Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 21 Feb 2010 07:06 and updated at 21 Feb 2010 07:06
Mahabharata: 18 Parvas
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Mbh.1.1.209 | These were Puru, Kuru, Yadu, Sura and Viswasrawa of great glory; Anuha, Yuvanaswu, Kakutstha, Vikrami, and Raghu; Vijava, Virihorta, Anga, Bhava, Sweta, and Vripadguru; Usinara, Sata-ratha, Kanka, Duliduha, and Druma; Dambhodbhava, Para, Vena, Sagara, Sankriti, and Nimi; Ajeya, Parasu, Pundra, Sambhu, and holy Deva-Vridha; Devahuya, Supratika, and Vrihad-ratha; Mahatsaha, Vinitatma, Sukratu, and Nala, the king of the Nishadas; Satyavrata, Santabhaya, Sumitra, and the chief Subala; Janujangha, Anaranya, Arka, Priyabhritya, Chuchi-vrata, Balabandhu, Nirmardda, Ketusringa, and Brhidbala; Dhrishtaketu, Brihatketu, Driptaketu, and Niramaya; Abikshit, Chapala, Dhurta, Kritbandhu, and Dridhe-shudhi; Mahapurana-sambhavya, Pratyanga, Paraha and Sruti. |
Mbh.1.198.9854 | And cursed unexpectedly by the god owning a bull for his vehicle, Indra, with joined hands and shaking from head to foot, addressed that fierce god of multi-form manifestations, saving, Thou art, O Bhava, the over-looker of the infinite Universe' |
Mbh.2.10.411 | One day the exalted Bhava Siva made friendship with Kuvera. |
Mbh.2.45.1860 | In thy dream, O king of kings thou wilt behold towards the end of this might the blue throated Bhava, the slayer of Tripura, ever absorbed in meditation, having the bull for his mark, drinking off the human skull, and fierce and terrible, that lord of all creatures, that god of gods, the husband of Uma, otherwise called Hara and Sarva, and Vrisha, armed with the trident and the bow called Pinaka, and attired in tiger skin. |
Mbh.3.38.1990 | O Brahmana, the battle that took place of old between Arjuna, that foremost of smiters never defeated in battle, and Bhava was highly extraordinary and without parallel. |
Mbh.3.39.2103 | Beholding, however, the garland that he had offered to the clay image of Bhava, decking the crown of the Kirata, that best of Pandu's sons became filled with joy and regained his ease. |
Mbh.3.39.2104 | And he prostrated himself thereupon at the feet of Bhava, and the god also was pleased with him. |
Mbh.3.40.2152 | Bhava replied, O powerful one. |
Mbh.3.40.2172 | Then the lord of all the dwellers of heaven, the deity of blazing splendour having his abode on mountain-breasts, the husband of Uma, the god of passions under complete control, the source of all blessings, Bhava gave unto Arjuna, that foremost of men, the great bow called Gandiva, destructive of Danavas and Pisachas. |
Mbh.7.78.3433 | Hearing these words of Krishna, Dhananjaya, having touched water, sat on the earth with concentrated mind and thought of the god Bhava. |
Mbh.7.78.3467 | And Krishna sought the protection of that Bhava, whom men of knowledge, desirous of attaining to that which is called the subtle and the spiritual, behold; that uncreate one is the soul of all causes. |
Mbh.7.78.3469 | Beholding those two, viz, Nara and Narayana arrived, Bhava of cheerful soul, smilingly said unto them, Welcome are ye, ye foremost of men! |
Mbh.7.78.3478 | And Krishna and Arjuna said, We bow to Bhava, to Sarva, to Rudra, to the boon-giving deity. |
Mbh.7.79.3516 | And as they approached the snakes, conversant as they were with the Vedas, they uttered the hundred stanzas of the Veda, to the praise of Rudra, bowing the while with their sincere souls unto Bhava of immeasurable power. |
Mbh.7.79.3525 | Beholding the manner of his seizing the handle of the bow and drawing the string and placing of his feet, and hearing also the Mantras uttered by Bhava, the son of Pandu, of inconceivable prowess, learnt everything duly. |
Mbh.7.79.3528 | Then Arjuna of good memory knowing that Bhava was gratified with him, and remembering also the boon the latter had given him in the forest, and the sight also he gave him of his person, mentally entertained the desire, Let all this become productive of fruit' |
Mbh.7.79.3529 | Understanding this to be his wish, Bhava, gratified with him, gave him the boon. |
Mbh.7.79.3533 | And permitted by Bhava both Arjuna and Kesava, those two heroes, almost immediately came back to their own camp, filled with transports of delight. |
