Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 21 Feb 2010 06:54 and updated at 21 Feb 2010 06:54
Mahabharata: 18 Parvas
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Mbh.1.94.5188 | There the Bharatas lived for a full thousand years, within their fort. |
Mbh.1.94.5189 | And after they had lived there a thousand years, one day the illustrious Rishi Vasishtha approached the exiled Bharatas, who, on going out, saluted the Rishi and worshipped him by the offer of Arghya. |
Mbh.1.94.5193 | And Vasishtha answered the Bharatas by saying, Om' the sign of consent. |
Mbh.1.100.5657 | The chief of the fishermen received him with due adorations, and, O thou of Bharata's race, when the prince took his seat in the court of the chief, the latter addressed him and said, O bull among the Bharatas, thou art the first of all wielders of weapons and the only son of Santanu. |
Mbh.1.102.5742 | Then that foremost of all wielders of weapons having vanquished in battle all those monarchs, pursued his way towards the capital of the Bharatas, taking those maidens with him. |
Mbh.1.103.5795 | Install thyself on the throne and rule the kingdom of the Bharatas. |
Mbh.1.105.5924 | The family priest of the Bharatas then worshipped the great Rishi duly, and the latter accepted the offerings of worship, uttering the usual mantras. |
Mbh.1.105.5957 | The dynasty of the Bharatas hath become extinct from my misfortune. |
Mbh.1.105.5959 | Accomplish it, O daughter, and restore the lost line of the Bharatas. |
Mbh.1.112.6148 | The intelligent Kunti, entering the amphitheatre, beheld Pandu, the foremost of the Bharatas, that tiger among kings, in that concourse of crowned heads. |
Mbh.1.121.6524 | And, O bull of the Bharatas, the corpse of her husband begat upon her seven children viz, three Salwas and four Madras. |
Mbh.1.121.6525 | O bull of the Bharatas, do thou also beget offspring upon me, like the illustrious Vyushitaswa, by the exercise of that ascetic power which thou possessest |
Mbh.1.123.6612 | And it so happened that that very day on which Vrikodara was born, was also, O best of Bharatas, the birthday of Duryodhana who afterwards became the ruler of the whole earth' |
Mbh.1.131.6993 | Deciding, O chief of the Bharatas, that none who was not possessed of great intelligence, none who was not illustrious or a perfect master of the science of arms, none who was not of godlike might, should be the instructor of the Kuru princes, the son of Ganga, O tiger among men, placed the Pandavas and the Kauravas under the tuition of Bharadwaja's son, the intelligent Drona skilled in all the Vedas. |
Mbh.1.175.8983 | And, O best of the Bharatas, the god of a thousand eyes poured no rain for twelve years on the capital and on the kingdom of that monarch. |
Mbh.1.176.8997 | SECTION CLXXVI Chaitraratha Parva continued Vaisampayana said, That bull among the Bharatas, Arjuna, hearing these words of the Gandharva, was inspired with feelings of devotion and stood shes JBH, |
Mbh.1.179.9171 | O foremost of Bharatas, that best of Munis, the illustrious Vasishtha himself performed the usual after-birth ceremonies of his grandson. |
Mbh.1.183.9305 | O thou best of the Bharatas, I have told thee all about the curse of king Kalmashapada by Saktri, the illustrious son of Vasishtha. |
Mbh.1.215.10521 | And, O thou of Bharata's race, that bull among the Bharatas saw, as he journeyed, many delightful and picturesque forests, lakes, rivers, seas, provinces, and waters. |
Mbh.2.3.80 | And there, on its banks, O thou best of the Bharatas, Indra the illustrious lord of every created thing, performed one hundred great sacrifices. |
Mbh.2.28.1199 | And the tiger among the Bharatas, possessed of great valour and ever increasing the sorrows of his foes, was accompanied by a mighty host with the full complement of elephants and horses and cars, well-armed and capable of crushing all hostile kingdoms. |
Mbh.2.29.1241 | And having vanquished Samudrasena and king Chandrasena and Tamralipta, and also the king of the Karvatas and the ruler of the Suhmas, as also the kings that dwelt on the sea-shore, that bull among the Bharatas then conquered all Mlechchha tribes. |
Mbh.2.49.2049 | Vaisampayana said, O best of the Bharatas, O great king, if thou desirest to hear, then listen to me as I narrate to thee everything again in detail. |
Mbh.2.69.3011 | Know ye for certain that this great calamity that threatens to overtake the Bharatas hath been sent by Destiny itself. |
Mbh.2.71.3101 | Vaisampayana continued, That foremost of the Bharatas, king Yudhishthira the just, then, thus addressed by his uncle, having gone through every ceremony of politeness, set out with his brothers for Khandavaprastha. |
Mbh.2.74.3181 | Whether he, O bull among the Bharatas, Dhritarashtra understandeth or not, of his own sense, it is thy duty to tell him plainly |
Mbh.2.76.3243 | SECTION LXXVII Yudhishthira said, I bid farewell unto all the Bharatas, unto my old grand-sire Bhishma, king Somadatta, the great king Vahlika, Drona, Kripa, all the other kings, Aswathaman, Vidura, Dhritarashtra, all the sons of Dhritarashtra, Yayutsu, Sanjaya, and all the courtiers, I bid fare well, all of ye and returning again I shall see you |
Mbh.2.78.3370 | And, O monarch, that learned Brahamana goeth, also signifying, When the Bharatas shall be slain in battle, the priests of the Kurus will thus sing the Soma mantras for the benefit of the deceased' |
Mbh.2.78.3379 | And these extraordinary calamitous portents, O king, were seen and heard, indicating the destruction of the Bharatas as the consequence of thy evil counsels |
Mbh.2.79.3432 | The wives of the Bharatas, uniting with Gandhari upon beholding virtuous Krishna, the wedded wife of the Pandavas, endued with beauty and youth, dragged into the court, set up frightful wail. |
Mbh.2.79.3438 | Our war-chariots were suddenly ablaze, and all their flagstaffs fell down foreboding evil unto the Bharatas. |
Mbh.3.14.772 | The heroic son of Damaghosha, the well-known king Sisupala of mighty arms and great energy, was slain by me, O best of Bharatas, at thy Rajasuya sacrifice, because that wicked one could not from anger bear to see the first worship offered to me! |
Mbh.3.15.813 | And, O chief of the Bharatas, in consequence of all this, the city looked like that of Indra himself. |
Mbh.3.16.827 | And, O thou foremost of Bharatas, the son of Jambavati then began to shower arrows in a continuous stream even as Indra showereth down rain! |
Mbh.3.20.974 | And, O thou foremost of Bharatas, hearing all, even then I made up my mind to slay Salwa. |
Mbh.3.20.975 | And encouraging the citizens, O best of Bharatas, I cheerfully addressed king Ahuka, and Anakdundhuvi, and the chief heroes of the Vrishni race, saying, Do ye, O bulls among the Yadavas, stay in the city, taking every care, and know that I go to slay Salwa! |
Mbh.3.27.1277 | Truly, O thou best of the Bharatas, thou hast no anger, else why is it that thy mind is not moved at sight of thy brothers and myself in such distress? |
Mbh.3.29.1411 | O lady, a crisis hath come in the history of Bharatas for plunging them into calamity! |
Mbh.3.30.1456 | Like light straws dependent on strong winds, all creatures, O Bharatas, are dependent on God! |
Mbh.3.34.1776 | When summoned again to the assembly for playing once more, thou knowest as well as Arjuna what Dhritarashtra's son told me, in the presence of all the Bharatas, regarding the stake for which we were to play. |
Mbh.3.34.1778 | If during the latter period, the spies of the Bharatas, hearing of thee, succeed in discovering thee, thou shalt have again to live in the forest for the same period, passing once more the last year in secrecy. |
Mbh.3.36.1885 | That foremost of speakers then, the son of Parasara, taking Yudhishthira to a corner, began to address him in words of deep import, saying, O best of the Bharatas, the time is come for thy prosperity, when, indeed Dhananjaya, that son of Pritha, will slay all thy foes in battle. |
Mbh.3.38.2011 | When the fourth month came, that best of the Bharatas, the strong-armed son of Pandu, began to subsist on air alone. |
Mbh.3.48.2497 | It seemeth to me that the Chamus of the Bharatas, terrified at the clatter of Arjuna's chariot-wheels, are already broken through in all directions. |
Mbh.3.52.2584 | One day, those foremost of the Bharatas, afflicted with grief, were seated with Krishna on a clean and solitary sward. |
Mbh.3.69.3470 | And the queen-mother with her son's permission, O chief of the Bharatas, sent Damayanti in handsome litter carried by men, protected by a large escort and provided with food and drink and garments of the first quality. |
Mbh.3.82.4064 | O best of the Bharatas by bathing in the tirtha there, that is called Yoni, a man in his next birth becometh, O king, the son of a goddess, bearing ear-rings decked with pearls, and obtaineth also the merit of the gift of a hundred thousand kine. |
Mbh.3.83.4163 | O best of the Bharatas, arriving next at the tirtha called Kayasodhana, and bathing there, one purifieth, without doubt, his body, and proceeded with purified body to the blessed region of unrivalled excellence. |
Mbh.3.83.4202 | There in that tirtha, O chief of the Bharatas, is another called Ilaspada. |
Mbh.3.83.4217 | O chief of the Bharatas, bathing in that tirtha called Sarvadeva, a man obtaineth, O king, the merit of giving away a thousand kine. |
Mbh.3.83.4242 | O best of the Bharatas, there is a tirtha called Sreekunja in the Saraswati. |
Mbh.3.83.4246 | There, on the banks of the Saraswati, O chief of the Bharatas, a grove was made, which might serve for a resting spot for themselves, and which was highly gratifying to them. |
Mbh.3.83.4288 | There in that tirtha is another, O chief of the Bharatas, that belongeth to Viswamitra. |
