Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 20 Feb 2010 05:22 and updated at 10 Mar 2010 15:14
Mahabharata: 18 Parvas
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Mbh.1.25.1577 | Thou art the light of all creatures, Aditya, Vibhavasu, and the wonderful elements. |
Mbh.1.174.8922 | Therefore, when the opportunity comes, ask my father Aditya for my hand with worship, ascetic penances, and vows. |
Mbh.2.11.417 | In the Krita golden age of old, O king, the exalted deity Aditya once came down from heaven into the world of men. |
Mbh.2.11.418 | Having seen before the assembly-house of Brahma the Self-created, Aditya was cheerfully wandering over the Earth in human form, desirous of beholding what could be seen here. |
Mbh.2.11.421 | I then asked Aditya, saying, O exalted one, I desire to behold the sacred Sabha of the Grandsire. |
Mbh.2.11.423 | Hearing these words of mine, Aditya the god of day, the deity of a thousand rays, answered me, O chief of the Bharata race, thus: Observe thou, with mind rapt in meditation, the Brahma vow extending for a thousand years. |
Mbh.2.11.436 | And Agastya of great energy, and Markandeya, of great ascetic power, and Jamadagni and Bharadwaja, and Samvarta, and Chyavana, and exalted Durvasa, and the virtuous Rishyasringa, the illustrious Sanatkumara of great ascetic merit and the preceptor in all matters affecting Yoga; Asita and Devala, and Jaigishavya acquainted with truth; Rishava, Ajitasatru, and Mani of great energy; and the Science of healing with its eight branches, all in their personified forms, O Bharata; the moon with all the stars and the stellar conjunctions; Aditya with all his rays; the winds; the Sacrifices, the Declarations of purpose in sacrifices, the Vital principles, these illustrious and vow-observing beings in their personified forms, and many others too numerous to mention, attend all upon Brahma in that mansion. |
Mbh.3.3.243 | Thou art thousand-rayed, thou art Aditya, and Tapana, and the lord of rays. |
Mbh.3.83.4353 | One should next go, O king, to the asylum of Aditya, that illustrious god who is a mass of effulgence. |
Mbh.3.83.4354 | Bathing in that tirtha celebrated over three worlds, and worshipping the god of light, one goeth to the region of Aditya and rescueth his own race. |
Mbh.3.91.4921 | Well do I know that that exalted son of Aditya resembleth the son of Maheswara himself. |
Mbh.4.2.54 | What office will be performed by Arjuna who, dwelling for five years in the abode of the thousand-eyed Deity Indra shining in celestial lustre, acquired by his own energy the science of superhuman arms with all celestial weapons, and whom I regard as the tenth Rudra, the thirteenth Aditya, the ninth Vasu, and the tenth Graha, whose arms, symmetrical and long, have the skin hardened by constant strokes of the bowstring and cicatrices which resemble those on the humps of bulls, that foremost of warriors who is as Himavat among mountains, the ocean among expanses of water, Sakra among the celestial, Havya-vaha fire among the Vasus, the tiger among beasts, and Garuda among feathery tribes |
Mbh.5.90.4193 | O Krishna, that Arjuna of two arms who always regardeth himself as superior to his namesake of old with thousand arms, and who at one stretch shooteth five hundred arrows, that son of Pandu who in the use of weapons is equal unto king Kartavirya, in energy unto Aditya, in restraint of senses unto a great sage, in forgiveness unto the Earth, and in prowess unto Indra himself, he, by whose prowess, O slayer of Madhu, the Kurus amongst all the kings of the earth have obtained this extensive empire, blazing with effulgence, he, whose strength of arms is always adored by the Pandavas, that son of Pandu, who is the foremost of all car-warriors and whose prowess is incapable of being frustrated, he, from an encounter with whom in battle no foe ever escapeth with life, he, O Achyuta, who is the conqueror of all, but who is incapable of being conquered by any, he, who is the refuge of the Pandavas like Vasava of the celestials, how, O Kesava, is that Dhananjaya now, that brother and friend of thine? |
