Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 20 Feb 2010 16:01 and updated at 23 Mar 2010 11:06
Mahabharata: 18 Parvas
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Mbh.1.1.112 | And when he beheld the hall of assembly elegantly constructed by Maya the Asura architect after the fashion of a celestial court, he was inflamed with rage. |
Mbh.1.2.300 | After these come Harana-harika, Khandava-daha the burning of the Khandava forest and Maya-darsana meeting with Maya the Asura architect. |
Mbh.1.2.363 | The high-souled Vyasa composed these hundred parvas of which the above is only an abridgement: having distributed them into eighteen, the son of Suta recited them consecutively in the forest of Naimisha as follows: In the Adi parva are contained Paushya, Pauloma, Astika, Adivansavatara, Samva, the burning of the house of lac, the slaying of Hidimba, the destruction of the Asura Vaka, Chitraratha, the Swayamvara of Draupadi, her marriage after the overthrow of rivals in war, the arrival of Vidura, the restoration, Arjuna's exile, the abduction of Subhadra, the gift and receipt of the marriage dower, the burning of the Khandava forest, and the meeting with the Asura-architect Maya. |
Mbh.1.2.370 | The birth of Ghatotkacha; the meeting of the Pandavas with Vyasa and in accordance with his advice their stay in disguise in the house of a Brahmana in the city of Ekachakra; the destruction of the Asura Vaka, and the amazement of the populace at the sight; the extra-ordinary births of Krishna and Dhrishtadyumna; the departure of the Pandavas for Panchala in obedience to the injunction of Vyasa, and moved equally by the desire of winning the hand of Draupadi on learning the tidings of the Swayamvara from the lips of a Brahmana; victory of Arjuna over a Gandharva, called Angaraparna, on the banks of the Bhagirathi, his contraction of friendship with his adversary, and his hearing from the Gandharva the history of Tapati, Vasishtha and Aurva. |
Mbh.1.2.386 | Here also is recited the sacrificial magnificence of Gaya; then the story of Agastya in which the Rishi ate up the Asura Vatapi, and his connubial connection with Lopamudra from the desire of offspring. |
Mbh.1.2.390 | Bhima's meeting on his way, in a grove of bananas, with Hanuman, the son of Pavana of great prowess; Bhima's bath in the tank and the destruction of the flowers therein for obtaining the sweet-scented flower he was in search of; his consequent battle with the mighty Rakshasas and the Yakshas of great prowess including Hanuman; the destruction of the Asura Jata by Bhima; the meeting of the Pandavas with the royal sage Vrishaparva; their departure for the asylum of Arshtishena and abode therein: the incitement of Bhima to acts of vengeance by Draupadi. |
Mbh.1.2.452 | Then the history of the fall of the Asura Tripura. |
Mbh.1.61.2955 | And it was on this occasion that Arjuna relieved the great Asura Maya from fear of being consumed in the fire. |
Mbh.1.65.3274 | And the son of Vali is known to be the great Asura, Vana. |
Mbh.1.65.3279 | The following ten, gifted with great strength and vigour, were also, O king, born in the race of Danu, Ekaksha, Amritapa of heroic courage, Pralamva and Naraka, Vatrapi, Satrutapana, and Satha, the great Asura; Gavishtha, and Vanayu, and the Danava called Dirghajiva. |
Mbh.1.65.3285 | They were Vikshara, Vala, Vira, and Vritra the great Asura. |
Mbh.1.65.3299 | Anavadya Manu, Vansa, Asura, Marganapria, Anupa, Subhaga, Vasi, were the daughters brought forth by Pradha, Siddha, and Purna, and Varhin, and Purnayus of great fame, Brahmacharin, Ratiguna, and Suparna who was the seventh; Viswavasu, Bhanu, and Suchandra who was the tenth, were also the sons of Pradha. |
Mbh.1.67.3436 | And he who was known as the great Asura Vashkala became on earth the great Bhagadatta. |
Mbh.1.67.3438 | That other Asura of mighty energy who was known by the name of Ketumat became on earth the monarch Amitaujas of terrible deeds. |
Mbh.1.67.3439 | That great Asura who was known as Swarbhanu became on earth the monarch Ugrasena of fierce deeds. |
Mbh.1.67.3440 | That great Asura who was known as Aswa became on earth the monarch Asoka of exceeding energy and invincible in battle. |
Mbh.1.67.3442 | The great and fortunate Asura who was known as Vrishaparvan became noted on earth as king Dirghaprajna. |
Mbh.1.67.3444 | The powerful and mighty Asura who was known as Aswagriva became noted on earth as king Rochamana. |
Mbh.1.67.3445 | And, O king, the Asura who was known as Sukshma, endued with great intelligence and whose achievements also were great, became on earth the famous king Vrihadratha. |
Mbh.1.67.3447 | That Asura of great strength who was known as Ishupa became the monarch Nagnajita of famous prowess. |
Mbh.1.67.3448 | The great Asura who was known as Ekachakra became noted on earth as Pritivindhya. |
Mbh.1.67.3449 | The great Asura Virupaksha capable of displaying various modes of fight became noted on earth as king Chitravarman. |
Mbh.1.67.3451 | The Asura Suhtra of great energy and the destroyer of foemen, became noted on earth as the fortunate monarch, Munjakesa. |
Mbh.1.67.3452 | That Asura of great intelligence called Nikumbha, who was never vanquished in battle was born on earth as king Devadhipa, the first among monarchs. |
Mbh.1.67.3453 | That great Asura known amongst the sons of Diti by the name of Sarabha became on earth the royal sage called Paurava. |
Mbh.1.67.3454 | And, O king, the great Asura of exceeding energy, the fortunate Kupatha, was born on earth as the famous monarch Suparswa. |
Mbh.1.67.3455 | The great Asura, O king, who was called Kratha, was born on earth as the royal sage Parvateya of form resplendent like a golden mountain. |
Mbh.1.67.3456 | He amongst the Asura who was known as Salabha the second, became on earth the monarch Prahlada in the country of the Valhikas. |
Mbh.1.67.3460 | That great Asura of surpassing energy known as Garishtha became noted on earth as king Drumasena. |
Mbh.1.67.3461 | The great Asura who was known as Mayura became noted on earth as the monarch Viswa. |
Mbh.1.67.3463 | The mighty Asura who was known as Chandrahantri became on earth the royal sage Sunaka. |
Mbh.1.67.3464 | The great Asura who was called Chandravinasana became noted on earth as the monarch, Janaki. |
Mbh.1.67.3468 | The second brother of Vikshara, the great Asura, was born on earth as the king of the country, called Pandya. |
Mbh.1.67.3470 | And, O king, that great Asura who was known as Vritra became on earth the royal sage known by the name of Manimat. |
Mbh.1.67.3471 | That Asura who was the younger brother of Vritra and known as Krodhahantri became noted on earth as king Danda. |
Mbh.1.67.3472 | That other Asura who was known by the name Krodhavardhana became noted on earth as the monarch, Dandadhara. |
Mbh.1.67.3478 | That great Asura amongst them who was the fifth, became noted on earth as king Mahanjas, the oppressor of enemies. |
Mbh.1.67.3479 | That great Asura possessing great intelligence who was the sixth of them became noted on earth as Abhiru, that best of royal sages. |
Mbh.1.67.3483 | The mighty Asura Krathana gifted with great energy became noted on earth as the monarch Suryaksha. |
Mbh.1.67.3484 | The great Asura of handsome features known by the name of Surya, became on earth the monarch of the Valhikas by name Darada, that foremost of all kings. |
Mbh.1.67.3486 | Madraka, and Karnaveshta, Siddhartha, and also Kitaka; Suvira, and Suvahu, and Mahavira, and also Valhika, Kratha, Vichitra, Suratha, and the handsome king Nila; and Chiravasa, and Bhumipala; and Dantavakra, and he who was called Durjaya; that tiger amongst kings named Rukmi; and king Janamejaya, Ashada, and Vayuvega, and also Bhuritejas; Ekalavya, and Sumitra, Vatadhana, and also Gomukha; the tribe of kings called the Karushakas, and also Khemadhurti; Srutayu, and Udvaha, and also Vrihatsena; Kshema, Ugratirtha, the king of the Kalingas; and Matimat, and he was known as king Iswara; these first of kings were all born of the Asura class called Krodhavasa. |
Mbh.1.67.3487 | There was also born on earth a mighty Asura known amongst the Danavas by the name of Kalanemi, endued with great strength, of grand achievements, and blessed with a large share of prosperity. |
Mbh.1.73.3831 | These are Brahma, Daiva, Arsha, Prajapatya, Asura, Gandharva, Rakshasa, and Paisacha, the eighth. |
Mbh.1.73.3835 | The Asura form is permitted to Vaisyas and Sudras. |
Mbh.1.73.3837 | The Paisacha and the Asura forms should never be practised. |
Mbh.1.78.4379 | And Devayani said, O daughter of the Asura chief, why dost thou take my attire, being, as thou art, my disciple? |
Mbh.1.78.4416 | Vaisampayana continued, Ghurnika, thus commanded, repaired quickly to the mansion, of the Asura chief, where she saw Kavya and spoke unto him with her perception dimmed by anger. |