Mbh.3.83.4301 | O best of the Bharatas, there in that tirtha is another called Madhusrava. |
Mbh.3.83.4371 | Near to this, O best of the Bharatas, is a tirtha called Gangahrada. |
Mbh.3.84.4462 | Bathing there, with restrained senses and regulated fare, one obtains, O Bharata, the merit of the cow-sacrifice, and also sanctifies, O best of the Bharatas, his race for seven generations both upwards and downwards. |
Mbh.3.87.4788 | And, O bull among the Bharatas, there also, in that place, is the Kausiki, whose basin abounds in various fruit and roots, and where Viswamitra endued with wealth of asceticism acquired Brahmanahood. |
Mbh.3.101.5281 | And the encounter that took place between the gods and the Danavas lasted for a short while and was, O chief of the Bharatas, terrific in the extreme, appalling as it did the three worlds. |
Mbh.3.145.7414 | And seeing these fowls of water, that bull among the Bharatas proceeded in that direction; and saw a vast and romantic lake. |
Mbh.3.147.7524 | And, O chief of the Bharatas, having by my own prowess crossed the ocean, that abode of sharks and crocodiles, I saw in Ravana's residence, the daughter of king Janaka, Sita, like unto the daughter of a celestial. |
Mbh.3.149.7666 | And, O chief of the Bharatas, polity hath for its root diplomacy; and diplomacy also is the main qualification of spies. |
Mbh.3.154.7778 | SECTION CLIV Vaisampayana said, Then, O best of the Bharatas, Bhima began to collect those rare unearthly, variegated and fresh flowers in abundance. |
Mbh.3.154.7804 | O best of the Bharatas, saying, So be it' Hidimava's son and the other Rakshasas who knew the quarter where the lotus lake of Kuvera was situated, started cheerfully with Lomasa, bearing the Pandavas, and many of the Brahmanas. |
Mbh.3.157.7929 | O foremost of the Bharatas, these troubles shall result in happiness. |
Mbh.3.157.7937 | And that royal sage received with affection those foremost of Bharatas, even as his own sons. |
Mbh.3.157.7941 | And wise and pious and versed in every duty and having a knowledge of the past as well as the future, that one gave instructions unto those best of the Bharatas, as unto his own sons. |
Mbh.3.158.8023 | O foremost of the Bharatas, even by staying here, ye shall hear those sounds; do ye by no means feel inclined to repair thither. |
Mbh.3.158.8031 | And when that lord of all the Rakshasas is seated on the summit, all creatures behold him like unto the sun arisen, O best of Bharatas, that summit is the sporting-garden of the celestials, and the Danavas, and the Siddhas, and Vaisravana. |
Mbh.3.159.8047 | Vaisampayana continued, Having heard from that one of incomparable energy, Arshtishena, that advice conducive to their welfare, those foremost of the Bharatas, began to behave always accordingly. |
Mbh.3.159.8077 | And at that place the foremost of the Bharatas surveyed the palace of the Lord of the Rakshasas scattered with heaps of gems, and adorned with variegated garlands. |
Mbh.3.161.8199 | Then lowering his club and mace and sword and bow, that foremost of the Bharatas bowed down unto Kuvera. |
Mbh.3.167.8402 | Then I, have O best of the Bharatas, manifested myself unto thee. |
Mbh.3.168.8499 | Then, after deliberating much as to the course of the car, Matali began to guide the steeds on a piece of level ground, O foremost of the Bharatas. |
Mbh.3.170.8551 | And, O foremost of the Bharatas, being frightened, he again and again cried, Where art thou' |
Mbh.3.172.8625 | O best of the Bharatas, this is that unearthly aerial city devoid of the celestials, which is moving about, having been created for the Kalakeyas, by Brahma himself. |
Mbh.3.172.8646 | And, O best of the Bharatas, I attacked the city containing those sons of Diti, with multitudes of shafts, displaying celestial weapons. |
Mbh.3.172.8663 | And saying, O best of the Bharatas, the dreadful and eternal Raudra, I being free from fear, set it on the Gandiva; and, bowing unto the three-eyed Sarva of immeasurable energy, let go the weapon, with the object of vanquishing those foremost of the Danavas, O Bharata. |
Mbh.3.173.8695 | O repressor of foes, by fortune it is that the divine Sthanu together with the goddess had become manifest unto thee and been gratified by thee in battle, O sinless one; by fortune it is that thou hadst met with the Lokapalas, O best of the Bharatas. |
Mbh.3.189.9583 | And, O thou foremost of the Bharatas, urged by avarice, men will, at that time, deceive one another when they sell and purchase. |
Mbh.3.199.10198 | O thou foremost of the Bharatas, the merit equal to that of giving away a Kapila cow in the tirtha called Jyeshtha-Pushkara arises from washing the feet of Brahmanas. |
Mbh.3.200.10335 | Thus requested by Hari to accept a boon Utanka then, O thou best of Bharatas, with joined hands begged a boon saying, O illustrious one, O thou of eyes like lotus leaves, if thou hast been gratified with me, then let my heart always rest on virtue, truth, and self-content. |
Mbh.3.203.10445 | And, O thou best of the Bharatas, when all those sons of king Kuvalaswa were consumed by the fire emitted by the Asura in wrath, the monarch, possessed as he was of mighty energy, then approached the Danava who, like unto a second Kumbhakarna of mighty energy, had come to the encounter after waking from his slumbers. |
Mbh.3.205.10499 | And while the housewife was engaged, O king, in cleaning the vessel from which alms are given, her husband, O thou best of the Bharatas, suddenly entered the house, very much afflicted with hunger. |
Mbh.3.205.10505 | And then that chaste woman possessed of great fame, took something for alms and went out, O thou foremost of the Bharatas, for giving it unto that Brahmana. |
Mbh.3.231.11790 | And those bulls among the Bharatas, throwing upon me the burden of looking after all those that were to be fed by them, would, O thou of handsome face, pay their court to me. |
Mbh.3.252.12440 | SECTION CCLII Vaisampayana continued, Then, O bull among the Bharatas, that mighty bowman, Karna, surrounded by a large army, besieged the beautiful city of Drupada. |
Mbh.3.294.14358 | Then, O best of the Bharatas, well-pleased, her father-in-law and mother-in-law said these words unto the princess seated in a corner, Thou hast completed the vow as prescribed. |
Mbh.3.298.14704 | Do thou listen to my words, O best of the Bharatas! |
Mbh.3.311.15272 | And that bull among the Bharatas then beheld that Yaksha of unusual eyes and huge body tall like a palmyra-palm and looking like fire or the Sun, and irresistible and gigantic like a mountain, staying on a tree, and uttering a loud roar deep as that of the clouds. |
Mbh.3.313.15582 | When Bhimasena had said this, the Brahmanas uttered benedictions on the Bharatas, and then obtaining their permission, went to their respective quarters. |
Mbh.4.19.791 | O foremost of the Bharatas, beholding that beloved brother of thine, that bull among men, employed by Matsya in looking after his kine, I am filled with woe. |
Mbh.4.28.1173 | SECTION XXVIII Vaisampayana said, Then that grandsire of the Bharatas, Bhishma the son of Sutanu, conversant with the Vedas, acquainted with the proprieties of time and place, and possessing a knowledge of every duty of morality, after the conclusion of Drona's speech, applauded the words of the preceptor and spake unto the Bharatas for their benefit these words consistent with virtue, expressive of his attachment to the virtuous Yudhishthira, rarely spoken by men that are dishonest, and always meeting with the approbation of the honest. |
Mbh.4.31.1281 | And, O bull among the Bharatas, that force of Virata, O king, as it marched forth marking the footprints of the cattle looked exceedingly beautiful. |
Mbh.4.38.1517 | I do not venture to penetrate into the army of the Bharatas consisting of terrible bowmen and abounding in horses and elephants and cars and footsoldiers and banners. |
Mbh.4.54.2078 | And the warriors of the Bharatas headed by Bhishma, with their horses, elephants, and cars, pierced by Kiritin and rendered invisible by means of his shafts, their ranks also scattered and broken, began to wail aloud in grief. |
Mbh.4.58.2227 | And seeing on the field of battle those car-warriors, the preceptor Drona and his disciple Partha, both endued with prowess, both invincible, both well-trained, both possessed of great energy and great strength, engaged with each other, that mighty host of the Bharatas began to tremble frequently. |
Mbh.4.63.2445 | SECTION LXIII Vaisampayana said, Then while a great havoc was being made among the Kurus, Santanu's son, Bhishma, and grandsire of the Bharatas rushed at Arjuna, taking up an excellent bow adorned with gold, and many arrows also of keen points and capable of piercing into the very vitals of the foe and afflicting him sorely. |
Mbh.4.71.2793 | And alliance of this kind between the Matsya and the Bharatas is, indeed, desirable |
Mbh.5.7.201 | And, O bull of the Bharatas, born as thou art in Bharata's race that is honoured by all the kings, go and fight in accordance with the rules of propriety' |
Mbh.5.30.1341 | Thou shouldst, O Sanjaya, also salute the wise chief of the Vahlikas, who always cherishes no other wish save that there should be peace among the Bharatas. |
Mbh.5.30.1381 | O foremost of heroes anwng the Bharatas, either give me lack my own Indraprastha or fight with me |
Mbh.5.31.1393 | Thou shouldst again, O Sanjaya, bending thy head, in my name salute the grandsire of the Bharatas, Bhishma, the son of Santanu. |
Mbh.5.32.1454 | This unrighteous deed is loudly bruited about in the world, Therefore, O foremost of the Bharatas, this deed is unworthy of thee. |
Mbh.5.32.1475 | Thee I blame, since these dissensions of the Bharatas whose root thou art will surely bring about the destruction of innumerable lives. |
