Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 20 Feb 2010 11:53 and updated at 20 Feb 2010 11:53
Mahabharata: 18 Parvas
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Mbh.1.74.3914 | But knowest thou not that the Ancient, Omniscient one Narayana liveth in thy heart? |
Mbh.3.88.4837 | There also is Dwaravati, producing great merit, where dwelleth the slayer of Madhu, who is the Ancient one in embodied form, and eternal virtue. |
Mbh.5.42.2282 | Dhritarashtra said, Who is it that urgeth that Unborn and Ancient One? |
Mbh.5.42.2286 | This view doth not detract from the supremacy of the Unborn and the Ancient One. |
Mbh.5.71.3530 | I put myself in the hand of that Eternal one, that Rishi endued with knowledge of Self, that ocean of eloquence, that Being who is easily attainable by ascetics, that bird called Arishta furnished with beautiful wings, that destroyer of creatures, that refuge of the universe; that one of a thousand heads, that Creator and Destroyer of all things, that Ancient one, that one without beginning, middle, or end, that one of infinite achievements, that cause of the Prime seed, that unborn one, that Eternity's self, that highest of the high, that Creator of the three worlds, that Author of gods, Asuras, Nagas, and Rakshasas, that foremost of all learned persons and rulers of men, that younger brother of Indra |
Mbh.7.146.7662 | Thou art Supreme, the Ancient one, the Divine-Being, and that which is the Highest of the high. |
Mbh.7.190.10534 | Endued with great effulgence and possessed of high ascetic merit, he had fixed his heart on that Supreme and Ancient Being, viz, Vishnu. |
Mbh.12.63.3504 | Indra said, What is your object, O foremost of virtuous persons, in thus seeking to behold that Ancient and First of gods, viz, Narayana, of inconceivable energy, and infinite illusions? |
Mbh.12.200.12156 | I have no knowledge of that Ancient and Supreme one. |
Mbh.12.226.13943 | Ancient and eternal, and the embodiment of justice, Time is uniform in respect of all living creatures. |
Mbh.12.239.14831 | He that has subdued his mind beholds in his own self, by the aid of his own knowledge the Uncreate, Ancient, Undeteriorating, and Eternal Brahma, That, viz, which can not be attained to except by fixed senses, That which is subtiler than the most subtile, and grosser than the most gross, and which is Emancipation's self |
Mbh.13.148.12418 | He is the one Ancient God. |
Mbh.13.148.12483 | I do not venture, O son of Kunti, to enumerate the feats of this Ancient and Eternal Being, O Yudhishthira. |
Mbh.13.149.12518 | He that upholds the universe in the form of Ananta and others, He that ordains all acts and their fruits, He that is superior to the Grandsire Brahma XXXVIII, XLVI the Immeasurable, the Lord of the senses or He that has curled locks, He from whose navel the primeval lotus sprang, the Lord of all the deities, the Artificer of the universe, the Mantra, He that weakens or emaciates all things, He that is vast, the Ancient one, He that is enduring XLVII, LVI |
Mbh.13.149.12532 | He that imparted the Veda to the Grandsire Brahma, He that is of the form of the Samans, Riks, and Yajuses of the Veda; He that soothes His worshippers burning with the afflictions of the world like the rays of the moon cooling all living creatures of the world, He that is endued with blazing effulgence like the sun CCLXXV, CCLXXXII; He from whose mind has sprung the moon, He that blazes forth in His own effulgence, He that nourishes all creatures even like the luminary marked by the hare, He that is the Master of the deities, He that is the great medicine for the disease of worldly attachment, He that is the great causeway of the universe, He that is endued with knowledge and other attributes that are never futile and with prowess that is incapable of being baffled CCLXXXIII, CCLXXXIX; He that is solicited by all creatures at all times, viz, the Past, the Present, and the Future; He that rescues his worshippers by casting kind glances upon them, He that sanctifies even them that are sacred; He that merges the life-breath in the Soul; or, He that assumes diverse forms for protecting both the Emancipated and the Unemancipated; He that kills the desires of those that are Emancipated; or, He that prevents evil desires from arising in the minds of His worshippers; He that is the sire of Kama the principle of desire or lust; He that is most agreeable, He that is desired by all creatures, He that grants the fruition of all desires, He that has the ability to accomplishing all acts CCXC, CCXCIX; He that sets the four Yugas to begin their course; He that causes the Yugas to continually revolve as on a wheel, He that is endued with the diverse kinds of illusion and, therefore, the cause from which spring the different kinds of acts that distinguish the different Yugas; He that is the greatest of eaters in consequence of His swallowing all things at the end of every Kalpa; He that is incapable of being seized by those that are not His worshippers; He that is manifest being exceedingly vast; He that subjugates thousands of foes of the deities; He that subjugates innumerable foes CCC, CCCVIII; He that is desired by even the Grandsire and Rudra, or He that is adored in sacrifices; He that is distinguished above all; He that is desired by those that are endued with wisdom and righteousness; He that has an ornament of peacock's feathers on His headgear; He that stupefies all creatures with His illusion; He that showers