Mbh.1.78.4423 | Really hath she said that thou art only the hired chanter of the praises of the Asura king! |
Mbh.1.80.4458 | Dost thou, O Asura chief, think that I am a raving liar? |
Mbh.1.80.4473 | Vrishaparvan then said, O Bhargava, thou art the absolute master of whatever is possessed by the Asura chiefs in this world-their elephants, kine and horses, and even my humble self' |
Mbh.1.80.4474 | Sukra then answered, If it is true, O great Asura, that I am the lord of all the wealth of the Asuras, then go and gratify Devayani' |
Mbh.1.80.4476 | Devayani, however, quickly replied, O Bhargava, if thou art truly the lord of the Asura king himself and of all his wealth, then let the king himself come to me and say so in my presence' |
Mbh.1.80.4497 | I shall now enter the Asura capital! |
Mbh.1.80.4499 | Vaisampayana continued, That best of Brahmanas, of great reputation, thus addressed by his daughter, then, entered the Asura capital in the gladness of his heart. |
Mbh.1.81.4515 | She is Sarmishtha, the daughter of the Asura king Vrishaparvan' |
Mbh.1.81.4516 | Yayati then asked, I am curious to know why is this thy companion of fair eye-brows, this maiden of the fairest complexion, the daughter of the Asura chief thy waiting-maid' |
Mbh.1.83.4661 | Dost thou not fear to have recourse once more to that Asura custom of thine' |
Mbh.1.100.5666 | O oppressor of all foes, he hath no security, even if he be an Asura or a Gandharva, who hath a rival in thee. |
Mbh.1.138.7361 | And that foremost of eloquent men, the offspring of the Sun, in a voice deep as that of the clouds, addressed his unknown brother, the son of the subduer of the Asura, Paka Indra, saying, O Partha, I shall perform feats before this gazing multitude; excelling all thou hast performed! |
Mbh.1.140.7474 | Then the king of the Panchalas, accompanied by the generalissimo of his forces Satyajit, rushed with speed at Arjuna like the Asura Samvara rushing at the chief of the celestials in days of yore. |
Mbh.1.140.7478 | And the two warriors, like unto Indra and the Asura Virochana's son Vali, approaching each other for combat, began to grind each other's ranks. |
Mbh.1.172.8802 | In days of yore the thunderbolt was created for the chief of the celestials in order that he might slay the Asura Vritra with it. |
Mbh.1.173.8883 | Thou seemest not to be of celestial or Asura or Yaksha or Rakshasa or Naga or Gandharva or human origin. |
Mbh.1.210.10319 | In olden days, a mighty Daitya named Nikumbha, endued with great energy and strength was born in the race of the great Asura, Hiranyakasipu. |
Mbh.1.211.10377 | Ordering their soldiers thus on the eastern shore of the great ocean, and entertaining such a cruel resolution, the Asura brothers set out in all directions. |
Mbh.1.211.10380 | Whilst their soldiers threw into the water the sacrificial fires that were in the asylums of Munis with souls under complete control, the curses uttered by the illustrious Rishis in wrath, rendered abortive by the boons granted by Brahman, affected not the Asura brothers. |
Mbh.1.211.10382 | Even those Rishis on earth that were crowned with ascetic success, and had their passions under complete control and were wholly engrossed in meditation of the Deity, from fear of the Asura brothers, fled like snakes at the approach of Vinata's son Garuda the snake-eater. |
Mbh.1.211.10387 | Assuming the forms of maddened elephants with temples rent from excess of juice, the Asura pair, searching out the Rishis who had sheltered themselves in caves, sent them to the region of Yama. |
Mbh.1.211.10399 | Subjugating all the points of heaven by means of such cruel acts, the Asura brothers took up their abode in Kurukshetra, without a single rival |
Mbh.1.212.10405 | And they told the Grandsire in detail everything that the Asura brothers had done, and how they had done it, and in what order. |
Mbh.1.212.10408 | Resolving to compass the destruction of the Asura brothers, he summoned Viswakarman the celestial architect. |
Mbh.1.212.10420 | And, O damsel, conduct thyself there in such a way that the Asura brothers may, in consequence of the wealth of thy beauty, quarrel with each other as soon as they cast their eyes upon thee' |
Mbh.1.213.10433 | SECTION CCXIV Rajya-labha Parva continued Narada continued, Meanwhile the Asura brothers having subjugated the earth were without a rival. |
Mbh.1.213.10444 | The Asura brothers, intoxicated with the large portions they had imbibed, were smitten upon beholding that maiden of transcendent beauty. |
Mbh.1.229.11226 | And it so happened that the slayer of Madhu suddenly beheld an Asura of the name of Maya escaping from the abode of Takshaka. |
Mbh.1.229.11227 | Agni having Vayu for his car-driver, assuming a body with matted locks on head, and roaring like the clouds, pursued the Asura, desirous of consuming him. |
Mbh.1.229.11228 | Beholding the Asura, Vasudeva stood with his weapon upraised, ready to smite him down, seeing the discus uplifted and Agni pursuing from behind to burn him, Maya said Run to me, O Arjuna, and protect me' |
Mbh.2.1.6 | Arjuna said, O great Asura, everything hath already been done by thee even by this offer of thine. |
Mbh.2.3.76 | Having spoken thus unto Partha, the Asura went away in a north-easterly direction. |
Mbh.2.3.88 | And the great Asura, Maya, having gone thither, possessed himself of the whole of the great wealth which was guarded by Yakshas and Rakshasas. |
Mbh.2.3.89 | Bringing them, the Asura constructed therewith a peerless palace, which was of great beauty and of celestial make, composed entirely of gems and precious stones, and celebrated throughout the three worlds. |
Mbh.2.10.402 | And, O tiger among kings, the illustrious husband of Uma and lord of created things, the three-eyed Mahadeva, the wielder of the trident and the slayer of the Asura called Bhaga-netra, the mighty god of the fierce bow, surrounded by multitudes of spirits in their hundreds and thousands, some of dwarfish stature, some of fierce visage, some hunch-backed, some of blood-red eyes, some of frightful yells, some feeding upon fat and flesh, and some terrible to behold, but all armed with various weapons and endued with the speed of wind, with the goddess Parvati ever cheerful and knowing no fatigue, always waiteth here upon their friend Kuvera, the lord of treasures. |
Mbh.2.23.1035 | And saying this, Jarasandha, that represser of all foes endued, rushed with great energy at Bhimasena like the Asura Vala or old who rushed at the chief of the celestials. |
Mbh.2.47.1941 | Having saved the Asura Maya from a conflagration, Arjuna, that slayer of foes, using both his hands with equal skill, caused him to build that assembly house. |
Mbh.2.49.2081 | Bringing jewels from the lake Vindu, the Asura architect Maya constructed for the Pandavas a lake-like surface made of crystal. |
Mbh.3.11.552 | And even as Agastya ate up and digested the mighty Asura Vatapi I will eat up and digest this Bhima' |
Mbh.3.12.611 | Slaying the Asura Naraka, offspring of the Earth-first begotten, thou hadst obtained his ear-rings, and performed, O Krishna, the first horse-sacrifice offering up that Asura as the sacrificial horse! |
Mbh.3.16.836 | And on that heroic Asura of mighty energy, being slain with the mace, my son entered within that mighty host and began to fight with all. |
Mbh.3.26.1224 | It was for this that all the desires of Virochana's son, the Asura Vali, were ever gratified, and his wealth was ever inexhaustible. |
Mbh.3.39.2072 | Is he Rudra himself, or some other god, or a Yaksha, or an Asura? |
Mbh.3.84.4543 | A wicked Asura in the shape of a tortoise had, O foremost of monarchs, been carrying it away when the powerful Vishnu recovered it from him. |
Mbh.3.96.5058 | And the king also enquired after the extent of that man-destroying Daitya's prowess, and the reason also of the illustrious Agastya's wrath being excited against that Asura. |
Mbh.3.96.5061 | The Brahmana, however, did not grant the Asura a son like Indra. |
Mbh.3.96.5062 | And at this, the Asura was inflamed with wrath against the Brahmana. |
Mbh.3.96.5063 | And from that day, O king, the Asura Ilwala became a destroyer of Brahmanas. |
Mbh.3.96.5064 | And endued with power of illusion the angry Asura transformed his brother into a ram. |
Mbh.3.96.5069 | And so having transformed the Asura Vatapi into a ram and properly cooked his flesh and feeding Brahmanas therewith, he would summon Vatapi. |
Mbh.3.96.5070 | And the mighty Asura Vatapi, that foe of Brahmanas, endued with great strength and power of illusion, hearing, O king, those sounds uttered with a loud voice by Ilwala, and ripping open the flanks of the Brahmana would come laughingly out, O lord of earth! |
Mbh.3.99.5155 | Then all those royal sages, beholding the mighty Asura Vatapi, who had been transformed into a ram thus cooked for them, became sad and cheerless and were nearly deprived of themselves. |
