Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 21 Feb 2010 06:31 and updated at 21 Feb 2010 06:31
Mahabharata: 18 Parvas
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Mbh.1.2.367 | This parva also describes the greatness of Bhagirathi, and the births of the Vasus in the house of Santanu and their ascension to heaven. |
Mbh.1.2.370 | The birth of Ghatotkacha; the meeting of the Pandavas with Vyasa and in accordance with his advice their stay in disguise in the house of a Brahmana in the city of Ekachakra; the destruction of the Asura Vaka, and the amazement of the populace at the sight; the extra-ordinary births of Krishna and Dhrishtadyumna; the departure of the Pandavas for Panchala in obedience to the injunction of Vyasa, and moved equally by the desire of winning the hand of Draupadi on learning the tidings of the Swayamvara from the lips of a Brahmana; victory of Arjuna over a Gandharva, called Angaraparna, on the banks of the Bhagirathi, his contraction of friendship with his adversary, and his hearing from the Gandharva the history of Tapati, Vasishtha and Aurva. |
Mbh.1.2.510 | In it is described how Yudhishthira, the king of the Kurus, was reconciled to himself on hearing the exposition of duties by Bhishma, the son of Bhagirathi. |
Mbh.1.140.7508 | Thou art the king of all the territory lying on the southern side of the Bhagirathi, while I become king of all the territory on the north of that river. |
Mbh.1.168.8618 | While thou art the king of the country to the south of Bhagirathi Ganga, I will rule the country to the north' |
Mbh.1.172.8750 | Know ye not that I am bathing in the waters of the Bhagirathi? |
Mbh.1.172.8766 | Disregarding thy words, why shall we not touch the sacred waters of the Bhagirathi free from all dangers and from which none can bar us' |
Mbh.1.184.9342 | Then the Gandharva and the Pandavas, respectfully saluting each other, left the delightful banks of the Bhagirathi and went wheresoever they desired. |
Mbh.1.198.9828 | And the mighty one sitting by the side of the Bhagirathi saw a golden lotus being carried along by the current. |
Mbh.1.198.9830 | And amongst them, that foremost of celestials, viz, Indra, desirous of ascertaining whence it came, proceeded up along the course of the Bhagirathi. |
Mbh.3.84.4593 | Proceeding next to Champa and bathing in the Bhagirathi he that sojourneth to Dandaparna, acquireth the merit of giving away a thousand kine. |
Mbh.3.85.4612 | Arriving next at Champa, and bathing in the Bhagirathi, and seeing Danda one earneth the merit of giving away a thousand kine. |
Mbh.3.99.5194 | The sacred Bhagirathi, adored by gods and Gandharvas gently runneth by, like a breeze-shaken pennon in the welkin. |
Mbh.3.135.6920 | And he fell to throwing up a dam with sands, at that spot of the Bhagirathi to which Yavakri used to descend for performing ablutions. |
Mbh.3.135.6922 | And without cessation, he threw handfuls of sand into the Bhagirathi, and began to construct the dam attracting the notice of the sage. |
Mbh.3.144.7342 | There the pious Yudhishthira beheld the hermitage of Nara and Narayana, beautified by the Bhagirathi and worshipped by the gods and the celestial sages. |
Mbh.3.144.7349 | And hard by the gigantic jujube, the mighty son of Kunti saw the Bhagirathi of easy descent and cool and furnished with fresh lotuses and having stairs made of rubies and corals and graced with trees and scattered over with celestial flowers, and gladsome to the mind. |
Mbh.3.144.7350 | And at that spot, frequented by celestials and sages, and extremely inaccessible, they, after having purified themselves offered oblations unto the pitris and the gods and the rishis in the sacred waters of the Bhagirathi. |
Mbh.5.188.8451 | Then all those ascetics with Narada at their head, O king, and my mother Bhagirathi, occupied the field of battle before me. |
Mbh.6.6.350 | From the summit of that mountain, like a stream of milk, O ruler of men, the sacred and auspicious Ganga, otherwise called Bhagirathi, adored by the most righteous, of universal form and immeasurable and issuing out with terrific noise, falleth with impetuous force on the delightful lake of Chandramas |
Mbh.6.119.6545 | With large numbers of foot-soldiers and steeds and cars, and with showers of arrows, O scorcher of foes, they overwhelmed that single warrior, viz, Bhishma the son of Bhagirathi, that scorcher of foes, like the clouds overwhelming the maker of day. |
Mbh.12.1.13 | Thousands of Brahmanas offered consolation and comfort to that king of kings residing on the sacred banks of the Bhagirathi with heart exceedingly agitated by grief. |
Mbh.12.29.1443 | The river-goddess Ganga, named from before Bhagirathi, sat upon the lap of this king dwelling near her stream, and from this incident she came to be called Urvasi |
Mbh.12.31.1659 | One day, on the shores of the Bhagirathi, the boy, accompanied by his nurse, ran hither and thither in play. |
Mbh.12.37.1975 | Conversant with all duties and possessed of universal knowledge, that son of Bhagirathi will remove all the doubts in thy heart on the difficult subject of duties. |
Mbh.12.169.10151 | He also offered him several large fishes caught from the deep waters of the Bhagirathi. |