Mbh.5.47.2657 | And Bhishma and Drona and Kripa and Salya, and Kritavarman and Jayadratha, and Aswatthaman and Vikarna, and Somadatta and Vahlika and Vidura of great wisdom and Yuyutsu, the great car-warrior, all these heroic kings in a body, O bull among the Bharatas, having Dhritarashtra at their head, entered that hall of great beauty. |
Mbh.5.49.2838 | Having heard these words of Bhishma, the high-souled son of Bharadwaja, having paid due homage unto Dhritarashtra and the assembled kings, spoke unto him these words, Do that, O king, which the best of the Bharatas, Bhishma, hath said. |
Mbh.5.55.3078 | And after I have slain him, numerous car-warriors of equal or superior energy, will, O bull among the Bharatas, speedily throw Arjuna down. |
Mbh.5.57.3187 | Sanjaya said, O Bharata, Dhrishtadyumna is always urging the Pandavas to war, saying, Fight ye, best among the Bharatas. |
Mbh.5.71.3528 | SECTION LXXI Dhritarashtra said, O Sanjaya, I envy those gifted with sight, who will behold before them that Vasudeva whose body endued with great beauty shineth with effulgence, illuminating the cardinal and subsidiary points of the compass; who will give utterance to words that will be listened to with respect by the Bharatas, words that are auspicious to the Srinjayas, acceptable, by those desirous of prosperity, faultless in every respect, and unacceptable by those that are doomed to death; who is full of high resolves, eternal, possessed of unrivalled heroism, who is the bull of the Yadavas and their leader, and who is the slayer and awe-inspirer of all foes, and who is the destroyer of the fame of every enemy? |
Mbh.5.72.3552 | Avishthala, Vrikasthala, Makandi, Varanavata, with any other, O Govinda, as the fifth, Grant us, we said, five villages or towns, O sire, where we five may dwell in union, for we do not desire the destruction of the Bharatas, |
Mbh.5.74.3728 | Alas, by Duryodhana's wrath, O slayer of Madhu, the Bharatas will all be consumed, even like forests by fire at the end of the dewy seasons, and, O slayer of Madhu, well-known are those eighteen kings that annihilated their kinsmen, friends, and relatives. |
Mbh.5.74.3734 | All of us, O Krishna, would rather in humiliation follow Duryodhana submissively, but, oh, let not the Bharatas be annihilated. |
Mbh.5.84.4045 | Always cheerful and of good hearts, well-protected by the Bharatas and therefore free from all anxieties on account of the designs of invaders, and unacquainted with calamities of any kind, many of the citizens of Upaplavya, coming out of their town, stood together on the way, desirous of beholding Krishna. |
Mbh.5.89.4157 | SECTION LXXXIX Vaisampayana said, Rising up from his bed at day-dawn, Krishna went through his morning rites, and taking leave of the Bharatas, set out for the city of the Kurus. |
Mbh.5.111.5101 | Here, in this region, O bull among Bharatas, the regents of the worlds, O Galava, every morning and evening, proclaim, What business of what person shall we do' |
Mbh.5.124.5486 | If by avoiding this which is productive only of woe, thou wilt achieve thy own good, if, O chastiser of foes, thou wilt escape from the sinful and disreputable deeds of thy brothers, followers, and counsellors, then, O tiger among men, make peace, O bull among the Bharatas, with the sons of Pandu who are all endued with great wisdom and great bravery with great exertion and great learning an all of whom have their souls under complete control. |
Mbh.5.125.5554 | This resplendent prosperity of the Bharatas amongst all the kings of the earth, thou wilt, during the very life of Dhritarashtra, destroy through thy wickedness, and thou wilt also, through this arrogant disposition of thine, deprive thyself with all thy counsellors, sons, brothers, and kinsmen, of life, if, O thou foremost of Bharata's race, thou transgressest the words of Kesava, thy father, and of wise Vidura, words that are consistent with truth and fraught with benefit to thyself. |
Mbh.5.125.5583 | Seek thou this great good of the Bharatas like unto an august ceremony of propitiation. |
Mbh.5.128.5672 | The words I will speak will soon lead to beneficial results, if, indeed, ye Bharatas, ye accept what I say in consequence of its recommending itself to you. |
Mbh.5.129.5711 | O Duryodhana, obey thou the words of thy well-wishers, those words, viz, which that best of the Bharatas, thy father, and Bhishma, and Drona, and Kripa, and Kshattri, have spoken. |
Mbh.5.129.5713 | O thou of great wisdom, nobody, O best of the Bharatas, succeedeth by his own desire alone in acquiring and keeping or enjoying a kingdom. |
Mbh.5.131.5855 | And those heroic bulls amongst the Bharatas, those mighty bowmen, viz, Bhishma, Drona, and Kripa, and Kshattri, and Aswatthaman and Vikarna, and that mighty car-warrior Yuyutsu, all began to follow him. |
Mbh.5.138.6190 | Therefore, O foremost of the Bharatas, with all thy brothers make peace with the sons of Pandu. |
Mbh.5.139.6234 | As regards thyself, O thou best of the Bharatas, all thy faults are calculated to bring about disasters on thee. |
Mbh.5.141.6356 | The Brahmanas will recite this great war of the Bharatas. |
Mbh.5.144.6457 | What can be a greater grief than this that the Pandavas, the Chedis, the Panchalas, and the Yadavas, assembled together, will fight with the Bharatas? |
Mbh.5.149.6685 | Yadu, O best of the Bharatas, was born of Devayani and, therefore, O sire, was the daughter's son of Sukra, otherwise called Kavya, of immeasurable energy. |
Mbh.5.158.6980 | SECTION CLVIII Janamejaya said, When Yudhishthira heard that Bhishma, the high-souled son of Ganga, the foremost of all wielders of weapons, the grandsire of the Bharatas, the head of all the kings, the rival of Vrihaspati in intellect, resembling the ocean in gravity, the mountains of Himavat in calmness, the Creator himself in nobleness, and the sun in energy, and capable of slaying hostile hosts like great Indra himself by showering his arrows, was installed, till his removal by death, in the command of the Kuru army on the eve of the great sacrifice of battle, terrific in its mien and capable of making one's hairs stand on their ends, what did that mighty-armed son of Pandu, that foremost of wielders of weapons, say? |
Mbh.5.161.7138 | Acquiring the earth by means of the prowess of thy arms, make gifts, O best of the Bharatas, unto the Brahmanas and to the means of thy deceased ancestors as one should. |
Mbh.5.164.7413 | O gambler's son, repairing hence unto the Bharatas and approaching Duryodhana the son of Dhritarashtra, say unto him that Arjuna hath said, So be it! |
Mbh.5.166.7521 | Then, O foremost of the Bharatas, come I, the leader of all thy troops, who will exterminate thy foes, vanquishing the Pandavas! |
Mbh.5.174.7801 | SECTION CLXXIV Duryodhana said, For what reason, O chief of the Bharatas, wilt thou not slay Sikhandin even if thou beholdest him approach thee as a foe with arms upraised? |
Mbh.5.174.7804 | O bull of the Bharata race, that king of virtuous soul paid his debt to nature in time, Observing my pledge, O chief of the Bharatas, I then installed my brother, Chitrangada, on the throne of the extensive kingdom of the Kurus. |
Mbh.5.175.7823 | SECTION CLXXV Bhishma said, Then, O chief of the Bharatas, approaching my mother, that daughter of the Dasa clan, and saluting that parent of heroes, I said these words, Having vanquished all the kings, these daughters of the ruler of Kasi, having beauty alone for their dowry, have been abducted by me for the sake of Vichitravirya, |
Mbh.5.176.7859 | Although she spoke in this strain, Salwa, however, O chief of the Bharatas, rejected that daughter of the ruler of Kasi, like a snake casting off his slough. |
Mbh.5.181.8149 | O thou of Kuru's race, take with thee, O bull of Bharatas' line, thy cars and all other equipments of battle' |
Mbh.5.181.8176 | Thus addressed by her, I saluted the goddess reverentially and replied unto her with joined hands, giving her, O chief of the Bharatas, an account of all that had transpired in that self-choice of the daughter of Kasi. |
Mbh.5.183.8259 | At this, O best of the Bharatas, I swooned on my best of cars. |
Mbh.5.183.8286 | And it was thus, O best of the Bharatas, that combat took place. |
Mbh.5.185.8336 | Then, O chief of the Bharatas, in course of that combat, I shot at Rama a powerful and heart-piercing arrow endued with great speed. |
Mbh.5.187.8398 | Without being able to reach either myself or Rama, those two weapons, O best of the Bharatas, met each other in the mid-air. |
Mbh.5.188.8416 | Smilingly, O king, they said unto me slowly, O chief of the Bharatas, do even what Narada sayeth. |
Mbh.6.2.42 | SECTION II Vaisampayana said, Seeing then the two armies standing on the east and the west for the fierce battle that was impending, the holy Rishi Vyasa, the son of Satyavati, that foremost of all persons acquainted with the Vedas, that grandsire of the Bharatas, conversant with the past, the present, and the future, and beholding everything as if it were present before his eyes, said these words in private unto the royal son of Vichitravirya who was then distressed and giving way to sorrow, reflecting on the evil policy of his sons. |
Mbh.6.3.206 | Thou art the cause of the fame, the achievements, and the inclination for virtue, of the Bharatas. |
Mbh.6.4.276 | He who knows these truly to be the sacred Gayatri possessed of every virtue, is not liable, O best of the Bharatas, to destruction in this world. |
Mbh.6.8.472 | O best of the Bharatas, the measure of their lives. |
Mbh.6.9.506 | Among the tribes of the north are the Mlecchas, and the Kruras, O best of the Bharatas; the Yavanas, the Chinas, the Kamvojas, the Darunas, and many Mleccha tribes; the Sukritvahas, the Kulatthas, the Hunas, and the Parasikas; the Ramanas, and the Dasamalikas. |
