Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 21 Feb 2010 05:46 and updated at 21 Feb 2010 05:46
Mahabharata: 18 Parvas
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Mbh.3.12.639 | O God, O thou of eyes like lotus leaves, the deeds thou hast performed while still a boy, having recourse to thy might and aided by Baladeva, have never been done by others, nor are they capable of being achieved by others in the future! |
Mbh.3.18.909 | What will the elder brother of Kesava, the mighty-armed Baladeva, clad in blue and inebriate with wine, say, when he returneth? |
Mbh.3.21.1038 | And, O hero, hearing of that great misfortune, I mentally censured Satyaki, and Baladeva, and also that mighty pradyumna. |
Mbh.3.21.1040 | And in a sorrowful heart, I asked myself, Doth that destroyer of foes, the mighty-armed Baladeva, live, and Satyaki, and the son of Rukmini and Charudeshna possessed of prowess, and Shamva and others? |
Mbh.3.21.1042 | And thought, I, It is plain that Vasudeva is dead and equally plain that the others with Baladeva at their head have been deprived of life, This was my certain conclusion. |
Mbh.5.2.42 | SECTION II Baladeva said, You have all listened to the speech of him who is the elder brother of Gada, characterised as it is by a sense of virtue and prudence, and salutary alike to Yudhishthira and king Duryodhana. |
Mbh.5.48.2743 | It was Krishna, who, having Baladeva for his second, slew Ugrasena's wicked son Kansa, seated in court in the midst of the Vrishnis and the Andhakas, and then gave unto Ugrasena the kingdom. |
Mbh.8.6.165 | That invincible hero, viz, Abhimanyu, who, though a child in years, was still equal in battle to Arjuna or Keshava or Baladeva, O lord, that, warrior who was highly accomplished in battle, after making an immense slaughter of the foe, was at last encompassed by six foremost of car-warriors and slain by them. |
Mbh.9.33.2493 | After this, the mighty Baladeva of undecaying glory proceeded to Chamasodbheda, that is, to that tirtha which is called by that name. |
Mbh.9.34.2497 | SECTION Vaishampayana said, Baladeva as already said, proceeded next to the tirtha called Udapana in the Sarasvati, that had formerly been the residence, O king, of the illustrious ascetic Trita. |
Mbh.9.35.2580 | Having bathed in that tirtha of the Sarasvati, the mighty Baladeva then proceeded to Subhumika, situated on the excellent bank of the same river. |
Mbh.9.35.2586 | Baladeva of Madhu's race, having bathed in that tirtha and given away much wealth unto the Brahmanas, heard the sound of those celestial songs and musical instruments. |
Mbh.9.35.2591 | Baladeva of Madhu's race proceeded thence, accompanied by many Brahmanas and eulogised by them. |
Mbh.9.35.2596 | Smeared with white sandal-paste, O king, Baladeva, repairing to that tirtha, duly gave away wealth unto many ascetics of cleansed souls. |
Mbh.9.35.2603 | Having given away in that tirtha many milch cows, and vessels of copper and iron, and diverse kinds of other vessels, that tiger of Yadu's race, Baladeva, having the plough for his weapon, worshipped the Brahmanas and was worshipped by them in return. |
Mbh.9.35.2607 | Having given away unto the Brahmanas diverse articles of enjoyment in profusion, Baladeva then, O king, proceeded along the southern bank of the Sarasvati. |
Mbh.9.35.2613 | Duly giving away many valuables there unto the Brahmanas, Baladeva then set out with face towards the east and reached, one after another, hundreds and thousands of famous tirthas that occurred at every step. |
Mbh.9.35.2614 | Bathing in all those tirthas, and observing fasts and other vows as directed by the Rishis, and giving away wealth in profusion, and saluting all the ascetics who had taken up their residence there, Baladeva once more set out, along the way that those ascetics pointed out to him, for reaching that spot where the Sarasvati turns in an eastward direction, like torrents of rain bent by the action of the wind. |
Mbh.9.36.2695 | All these seven forms then came and joined together in that tirtha where Baladeva came. |
Mbh.9.37.2745 | Baladeva then went to the tirtha known by the name of Usanas. |
Mbh.9.37.2753 | Arrived at that foremost of tirthas, Baladeva, O king, duly made presents unto the high-souled Brahmanas' |