Mbh.3.99.5156 | But that best of Rishis, Agastya, addressing those royal sages, said, Yield ye not to grief, I will eat up the great Asura' |
Mbh.3.99.5163 | I have already digested that great Asura' |
Mbh.3.99.5165 | And Agastya smilingly answered Ilwala, saying, We know thee, O Asura, to be possessed of great power and also enormous wealth. |
Mbh.3.99.5169 | Hearing this Agastya said, O great Asura, thou hast even purposed to give unto each of these kings ten thousand kine and as many gold coins. |
Mbh.3.101.5294 | And the chief of the celestials, deeply agitated on hearing that fierce and loud roar, was filled with fear, and desiring to slay the Asura soon, hurled, O king, the mighty Vajra. |
Mbh.3.101.5295 | And struck with Indra's Vajra the great Asura decked in gold and garlands fell head-long, like the great mountain Mandara hurled of yore from Vishnu's hands; and although the prince of Daityas was slain, yet Sakra in panic ran from the field, desiring to take shelter in a lake, thinking that the Vajra itself had not been hurled from his hands and regarding that Vritra himself was still alive. |
Mbh.3.102.5331 | And that other great Asura also, Vali by name, was incapable of being slain by any one. |
Mbh.3.102.5333 | O lord, it was by thee that that wicked Asura, Jambha by name, who was a mighty bowman and who always obstructed sacrifices, was slain. |
Mbh.3.124.6336 | And the world resounded with the loud and frightful sounds uttered by the Asura |
Mbh.3.172.8622 | Thereat, Matali replied, Once on a time a Daitya's daughter, named Pulama and a mighty female of the Asura order, Kalaka by name, practised severe austerities for a thousand celestial years. |
Mbh.3.200.10339 | Even now a great Asura of the name of Dhundhu is undergoing ascetic penances of fierce austerity with the object of destroying the triple world. |
Mbh.3.200.10340 | Hear now as to who will slay that Asura. |
Mbh.3.200.10342 | And that best of kings will be furnished with yoga power springing from me and urged and commended by thee, O regenerate Rishi, that king will be the slayer of the Asura Dhundhu' |
Mbh.3.201.10370 | And endued with immeasurable energy, that Danava, O king, dwelleth under the ground, and, O king, it behoveth thee to retire into the woods, having first slain that Asura. |
Mbh.3.201.10371 | That Asura is now lying still in the observance of an ascetic penance of great austerity and, O king, the object he hath in view is sovereignty over the celestials as also of the three worlds. |
Mbh.3.201.10372 | And, O king, having, obtained a boon from the Grandsire of all creatures, that Asura hath become incapable of being slain by the gods and Daityas and Rakshasas and Gandharvas. |
Mbh.3.201.10375 | And O king, when at the end of every year that wicked Asura lying covered with sands, wakes up and begins to breathe, then the whole earth with her mountains, forests and woods begins to tremble. |
Mbh.3.201.10378 | Indeed, when that Asura is slain the triple world will be in peace and happiness. |
Mbh.3.201.10379 | That thou art competent, O king, to slay that Asura, I fully believe. |
Mbh.3.201.10381 | In days of old, O king, Vishnu gave this boon that the king who should slay this fierce and great Asura would be pervaded by the invincible energy of Vishnu himself. |
Mbh.3.203.10435 | And at last O bull of the Bharata race, that wicked souled Asura arriving at a sea of sands known by the name of Ujjalaka, began to distress to the utmost of his might the asylum of Utanka. |
Mbh.3.203.10436 | And endued with fierce energy, Dhundhu, the son of Madhu and Kaitabha, lay in his subterranean cave underneath the sands in the observance of fierce ascetic and severe austerities with the object of destroying the triple world, and while the Asura lay breathing near the asylum of Utanka that Rishi possessed of the splendour of fire, king Kualaswa with his troops, accompanied by the Brahmana Utanka, as also by all his sons set out for that region, O bull of the Bharata race! |
Mbh.3.203.10440 | And during the march of that wise one, cool breezes began to blow and the chief of the celestials poured gentle showers wetting the dust on the roads and, O Yudhishthira, the cars of the celestials could be seen high over the spot where the mighty Asura Dhundhu was. |
Mbh.3.203.10441 | The gods and Gandharvas and great Rishis urged by curiosity, came there to behold the encounter between Dhundhu and Kuvalaswa and, O thou of the Kuru race, filled by Narayana with his own energy, king Kuvalaswa, aided by his sons, soon surrounded that sea of sands and the king ordered that wilderness to be excavated and after the king's sons had excavated that sea of sands for seven days, they could see the mighty Asura Dhundhu. |
Mbh.3.203.10442 | And, O bull of the Bharata race, the huge body of that Asura lay within those sands, effulgent in its own energy like the Sun himself. |
Mbh.3.203.10444 | And enraged, the Asura began to swallow those various weapons that were hurled at him and he vomited from his mouth fiery flames like unto those of the fire called Samvarta that appeareth at the end of the Yuga and by those flames of his, the Asura consumed all the sons of the king and, O tiger among men, like the Lord Kapila of old consuming the sons of king Sagara, the infuriated Asura overwhelming the triple world with the flames vomited from his mouth, achieved that wonderful feat in a moment. |
Mbh.3.203.10445 | And, O thou best of the Bharatas, when all those sons of king Kuvalaswa were consumed by the fire emitted by the Asura in wrath, the monarch, possessed as he was of mighty energy, then approached the Danava who, like unto a second Kumbhakarna of mighty energy, had come to the encounter after waking from his slumbers. |
Mbh.3.203.10446 | From the body of the king, O monarch, then began to flow a mighty and copious stream of water and that stream soon extinguished, O king, the fiery flames emitted by the Asura. |
Mbh.3.203.10447 | And, O great king, the royal Kuvalaswa, filled with Yoga force, having extinguished those flames by the water that issued from his body, consumed that Daitya of wicked prowess with the celebrated weapon called Brahma for relieving the triple world of its fears, and the royal sage Kuvalaswa, having consumed that great Asura, that foe of the celestials and slayer of all enemies, by means of that weapon became like unto a second chief of the triple world and the high-souled king Kuvalaswa having slain the the Asura Dhundhu, became from that time known by the name of Dhundhumara and from that time he came to be regarded as invincible in battle, and the gods and the great Rishis who had come to witness that encounter were so far gratified with him that they addressed him saying, Ask thou a boon of us' |
Mbh.3.205.10526 | It was for his having disregarded the Brahmanas that the great Asura, the wicked and evil-minded Vatapi was digested when he came in contact with Agastya. |
Mbh.3.222.11249 | And having said these words, he saw Kesin an Asura adorned with a crown and mace in hand standing even like a hill of metals at a distance and holding that lady by the hand. |
Mbh.3.222.11250 | Vasava addressed then that Asura saying, Why art thou bent on behaving insolently to this lady? |
Mbh.3.222.11262 | And when the Asura was gone, Indra said to that lady, Who and whose wife art thou, O lady with a beautiful face, and what has brought thee here |
Mbh.3.223.11266 | And the great Asura Kesin used daily to pay his court to us. |
Mbh.3.224.11341 | And seizing the terrific and immense bow which was used by the destroyer of the Asura Tripura for the destruction of the enemies of the gods, that mighty being uttered such a terrible roar that the three worlds with their mobile and immobile divisions became struck with awe. |
Mbh.3.230.11672 | And although that adorable god Rudra was in that plight, yet he did not think it worth while to kill Mahisha in battle; he remembered that Skanda would deal the deathblow to that evil-minded Asura. |
Mbh.3.255.12552 | And I shall observe the Asura vow and whoever may solicit me for any thing, I never shall say, I have it not' |
Mbh.3.285.13952 | And beholding Kumbhakarna endued with great activity and resembling the Asura Vritra himself, deprived of life and prostrated on the field of battle, the Rakshasa warriors fled in fear. |
Mbh.3.301.14831 | It was for their disregard of Brahmanas that were deserving of honour that the mighty Asura Vatapi, as also Talajangha, was destroyed by the curse of the Brahmanas. |
Mbh.4.13.492 | And Bhima then summoned to the combat that athlete known by the name of Jimuta who was like unto the Asura Vritra whose prowess was widely known. |
Mbh.4.13.511 | And all people, O king, took deep interest in that encounter of those powerful wrestlers who fought like Indra and the Asura Vritra. |