Mbh.7.79.3534 | Indeed, their joy was as great as that of Indra and Vishnu when those two gods, desirous of slaying Jambha, obtained the permission of Bhava that slayer of great Asuras |
Mbh.7.199.11455 | Thou art Bhava, thou art Mahadeva, thou art the abode of all things, and thou art the highest refuge. |
Mbh.7.199.11465 | He is Bhava, he is Parjanya, he is Mahadeva, he is sinless. |
Mbh.7.199.11519 | And since, he is the Past, the Future, and the Present, and, in fact, everything in the universe, and since he is the origin of the past, the future, and the present, he is for that reason called Bhava. |
Mbh.8.30.1296 | Then those two foremost of men, viz, Arjuna and Keshava, having said their daily prayer and duly worshipped the lord Bhava, quickly rushed against thy troops, resolved to slay those foes of theirs. |
Mbh.8.31.1335 | Single-handed, he protected the Bharatas, and single-handed, he gratified Bhava. |
Mbh.8.33.1599 | Those righteous ones accompanied by rishis devoted to the severest penances and uttering the eternal words of the Vedas, sought Bhava with their whole soul. |
Mbh.8.34.1692 | Vishnu is, again, the Soul of the holy Bhava of immeasurable energy. |
Mbh.8.34.1755 | Indeed, when Bhava, riding on the car, set out towards the triple city, his bull uttered tremendous roars, filling all the points of the compass. |
Mbh.8.34.1794 | Practising the austerest penances, of cheerful soul, bound to observances and vows, and keeping his senses under control, he gratified the god Bhava for obtaining weapons. |
Mbh.8.35.1850 | Indeed, I have heard how the Grandsire acted as the driver of Bhava and how the Asuras also, O Bharata, were all destroyed with one shaft. |
Mbh.8.37.1979 | What man save Arjuna who is endued with prowess that is equal to the prowess of the chief of the celestials, could on the occasion of the dispute caused by the slaughter of an animal, summon Bhava the Lord of Lords, the Creator of the worlds, to battle? |
Mbh.8.87.5277 | Both equal to Kartavirya or Dasaratha's son in battle, both resembled Vishnu himself in energy or Bhava himself in fight. |
Mbh.8.87.5308 | Brahman, with the regenerate rishis and the Lords of creatures, and Bhava himself on his car, came to that part of the welkin. |
Mbh.8.96.6165 | With that foremost of persons, Vishnu, and the illustrious Self-born, and Bhava also, become pleased. |
Mbh.10.7.424 | Having adored the trident-bearing god with Vedic recitations, with brahmacarya, with austerities, and with self-restraint, they have obtained the companionship of Bhava. |
Mbh.10.17.1067 | Having said these words, Bhava went away, in cheerlessness and rage, to the foot of the Menjavat mountains for practising severer austerities |
Mbh.12.121.6933 | He is called by these names also, viz, Kapardin, Sankara, Rudra, Bhava, Sthanu and the lord of Uma. |
Mbh.12.282.17433 | When Brahman had said these words, and when his proper share was appointed of the sacrificial offerings, Mahadeva replied unto the Grandsire of great energy, saying, So be id' Indeed, the wielder of Pinaka, viz, Bhava, smiled a little and became filled with joy. |
Mbh.12.283.17571 | Having obtained that boon from Bhava, Daksha knelt down to him and adored that deity having the bull for his mark, by uttering his thousand and eight names' |
Mbh.12.284.17595 | I bow unto thee that art called Bhava and Sarva and Rudra. |
Mbh.12.284.17816 | Be gratified with me, blessed by thyself, O Bhava, with me possessed by the quality of Rajas. |
Mbh.12.289.18189 | Beholding him come out of his stomach and shining brightly with energy, Bhava, filled with anger, stood with lance uplifted in his hand. |
Mbh.12.289.18195 | Bhishma continued, Pacified by these words of his spouse, Bhava smiled and said repeatedly these words, O king, Let this one go whithersoever he likes' |
Mbh.12.300.18849 | The high-souled Yogin, possessed of greatness, can enter into and come out of, at his will, Brahma himself who is the lord of all deities, and the boon-giving Vishnu, and Bhava, and Dharma, and the six-faced Kartikeya, and the spiritual sons of Brahmana, the quality of Darkness that is productive of much pain, and that of Passion, and that of Sattwa which is pure, and Prakriti which is the highest, and the goddess Siddhi who is the spouse of Varuna, and all kinds of energy, and all enduring patience, and the bright lord of stars in the firmament with the stars twinkling all around, and the Viswas. |