Mbh.6.9.515 | Desirous of enjoying Earth, the kings, O chief of the Bharatas, have become like dogs that snatch meat from one another. |
Mbh.6.11.551 | Indeed, O best of the Bharatas, Sakadwipa is surrounded on all sides by the ocean. |
Mbh.6.11.593 | The rivers there are full of sacred water, and Ganga herself, distributed as she hath been into various currents, is there, Sukumari, and Kumari, and Seta, and Keveraka, and Mahanadi, O Kauravya, and the river Manijala, and Chakshus, and the river Vardhanika, O thou best of the Bharatas, these and many other rivers by thousands and hundreds, all full of sacred water, are there, O perpetuator of Kuru's race, from which Vasava draweth water for showering it as rain. |
Mbh.6.12.663 | They are, O best of the Bharatas, Vamana, and Airavata, and another, and also Supratika |
Mbh.6.12.687 | Having listened to this charming Bhumi Parva, O chief of the Bharatas, a Kshatriya becometh endued with prosperity, obtaineth fruition of all his desires, and winneth the approbation of the righteous |
Mbh.6.13.691 | SECTION XIII Bhagavat-Gita Parva Vaisampayana said, Possessing a knowledge of the past, the present and the future, and seeing all things as if present before his eyes, the learned son of Gavalgana, O Bharata, coming quickly from the field of battle, and rushing with grief into the court represented unto Dhritarashtra who was plunged in thought that Bhishma the grandsire of the Bharatas had been slain |
Mbh.6.13.694 | Bhishma, the son of Santanu and the grandsire of the Bharatas, hath been slain. |
Mbh.6.13.695 | That foremost of all warriors, that grandsire of the Bharatas, hath been slain. |
Mbh.6.15.794 | Having bowed down to thy father, that wise and high-souled son of Parasara, through whose grace, through whose boon bestowed on me I have obtained excellent and celestial apprehension, sight beyond the range of the visual sense, and hearing, O king, from great distance, knowledge of other people's hearts and also of the past and the future, a knowledge also of the origin of all persons transgressing the ordinances the delightful power of coursing through the skies, and untouchableness by weapons in battles, listen to me in detail as I recite the romantic and highly wonderful battle that happened between the Bharatas, a battle that makes one's hair stand on end. |
Mbh.6.19.939 | When the troops stood arrayed, O bull of Bharata's race, the Sun rose divested of splendour, and the Earth trembled with a loud sound, and cracked in many places, O chief of the Bharatas, with loud noise. |
Mbh.6.47.2401 | And, O chief of the Bharatas, they hurled those seven darts at Sweta's car. |
Mbh.6.47.2403 | Then taking up an arrow capable of penetrating into every part of the body, he shot it, O chief of the Bharatas, at Rukmaratha. |
Mbh.6.48.2521 | Then thy sire, O chief of the Bharatas, beholding that mighty car-warrior Sweta, though the latter was then surrounded by those tigers among men with Bhimasena at their head, thy sire the son of Ganga-advanced steadily for the sake of the generalissimo Sweta alone. |
Mbh.6.48.2524 | And the grandsire of the Bharatas also struck Satyaki, in that combat, with a hundred arrows, and Dhrishtadyumna with twenty and the Kekaya brothers with five. |
Mbh.6.50.2626 | Beholding the son of Pandu stricken with grief and deprived of his senses by sorrow, Govinda then gladdening all the Pandavas said, Do not grieve, O chief of the Bharatas. |
Mbh.6.65.3551 | Listen again, O king, to what thou hast asked me, viz, the true cause, O chief of the Bharatas, of the victory of the Pandavas. |
Mbh.6.65.3565 | Let peace be made with the Pandavas, O best of the Bharatas. |
Mbh.6.69.3763 | The grandsire of the Bharatas, however, getting Sikhandin before him, avoided him, remembering the femininity of his sex. |
Mbh.6.70.3786 | And many warriors, O best of the Bharatas, belonging to both thy army and that of the foe, deeply pierced with shafts jumped up and fell down. |
Mbh.6.82.4258 | SECTION LXXXII Sanjaya said, O chief of the Bharatas, Ganga's son, once more addressing thy son who was plunged in thought, told him these delightful words, Myself and Drona and Salya and Kritavarman of Satwata's race, and Aswatthaman and Vikarna and Bhagadatta and Suvala's son and Vinda and Anuvinda of Avanti, and Valhika with the Valhikas and the mighty king of the Trigartas and the invincible ruler of the Magadhas, Vrihadvala the king of the Kosalas, and Chitrasena and Vivingsati and many thousands of car-warriors graced with tall standards, a large number of country-born steeds well-mounted with excellent horse-soldiers and many infuriate elephants of large size with temporal juice issuing from their mouths and cheeks, and many brave foot-soldiers armed with diverse weapons and born in diverse realms, are all prepared to do battle for thy sake |
Mbh.6.83.4326 | Then Drona slew Virata's steeds with eight straight shafts, and then his charioteer, O chief of the Bharatas, with one shaft. |
Mbh.6.87.4579 | Then Sikhandin, sighting the grandsire of the Bharatas, rushed at him impetuously, saying, Wait, Wait, Remembering, however, the femininity of Sikhandin, and disregarding him on that account, Bhishma proceeded against the Srinjayas. |
Mbh.6.92.4874 | Inflamed with rage, O chief of the Bharatas, that mighty car-warrior, viz, thy son Duryodhana, then slew with four shafts four of the principal Rakshasas, viz, Vegavat, Maharudra, Vidyujihva, and Pramathin. |
Mbh.6.92.4875 | And once again, O chief of the Bharatas, that warrior of immeasurable soul, sped at the Rakshasa host showers of arrows that could with difficulty be resisted. |
Mbh.6.94.4936 | SECTION XCIV Sanjaya said, Having in that battle made all those warriors of thy army turn their faces from the field, the Rakshasa then, O chief of the Bharatas, rushed at Duryodhana, desirous of slaying him. |
Mbh.6.94.4943 | Hearing those roars of the Rakshasa, O chief of the Bharatas, king Yudhishthira then, addressing Bhima, said unto that chastiser of foes these words, The noise that we hear uttered by the fiercely-roaring Rakshasa, without doubt, indicates that he is battling with the mighty car-warriors of the Dhartarashtra army. |
Mbh.6.96.5040 | O tiger among the Bharatas, though thus situated, yet have I been defeated into battle by the Pandava warriors headed by Bhimasena relying upon Ghatotkacha. |
Mbh.6.96.5044 | Hearing these words of the king, that foremost one among the Bharatas, viz, Bhishma, the son of Santanu, said these words unto Duryodhana, Listen, O king, to these words of mine that I say unto thee, O thou of Kuru's race, about the way in which thou, O chastiser of foes, shouldst always behave. |
Mbh.6.96.5083 | Deeply pierced and exceedingly pained, that elephant, O chief of the Bharatas, its fury quelled, speedily turned back with great force. |
Mbh.6.96.5114 | Deeply pierced by Bhagadatta in that battle, and exceedingly pained, Visoka thereupon, O chief of the Bharatas, sat down on the terrace of the car. |
Mbh.6.96.5118 | Beholding his brothers, those mighty car-warriors, engaged in battle, that son of Pandu quickly commenced to fight, profusely scattering his shafts, O chief of the Bharatas. |
Mbh.6.101.5384 | Indeed, O king, the vast host of the Bharatas, afflicted by him, reeled hither and thither like a woman drunk with wine. |
Mbh.6.104.5531 | Then Sikhandin pierced the grandsire of the Bharatas with many shafts. |
Mbh.6.106.5639 | Then Duryodhana, filled with grief on seeing his troops vanquished, addressed the ruler of the Madras, O chief of the Bharatas, and said, There, the eldest son of Pandu, accompanied by the twins in battle, in thy very sight, O thou of mighty arms, routeth our troops, O lord. |
Mbh.6.110.6007 | Having said these words, O chief of the Bharatas, that invincible warrior, scattering his shafts among the Kshatriyas, attacked the Pandava host. |
Mbh.6.111.6060 | And once more, O chief of the Bharatas, he pierced Arjuna in the forehead with three sharp shafts. |
Mbh.6.114.6206 | Then, O sire, with a couple of broad-headed arrows, he cut off, O chief of the Bharatas, the bow of the high-souled king of the Sindhus in the middle. |
Mbh.6.115.6279 | Sikhandin also, sighting the grandsire of the Bharatas, was filled with joy and rushed at him, abandoning all fear of the mighty car-warrior. |
Mbh.6.117.6345 | And once more, O Chief of the Bharatas, that mighty car-warrior of Bharata's race struck the Kuru king with ten fierce shafts in the centre of his chest. |
Mbh.6.117.6406 | Sikhandin, however, without any anxiety, coming up at the grandsire of the Bharatas, quickly pierced him with great many arrows. |
Mbh.6.118.6477 | Having vanquished those mighty car-warriors, O chief of the Bharatas, in the forenoon, Partha blazed up in that battle like a smokeless conflagration. |
Mbh.6.120.6569 | And the battle that took place between these and the Kaurava warriors was fierce, making the hair stand on end, and resembling O chief of the Bharatas, the battle of the gods with the Danavas. |
Mbh.6.120.6578 | And with those five arrows, O chief of the Bharatas, the angry Arjuna cut off into five fragments that dart hurled from Bhishma's arms. |
Mbh.6.120.6596 | Then Sikhandin, O king, excited with rage, struck the grandsire of the Bharatas in the chest with nine sharp arrows. |
Mbh.6.120.6664 | Beholding that high-souled son of Ganga, that chief of the Bharatas, they walked round him, and the Sun being then in the southern solstice, they said, addressing one another, these words, Being a high-souled person, why should Bhishma pass out of the world during the southern declension' |
Mbh.6.120.6679 | When the grandsire of the Bharatas who was endued with great might was overthrown, thy son, O bull of Bharata's race, knew not what to do. |
Mbh.6.120.6694 | And the deceased ancestors of the Bharatas also praised Bhishma. |