Mbh.5.8.288 | Whatever troubles were suffered by thee together with Draupadi on the occasion of the game at dice, the rude inhuman words uttered by the Suta's son, the misery inflicted by the Asura Jata and by Kichaka, O illustrious one, all the miseries experienced by Draupadi, like those formerly experienced by Damayanti, will all, O hero, end in joy. |
Mbh.5.9.365 | And that Asura grew in might, towering towards the firmament, and resembling the son of fire. |
Mbh.5.9.374 | And as Vritra yawned and his mouth opened the slayer of the Asura, Vala contracted the different parts of his body, and came out from within Vritra's mouth. |
Mbh.5.10.396 | Thou didst bind the great Asura Vali and hadst raised Indra to the throne of heaven. |
Mbh.5.10.417 | And the Asura thus spoke, What you, O highly-gifted beings, and also all these Gandharvas are saying, I have heard. |
Mbh.5.10.431 | Salya said, Hearing these words of the great Rishis, the illustrious Asura spoke to them, No doubt, the Rishis, endued with supernatural powers, are to be respected by me. |
Mbh.5.10.439 | And on a certain day when it was evening and the hour awful, Indra caught sight of the mighty Asura on the coast of the sea. |
Mbh.5.10.440 | And he bethought himself of the boon that was granted to the illustrious Asura, saying, This is the awful evening time; it is neither day, nor night; and this Vritra, my enemy, who hath stripped me of my all, must undoubtedly be killed by me. |
Mbh.5.10.441 | It I do not kill Vritra, this great and mighty Asura of gigantic frame, even by deceit, it will not go well with me' |
Mbh.5.11.468 | Whatever being may stand within thy sight, whether he be a god, an Asura, a Yaksha, a saint, a Pitri, or a Gandharva, thou shalt absorb his power and thereby wax strong. |
Mbh.5.13.583 | And at that place, the slayer of the Asura Vala, quaked when he looked at Nahusha, before whom all animated beings felt cowed, and who was unapproachable by virtue of the boon the Rishis had granted to him. |
Mbh.5.16.714 | And he said, O Indra, the great Asura Namuchi was killed by thee; and those two Asuras also of terrible strength, viz, Samvara and Vala. |
Mbh.5.48.2742 | Ekalavya, the king of the Nishadas, always used to challenge this one to battle; but slain by Krishna he lay dead like the Asura Jambha violently thrashed on a hillock. |
Mbh.5.49.2806 | It was this Arjuna, who, riding on a whirling car, severed in battle, with a broad-headed arrow, the head of the Asura Jambha while the latter was about to swallow him. |
Mbh.5.57.3154 | That great car-warrior, Dhrishtadyumna, who is acquainted with human, celestial, Gandharva and Asura arrays of battle, leadeth that host. |
Mbh.5.70.3513 | He is called Madhusudana because of his having slain the Asura Madhu, and also because of his being the substance of the twenty-four objects of knowledge. |
Mbh.5.109.5024 | It was here that the Asura Vritra, in consequence of his wicked conduct, incurred the enmity of Sakra. |
Mbh.5.111.5094 | In covering, O Brahmana, the three worlds with three steps in the sacrifice of Vali the Asura king, Vishnu had covered this whole northern region; and, accordingly, there is a spot here called Vishnupada. |
Mbh.5.159.7029 | Baffling the nooses of Mura and slaying by his might that Asura, and vanquishing Naraka, the son of the Earth, Hrishikesa, while recovering the begemmed ear-rings of Aditi, with sixteen thousand girls and various kinds of jewels and gems, obtained that excellent bow called Sarnga. |
Mbh.5.180.8058 | Amva said, O Rama, slay in battle that Bhishma who roareth like an Asura. |
Mbh.6.19.900 | How did Kunti's son, O Sanjaya, form his counter-array against that Bhishma who was acquainted with all kinds of arrays, viz, human, celestial, Gandharva, and Asura |
Mbh.6.20.969 | Thy generalissimo Bhishma, the son of Santanu, as each day dawned, sometimes disposed thy troops in the human army, sometimes in the celestial, sometimes in the Gandharva, and sometimes in the Asura. |
Mbh.6.23.1023 | O Uma Sakambhari, O thou that art white in hue, O thou that art black in hue, O thou that hast slain the Asura Kaitabha, O thou that art yellow-eyed, O thou that art diverse-eyed, O thou of eyes that have the colour of smoke, I bow to thee. |
Mbh.6.67.3690 | Sprung from the secretions of his ear, the great Asura known by the name of Madhu, fierce and of fierce deeds and entertaining a fierce intent and about to destroy Brahman, was slain by that Supreme Being. |
Mbh.6.89.4673 | And Mahodara, in that battle, pierced Bhimasena with nine winged arrows, each resembling the thunder-bolt in force, like the slayer of Vritra striking the great Asura Namuchi. |
Mbh.6.96.5054 | In days of old many have been the encounters that thou hadst with Asura, O tiger among kings, thou art that Rakshasa's match in great battle. |
Mbh.6.109.5949 | The Parthas cast their eyes, with cheerless hearts, upon thy heroic sire struggling in battle, like the celestials upon the Asura Viprachitti in days of old |
Mbh.6.111.6073 | Regaining consciousness then, thy son, O monarch, endued with heroism and prowess, once more began to resist Partha with sharp arrows like Purandara resisting the Asura Vritra. |
Mbh.7.1.25 | Indeed, after the fall of that foremost one of Bharata's race, the Kuru host looked like the firmament divested of stars, or like the sky without the atmosphere, or like the earth with blasted crops, or like an oration disfigured by bad grammar or like the Asura host of old after Vali had been smitten down, or like a beautiful damsel deprived of husband or like a river whose waters have been dried up, or like a roe deprived of her mate and encompassed in the woods by wolves; or like a spacious mountain cave with its lion killed by a Sarabha |
Mbh.7.14.617 | Lakshmana fought fiercely with Kshatradeva, even as Vishnu, O monarch, in days of old, with the Asura Hiranyaksha. |
Mbh.7.23.1186 | Vinda and Anuvinda of Avanti, with their troops encountered Virata, the ruler of Matsyas at the head of his forces, like Indra and Agni in days of old encountering the Asura Vali. |
Mbh.7.24.1314 | Mounted on that foremost of elephants, king Bhagadatta penetrated the hostile army like the Asura Virochana in days of old into the celestial host in battle well-protected by the gods. |
Mbh.7.27.1436 | The great Asura hath now been divested of that supreme weapon. |
Mbh.7.27.1437 | Slay now, O Partha, that invincible foe of thine, viz, Bhagadatta, enemy of the gods, even as I formerly slew for the good of the worlds, the Asura Naraka' |
Mbh.7.34.1802 | Alone achieving the most difficult feat, like the inconceivable Vibhu himself in days of old, Abhimanyu crushed thy vast host of three kinds of forces cars, elephants, and steeds, like the three-eyed Mahadeva of immeasurable energy crushing the terrible Asura host. |
Mbh.7.34.1804 | Beholding then thy host extensively slaughtered by Subhadra's son single-handed with his whetted shafts like the Asura host by Skanda the celestial generalissimo, thy warriors and thy sons cast vacant looks on all sides. |
Mbh.7.37.1880 | O son of Gavalgana, ten me everything once more in detail about the encounter of youthful Abhimanyu, which seems to have been pretty like Skanda's encounter with the Asura host' |
Mbh.7.47.2229 | Then those cousins, those two heroes, with upraised maces, began to strike each other, desirous of achieving each other's death, like three-eyed Mahadeva and the Asura Andhaka in the days of old. |
Mbh.7.57.2653 | Like the Three-eyed Mahadeva, in days of old, slaying the Asura Andhaka, Rama in wrath slew in battle that offender of Pulastya's race who had never before been vanquished by any foe. |
Mbh.7.91.4175 | O son of Gandhari, formerly the Asura named Vritra, displaying his prowess in battle, had defeated the best of celestials in battle. |
Mbh.7.91.4176 | The latter, numbering thousands upon thousands, with mangled bodies, those denizens of heaven, with Indra at their head, deprived of energy and might, all repaired to Brahman and sought his protection, afraid of the great Asura Vritra. |
Mbh.7.91.4186 | There stayeth that origin of ascetic penances, that destroyer of Daksha's sacrifice, that wielder of Pinaka, that lord of all creatures, that slayer of the Asura called Bhaganetra' |
Mbh.7.93.4290 | And as those heroes fought with each other in that battle, they seemed to all the troops to resemble Sakra and the Asura Jambha in days of old. |
Mbh.7.93.4300 | Then commenced that battle between them which was exceedingly wonderful, O monarch, which resembled that, in days of yore, between the Asura Samvara and the chief of the celestials. |
Mbh.7.99.4585 | Therefore, Partha, slay this wretch of his race, viz, the son of Dhritarashtra, in battle, as Indra had in days of yore, slain the Asura Jambha in the battle between the celestials and the Asuras. |