His grace on all His worshippers; He that kills the wrath of the righteous; He that fills the unrighteous with wrath; He that is the accomplisher of all acts; He who holds the universe on his arms; He that upholds the Earth CCCIX, CCCXVIII; He that transcends the six well-known modifications of inception, birth or appearance growth, maturity, decline, and dissolution; He that is endued with great celebrity in consequence of His feats; He that causes all living creatures to live in consequence of His being the all-pervading soul; He that gives life; the younger brother of Vasava in the form of Upendra or the dwarf; He that is the receptacle of all the waters in the universe; He that covers all creatures in consequence of His being the material cause of everything; He that is never heedless being always above error; He that is established on His own glory CCCXIX, CCCXXVII; He that flows in the form of nectar; or, He that dries up all things; He upholds the path of righteousness; He that bears the burden of the universe; He that gives desirable boons unto those that solicit them: He that causes the winds to blow; He that is the son of Vasudeva; or, He that covers the universe with His illusions and sports in the midst of it; He that is endued with extraordinary lustre; He that is the originating cause of the deities; He that pierces all hostile towns CCCXXVIII, CCCXXXVI; He that transcends all sorrow and grief; He that leads us safely across the ocean of life or the world; He that dispels from the hearts of all His worshippers the fear of rebirth; He that is possessed of infinite courage and prowess; He that is an offspring of Sura's race; He that is the master of all living creatures; He that is inclined to show His grace unto all; He that has come on earth for a hundred times for rescuing the good, destroying the wicked, and establishing righteousness; He that holds a lotus in one of his hands; He whose eyes resemble the petals of the lotus CCCXXXVII, CCCXLVI; He from whose navel sprang the primeval lotus; or, He that is seated upon a lotus; He that is endued with eyes resembling the petals of the lotus; He that is adored by even worshippers as one seated within the lotus of His hearts; He that assumed the form of embodied Jiva through His own illusion; He that is endued with puissance of every kind; He that grows in the form of the five primal elements; the Ancient Soul; He that is endued with vast eyes; He that has Garuda sitting on the standard of His car CCCXLVII, CCCCLV; He that is incomparable; the Sarabha the lion-killing animal; He that strikes the wicked with terror; He that knows everything that has occurred in Time; He that accepts, in the forms of the deities, the butter poured on the sacrificial fire; He that is known by all kinds of evidence or proof; He upon whose breast sits Prosperity always; He that is victorious in every battle CCCLVI, CCCLXIV; He that is above destruction; He that assumes a red form; or, becomes wrathful unto the enemies of His worshippers; He that is an object of search with the righteous; He that is at the root of all things; He that has the mark of the string around his abdomen for Yasoda had bound Him with a cord while He was Krishna; He that bears or forgives all injuries; He that upholds the Earth in the form of her mountains; He that is the foremost of all objects of worship; He that is endued with great speed; He that swallows vast quantities of food CCCLXV, CCCLXXIV; He that caused the creation to start into life; He that always agitates both Prakriti and Purusha; He that shines with resplendence; or, sports in joy; He that has puissance in his stomach; He that is the Supreme Master of all; He that is the material out of which the universe has been made; He that is the cause or Agent who has made the universe: He that is independent of all things; He that ordains variety in the universe; He that is incapable of being comprehended; He that renders Himself invisible by the screen of illusion CCCLXXV, CCCLXXXV; He that is Chit divested of all attributes; He on whom all things rest; He in whom all things reside when the universal dissolution comes; He that assigns the foremost place to those that worship Him; He that is durable; He that is endued with the highest puissance; He that has been glorified in the Vedanta; He that is contented; He that is always full; He whose glance is auspicious CCCLXXXVI, CCCXCV; He that fills all Yogins with delight; He that is the end of all creatures for it is in Him that all things merge at the universal dissolution; He that is the faultless Path; He that in the form of Jiva, leads to Emancipation; He that leads Jiva to Emancipation; He that has none to lead Him; He that is endued with great might; He that is the foremost of all beings possessed of might; He that uphold He that is the foremost of all Beings conversant with duty and religion CCCXCVI, CDIV; He that joins, at the time of creation, the disunited elements for forming all objects; He that resides in all bodies; He that causes all creatures to act in the form of Kshetrajna; He that creates all creatures after destroying them at the universal dissolution; He unto whom every one bows with reverence; He that is extended over the entire universe; He that owns the primeval golden egg as his abdomen whence, as from the female uterus, everything proceeds; He that destroys the foes of the deities; He that overspreads all things being the material cause whence they spring; He that spreads sweet perfumes; He that disregards the pleasures of the senses CDV, CDXV; He that is identifiable with the seasons; He at whose sight alone all worshippers succeed in obtaining the great object of their wish; He that weakens all creatures; He that dwells in the firmament of the heart, depending upon His own glory and puissance; He that is capable of being known everywhere in consequence of His omnipresence; He that inspires everyone with dread; He in whom all creatures dwell; He that is clever in accomplishing all acts; He that constitutes the rest of all creatures being, as He is, the embodiment of Emancipation; He that is endued with competence greater than that of other Beings CDXVI, CDXXV; He in whom the whole Universe is spread out? |