Mbh.13.14.859 | Being such, what man like me is competent to understand Bhava? |
Mbh.13.14.878 | Vaisampayana continued, Having said these words, the illustrious Bhishma, the grandsire of the Kurus, addressing Vasudeva, said the following words, dealing with the subject of the greatness of Bhava, O monarch. |
Mbh.13.14.967 | It was for this reason that Bhava Siva bestowed upon it the name of Sudarsana. |
Mbh.13.14.998 | And all this time she slept on wooden clubs for the purpose of gratifying Bhava. |
Mbh.13.14.1003 | Sakalya, too, of restrained soul, adored Bhava in a mental sacrifice that he performed for nine hundred years, O Kesava. |
Mbh.13.14.1014 | Narada also, in days of yore, adored the great Bhava with devotion of heart. |
Mbh.13.14.1073 | My mother continued, Bhava assumes the forms of Brahma and Vishnu and the chief of the celestials of the Rudras, the Adityas, and the Aswins; and of those deities that are called Viswadevas. |
Mbh.13.14.1086 | It is Bhava who assumes the forms of diverse kinds of birds of beautiful plumage. |
Mbh.13.14.1182 | If in consequence of my faults, rebirths be mine, I shall, in those new births, devote myself solely to Bhava |
Mbh.13.14.1209 | In all hostile encounters of the deities, the Yakshas, the Uragas and the Rakshasas, that terminating in mutual destruction, it is Bhava that gives unto those that meet with destruction, puissance commensurate with their respective locations as dependent upon their acts. |
Mbh.13.14.1303 | I also beheld, O Govinda, the weapons in their embodied forms and fraught with every kind of energy, that belong to Bhava of immeasurable prowess. |
Mbh.13.14.1348 | Narayana also, uttering the Jyestha Saman, sang the praises of Bhava. |
Mbh.13.14.1387 | Salutations to thee that art Skanda, to thee that art Visakha, to thee that art the rod of the Brahmana, to thee that art Bhava, to thee that art Sarva, to thee that art of universal form. |
Mbh.13.14.1511 | The puissant Indra and his brother Upendra, the two sons of Aditi, and the Grandsire Brahma, all uttered, in the presence of Bhava, the Rathantara Saman. |
Mbh.13.14.1515 | The Mountains, the Oceans, and the Points of the compass also did the same, the Gandharvas and the Apsaras highly skilled in music, in celestial strains, sang and hymned the praises of Bhava who is full of wonder. |
Mbh.13.14.1528 | Thou art Brahman, thou art Rudra, thou art Varuna, thou art Agni, thou art Manu, thou art Bhava, thou art Dhatri, thou art Tashtri, thou art Vidhatri, thou art the puissant Master of all things, and thou art everywhere. |
Mbh.13.14.1551 | After I had said these words, O Partha, unto Bhava, that dispeller of grief and pain, the universe, both mobile and immobile, sent up a leonine shout expressive of their approval of the correctness of my words. |
Mbh.13.16.1609 | Thou art the Grandsire Brahma, thou art Bhava, thou art Vishnu, thou art Skanda, thou art Indra, thou art Savitri, thou art Yama, thou art Varuna, Soma, thou art Dhatri, thou art Manu, thou art Vidhatri and thou art Kuvera, the Lord of treasures. |
Mbh.13.16.1645 | Hence, stupefied by thee, deities and Asuras and human beings are all unable to understand thee, O Bhava, truly and in all thy details. |
Mbh.13.17.1737 | Do thou worship the illustrious Bhava, distinguishing him above all the deities. |
Mbh.13.17.1777 | Thou art the Soul of all creatures, thou art celebrated over all creatures, thou art all things, thou art the Creator of all, and thou art Bhava |
Mbh.13.17.2743 | It is through good luck alone that undivided devotion to Bhava who is the original cause of the universe fully springs up in the heart of one that is conversant with every mode of worshipping that great Deity |
Mbh.13.18.2782 | After this, Kapila, the Rishi who promulgated the doctrines that go by the name of Sankhya, and who is honoured by the gods themselves, said, I adore Bhava with great devotion for many lives together. |
Mbh.13.18.2792 | At this, Bhava became gratified with me and gave me a battle-axe and many other celestial weapons. |