Mbh.7.103.4774 | Beholding this, that bull among the Chedis, viz, Dhrishtaketu, endued with great might, quickly proceeded against Kshemadhurti, like Mahendra proceeding against the Asura Samvara. |
Mbh.7.106.4955 | The Rakshasa Ghatotkacha, then, that foremost of mighty beings, having thus slain his foe, uttered a loud shout, like Vasava after slaying the Asura Vala. |
Mbh.7.113.5568 | Passing through Kritavarman's division bristling with swords and darts and bows, and abounding in elephants and steeds and cars, and out of the ground rendered awful in consequence of the blood shed by foremost Kshatriyas numbering by hundreds, that bull among the Sinis proceeded onwards in the very sight of all the troops, like the slayer of Vritra through the Asura array. |
Mbh.7.132.6576 | That son of Pandu who vanquished Karna in battle like Purandara vanquishing an Asura, is capable of being vanquished by anybody in fight. |
Mbh.7.153.8098 | The son of Drona then slew that son of Bhima's son, viz, Anjanaparvan, cased in an iron coat of mail, even as Mahadeva had slain in days of yore the Asura Andhaka. |
Mbh.7.156.8426 | Behold, the hostile army, afflicted with the arrows of Karna, is being routed like the Asura army overwhelmed with the energy of Kartikeya. |
Mbh.7.156.8430 | Meanwhile, Vibhatsu, O monarch, surrounded by the Panchala I advanced against Karna, like Purandara proceeding against the Asura Vritra |
Mbh.7.163.8819 | I will presently slay thee like the six-faced Karttikeya slaying the Asura Mahisha. |
Mbh.7.169.9157 | Checking Drona with his arrows, the mighty car-warrior Dhrishtadyumna began to destroy the Kaurava host, like Maghavat destroying the Asura army. |
Mbh.7.171.9278 | Assisted by Satwata hero, slay brave Karna in battle, as Indra in days of old had slain the Asura Taraka, aided by the celestial generalissimo Skanda' |
Mbh.7.172.9321 | Seizing then that gigantic prince of Rakshasas, viz, Alamvusha, who thus struggled with him, he pressed him down on the earth, like Vishnu slaying the Asura Maya in battle. |
Mbh.7.186.10237 | When in consequence of the weapons shot by Drona and Partha all sides seemed ablaze with light, the Siddhas and the Rishis that were present, said, This is no human nor Asura, nor Rakshasa, nor celestial, nor Gandharva battle. |
Mbh.7.194.10751 | Sanjaya continued, Having behold before the Dhartarashtras fly away, Yudhishthira, seeing them once more prepared for furious battle, addressed Arjuna, saying, After the preceptor Drona had been slain in battle by Dhrishtadyumna, like the mighty Asura, Vritra, by the wielder of the thunderbolt, the Kurus, O Dhananjaya, becoming cheerless, gave up all hopes of victory. |
Mbh.7.198.11133 | Saying this, the son of Drona shot at Satyaki an excellent and straight arrow possessed of the effulgence of the sun, even as Sakra had hurled in days of yore his thunder at the Asura Vritra. |
Mbh.7.198.11292 | Having saluted Rudra, that destroyer of the Asura Andhaka, the lotus eyed Narayana, with emotion filling his heart, began to praise the Three-eyed one in these words, O adorable one, O first of all the gods, the creator of everything viz, the Prajapatis who are the regents of the world, and who having entered the earth, thy first work, had, O lord, protected it before, have all sprung from thee. |
Mbh.7.199.11384 | Salutations to him who slew the Asura Bhaga. |
Mbh.8.5.153 | Even as Mahendra slew Vritra, and Rama slew Ravana; even as Krishna slew Naraka or Mura in battle; even as the mighty Rama of Bhrigu's race slew the heroic Kartavirya, invincible in battle, with all his kinsmen and friends, after fighting a terrible battle celebrated through the three worlds; even as Skanda slew the Asura Mahisha, and Rudra slew the Asura Andhaka, even so hath Arjuna, O king, in single combat, slain, with all his kinsmen, that foremost of smiters, viz, Karna, who was invincible in battle and upon whom the Dhartarashtras had placed their hopes of victory, and who was the great cause of the hostility with the Pandavas! |
Mbh.8.12.459 | SECTION Sanjaya said, Then those two vast armies, teeming with rejoicing men and steeds and elephants, resembling in splendour the celestial and the Asura hosts, meeting together, began to strike each other. |
Mbh.8.14.579 | The mighty-armed Prativindhya, consuming with his arrowy showers those assailants of his in that battle, routed thy army like the thunder-wielding Sakra routing the Asura host. |
Mbh.8.20.869 | Then like the chief of the celestials joyfully worshipping Vishnu after the subjugation of the Asura Vali, thy son, the king, accompanied by his brothers approaching the preceptor's son worshipped with great respect that warrior who is a complete master of the science of arms, after indeed, he had completed the task he had undertaken |
Mbh.8.33.1559 | Those Asuras then, filled with joy at having obtained those boons and having settled it among themselves about the construction of the three cities, selected for the purpose the great Asura Maya, the celestial artificer, knowing no fatigue or decay, and worshipped by all the daityas and danavas. |
Mbh.8.34.1739 | The great Deity once more said unto the gods headed by Indra, Ye should never grieve, doubting my ability to destroy the Asura. |
Mbh.8.46.2504 | Duly disposing his own troops in counter-array, O bull of Bharata's race, that hero of great energy made a great slaughter of the Pandava forces like Maghavat slaughtering the Asura host. |
Mbh.8.49.2772 | Having said these words unto the son of Pritha, the mighty Karna, setting Yudhishthira free, began to slaughter the Pandava host like the wielder of the thunderbolt slaughtering the Asura host. |
Mbh.8.66.3829 | Having slain Karna who was even so in dreadful battle, by good luck it is that you two have come, like a couple of celestials after vanquishing an Asura! |
Mbh.8.68.3958 | If, O thou of wicked soul, thou hadst given this bow to Keshava and become his driver, then Keshava could have by this time slain the fierce Karna like the lord of the Maruts Sakra slaying with his thunder the Asura Vritra. |
Mbh.8.73.4402 | Yonder host of fierce prowess, O Partha, hath been shorn of its splendours today like the Asura host in days of yore shorn of its splendours by Sakra's prowess. |
Mbh.8.83.5099 | Having said these words, Bhima, filled with great joy, drenched with blood, uttered loud shouts, even as the mighty and high-souled Indra of a eyes had roared after slaying the Asura Vritra |
Mbh.8.84.5120 | That foremost of heroes, Nakula, filled with wrath, rushed at that enemy of theirs, Karna's son, striking him with arrows, like the victorious Maghavat with joyous heart rushing against the Asura Jambha. |
Mbh.8.86.5230 | Through the grace, O Partha, of that god of gods, that deity armed with a trident, slay Karna, O mighty-armed one, like Indra slaying the Asura Namuci. |
Mbh.8.87.5276 | Both possessed of great celebrity in consequence of prowess and might, they resembled the Asura Samvara and the chief of the celestials in respect of their skill in battle. |
Mbh.8.90.5718 | Slay him, therefore, like Indra slaying the Asura Namuci |
Mbh.8.90.5720 | and worshipping Janardana, Arjuna, that foremost of all persons in Kuru's race once more quickly pierced Karna with many excellent arrows like the ruler of heaven, piercing the Asura, Samvara. |
Mbh.8.93.5960 | Then Duryodhana challenged all the Pandavas to battle, O chief of Bharata's race, like the Asura Vali in days of yore challenging the gods. |
Mbh.9.3.201 | Then Duryodhana challenged all the Pandavas to battle, O chief of Bharata's race, like the Asura Vali in days of yore challenging all the celestials. |
Mbh.9.7.449 | Slay that warrior, O thou of mighty arms, like Vasava slaying the Asura Namuchi. |
Mbh.9.12.769 | At this, king Yudhishthira afflicted with those showers of shafts, felt himself deprived of his prowess, even as the Asura Jambha had become before the slayer of Vritra |
Mbh.9.15.891 | The collision that then took place between Satyaki and the heroic ruler of the Madras, became fierce and wonderful to behold, even like that which had taken place in days of yore between the Asura Samvara and the chief of the celestials. |
Mbh.9.17.1018 | The illustrious Yudhishthira then, taking a new and more formidable bow in that battle, pierced Shalya with many arrows of keen points from every side like Indra piercing the Asura Namuchi. |
Mbh.9.19.1184 | Today he will know the awful might of the high-souled Bhima when Duryodhana will be slain in battle even as the Asura Vali was slain by Indra. |
Mbh.9.20.1257 | The illustrious Dhrishtadyumna then, with great speed, proceeded for vanquishing the elephant, even as the Asura Jambha had proceeded against Airavata, the prince of elephants that Indra rode in the course of his encounter with Indra. |
