |
Mbh.6.56.2988 | And next to him were Bhimasena's son Ghatotkacha and those mighty car-warriors, the Kekayas. |
Mbh.6.72.3862 | And with another broad-headed shaft, sharp and well-tempered, he cut off Bhimasena's bow, O Bharata, into two parts. |
Mbh.6.95.4986 | And filled with rage, and aiming a sharp crescent-shaped shaft winged with feathers, he cut off Bhimasena's bow. |
Mbh.6.95.5021 | Beholding them repulsed from the encounter by means of the shafts shot from the bow of Drona's son, Bhimasena's son Ghatotkacha of gigantic size was filled with rage. |
Mbh.6.96.5071 | Beholding them slain, the valiant Bhagadatta, filled with rage, urged his prince of elephants towards Bhimasena's car. |
Mbh.6.96.5112 | And with three shafts winged with feathers, he cut down Bhimasena's standard bearing the device of a lion. |
Mbh.6.112.6117 | The heroic Durmukha then, shouting cheerfully, pierced Bhimasena's son on the field of battle with sixty shafts of keen points. |
Mbh.6.114.6214 | And he pierced Bhimasena's charioteer also, deep in his vitals, with a broad-headed arrow. |
Mbh.7.15.682 | And similarly, Bhimasena's mace, struck by the foe, looked beautiful like a tree covered fire-flies during the season of rains at even-tide. |
Mbh.7.23.1165 | And Bhimasena's standard, bearing the device of a gigantic lion in silver with its eyes made of lapis lazuli, looked exceedingly resplendent. |
Mbh.7.30.1540 | Those heroes of immeasurable energy, viz, the two son of Madri and Pandu, and others headed by Yuyudhana, quickly proceeded to Bhimasena's side. |
Mbh.7.106.4932 | Then drawing his terrible bow whose twang resembled the thunder of Indra, he pierced the son of the Wind-god with five and twenty shafts, and Bhimasena's son with five, and Yudhishthira with three, and Sahadeva with seven, and Nakula with three and seventy, and each of the five sons of Draupadi with five shafts, and uttered a loud roar. |
Mbh.7.128.6428 | Those arrows equipped with golden wings and keen points, shot from Bhimasena's bow, covered the son of Radha like a flight of insects covering a blazing fire. |
Mbh.7.129.6448 | With furious twang of bowstring and terrible sounds Of his palms, the son of Radha shot dense showers of shafts towards Bhimasena's car. |
Mbh.7.129.6464 | Then Karna caused his own steeds of the hue of swans to be mingled with those of Bhimasena's of the hue of bears, and shrouded the son of Pandu with his shafts. |
Mbh.7.130.6481 | SECTION CXXXII Dhritarashtra said, I regard Bhimasena's prowess to be exceedingly wonderful, inasmuch as he succeeded in battling with Karna of singular activity and energy. |
Mbh.7.133.6627 | Shrouded with showers of shafts shot from Bhimasena's bow, Karna once more turned his back upon Bhimasena. |
Mbh.7.134.6653 | SECTION CXXXVI Sanjaya said, Hearing the twang of Bhimasena's bow and the sound of his palms, the son of Radha could not brook it, like an infuriated elephant incapable of brooking the roars of an infuriated rival. |
Mbh.7.136.6745 | Infuriated with rage in consequence of his being thus afflicted by that firm bowman Karna, endued with great impetuosity, rushed fiercely towards Bhimasena's car. |
Mbh.7.136.6858 | With those arrows shot from Gandiva which entered Karna's body like so many snakes, Dhananjaya drove the Suta's son from Bhimasena's vicinity. |
Mbh.7.153.8057 | Seeing him rush in that battle against the car of Sini's grandson, Bhimasena's son, the gigantic Rakshasa, Ghatotkacha, endued with great strength, rushed at him, riding on a huge and terrible car made of black iron covered with bear-skins. |
Mbh.7.153.8085 | Afflicted with showers of shafts by Bhimasena's grandson, viz, the brave Anjanaparvan, Aswatthaman looked like the mountain Meru bearing a torrent of rain from a mighty cloud. |