Mbh.13.25.3460 | Repairing to Brahmasaras as also to the Bhagirathi and bathing there and offering oblations to the Pitris every day for a full month, abstaining from food all the while, one is sure to attain to the region of Soma, Bathing in Utpataka and then in Ashtavakra and offering oblations of water to the Pitris every day for twelve days in succession, abstaining the while from food, one acquires the merits of a Horse-sacrifice. |
Mbh.13.26.3536 | The Rishi crowned with success said, Those countries, those provinces, those retreats, and those mountains, should be regarded as the foremost in point of sanctity through which or by the side of which that foremost of all rivers, viz, Bhagirathi flows. |
Mbh.13.26.3537 | That end which a creature is capable of attaining by penances, by Brahmacharyya, by sacrifices, or by practising renunciation, one is sure to attain by only living by the side of the Bhagirathi and bathing in its sacred waters. |
Mbh.13.26.3538 | Those creatures whose bodies have been sprinkled with the sacred waters of Bhagirathi or whose bones have been laid in the channel of that sacred stream, have not to fall away, from heaven at any time |
Mbh.13.26.3539 | Those men, O learned Brahmana, who use the waters of Bhagirathi in all their acts, surely ascend to heaven after departing from this world. |
Mbh.13.85.7692 | Thus addressed, the illustrious and irresistible bearer of sacrificial libations answered, saying, Be it so, and he than proceeded towards Ganga otherwise called Bhagirathi. |
Mbh.13.168.13848 | Those foremost ones of Kuru's race, having thus cremated the body of the son of Ganga, proceeded to the sacred Bhagirathi, accompanied by the Rishis. |
Mbh.13.168.13851 | The goddess Bhagirathi, after those oblations of water had been offered by them unto her son, rose up from the stream, weeping and distracted by sorrow. |
Mbh.14.2.33 | And thou hast heard the duties of the Kshatriyas, recited by Bhishma, the son of Bhagirathi, by Krishna Dwaipayana, Narada and Vidura. |
Mbh.14.81.3629 | After the fall of Santanu's son, those deities, viz, the Vasus, coming to the banks of Ganga, bathed in her waters, and calling the goddess of that stream, they uttered these terrible words having the sanction of Bhagirathi herself, viz, Santanu's son Bhishma has been slain by Dhananjaya. |
Mbh.15.18.752 | The puissant monarch arrived at last on the banks of the Bhagirathi and took rest there for the night. |
Mbh.15.19.769 | Following the advice of Vidura, the king took up his abode on the banks of the Bhagirathi which were sacred and deserved to be peopled with the righteous. |
Mbh.15.19.773 | As evening came, the king, and Gandhari of great fame, both descended into the stream of the Bhagirathi and duly performed their ablutions for purifying themselves. |
Mbh.15.19.778 | From the banks of the Bhagirathi the old king, with his followers, observant of vows and with senses restrained, then proceeded to Kurukshetra. |
Mbh.15.31.1283 | Do you all go towards the Bhagirathi, |
Mbh.15.31.1285 | Vaisampayana continued, All the persons there present, having heard the words of Vyasa, raised a loud leonine shout and then proceeded towards the Bhagirathi. |
Mbh.15.32.1295 | Then the great ascetic, Vyasa, of mighty energy, bathing in the sacred waters of the Bhagirathi, summoned all the deceased warriors, viz, those that had fought on the side of the Pandavas, those that had fought for the Kauravas, including highly blessed kings belonging to diverse realms. |
Mbh.15.32.1297 | Then those kings, headed by Bhishma and Drona, with all their troops, arose by thousands from the waters of the Bhagirathi. |
Mbh.15.32.1305 | All of them rose from the waters of the Bhagirathi, with resplendent bodies. |
Mbh.15.33.1333 | Those high-souled persons, plunging into the sacred river Bhagirathi proceeded, with their cars and standards, to their respective abodes. |
Mbh.15.33.1339 | After all of them had gone away, the great sage, who was standing in the waters of the sacred stream viz, Vyasa of great righteousness and energy, that benefactor of the Kurus, then addressed those Kshatriya ladies who had become widows, and said these words, Let those amongst these foremost of women that are desirous of attaining to the regions acquired by their husbands cast away all sloth and quickly plunge into the sacred Bhagirathi, |
Mbh.15.33.1340 | Hearing these words of his, those foremost ladies, placing faith in them, took the permission of their father-in-law, and then plunged into the waters of the Bhagirathi. |
Mbh.15.33.1342 | Even thus, those ladies of virtuous conduct, devoted to their husbands entering, the waters of the Bhagirathi, became freed from their mortal tenements and attained to the companionship of their husbands in the regions acquired by them. |
Mbh.15.36.1422 | Vaisampayana said, Beholding that exceedingly wonderful sight, viz, the re-appearance of his children, the royal sage, Dhritarashtra, became divested of his grief and returned from the banks of the Bhagirathi to his retreat. |
Mbh.15.39.1647 | O sinless one, this is what the ascetics have told me, those, viz, whom I saw on the banks of the sacred Bhagirathi, O Yudhishthira. |
Jijith Nadumuri Ravi
Research data published for the interest of people researching on Mahabharata.
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Reference:- Mahabharata of Krishna Dwaipayana Vyasa, translated to English by Kisari Mohan Ganguli; Source of Plain Text:; Wikified at AncientVoice. |