Mbh.9.21.1356 | Similarly Kritavarma, O king, fighting with the grandson of Sini, that scorcher of foes, looked resplendent, like Shakra battling with the Asura Vala. |
Mbh.9.24.1653 | The battle that took place between the two was beautiful and fierce, like that which had occurred in days of yore between Vasava and the Asura Jambha, O lord! |
Mbh.9.29.2048 | The great Asura Hiranyaksha, as also that other one, Hiranyakasipu, was slain by the aid of many acts and means. |
Mbh.9.41.2990 | The Asura Namuchi, from fear of Vasava, had entered a ray of the Sun. |
Mbh.9.41.3010 | The head of Namuchi also fell into that stream, O Bharata, and the Asura obtained many eternal regions, O best of kings, that granted every wish |
Mbh.9.41.3016 | That fierce battle is known after the name of the Asura Taraka. |
Mbh.11.23.922 | Fierce was the battle that took place between this king and Partha, making the very hair stand on end, like that between Shakra and the Asura Vritra. |
Mbh.12.3.128 | He answered, Formerly I was a great Asura of the name of Dansa. |
Mbh.12.3.138 | Having said these words, the great Asura, bending his head unto Rama went away. |
Mbh.12.89.5060 | In consequence of malice towards the Brahmanas springing from his folly, the goddess of prosperity who had formerly dwelt with him became enraged and deserted the Asura Vali, the son of Virochana. |
Mbh.12.89.5061 | Deserting the Asura she repaired to Indra, the chief of the deities. |
Mbh.12.120.6849 | Brahman is the Creator of the entire universe with the gods and Asura and Rakshasas and human beings and snakes, and of every other thing. |
Mbh.12.140.8533 | Viswamitra said, The great Rishi Agastya, while hungry, ate up the Asura named Vatapi. |
Mbh.12.179.10858 | They, on the other hand, that are born under evil constellations, inauspicious lunations, and at evil hours, become destitute of sacrifices and progeny and at last fall into the Asura order |
Mbh.12.206.12480 | After the high-souled Grandsire had, O mighty-armed one, thus sprung from the primeval lotus, a great Asura of the name of Madhu, having no beginning, started into birth, springing from the attribute or Darkness Tamas. |
Mbh.12.206.12481 | The foremost of all Beings, viz, the Supreme Divinity, for benefiting Brahman, slew that fierce Asura of fierce deeds, engaged even then in the fierce act of slaying the Grand-sire. |
Mbh.12.206.12482 | From this slaughter, O son, of the Asura named Madhu, all the gods and the Danavas and men came to call that foremost of all righteous persons by the name of Madhusudana slayer of Madhu |
Mbh.12.224.13635 | Vali said, I do not know whether she is an Asura damsel or a celestial one or a human one. |
Mbh.12.224.13705 | O great Asura, peace to thee! |
Mbh.12.225.13714 | SECTION CCXXVI Bhishma said, In this connection is also cited the old narrative of the discourse between him of a hundred sacrifices and the Asura Namuchi, O Yudhishthira. |
Mbh.12.225.13715 | When the Asura Namuchi, who was conversant with the birth and the death of all creatures, was sitting, divested of prosperity but untroubled at heart like the vast ocean in perfect stillness, Purandara addressed him these: words, Fallen off from thy place, bound with cords, brought under the sway of thy foes, and divested of prosperity, dost thou, O Namuchi, indulge in grief or passest thou thy days cheerfully' |
Mbh.12.226.13976 | Blessed be thou, O great Asura! |
Mbh.12.278.17049 | Then the illustrious Usanas addressed the Asura Vritra who was thus talking of the highest refuge of the creation, saying, O intelligent Daitya, why, O child, dost thou utter such foolish rhapsodies' |
Mbh.12.280.17232 | How, O tiger among kings, could Vritra who was an Asura comprehended it so well? |
Mbh.12.280.17241 | Bhishma said, In days of yore, Indra, accompanied by the celestial forces, proceeded on his car, and beheld the Asura Vritra stationed before him like a mountain. |
Mbh.12.280.17266 | Then Vrihaspati, the son of Angiras, and those foremost of Rishis possessed of great prosperity, beholding the prowess of Vritra, repaired to Mahadeva, and impelled by the desire of benefiting the three worlds, urged him to destroy the great Asura. |
Mbh.12.280.17281 | Bhishma continued, When the great Asura or Daitya was overtaken by that fever born of Mahadeva's energy, the deities and the Rishis, filled with joy, uttered loud cheers, At the same time drums, and conchs of loud blare, and kettle drums and tabors began to beat and blow by thousands. |
Mbh.12.281.17296 | Possessed by that violent fever, the mighty Asura, O monarch, yawned and uttered inhuman cries |
Mbh.12.281.17297 | While the Asura was yawning Indra hurled his thunderbolt at him. |
Mbh.12.281.17369 | It was in this way, O thou of Kurds race, that the mighty Asura Vritra was slain by Sakra of immeasurable energy by the aid of subtle intelligence and through the application of means. |
Mbh.12.282.17447 | Divided in twain by the thunderbolt, the mighty Asura possessed of great Yoga powers, proceeded to the region of Vishnu of immeasurable energy. |
Mbh.12.284.17616 | Salutations to thee that art the eldest-born, that art the foremost of all creatures, and that art the crusher of the Asura Vala. |
Mbh.12.339.21929 | That great Asura will be unslayable in the whole universe consisting of deities, Asuras and Rakshasas. |
Mbh.12.339.21931 | When after routing the Lord of Sachi, that Asura will take unto himself the sovereignty of the three worlds, I shall take birth in Aditi's womb, by Kasyapa, as the twelfth Aditya. |
Mbh.12.339.21942 | While residing in that city I shall slay the Asura Naraka, the son of the Earth, him, that is, who will do an injury to Aditi, as also some other Danavas of the names of Muru and Pitha. |
Mbh.12.339.21947 | A proud Asura will appear as a king at Girivraja, of the name of Jarasandha, who will quarrel with all the other kings of the world. |
Mbh.12.342.22413 | He was, on his mother's side, related to the Asuras, for his mother was the daughter of an Asura. |
Mbh.12.342.22460 | From the lifeless body, however, of Viswarupa, when it was pressed, the energy that was still residing in it gave birth to a mighty Asura of the name of Vritra. |
Mbh.12.362.23850 | SECTION CCCLXIII Surya said, This Being is not the god of fire, he is not an Asura. |
Mbh.13.14.895 | After twelve years had expired from the time when Pradyumna, the son of Rukmini, who is endued with great intelligence, slew the Asura Samvara in days of yore, my spouse Jamvavati addressed me. |
Mbh.13.14.977 | Another great Asura, of the name of Satamukha, was created by Brahma. |
Mbh.13.14.1385 | Salutations to thee that torest away one of the heads of the Grandsire Brahma, to thee that hast slain the Asura named Mahisha, to thee that assumest three forms, to thee that bearest every form. |
Mbh.13.17.1886 | Thou art the slayer of the mighty Asura who had come in the form of an infuriate elephant for destroying thy sacred city of Varanasi. |
Mbh.13.17.1927 | Thou art the slayer of the Asura Vala. |
Mbh.13.17.2001 | Thou art he who is the binder or Asura chiefs. |
Mbh.13.17.2073 | Thou art Vamana the dwarf who deceived the Asura chief Vali and depriving him of his sovereignty restored it unto Indra. |
Mbh.13.17.2513 | Thou art he who slew the mighty Asura that had approached against the sacred city of Varanasi in the form of an infuriate elephant of vast proportions. |
Mbh.13.17.2572 | Thou art the youngest son of Aditi and Kasyapa, being in the form of the dwarf who is otherwise known by the name of Upendra and who beguiled the Asura Vali of his lordship of the three worlds and restored it to the chief of the celestials. |
Mbh.13.33.4048 | Some amongst them are very cunning like Agastya who devoured the Asura Vatapi, and Rishis of that class. |
Mbh.13.36.4186 | Once upon a time Sakra, assuming the guise of an ascetic with matted locks on his head and body smeared with ashes all over, rode on an ugly car and repaired to the presence of the Asura Samvara' |
Mbh.13.39.4311 | That illusion which the Asura Samvara possessed, that illusion which the Asura Namuchi possessed, that illusion which Vali or Kumbbinasi had, the sum total thereof is possessed by women. |
Mbh.13.44.4620 | Of these five the Brahma, the Kshatra, the Gandharva, the Asura, and the Rakshasa, three are righteous, O Yudhishthira, and two are unrighteous. |
Mbh.13.44.4621 | The Paisacha and the Asura forms should never be resorted to |
Mbh.13.45.4762 | Having sprung from that sinful form of marriage called Asura, the issue becomes wicked in conduct. |
Mbh.13.84.7585 | Meanwhile, all the deities having Sakra at their head, were scorched a good deal by the Asura named Taraka. |
Mbh.13.85.7589 | SECTION LXXXV The Deities said, The Asura named Taraka who has received boons from thee, O puissant one, is afflicting the deities and the Rishis. |