Mbh.6.121.6715 | Even thus did the Rishis together with the Siddhas and the Charanas said of that foremost one of the Bharatas as he lay on his bed of arrows. |
Mbh.6.121.6716 | When Santanu's son Bhishma, the grandsire of the Bharatas, was slain, thy sons, O sire, knew not what to do. |
Mbh.6.122.6756 | Then that chief of the Bharatas, viz, Bhishma of virtuous soul, conversant with the truths of religion, seeing that Arjuna, having divined his thought, had achieved that feat, became highly gratified. |
Mbh.6.122.6758 | And casting his eyes upon all the Bharatas there, he addressed Kunti's son Arjuna, that foremost of all warriors, that enhancer of the joys of his friends and said, Thou hast given me, O son of Pandu, a pillow that becometh my bed! |
Mbh.6.123.6811 | Then that foremost of car-warriors, mounted on his car, circumambulated that prostrate chief of the Bharatas, that foremost of all wielders of weapons. |
Mbh.7.1.26 | Indeed, O chief of the Bharatas, the Bharata host, on the fall of Ganga's son, became like a frail boat on the bosom of the ocean, tossed by a tempest blowing from every side. |
Mbh.7.2.62 | Sanjaya continued, Upon the fall of that boon-giving hero of great might, that lord of the world, viz, Santanu's son of great energy, and upon the consequent defeat of the Bharatas, Karna, with cheerless heart and eyes filled with tears, began to console the Dhartarashtras. |
Mbh.7.3.109 | Beholding him who was always an island unto persons sinking in the fathomless ocean in their endeavours to cross it, beholding that hero covered with arrows that had coursed in a stream as continuous as that of Yamuna, that hero who looked like Mainaka of unbearable energy thrown down on the earth by the great Indra, that warrior lying prostrate on the earth like the Sun dropped down from the firmament, that one who looked like the inconceivable Indra himself after his defeat of old by Vritra, that depriver of all warriors of their senses, that foremost of all combatants, that signal of all bowmen, beholding that hero and bull among men, viz, thy sire Bhishma of high vows, that grandsire of the Bharatas thrown down in battle and lying covered with Arjuna's shafts, on a hero's bed. |
Mbh.7.3.117 | From this day, O chief of the Bharatas, the Pandavas, excited with wrath, will slaughter the Kurus like tigers slaying deer. |
Mbh.7.12.468 | Inasmuch as thou wishest him to be alive, thou either seekest to preserve thy race from extinction, or, O chief of the Bharatas, thou, having vanquished the Pandavas in battle, art desirous of establishing brotherly relation with them by giving them their kingdom. |
Mbh.7.19.886 | Then the field of battle, O chief of the Bharatas, strewn with mighty car-warriors deprived of life, looked dreadful like Yama's domains, abounding with the spirits of the departed creatures. |
Mbh.7.20.891 | After Partha went out for slaying the Samsaptakas, Drona then, at the head of his troops arrayed for battle, proceeded, O chief of the Bharatas, for seizing king Yudhishthira the just. |
Mbh.7.23.1157 | Mighty steeds of gigantic size, of the Aratta breed, bore the mighty-armed Vrihanta of red eyes mounted on his golden car, that prince, viz, who, rejecting the opinions of all the Bharatas, hath singly, from his reverence for Yudhishthira. |
Mbh.7.30.1609 | Then Karna that foremost of Bharata car-warriors, that delighter of all the Bharatas, that first of all persons acquainted with weapons, invoked into existence the Agneya weapon. |
Mbh.7.39.1971 | That noise, O chief of the Bharatas, filled all the points of the compass. |
Mbh.7.70.3072 | O best of the Bharatas, these brothers of thine are all exceedingly cheerless, as also the king, and these thy friends, seeing thee plunged in grief. |
Mbh.7.83.3685 | O child, I have kinsmen to whose voice the Pandavas will ever listen, such, for instance, as Salya, Somadatta, the high-souled Bhishma, Drona, Vikarna, Valhika, Kripa, and others among the Bharatas that are illustrious and reverend in years. |
Mbh.7.100.4679 | Indeed, that blare, O best of Bharatas, filled all the points of the compass, and was echoed back by both the armies. |
Mbh.7.103.4783 | Then, O Bharata, Yudhishthira, that chief of the Bharatas, struck Drona with ninety straight shafts in all his vital parts. |
Mbh.7.103.4784 | Enraged by the famous son of Kunti, Drona struck him in return, O chief of the Bharatas, in the centre of the chest with five and twenty shafts. |
Mbh.7.106.4939 | Then that Rakshasa, O chief of the Bharatas, viz, the son of Hidimva, filled with rage, pierced that other angry Rakshasa in battle with many shafts. |
Mbh.7.108.5099 | SECTION CX Sanjaya said, That bull amongst the Sinis, viz, Satyaki, hearing these words o, full affection, agreeable, fraught with sweet sounds, opportune, delightful, and equitable that were uttered by king Yudhishthira the just, replied unto him, O chief of the Bharatas, saying, O thou of unfading glory, I have heard all the words thou hast said, words fraught with justice, delightful, and conducive to fame for the sake of Phalguna. |
Mbh.7.110.5305 | Smiting the great host of Karna with whetted arrows, Satyaki penetrated into the vast and limitless army of the Bharatas. |
Mbh.7.129.6469 | Indeed, O best of Bharatas, it became as frightful to behold as the city of the dead. |
Mbh.7.134.6701 | O chief of the Bharatas, suffer the fruit of all that with thy sons. |
Mbh.7.136.6776 | And in consequence of that clash of the arrowy showers of those two lions among men, a conflagration, O chief of the Bharatas, seemed to be generated in the sky. |
Mbh.7.136.6869 | Indeed, O chief of the Bharatas, Partha, the son of Indra, began to exterminate that host teeming with steeds and elephants and men |
Mbh.7.139.6976 | Then Somadatta's son, having shrouded the grandson of Sini with swift coursing shafts, once more pierced the latter, O chief of the Bharatas, with many keen shafts, from desire of slaying him. |
Mbh.7.142.7216 | Protected by Bhimasena and by Satwata, Vibhatsu, O chief of the Bharatas, looked resplendent like a blazing fire. |
Mbh.7.143.7288 | Then the mighty-armed one, O king, excited with wrath, invoked into existence the invincible Aindra weapon, frightening all the Bharatas. |
Mbh.7.143.7363 | And while the ruler of the Sindhus was thus beholding the sun, Krishna, once more addressing Dhananjaya said these words, Behold, the heroic ruler of the Sindhus is now looking at the sun, casting off his fear of thee, O foremost one among the Bharatas! |
Mbh.7.151.7900 | When those heroic warriors, O bull among the Bharatas, proceeded to battle, the night became pitch dark, enhancing the terrors of the timid. |
Mbh.7.153.8050 | Hearing those words of Bhima, his driver Visoka urged his steeds, following in the wake, O chief of the Bharatas, of Jishnu, of sure aim. |
Mbh.7.153.8174 | The Rakshasa, O chief of the Bharatas, with eyes rolling in wrath, striking his palms, and biting his nether lip, addressed his own driver, saying, Bear me towards the son of Drona' |
Mbh.7.159.8652 | Cease, O best of the Bharatas, to fight with Drona. |
Mbh.7.161.8750 | Having said these words, O chief of the Bharatas, thy son Duryodhana, urged his troops on that night of terrible darkness. |
Mbh.7.161.8751 | Then commenced a battle, O chief of the Bharatas, between the two hosts. |
Mbh.7.163.8848 | Then king Duryodhana, O chief of Bharatas, pierced Bhima with five winged arrows and said, Wait! |
Mbh.7.163.8851 | Then, Duryodhana filled with rage, taking up a more formidable bow, O chief of the Bharatas, afflicted Bhimasena, at the van of battle, with many whetted shafts, in the very sight of all the bowmen. |
Mbh.7.167.9002 | Terrible of itself, that night, O chief of the Bharatas, became more terrible still to the heroic combatants engaged in battle. |
Mbh.7.167.9023 | That night, O chief of the Bharatas, lightened up by those lamps looked like day, O king, on the field of battle. |
Mbh.7.167.9028 | Sire, O chief of the Bharatas, slew son, and son, from ignorance, slew sire, and friend slew friend. |
Mbh.7.169.9151 | Indeed, that host, O chief of the Bharatas, thus slaughtered on the night, fled away in all directions, afflicted with fear and in the very sight of their leaders. |
Mbh.7.181.9867 | Such cheerlessness does not become thee, O chief of the Bharatas, as it does an ordinary person. |
Mbh.7.193.10699 | I shall, therefore, O chief of the Bharatas, now achieve that by which I may be freed from the debt I owe to my sire, now gone to the other world. |
Mbh.7.199.11544 | Sanjaya said, Having addressed Arjuna in these words, the son of Parasara, O chief of the Bharatas, went away to the place he had come from, O chastiser of foes' |
Mbh.8.4.85 | When that foremost of the monarchs, greatly agitated, fell down on the Earth, loud wails were uttered, O best of the Bharatas, by the ladies of the royal household. |
Mbh.8.19.787 | Then Govinda, beholding the field of battle during the progress of that carnage, said these words to Savyasaci, Here, O Partha, for the sake of Duryodhana alone, occurreth this great and terrible destruction of the Bharatas and other kings of Earth. |
Mbh.8.25.1064 | Then Uluka, O sire, in that battle, cut off, with a broad-headed arrow steeped in oil, the head of his antagonist's driver, O best of the Bharatas. |
Mbh.8.31.1335 | Single-handed, he protected the Bharatas, and single-handed, he gratified Bhava. |
Mbh.8.35.1889 | O chief of the Bharatas, for whatever acts I may be fit, employing myself therein with my whole heart, I will bear the burthen of those acts of thine. |
Mbh.8.42.2265 | He amongst the Bharatas, O Shalya, who is accomplished, who is an effectual smiter, who is universal destroyer, and who is exceedingly terrible, viz, Arjuna, that mighty crusher, I think, will burn many foremost of kshatriyas. |