Mbh.9.37.2779 | Baladeva of great beauty, surrounded by Brahmanas, then went to that spot, O monarch, where Rushangu had, in former days, cast off his body. |
Mbh.9.37.2785 | The righteoussouled Baladeva, touching the water of that tirtha and bathing in it, gave considerable wealth unto the Brahmanas, being devoted to them. |
Mbh.9.37.2786 | Possessed of great might and great prowess Baladeva then proceeded to that tirtha where the adorable Grandsire had created the mountains called Lokaloka, where that foremost of Rishis, Arshtishena of rigid vows, O thou of Kuru's race, had by austere penances acquired the status of Brahmanhood, where the royal sage Sindhudwipa, and the great ascetic Devapi, and the adorable and illustrious Muni Vishvamitra of austere penances and fierce energy, had all acquired a similar status |
Mbh.9.39.2891 | The illustrious Baladeva, of soul subdued and restrained and cleansed, having the palmyra on his banner, distinguished by great righteousness, and ever giving away the most valuable things, then proceeded to that tirtha of fierce current called Vasishthapavaha |
Mbh.9.41.3011 | Vaishampayana continued, The high-souled Baladeva having bathed in that tirtha and given away many kinds of gifts, obtained great merit. |
Mbh.9.45.3365 | Bathing in that tirtha also and giving away diverse kinds of gifts, Baladeva, the slayer of Pralamva, possessed of great wisdom, then proceeded to Agnitirtha, that spot where the eater of clarified butter, disappearing from the view, became concealed within the entrails of the Sami wood. |
Mbh.9.45.3385 | Baladeva having repaired to that tirtha and bathed in its waters duly gave much wealth unto the Brahamanas. |
Mbh.9.46.3488 | That foremost one among the Yadus, Baladeva of great dignity, having bathed in that tirtha and given away much wealth unto many foremost of Brahmanas, then proceeded, with soul well-fixed on meditation, to the tirtha of Sakta |
Mbh.9.47.3497 | Having duly bathed there, Baladeva worshipped the Brahmanas with presents of excellent food and robes. |
Mbh.9.47.3504 | Having bathed in that sacred and foremost of tirthas that was the resort of gods and regenerate Rishis, Baladeva duly worshipped the ascetics there, and then proceeded to the tirtha called Yamuna. |
Mbh.9.47.3509 | The ever-liberal and puissant Baladeva having worshipped the Rishis there, made many presents unto those that desired them. |
Mbh.9.47.3510 | Filled with joy and praised by the great Rishis, Baladeva, that hero ever decked with garlands of wild flowers and possessed of eyes like lotus leaves, then proceeded to the tirtha called Aditya. |
Mbh.9.50.3704 | While there Baladeva heard of the slaughter of Shalya. |
Mbh.9.51.3739 | Listen to it, O Baladeva! |
Mbh.9.52.3751 | Beholding that goodly asylum with many marks of sacredness, Baladeva asked the Rishis as to whose it was. |
Mbh.9.52.3752 | Those high-souled ones, O king, said unto Baladeva, Listen in detail, O Rama, as to whose asylum this was in days of yore! |
Mbh.9.52.3759 | Having heard these words of the Rishis, Baladeva entered that asylum. |
Mbh.9.52.3760 | Bidding farewell to the Rishis, Baladeva of unfading glory went through the performance of all the rites and ceremonies of the evening twilight on the side of Himavat and then began his ascent of the mountain. |
Mbh.9.52.3803 | Journeying then on that car of great fleetness, Baladeva, that bull of Yadu's race, desirous of beholding the approaching encounter of his two disciples arrived on the field |
Mbh.9.58.4163 | SECTION Dhritarashtra said, Beholding the Kuru king struck down unfairly, what O Suta, did the mighty Baladeva, that foremost one of Yadu's race, say? |
Mbh.9.58.4174 | The mighty Baladeva then, uplifting his plough, rushed towards Bhimasena! |
Mbh.12.48.2557 | O Krishna, O younger brother of Baladeva, the highest knowledge is from thee |
Mbh.13.126.10993 | Baladeva said, Listen now to another great mystery that is fraught with happiness to men. |
Jijith Nadumuri Ravi
Research data published for the interest of people researching on Mahabharata.
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Reference:- Mahabharata of Krishna Dwaipayana Vyasa, translated to English by Kisari Mohan Ganguli; Source of Plain Text:; Wikified at AncientVoice. |