Mbh.13.149.12534 | He that has created all the Sastras CDLXXV, CDLXXXV; He that exists, in the form of the Sun, as the centre of innumerable rays of light; He that dwells in all creatures; He that is possessed of great prowess; He that is the Master of even Yama and others of similar puissance; He that is the oldest of the deities existing as He does from the beginning; He that exists in His own glory, casting off all conditions; He that is the Lord of even all the deities; He that is the ruler of even him that upholds the deities viz, Indra CDLXXXVI, CDXCIII; He that transcends birth and destruction; He that tended and protected kine in the form of Krishna; He that nourishes all creatures; He that is approachable by knowledge alone; He that is Ancient; He that upholds the elements which constitute the body; He that enjoys and endures weal and woe, in the form of Jiva; He that assumed the form of a vast Boar; or, He that, in the form of Rama, was the Lord of a large monkey host; He that gave plentiful presents unto all in a grand sacrifice performed by Him CDXCIV, DII; He that drinks Soma in every sacrifice; He that drinks nectar; He that, in the form of Soma Chandramas, nourishes all the herbs and plants; He that conquers foes in a trice when even they are infinite in number; He that is of universal form and is the foremost of all existent entities; He that is the chastiser; He that is victorious over all; He whose purposes are incapable of being baffled; He that deserves gifts; He that gives what His creatures have not and who protects what they have DIII, DXII; He that holds the life-breaths; He that beholds all His creatures as objects of direct vision; He that never beholds anything beside His own Self; He that gives emancipation; He whose footsteps three in number covered Heaven, Earth, and the Nether regions; He who is the receptacle of all the water; He that overwhelms all Space, all Time, and all things; He that lies on the vast expanse of waters after the universal dissolution; He that causes the destruction of all things DXIII, DXXI; He that is without birth; He that is exceedingly adorable; He that appears in His own nature; He that has conquered all foes in the form of wrath and other evil passions; He that delights those that meditate on Him; He that is joy; He that fills others with delight; He that swells with all causes of delight; He that has truth and other virtues for His indications; He whose foot steps are in the three worlds DXXII, DXXX; He that is the first of the Rishis being conversant with the entire Vedas; He that is identical with the preceptor Kapila; He that is the knower of the Universe; He that is Master of the Earth; He that has their feet; He that is the guardian of the deities; He that has large horns in allusion to the piscatory form in which He saved Manu on the occasion of the universal deluge by scudding through the waters with Manu's boat tied to His horns; He that exhausts all acts by causing their doers to enjoy or endure their fruits; or, He that grinds the Destroyer himself DXXXI, DXXXVIII; the great Boar: He that is understood or apprehended by the aid of the Vedanta; He that has beautiful troops in the form of His worshippers; He that is adorned with golden armlets; He that is concealed being knowledge with the aid of the Upanishads only; He that is deep in knowledge and puissance; He that is difficult of access; He that transcends both word and thought, that is armed with the discus and the mace DXXXIX, DXLVII; the Ordainer; He that is the cause in the form of helper of the universe; He that has never been vanquished; He that is the Island-born Krishna; He that is enduring in consequence of His transcending decay: He that mows all things and is Himself above deterioration; the Varuna the deity of the waters; the son of Varuna in the form of Vasishtha or Agastya; He that is immovable as a tree; He that is displayed in His own true form in the lotus of the heart; He that creates, preserves, and destroys by only a fiat of the mind DXLVIII, DLVIII; He that is possessed of the sixfold attributes of sovereignty etc; |
Mbh.13.158.13131 | It is He who is the Ancient God. |
Mbh.14.40.1593 | He who thus knows the Lord lying in the cave, the Supreme, Ancient Being, of universal form, the golden one, the highest goal of all persons endued with understanding, that intelligent man lives, transcending the understanding |
Jijith Nadumuri Ravi
Research data published for the interest of people researching on Mahabharata.
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Reference:- Mahabharata of Krishna Dwaipayana Vyasa, translated to English by Kisari Mohan Ganguli; Source of Plain Text:; Wikified at AncientVoice. |