Mbh.13.85.7684 | The Deities said, There is an Asura of the name of Taraka who has been filled with pride in consequence of the boon he has obtained from Brahman. |
Mbh.13.85.7688 | O puissant one, do thou beget a heroic son possessed of thy energy, who will dispel, O bearer of sacrificial libations, our fears from that Asura. |
Mbh.13.85.7697 | When the deity of blazing flames cast his seed endued with great energy into the womb of Ganga, a certain Asura bent on purposes of his own uttered a frightful roar. |
Mbh.13.85.7698 | In consequence of that frightful roar uttered by the Asura for purposes of his own and not for terrifying her, Ganga became very much terrified and her eyes rolled in fear and betrayed her agitation. |
Mbh.13.86.7924 | Thou hast said, O king, that Asura had become unslayable by the gods. |
Mbh.13.86.7947 | As he lay stretched on a clump of heath, the gods with the Rishis, beholding him, became filled with great delight and regarded the great Asura as already slain. |
Mbh.13.86.7963 | And they also informed him of the oppressions committed upon them by the Asura Taraka. |
Mbh.13.86.7966 | Verily, Kumara slew the Asura as easily as if in sport. |
Mbh.13.109.9912 | By observing a fast on the twelfth day of the moon in the month of Ashadha and worshipping Krishna as the dwarf who beguiled the Asura king Vali, one attains to the merits of the Naramedha sacrifice and sports in happiness with the Apsaras. |
Mbh.13.126.10985 | Assuming the form of a dwarf I conquered the Asura king Vali. |
Mbh.13.149.12529 | He that is known by four forms as above, He that has four horns which appeared on Him when He had assumed a human form with a lion's head for slaying the Asura chief Hiranya-Kasipu, He that has four arms for holding the conch, discus, mace, and lotus CXXXIV, CXLI; He that blazes forth in effulgence, He that is the giver of food and cherishes those that are good; He that does not bear or put up with those that are wicked, or, He that puts up with the occasional transgressions of his devotees; He that existed before the universe started into life; He that is stainless; He that is ever victorious; He that vanquishes the very deities; He that is the material cause of the universe; He that repeatedly resides in material causes CXLII, CL; He that is the younger brother of Indra, or He that transcends Indra in accomplishments and attributes. |
Mbh.13.149.12530 | He that took birth as a dwarf from Aditi by her husband Kasyapa in order to beguile the Asura king Vali of the sovereignty of the three worlds, and bestow the same upon Indra who had been dispossessed of it, He that is tall in allusion to the vast universal form of His which He assumed at the sacrifice of Vali for covering Heaven, Earth, and the Nether regions with three steps of His. |
Mbh.13.149.12536 | He that is the foremost Refuge of all things DLIX, DLXVIII; He that is armed with the best of bows called Saranga; He that was divested of His battle-axe by Rama of Bhrigu's race He that is fierce; He that is the giver of all objects of desire; He that is so tall as to touch the very heavens with his head in allusion to the form He assumed at Valis sacrifice; He whose vision extends over the entire universe; He that is Vyasa who distributed the Vedas; He that is the Master of speech or all learning; He that has started into existence without the intervention of genital organs DLXVIII, DLXXVI; He that is hymned with the three foremost Samans; He that is the singer of the Samans; He that is the Extinction of all worldly attachments in consequence of His being the embodiment of Renunciation; He that is the Medicine; He that is the Physician who applies the medicine; He that has ordained the fourth or last mode of life called renunciation for enabling His creatures to attain to emancipation; He that causes the passions of His worshippers to be quieted with a view to give them tranquillity of soul; He that is contented in consequence of His utter dissociation with all worldly objects; He that is the Refuge of devotion and tranquillity of Soul DLXXVII, DLXXXV; He that is possessed of beautiful limbs; He that is the giver of tranquillity of soul; He that is Creator; He that sports in joy on the bosom of the earth; He that sleeps in Yoga lying on the body of the prince of snakes, Sesha, after the universal dissolution; the Benefactor of kine; or, He that took a human form for relieving the earth of the weight of her population; the Master of the universe; the Protector of the universe; He that is endued with eyes like those of the bull; He that cherishes Righteousness with love DLXXXVI, DXCV: He that is the unreturning hero; He whose soul has been withdrawn from all attachments; He that reduces to a subtle form the universe at the time of the universal dissolution; He that does good to His afflicted worshippers; He whose name, as soon as heard, cleanses the hearer of all his sins; He who has the auspicious whorl on His breast; He in whom dwells the goddess of Prosperity for ever; He who was chosen by Lakshmi the goddess of Prosperity as her Lord; He that is the foremost one of all Beings endued with prosperity DXCVI, DCIV; He that give prosperity unto His worshippers; the Master of prosperity; He that always lives with those that are endued with prosperity; He that is the receptacle of all kinds of prosperity; He that gives prosperity unto all persons of righteous acts according to the measure of their righteousness; He that holds the goddess of Prosperity on his bosom; He that bestows prosperity upon those that hear of, praise, and mediate on Him; He that is the embodiment of that condition which represents the attainment of unattainable happiness; He that is possessed of every kind of beauty; He that is the Refuge of the three worlds DCV, DCXIV; He that is possessed of beautiful eye; He that is possessed of beautiful limbs; He that is possessed of a hundred sources of delight; He that represents the highest delight; He that is the Master of all the luminaries in the firmament for it is He that maintains them in their places and orbits; He that has subjugated His soul; He whose soul is not swayed by any superior Being; He that is always of beautiful acts; He whose doubts have all been dispelled for He is said to behold the whole universe as an Amlaka in His palm DCXV, DCXXIII; He that transcends all creatures; He whose vision extends in all directions: He that has no Master; He that at all times transcends all changes; He that in the form of Rama had to lie down on that bare ground; He that adorns the earth by His incarnations; He that is puissance's self; He that transcends all grief; He that dispels the griefs of all His worshippers as soon as they remember His DCXXIV, DCXXXII; He that is possessed of effulgence, He that is worshipped by all; He that is the water-pot as all things reside within Him; He that is of pure soul; He that cleanses all as soon as they hear of him; He that is free and unrestrained; He whose car never turns away from battles; He that is possessed of great wealth; He whose prowess is incapable of being measured DCXXXIII, DCXLI; He that is the slayer of the Asura named Kalanemi; He that is the Hero; He that has taken birth in the race of Sura; He that is the Lord of all the deities; the soul of the three worlds; the Master of the three worlds; He that has the solar and lunar rays for his hair; the slayer of Kesi; He that destroys all things at the universal dissolution DCXLII, DCL; the Deity from whom the fruition of all desires is sought; He that grants the wishes of all; He that has desires; He that has a handsome form; He that is endued with thorough knowledge of Srutis and Smritis; He that is possessed of a form that is indescribable by attributes; He whose brightest rays overwhelm heaven; He that has no end; He that in the form of Arjuna or Nara acquired vast wealth on the occasion of his campaign of conquest DCLI, DCLX; He who is the foremost object of silent recitation, of sacrifice, of the Vedas, and of all religious acts; He that is the creator of penances and the like; He that is the form of the grandsire Brahman, He that is the augmentor of penances; He that is conversant with Brahma; He that is of the form of Brahmana; He that has for His limbs Him that is called Brahma; He that knows all the Vedas and everything in the universe; He that is always fond of Brahmanas and of whom the Brahmanas also are fond DCLXI, DCLXX; He whose footsteps cover vast areas; He whose feats are mighty; He who is possessed of vast energy; He that is identical with Vasuki, the king of the snakes; He that is the foremost of all sacrifices; He that is Japa, that first of sacrifices; He that is the foremost of all offerings made in sacrifices DCLXXI, DCLXXVIII He that is hymned by all; He that loves to be hymned by his worshippers; He that is himself the hymns uttered by His worshippers; He that is the very act of hymning; He that is