Mbh.13.18.2797 | I paid my adorations to Bhava with the desire of becoming a Brahmana Through the grace of that great Deity I succeeded in obtaining the high status of a Brahmana that is so difficult to obtain, |
Mbh.13.18.2875 | Those men, O sire, who worship Bhava even mentally, succeed in freeing themselves from all sins and attain to a residence in heaven with all the gods. |
Mbh.13.91.8186 | Others also are numbered amongst them, viz, Somapa, Suryasavitra, Dattatman, Pundariyaka, Ushninabha, Nabhoda, Viswayu, Dipti, Chamuhara, Suresa, Vyomari, Sankara Bhava, Isa, Kartri, Kriti, Daksha, Bhuvana, Divya, Karmakrit, Ganita Panchavirya, Aditya, Rasmimat, Saptakrit, Somavachas, Viswakrit, Kavi, Anugoptri, Sugoptri, Naptri, and Iswara, these highly blessed ones are numbered as the Viswedevas. |
Mbh.13.148.12392 | O puissant one, Heaven itself cannot rejoice us so much as a right of Thyself Everything that was said by the illustrious Bhava regarding Thyself is true. |
Mbh.13.148.12395 | Since, however, asked by us, it pleased Thee to ask us in return, we have, for that reason, recited everything about the discourse of Bhava with Uma to Thee for only pleasing Thee. |
Mbh.13.150.12605 | These three and thirty deities, who are the lords of all beings as also Nandiswara of huge body, and that pre-eminent one who has the bull for the device on his banner, and those masters of all the worlds, viz, the followers and associates of him called Ganeswara, and those called Saumyas, and called the Rudras, and those called the Yogas, and those that are known as the Bhutas, and the luminaries in the firmament, the Rivers, the sky, the prince of birds viz, Garuda, all those persons on earth who have become crowned with success in consequence of their penances and who are existing in an immobile or mobile form, the Himavat, all the mountains, the four Oceans, the followers and associates of Bhava who are possessed of prowess equal to that of Bhava himself, the illustrious and ever-victorious Vishnu, and Skanda, and Ambika, these are the great souls by reciting whose name with restrained senses, one becomes cleansed of all sins. |
Mbh.13.160.13359 | When that lord of all creatures, viz, Daksha, desirous of performing a sacrifice, spread his sacrifice out, the dauntless Bhava, giving way to wrath at Daksha's slight of him, pierced the embodied sacrifice, shooting his shaft from his terrible bow, he roared aloud. |
Mbh.14.8.220 | Hie thee thither, and appease that adorable god who is known by the names of Sarva, Bedha, Rudra, Sitikantha, Surapa, Suvarcha, Kapardi, Karala, Haryyaksha, Varada, Tryaksha, Pushnodantabhid, Vamana, Siva, Yamya, Avyaktarupa, Sadvritta, Sankara, Kshemya, Harikesa, Sthanu, Purusha, Harinetra, Munda, Krishna, Uttarana, Bhaskara, Sutirtha, Devadeva, Ranha, Ushnishi, Suvaktra, Sahasraksha, Midhvan, Girisa, Prasanta, Yata, Chiravasa, Vilwadanda, Siddha, Sarvadandadhara, Mriga, Vyadha, Mahan, Dhanesa, Bhava, Vara, Somavaktra, Siddhamantra, Chakshu, Hiranyavahu, Ugra, Dikpati, Lelihana, Goshtha, Shiddhamantra, Vrishnu, Pasupati, Bhutapati, Vrisha, Matribhakta, Senani, Madhyama, Sruvahasta, Yati, Dhanwi, Bhargava, Aja, Krishnanetra, Virupaksha, Tikshnadanshtra, Tikshna, Vaiswanaramukha, Mahadyuti, Ananga, Sarva, Dikpati, Bilohita, Dipta, Diptaksha, Mahauja, Vasuretas, Suvapu, Prithu, Kritivasa, Kapalmali, Suvarnamukuta, Mahadeva, Krishna, Tryamvaka, Anagha, Krodhana, Nrisansa, Mridu, Vahusali, Dandi, Taptatapa, Akrurakarma, Sahasrasira, Sahasra-charana, Swadha-swarupa, Vahurupa, Danshtri, Pinaki, Mahadeva, Mahayogi, Avyaya, Trisulahasta, Varada, Tryamvaka, Bhuvaneswara, Tripuraghna, Trinayana, Trilokesa, Mahanja, Sarvabhuta-prabhava, Sarvabhuta-dharana, Dharanidhara, Isana, Sankara, Sarva, Siva, Visveswara, Bhava, Umapati, Pasupati, Viswarupa, Maheswara, Virupaksha, Dasabhuja, Vrishavadhwaja, Ugra, Sthanu, Siva, Rudra, Sarva, Girisa, Iswara, Sitakantha, Aja, Sukra, Prithu, Prithuhara, Vara, Viswarupa, Virupaksha, Vahurupa, Umapati, Anangangahara, Hara, Saranya, Mahadeva, Chaturmukha. |
Jijith Nadumuri Ravi
Research data published for the interest of people researching on Mahabharata.
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Reference:- Mahabharata of Krishna Dwaipayana Vyasa, translated to English by Kisari Mohan Ganguli; Source of Plain Text:; Wikified at AncientVoice. |