Mbh.8.55.3098 | The welkin then, thus covered with that dense shower of arrows decked with gold, looked beautiful, O chief of the Bharatas, as if a canopy embroidered with gold had been spread there. |
Mbh.8.55.3125 | That army of Pandu's son, thus scorched by the son of Drona, became exceedingly agitated, O chief of the Bharatas, like the mouth of a river by a whale. |
Mbh.8.56.3148 | Then Duryodhana, O chief of the Bharatas, filled with rage, pierced Nakula and his four steeds with nine arrows. |
Mbh.8.56.3167 | Desirous of slaying Duryodhana, O chief of the Bharatas, the Pancala hero sped five and ten cloth-yard shafts that resembled hissing snakes. |
Mbh.8.56.3220 | The combatants, O chief of the Bharatas, drenched with blood, were seen to approach and slaughter one another. |
Mbh.8.56.3296 | Meanwhile Yudhishthira, O chief of the Bharatas, in great pain owing to his wounds, retreating about two miles from the battle, rested himself for some time |
Mbh.8.57.3297 | SECTION Sanjaya said, Then Duryodhana, O chief of Bharatas, repairing to Karna, said unto him as also unto the ruler of the Madras and the other lords of Earth present there, these words, Without seeking hath this occasion arrived, when the gates of heaven have become wide open. |
Mbh.8.58.3341 | With headless trunks smeared all over with blood with severed limbs and heads and hips, the Earth looks, O best of the Bharatas, like an altar strewn with extinguished fires. |
Mbh.8.59.3418 | The mighty car-warrior Ashvatthama, however, though struggling vigorously, could not, O chief of the Bharatas, slay the carless and steedless and bowless Dhrishtadyumna, although pierced and exceedingly mangled with many arrows. |
Mbh.8.60.3462 | The king, O best of the Bharatas, is exceedingly emaciated in consequence of his fasts. |
Mbh.8.65.3795 | Thus addressed, Bhima said, O thou of great glory, go thyself for ascertaining the condition of the king, that bull amongst the Bharatas! |
Mbh.8.71.4236 | And he repeatedly said unto that chief of the Bharatas, Be pleased with me, Forgive, O king, all that I have said from desire of observing virtue and from fear of sins |
Mbh.8.71.4249 | Thus addressed, Keshava, O best of kings, said unto Partha, Thou art competent, O best of the Bharatas, to slay the mighty Karna. |
Mbh.8.73.4360 | Who, indeed, O Partha, could vanquish in battle those two mighty car-warriors of the Bharatas, Bhishma and Drona, both of whom were endued with prowess equal to that of Sakra himself? |
Mbh.8.81.4942 | After this, many Kauravas, with cars and elephants and steeds, fearlessly advanced against that foremost one of Kuru's race, that chief of the Bharatas, Phalguna. |
Mbh.8.94.6068 | As soon as the Kauravas heard the blare of those conchs that were thus being blown, all of them left the field with great speed, deserting the ruler of the Madras and the chief of the Bharatas, O Bharata, viz, Duryodhana. |
Mbh.9.1.68 | All those ladies retired, O chief of the Bharatas, as also all those friends, beholding the king deeply afflicted. |
Mbh.9.2.140 | Tell me the details of the great destruction of the Bharatas. |
Mbh.9.7.410 | Thus addressed by Shalya, king Duryodhana cheerfully poured sanctified water, without losing any time, O best of the Bharatas, on the ruler of the Madras, in the midst of his troops, according to the rites ordained in the scriptures, O monarch. |
Mbh.9.8.473 | Soon, O chief of the Bharatas, that host, whose noise resembled that of the agitated ocean, and which seemed to be wonderful in consequence of its cars and elephants, presented the aspect of the vast deep swelling with its surges' |
Mbh.9.14.829 | Indeed, along the track of the angry Partha's car, O monarch, the ground, miry with blood, became impassable, O chief of the Bharatas, like the sporting ground of Rudra. |
Mbh.9.19.1170 | Indeed, O chief of the Bharatas, thy soldiers fled on all sides. |
Mbh.9.21.1376 | Anon that disappeared and everything became clear when the Earth, O best of the Bharatas, became drenched with the blood of heroes. |
Mbh.9.21.1435 | The aspect presented, O chief of the Bharatas, by the lances hurled all around, became like that of swarms of locusts in the welkin. |
Mbh.9.21.1479 | Thus occurred that battle, O best of the Bharatas, in which no consideration was shown by anybody for anyone, and in which lances and swords and arrows fell fast, on every side and made the scene exceedingly terrible to behold |
Mbh.9.23.1561 | That army, O chief of the Bharatas, thus struck by Kiritin, fled away in the very sight of thy son. |
Mbh.9.23.1575 | Some, having slaked their thirst or groomed their animals, and some, wearing fresh armour, O chief of the Bharatas, and some, having comforted their brothers and sons and sires, and placed them in camp, once more came to battle. |
Mbh.9.27.1828 | That army, O chief of the Bharatas, as it came to battle, was in a moment exterminated by those high-souled warriors, for it failed to obtain a protector. |
Mbh.9.27.1842 | Meanwhile, O chief of the Bharatas, king Duryodhana, that foremost of car-warriors, saw not in that battle a single warrior on his side. |
Mbh.9.27.1935 | And he said, Thou hast acted properly, having regard for what has come, in view of this destruction of all the Bharatas of which thou art speaking! |
Mbh.9.27.1950 | He passed the time, thinking of the terrible destruction of the Bharatas at one another's hands |
Mbh.9.29.2045 | With acts and means and applying thy power of illusion to these waters, slay, O chief of the Bharatas, this Suyodhana, who is the very soul of illusion! |
Mbh.9.31.2307 | It is for thee that that illustrious chief of the Bharatas, the son of Ganga, the grandsire of us all, lieth now on a bed of arrows, struck down by us! |
Mbh.9.34.2539 | Thus deserted by his two brothers, who were moved by the temptation of appropriating those animals, the great ascetic Trita, O king, while within that lonely well covered with dust and herbs and creepers, thought himself plunged, O chief of the Bharatas, into hell itself like a sinful wretch. |
Mbh.9.35.2579 | And since the Sarasvati, in consequence of such contempt, is lost at that spot, the Rishis, for that reason, O chief of the Bharatas, always name the place as Vinasana. |
Mbh.9.43.3123 | Vayu gave him, O best of the Bharatas, two companions, Vala and Ativala, endued with great might and very large mouths. |
Mbh.9.47.3495 | Having duly completed those hundred sacrifices, O chief of the Bharatas, Shakra of great splendour came to be called by the name of Satakratu. |
Mbh.9.47.3513 | Indeed in that auspicious and sacred tirtha of the Sarasvati, Vishnu himself, having in days of yore slain the Asuras, Madhu and Kaitabha, had, O chief of the Bharatas, performed his ablutions. |
Mbh.9.54.3889 | Today, the period of life of this wicked son of Dhritarashtra, of uncleansed soul, hath reached its close, O chief of the Bharatas! |
Mbh.9.60.4339 | I shall dismount after thee, O best of the Bharatas! |
Mbh.10.8.569 | While the camp was in this state, rakshasas, O king, uttered loud roars in joy, O chief of the Bharatas! |
Mbh.10.9.685 | Sanjaya continued, Beholding that chief of Kuru's race lying on the ground, Ashvatthama, O best of the Bharatas, uttered these piteous lamentations: O tiger among kings, all people indicated thee as the foremost of all bowmen! |
Mbh.10.12.847 | One day, after he had taken up his abode in Dvaraka, he came to me, without a companion and when I myself was without anybody by my side, on the seacoast, and there smilingly addressing me said, O Krishna, that weapon, called brahmashira, worshipped by gods and gandharvas, which my sire, the preceptor of the Bharatas, of prowess incapable of being baffled, and obtained from Agastya after performing the austerest penances, is now with me, O Dasharha, as much as it is with my sire. |
Mbh.10.12.866 | Thou art the son of the preceptor of the Bharatas, thou art held in high respect by all the Yadavas. |
Mbh.11.2.90 | As the wind tears off the tops of all blades of grass, even so, O bull of Bharatas race, death overmasters all creatures. |
Mbh.11.5.228 | Repeatedly they desired, O bull of Bharatas race, to taste that honey which though sweet to all creatures could, however, attract children only. |
Mbh.11.7.270 | Creatures, O bull of Bharatas race, whether mobile or immobile, have to repeatedly return to the world. |
Mbh.11.9.402 | Do not grieve, O bull of Bharatas race! |
Mbh.11.9.416 | As the wind tears off the ends of all blades of grass, even so all creatures, O bull of Bharatas race, are brought by Time under its influence. |
Mbh.11.10.432 | SECTION Vaishampayana said, Hearing these words of Vidura, that bull of Bharatas race Dhritarashtra ordered his car to be yoked. |
Mbh.11.11.461 | All the others, O bull of Bharatas race, have perished. |
Mbh.11.12.513 | Understanding that thou wert filled with rage, O bull of Bharatas race, I dragged the son of Kunti away from within the jaws of Death. |
Mbh.11.19.807 | Though all his vital parts have been pierced with clothyard shafts and bearded arrows and nalikas, yet that beauty of person which was his hath not forsaken this best of the Bharatas. |
Mbh.11.24.964 | There the mother of Bhurishrava, that faultless lady, overcome with grief, is addressing her lord Somadatta, saying, By good luck, O king, thou seest not this terrible carnage of the Bharatas, this extermination of the Kurus, this sight that resembles the scenes occurring at the end of the yuga. |
Mbh.12.13.538 | True or false, this that has been uttered by are, O lord of earth, has been uttered from a due regard for thee, O best of Bharatas, that I entertain |
Mbh.12.14.581 | O best of the Bharatas, I am the worst of all my sex, since I desire to live on even though I am bereaved of my children. |