Mbh.7.153.8181 | Proceeding then, O king, to Dhrishtadyumna's car, Bhimasena's son, taking up a terrible bow that resembled the large bow of Indra himself, once more shot many keen shafts at the illustrious son of Drona. |
Mbh.7.162.8768 | Aswatthaman, O monarch, resisted Bhimasena's son, viz, Rakshasa Ghatotkacha acquainted with a hundred kinds of illusion, as the latter advanced. |
Mbh.7.163.8853 | Duryodhana then, O sire, excited with wrath, cut off Bhimasena's bow with a razor-faced arrow and pierced Bhima himself with ten shafts in return. |
Mbh.7.172.9301 | Having pierced Bhimasena's son with many shafts, Alamvusha, without losing any time, began to afflict the Pandava host with his arrows. |
Mbh.7.172.9304 | Alamvusha then, excited with great wrath, struck Bhimasena's son in that dreadful battle with many shafts, like a driver striking an elephant. |
Mbh.7.172.9311 | Then Bhimasena's son, mad with rage, raising his own foe-slaying arm that resembled a spiked mace, dealt a severe blow on Jatasura's son. |
Mbh.7.173.9400 | Possessed of the splendour of the morning sun, and decked with jewels and gems, Bhimasena's son hurled that wheel at the son of Adhiratha, desirous of making an end of the latter. |
Mbh.7.173.9415 | Then Bhimasena's son, endued with great prowess of illusion, O foremost of the Kurus, assumed a fierce from, aided by those powers, began to stupefy the Kauravas, O Bharata! |
Mbh.7.175.9516 | Then Bhimasena's son, O lord, abandoning Karna, began to grind his advancing foe with arrows. |
Mbh.7.176.9596 | Beholding that Alayudha slain by Bhimasena's son, the king regarded Bhima's vow about the slaughter of himself and his brothers already fulfilled |
Mbh.7.177.9680 | Indeed, having assumed that terrible and awful form, Bhimasena's son of frightful deeds fell down. |
Mbh.7.181.9886 | Disregarding the might of Bhimasena's son, as also the variety of weapon that Partha bears, the Kauravas are putting forth their prowess, Yonder, Drona and Karna and king Suyodhana, having slain the Rakshasa in battle, are uttering loud roars. |
Mbh.7.181.9888 | Having caused a great slaughter amongst us, and in the very sight of Savyasachin, Karna, O Krishna, hath slain Bhimasena's son of great strength, the Rakshasa, Ghatotkacha. |
Mbh.7.198.11060 | As at the close of the night, O king, all the luminaries run towards the Asta hill, even so the fiery shafts of Aswatthaman all began to proceed towards Bhimasena's car. |
Mbh.7.198.11150 | Piercing next the driver of' Bhima's car with six arrows, Aswatthaman cut off Bhimasena's bow and standard with a couple of arrows. |
Mbh.8.51.2906 | With one arrow he then cut off Bhimasena's standard, and with another broad-headed arrow he despatched Bhima's driver to the presence of Yama. |
Mbh.8.61.3602 | Then thy son, O king, went away from Bhimasena's presence. |
Mbh.8.63.3707 | Indeed, the brothers having together repaired to Bhimasena's division, took up their places there |
Mbh.8.80.4926 | With Bhimasena's leave, Dhananjaya then proceeded once more against his foes, causing the earth and the welkin, O Bharata, to resound with the rattle of his car. |
Mbh.9.11.681 | The chief of the Bhojas then slew the brown steeds of Bhimasena's car in that encounter. |
Mbh.9.58.4213 | Great is the grief on account of all those acts that is in Bhimasena's heart! |
Jijith Nadumuri Ravi
Research data published for the interest of people researching on Mahabharata.
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Reference:- Mahabharata of Krishna Dwaipayana Vyasa, translated to English by Kisari Mohan Ganguli; Source of Plain Text:; Wikified at AncientVoice. |