the person that hymns; He that is fond of battling with everything that is evil; He that is full in every respect; He that fills others with every kind of affluence; He that destroys all sins as soon as He is remembered; He whose acts are all righteous; He that transcends all kinds of disease DCLXXIX, DCLXXXIX; He that is endued with the speed of the mind; He that is the creator and promulgator of all kinds of learning; He whose vital seed is gold; He that is giver of wealth being identical with Kuvera the Lord of treasures; He that takes away all the wealth of the Asuras; the son of Vasudeva; He in whom all creatures dwell; He whose mind dwells in all things in thorough identity with them; He that takes away the sins of all who seek refuge in him DCXC, DCXCVIII; He that is attainable by the righteous; He whose acts are always good; He that is the one entity in the universe; He that displays Himself in diverse forms; He that is the refuge of all those that are conversant with truth; He who has the greatest of heroes for his troops He that is the foremost of the Yadavas; He that is the abode of the righteous He that sports in joy in the woods of Brinda on the banks of Yamuna DCXCIX, DCCVVII; He in whom all created things dwell; the deity that overwhelms the universe with His Maya illusion; He in whom all foremost of Beings become merged when they achieve their emancipation He whose hunger is never gratified; He that humbles the pride of all; He that fills the righteous with just pride; He that swells with joy; He that is incapable of being seized; He that has never been vanquished DCCVII, DCCXVI; He that is of universal form; He that is of vast form; He whose form blazes forth with energy and effulgence; He that is without form as determined by acts; He that is of diverse forms; He that is unmanifest; He that is of a hundred forms; He that is of a hundred faces DCCXVII, DCCXXIV; He that is one; He that is many through illusion; He that is full of felicity; He that forms the one grand topic of investigation; He from whom is this all; He that is called THAT; He that is the highest Refuge; He that confines Jiva within material causes; He that is coveted by all; He that took birth in the race of Madhu; He that is exceedingly affectionate towards His worshippers DCCXXV, DCCXXXV; He that is of golden complexion; He whose limbs are like gold in hue; He that is possessed of beautiful limbs; He whose person is decked with Angadas made with sandal-paste; He that is the slayer of heroes; He that has no equal; He that is like cipher in consequence of no attributes being affirmable of Him; He that stands in need of no blessings in consequence of His fulness; He that never swerves from His own nature and puissance and knowledge; He that is mobile in the form of wind DCCXXXVI, DCCXLV; He that never identifies Himself with anything that is not-soul He that confers honours on His worshippers; He that is honoured by all; He that is the Lord of the three worlds; He that upholds the three worlds; He that is possessed of intelligence and memory capable of holding in His mind the contents of all treatises; He that took birth in a sacrifice; He that is worthy of the highest praise; He whose intelligence and memory are never futile; He that upholds the earth DCCXLVI, DCCLV; He that pours forth heat in the form of the Sun; He that is the bearer of great beauty of limbs; He that is the foremost of all bearers of weapons; He that accepts the flowery and leafy offerings made to Him by His worshippers; He that has subdued all his passions and grinds all His foes; He that has none to walk before Him; He that has four horns; He that is the elder brother of Gada DCCLVI, DCCLXIV; He that has four arms; He from whom the four Purushas have sprung; He that is the refuge of the four modes of life and the four orders of men; He that is of four souls Mind, Understanding, Consciousness, and Memory; He from whom spring the four objects of life, viz, Righteousness, Wealth, Pleasure, and Emancipation; He that is conversant with the four Vedas; He that has displayed only a fraction of His puissance DCCLXV, DCCLXXII; He that sets the wheel of the world to revolve round and round; He whose soul is dissociated from all worldly attachments; He that is incapable of being vanquished; He that cannot be transcended; He that is exceedingly difficult of being attained; He that is difficult of being approached; He that is difficult of access; He that is difficult of being brought within the heart by even Yogins; He that slays even the most powerful foes among the Danavas DCCLXXIII, DCCLXXXI; He that has beautiful limbs; He that takes the essence of all things in the universe; He that owns the most beautiful warp and woof for weaving this texture of fabric of the universe; He that weaves with ever-extending warp and woof; He whose acts are done by Indra; He whose acts are great; He who has no acts undone; He who has composed all the Vedas and scriptures DCCLXXXII, DCCLXXXIX; He whose birth is high; He that is exceedingly handsome; He whose heart is full of commiseration; He that has precious gems in His navel; He that has excellent knowledge for His eye; He that is worthy of worship by Brahman himself and other foremost ones in the universe; He that is giver of food; He that assumed horns at the time of the universal dissolution; He that has always subjugated His foes most wonderfully; He that knows all things; He that is ever victorious over those that are of irresistible prowess DCCXC, DCCXCIX; He whose limbs are like gold; He that is incapable of being agitated by wrath or aversion or other passion; He that is Master of all those who are masters of all speech; He that is the deepest lake; He that is the deepest pit; He that transcends the influence of Time; He in whom the primal elements are established DCCC, DCCCVI; He that gladdens the earth; He that grants fruits which are as agreeable as the Kunda flowers Jasmim pubescens, Linn; He that gave away the earth unto Kasyapa in His incarnation as Rama; He that extinguishes the three kinds of misery mentioned in the Sankhya philosophy like a rain-charged cloud cooling the heat of the earth by its downpour; He that cleanses all creatures; He that has none to urge Him; He that drank nectar; He that has an undying body; He that is possessed of omniscience; He that has face and eyes turned towards every direction DCCCVIII, DCCCXVI; He that is easily won with, that is, such gifts as consist of flowers and leaves; He that has performed excellent vows; He that is crowned with success by Himself; He that is victorious over all foes; He that scorches all foes; He that is the ever-growing and tall Banian that overtops all other trees; He that is the sacred fig tree Ficus glomerata, Willd; He that is the Ficus religiosa; or, He that is not durable, in consequence of His being all perishable forms in the universe even as he is all the imperishable forms that exist; He that is the slayer of Chanura of the Andhra country DCCCXVII, DCCCXXV; He that is endued with a thousand rays; He that has seven tongues in the forms of Kali, Karali, etc; |
Mbh.13.156.13023 | As the result of the religious rite he had commenced, he created a terrible Asura hostile to Indra. |
Mbh.13.156.13024 | Made of the libations he had poured on the sacred fire, that Asura was called Mada, of mouth gaping wide. |
Mbh.13.156.13025 | Even such was the Asura that the great ascetic created with the aid of Mantras. |
Mbh.13.157.13043 | At this, the god of wind once more addressed him, saying, When the denizens of heaven, with Indra at their head, found themselves within the mouth of the Asura Mada, at that time Chyavana took away from them the earth. |
Mbh.13.158.13138 | Sparing those that deserve to be spared, Krishna sets himself to the slaughter of the Asura, O Partha! |
Mbh.13.160.13358 | When the wielder of Pinaka becomes angry and assuming a terrible form merely casts his eye upon deity, Asura, Gandharva, or snake, that individual fails to obtain peace of mind by taking shelter in the recesses of even a mountain-cave. |
Mbh.14.9.272 | And in a rage, he again created a terrible looking enemy of thine, the Asura named Mada assuming all shapes, on beholding whom thou didst shut thine eyes with fear, whose one huge jaw was placed on earth, and the other extended to the celestial regions, and who looked terrible with his thousand sharp teeth extending over a hundred Yojanas, and had four prominent ones thick-set, and shining like a pillar of silver, and extending over two hundred Yojanas. |
Jijith Nadumuri Ravi
Research data published for the interest of people researching on Mahabharata.
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Reference:- Mahabharata of Krishna Dwaipayana Vyasa, translated to English by Kisari Mohan Ganguli; Source of Plain Text:; Wikified at AncientVoice. |