Mbh.12.22.935 | The duties of Kshatriyas are exceedingly fierce and are always connected with the use of weapons, and it has been laid down, O chief of the Bharatas, that they should, when the time comes, perish by weapons on the field of battle. |
Mbh.12.24.1030 | SECTION XXIV Vaisampayana said, Once more the great sage Krishna-Dwaipayana said these words unto Ajatasatru, the son of Kunti: Let these great car-warriors of abundant energy of mind, O monarch, let these brothers of thine, O Yudhishthira, the chief of the Bharatas, obtain those wishes of theirs that they cherished while dwelling in the woods. |
Mbh.12.47.2290 | SECTION XLVIII Janamejaya said, How did the grandsire of the Bharatas, who lay on a bed of arrows, cast off his body and what kind of Yoga did he adopt' |
Mbh.12.53.2836 | Those high-souled persons, approaching the grandsire of the Bharatas who looked like the Sun himself dropped from the firmament, indulged in lamentations for him. |
Mbh.12.53.2889 | Therefore, questioned by thy sons and grandsons, O learned one, about the eternal duties of men, do thou, O bull among the Bharatas, discourse upon them on the subject |
Mbh.12.55.2928 | Therefore, O grandsire, do thou, for my sake, discourse on kingly duties in the first instance, for thou, O chief of the Bharatas, art the foremost of all persons conversant with duties. |
Mbh.12.58.3128 | O chief of the Bharatas! |
Mbh.12.58.3284 | What other subject is there, O chief of the Bharatas, upon which I shall next have to discourse |
Mbh.12.61.3428 | The other three orders do not adopt them, O best of the Bharatas! |
Mbh.12.63.3486 | All these acts, O chief of the Bharatas, occur in Kshatriya duties. |
Mbh.12.86.4867 | The lord of a hundred villages should receive every honour from the king and should have for his support a large village, O chief of the Bharatas, populous and teeming with wealth. |
Mbh.12.106.6024 | Wrath on the of part the king, rupture terror, chastisement, persecution, oppression, and executions, O chief of the Bharatas, speedily cause the aristocracy to fall away from the king and side with the king's enemies. |
Mbh.12.142.8694 | Thou art worthy, O best of the Bharatas, of asking such a question. |
Mbh.12.148.8884 | Consumed by that fire the fowler became cleansed of all his sins and attained, O best of the Bharatas, to high success. |
Mbh.12.149.8894 | SECTION CL Yudhishthira said, O best of the Bharatas, when a person commits sin from want of judgment, how may he be cleansed from it? |
Mbh.12.152.9246 | Indeed, through Sankara's grace, O chief of the Bharatas, those sorrowing kinsmen were filled with amazement and delight at the restoration of their child to life. |
Mbh.12.153.9251 | Bhishma said, In this connection is cited, O chief of the Bharatas, the old story of the discourse between Salmali and Pavana. |
Mbh.12.163.9675 | I have now, O chief of the Bharatas, said unto thee what the indications are of the wicked and malevolent man. |
Mbh.12.164.9678 | Unto those Brahmanas that are not poor, only the Dakshina O best of the Bharatas, should be given. |
Mbh.12.170.10220 | The royal servants then, O best of the Bharatas, placed mats of Kusa grass on the ground |
Mbh.12.206.12465 | SECTION CCVII Yudhishthira said, O grandsire, O thou of great wisdom, I desire to hear in detail, O chief of the Bharatas, of that lotus-eyed and indestructible one, who is the Creator of everything but who has been created by none, who is called Vishnu in consequence of his pervading everything, who is the origin of all creatures and unto whom all creatures return, who is known by the names of Narayana and Hrishikesa and Govinda and Kesava, and who is incapable of being vanquished by any one' |
Mbh.12.206.12519 | Sexual congress, O chief of the Bharatas, was then not necessary for perpetuating the species. |
Mbh.12.207.12545 | Hear me, O chief of the Bharatas, about what thou askest me. |
Mbh.12.208.12624 | Then that Supreme God of all the gods, having yoga for his soul and yoga for his companion, became rapt in yoga, O chief of the Bharatas, and began to utter tremendous roars, agitating those Daityas and Danavas. |
Mbh.12.280.17237 | O chief of the Bharatas, resolve me this doubt. |
Mbh.12.281.17311 | Understanding that Sakra was possessed by the sin of Brahmanicide Brahman began to reflect, O best of the Bharatas, upon the means of freeing his suppliant. |
Mbh.12.289.18197 | I have thus narrated to thee, O chief of the Bharatas, the story of the high-souled Bhargava about which thou didst ask me |
Mbh.13.9.534 | They that are conversant with the scriptures declare this as their opinion, arriving at it, O chief of the Bharatas, with the aid of a well-ordered understanding. |
Mbh.13.9.568 | O chief of the Bharatas, the Brahmana is regarded as the highest object unto whom gifts should be made. |
Mbh.13.10.584 | Ascetics of diverse kinds, observant of various restraints and vows, as also others, O chief of the Bharatas, that had undergone Diksha and were frugal in fare and possessed of cleansed souls, took up their residence there. |
Mbh.13.10.603 | Erecting also a sacrificial platform, and making a little space for his sleep, and some platforms for the use of the deities, he began, O chief of the Bharatas, to lead a life regulated by rigid observances and vows and to practise penances, abstaining entirely from speech all the while. |
Mbh.13.10.610 | In this way, O chief of the Bharatas, that Rishi, O best of men, came into the asylum of the Sudra times out of a number for the object of seeing him. |
Mbh.13.11.704 | SECTION XI Yudhishthira said, Tell me, O grandsire, in what kind of man or woman, O chief of the Bharatas, does the goddess of prosperity always reside' |
Mbh.13.22.3216 | The Brahmanas, O chief of the Bharatas, are always devoted of Brahman. |
Mbh.13.32.4021 | Anybody who would protect in the same way a seeker for protection, would certainly attain like Sivi himself to the same happy end, O best of the Bharatas. |
Mbh.13.34.4106 | The Brahmana, O chief of the Bharatas, is fully conversant with the duties that have been laid down for his order. |
Mbh.13.38.4249 | SECTION XXXVIII Yudhishthira said, O best of the Bharatas, I wish to hear thee discourse on the disposition of women. |
Mbh.13.40.4407 | Having said these words, the highly-blessed Muni, viz, Devasarman, intend upon performing a sacrifice, set out from his abode, O chief of the Bharatas. |
Mbh.13.50.5139 | Arrived at the water which contained many fish, those fishermen, O chief of the Bharatas, tied all their nets together. |
Mbh.13.51.5249 | Then king Nahusha of great energy, that lord of all the earth, filled with joy, O best of the Bharatas, said, Sufficient' |
Mbh.13.53.5352 | This, however, O chief of the Bharatas, failed to disturb the equanimity of the royal couple. |
Mbh.13.53.5424 | That best of ascetics, moved by affection, softly touched them with his hands whose healing virtues resembled those of nectar itself, O chief of the Bharatas. |
Mbh.13.56.5617 | O thou of righteous soul, Jamadagni will wed a girl, taking her from thy race, for spreading its glory, O chief of the Bharatas. |
Mbh.13.56.5628 | Bhishma continued, Hearing these words of the high-souled ascetic Chyavana, king Kusika became filled with joy, and made answer in the following words, Indeed, O best of the Bharatas, he said, So be it' |
Mbh.13.58.5720 | SECTION LVIII Yudhishthira said, I desire, O chief of the Bharatas, to hear from thee what the rewards are which are attached, O best of the Kurus, to the planting of trees and the digging of tanks' |
Mbh.13.59.5847 | Beholding these regions, O best of the Bharatas with my spiritual eyes, I am filled with delight at the thought of all these acts which I have done in aid and honour of the Brahmanas, O monarch |
Mbh.13.62.6082 | I have thus, O chief of the Bharatas, discoursed unto thee of that gift which is the foremost of all gifts. |
Mbh.13.63.6084 | SECTION LXIII Yudhishthira said, When a king becomes desirous of making gifts in this world, what, indeed, are those gifts which he should make, O best of the Bharatas, unto such Brahmanas as are possessed of superior accomplishments? |
Mbh.13.63.6165 | That man who gives food into one who comes into his house and solicits it, is said, O chief of the Bharatas, to contribute both life and energy unto living creatures' |
Mbh.13.66.6298 | After the same manner, O best of the Bharatas, by giving away a shed for the shelter of kine that can keep out cold and rain and that is substantial in structure, the giver rescues seven generations of his race from hell. |
Mbh.13.66.6336 | The cow should not also, O chief of the Bharatas, be given unto one whose occupation is the keeping of kine |
Mbh.13.68.6452 | Hence, O best of the Bharatas, one should always give lamps for lighting dark spots. |
Mbh.13.70.6567 | After Nriga had thus proceeded to heaven, O best of the Bharatas, Vasudeva recited this verse, O delighter of the Kurus. |
Mbh.13.76.6985 | Somaka, Pururavas, Bharata of imperial sway to whose race belongs all the Bharatas, the heroic Rama the son of Dasaratha, and many other celebrated kings of great achievement, and also king Dilipa of widely known deeds, all, in consequence of their gifts of kine agreeable to the ritual, attained to Heaven. |
Mbh.13.81.7204 | O best of the Bharatas, there is nothing that is more sacred than kine. |
Mbh.13.82.7306 | Bhishma said, In this connection is cited the old story, O monarch, of the conversation between kine and Sree, O best of the Bharatas! |
Mbh.13.84.7485 | I then, disregarding that hand which constituted an indication of my father's presence, and recollecting the true ordinance depending upon the authority of the scriptures respecting the mode of presenting the cake, offered the entire cake, O chief of the Bharatas, upon those blades of Kusa grass that were spread before me. |
Mbh.13.84.7494 | Thou hast today, O chief of the Bharatas, acted very properly. |
Mbh.13.94.8547 | O best of the Bharatas, the act of theft had been done by Indra, and the oaths were taken by many royal and regenerate Rishis. |
Mbh.13.99.8898 | SECTION XCIX Yudhishthira said, I have, O chief of the Bharatas, heard what the merits are that are won by presenters of flowers and incense and lights. |
Mbh.13.104.9534 | One should never indulge in other people's calumny or self-reproach, for, O chief of the Bharatas, it is said that calumny is sinful, whether of others or of oneself. |
Mbh.13.106.9635 | By what means, O best of the Bharatas, doth one succeed in acquiring heaven and merit? |
Mbh.13.107.9866 | I have thus told thee, O chief of the Bharatas, what the excellent ordinances are in respect of sacrifices, one after another, as dependent upon the fruits of fasts |
Mbh.13.113.10199 | Do thou listen to them, O chief of the Bharatas! |
Mbh.13.159.13343 | Whatever, again, Bhishma has said of me, O chief of the Bharatas, is all true |
Mbh.13.162.13517 | O chief of the Bharatas, let no doubts like these ever take possession of thy mind! |
Mbh.13.163.13614 | Verily, if the case were so, no man of learning could then be seen to take the protection for the sake of his livelihood, of one destitute of learning, Among men, that which is not destined to be attained, O chief of the Bharatas, is never attained. |
Mbh.13.167.13767 | Vaisampayana continued, Thus addressed by Kunti's son of great intelligence, the son of Ganga opened his eyes and saw all the Bharatas assembled there and standing around him. |
Mbh.14.61.2789 | SECTION LXI Vaisampayana said, After the high-souled Vasudeva of great prowess had finished his narration of the great battle of the Bharatas before his sire, it was plain that that hero had passed over the slaughter of Abhimanyu. |
Mbh.14.70.3102 | Then wrestlers and actors and astrologers and those who enquire after the slumbers of princes, and bands of bards and eulogists all uttered the praises of Janarddana, while uttering benedictions fraught with the praises of the Kuru race, O chief of the Bharatas. |
Mbh.14.73.3230 | The high-souled Arjuna repeatedly heard these and similar other sweet words of men and women, O chief of the Bharatas. |
Mbh.14.75.3290 | King Vajradatta, O chief of the Bharatas, finding the sacrificial steed arrived within his realm, fought for detaining it. |
Mbh.14.76.3313 | SECTION LXXVI Vaisampayana said, Thus waged that battle, O chief of the Bharatas, for three days between Arjuna and that prince like the encounter between him of a hundred sacrifices and Vritra. |
Mbh.14.77.3366 | Indeed, when Phalguna, that foremost one among the Bharatas, was thus afflicted, those marvels were seen. |
Mbh.14.78.3422 | The queen replied unto him, saying, O chief of the Bharatas, this child is the son of thy sister's son. |
Mbh.14.85.3802 | The chief of the Bharatas, viz, king Yudhishthira the just, assigned several stables well filled with different kinds of corn and sugarcane and milk to the animals that came with the guests. |
Mbh.14.92.4311 | As Agastya, however, was engaged in that sacrifice of his, the thousand-eyed Indra, O best of the Bharatas, ceased to pour rain on the Earth. |
Mbh.15.6.335 | In making treaties of peace, the son of the defeated king, should be demanded as a hostage, O chief of the Bharatas. |
Mbh.15.8.399 | Vaisampayana continued, Thus addressed by king Yudhishthira the just, of great intelligence, the royal sage, Dhritarashtra, O chief of the Bharatas, wished to obtain the king's permission about his retirement to the forest. |
Mbh.15.8.426 | Hearing these words of his, all these residents of Kurujangala, uttered loud lamentations, O best of the Bharatas, with voices choked with tears. |
Mbh.15.39.1646 | United with that sacred fire of his own, O chief of the Bharatas, the king, as I have already said unto thee, met with death on the banks of Ganga. |
Mbh.16.2.76 | Such a day had happened at the time of the great battle of the Bharatas. |
Mbh.16.6.230 | Beholding his sons and grandsons and brothers and friends lying dead, he said unto me these words, O chief of Bharatas race, The destruction of this our race has at last come. |
Mbh.16.7.280 | Phalguna, who was careful in observing every duty, having caused this duty to be performed, proceeded, O chief of Bharatas race, next to the place where the Vrishnis were slaughtered. |
Mbh.16.8.361 | Why then, O chief of Bharatas race, this exceedingly dejected aspect? |
Mbh.16.8.412 | Even this is what I regard to be highly beneficial for you all, O chief of Bharatas race |
Mbh.17.1.24 | Kripa was installed as the preceptor and Parikshit was made over to him as his disciple, O chief of Bharatas race. |
Mbh.17.1.35 | Having caused the preliminary rites of religion, O chief of Bharatas race, which were to bless them in the accomplishment of their design, those foremost of men cast off their sacred fires into the water. |
Mbh.17.1.51 | Behind him was Bhima; next walked Arjuna; after him were the twins in the order of their birth; behind them all, O foremost one of Bharatas race, proceeded Draupadi, that first of women, possessed of great beauty, of dark complexion, and endued with eyes resembling lotus petals. |
Mbh.17.1.69 | After this, O chief of Bharatas race, the god of the fire disappeared then and there. |
Mbh.17.1.71 | Then, by the northern coast of the salt sea, those princes of Bharatas race proceeded to the south-west. |
Mbh.17.2.83 | Vaishampayana continued: Having said this, that foremost one of Bharatas race proceeded on. |
Mbh.17.3.127 | Do not yield to grief, O chief of the Bharatas. |
Mbh.17.3.128 | Having cast off their human bodies they have gone there, O chief of Bharatas race. |
Mbh.17.3.170 | Thou hast won them, O chief of the Bharatas, and thine is a celestial and high goal |
Mbh.18.3.148 | Come and behold them, O foremost one of Bharatas race. |
Mbh.18.3.185 | Come, come, O foremost one of the Bharatas, behold Ganga who spreads her current over the three worlds. |
Mbh.18.5.237 | Hear, O king, this which is a mystery of the gods, O chief of Bharatas race. |
Mbh.18.5.240 | Eight Vasus, O chief of Bharatas race, are now seen. |
Mbh.18.5.285 | The high race of the Bharatas is its topic. |
Mbh.18.5.287 | And because of its grave import, as also of the Bharatas being its topic, it is called Mahabharata. |
Mbh.18.5.289 | Such a man lives in righteousness, wealth, and pleasure, and attains to Emancipation also, O chief of Bharatas race. |
Mbh.18.6.340 | In this treatise, called Bharata, O foremost one of Bharatas race, are to be seen in one place the eternal Rudras, the Saddhyas, and the Viswedevas; the Adityas, the two deities named the Ashvinis, the regents of the World, the great Rishis, the Guhyakas, the Gandharvas, the Nagas, the Vidyadharas, the Siddhas, the diverse deities, the Self-born visible in a body, with many ascetics; the Hills and Mountains, Oceans and Seas and Rivers, the diverse tribes of Apsaras; the Planets, the Years, the Half-years, and the Seasons; and the whole universe of mobile and immobile entities, with all the gods and Asuras. |
Mbh.18.6.343 | Unto the Brahmanas also, O chief of Bharatas race, should, with due devotion and according to ones power, be made large gifts and diverse kinds of gems, and kine, and vessels of white brass for milking kine, and maidens decked with every ornament, and possessed of every accomplishment suited to enjoyment, as also diverse kinds of conveyances, beautiful mansions, plots of land, and cloths. |
Mbh.18.6.352 | Listening to the Bharata, O king, when recited, O thou of Bharatas race, by a reader of this kind, the listener, observant of vows all the while and cleansed by purificatory rites, acquires valuable fruits. |
Mbh.18.6.389 | After this I shall declare what should be given away, as each parva is reached of the Bharata in course of its recitation, unto brahmanas, after ascertaining their birth, country, truthfulness, and greatness, O chief of Bharatas race, as also their inclination for piety, and unto kshatriyas too, O king, after ascertainment of similar particulars. |
Mbh.18.6.398 | During the recitation of the Virata-parva diverse kinds of robes should be given away; and during that of the Udyoga-parva, O chief of the Bharatas, the twice-born ones, after being decked with perfumes and garlands, should be entertained with food possessed of every agreeable quality. |
Mbh.18.6.423 | The reciter, O chief of the Bharatas, should be possessed of learning and endued with a good voice and a clear utterance respecting both letters and words. |
Mbh.18.6.424 | Even such a man should, O chief of the Bharatas, recite the Bharata. |
Mbh.18.6.426 | The reciter also, O chief of the Bharatas, should be decked with ornaments and fed sumptuously. |
Mbh.18.6.429 | After this, O chief of the Bharatas, Brahmanas should be duly entertained with diverse kinds of enjoyable articles and superior things. |
Mbh.18.6.440 | The Bharata, O chief of the Bharatas, is the foremost of all scriptures. |
Mbh.18.6.444 | In the Vedas, in the Ramayana, and in the sacred Bharata, O chief of Bharatas race, Hari is sung in the beginning, the middle, and at the end. |
Mbh.18.6.456 | Ornaments, O chief of Bharatas race, for the arms, as also those for the ears, should be given. |
Mbh.18.6.461 | Such a man rescues his ancestors to the eleventh degree, as also himself with his wives and sons, O chief of Bharatas race. |
Jijith Nadumuri Ravi
Research data published for the interest of people researching on Mahabharata.
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Reference:- Mahabharata of Krishna Dwaipayana Vyasa, translated to English by Kisari Mohan Ganguli; Source of Plain Text:; Wikified at AncientVoice. |