Mbh.7.10.377 | The foremost among the Panchalas, possessed of heroism, high-born and the favourite of all high-born heroes, ever achieving good deeds in battle, viz, Uttamaujas, that Prince ever engaged in the welfare of Arjuna, born for only my evil, equal unto Yama, or Vaisaravana, or Aditya, or Mahendra, or Varuna, that prince regarded as a mighty car-warrior and prepared to lay down his life in the thick of battle, O, what heroes of my army surrounded him? |
Mbh.7.10.381 | That foremost hero of the Vrishni race, that chief of all bowmen, that brave warrior in whom all accomplishments exist in a greater degree than in Dhananajaya himself, in whom are ever weapons and truth and Brahmacharya, who is equal to Vasudeva in energy and Dhananjaya in strength, who in splendour is equal to Aditya and in intelligence to Vrihaspati, viz, the high-souled Abhimanyu, resembling Death himself with wide-open mouth, O what heroes of my army surrounded him when he rushed towards Drona? |
Mbh.7.28.1471 | For drying up those waters, Arjuna applied the weapon called Aditya. |
Mbh.7.33.1749 | Yudhishthira said, Since protected by these tigers among men, these great bowmen endued with fierce might, these warriors that resemble the Sadhyas, the Rudras, or the Maruts, or are like the Vasus, or Agni or Aditya himself in prowess, thou venturest to pierce the invincible array of Drona, and since thou speakest so, let thy strength, O son of Subhadra be increased' |
Mbh.7.185.10140 | SECTION CLXXXVII Sanjaya continued, The warrior, O king, thus clad in mail on the field of battle, adored the thousand-rayed Aditya as he rose at morn. |
Mbh.9.47.3510 | Filled with joy and praised by the great Rishis, Baladeva, that hero ever decked with garlands of wild flowers and possessed of eyes like lotus leaves, then proceeded to the tirtha called Aditya. |
Mbh.12.67.3755 | He becomes Agni, Aditya, Mrityu, Vaisravana, and Yama. |
Mbh.12.67.3757 | When he observes through his spies the acts of all persons and does what is for the general good, he is then said to assume the form of Aditya. |
Mbh.12.284.17593 | In thy body I behold Soma, and Agni, and the lord of the Waters, and Aditya, and Vishnu, and Brahmana, and Vrihaspati. |
Mbh.12.318.19892 | The great Rishis residing in the region of Brahma say that Aditya himself, the eternal lord of all luminaries, is thy preceptor in the matter of this branch of knowledge. |
Mbh.12.327.20811 | Unapproachable by persons of uncleansed souls, that mountain is known by the name of Aditya. |
Mbh.12.339.21931 | When after routing the Lord of Sachi, that Asura will take unto himself the sovereignty of the three worlds, I shall take birth in Aditi's womb, by Kasyapa, as the twelfth Aditya. |
Mbh.12.344.22851 | Aditya, who is the dispeller of the darkness of all the worlds, is said to be the door through which the Emancipate must pass. |
Mbh.12.344.22852 | Entering Aditya, the bodies of such persons become consumed by his fire. |
Mbh.12.344.22854 | Reduced into invisible atoms, they then enter Narayana in manifested form and residing in the middle of the region covered by Aditya into the form of Aniruddha. |
Mbh.12.348.23262 | Daksha, in his turn, imparted it to the eldest of all the sons of his daughters, O monarch, viz, Aditya who is senior in age to Savitri. |
Mbh.12.348.23263 | From Aditya, Vivaswat obtained it. |
Mbh.13.16.1657 | Of that which is called the Devayana the path of the deities thou art the door called Aditya. |
Mbh.13.16.1673 | Thou art Chandramas and Aditya. |
Mbh.13.17.2044 | Thou art the companion of Ansu and art called Aditya. |
Mbh.13.18.2881 | Vishnu said, O Great King, Aditya, Chandra, Wind, Fire, Heaven, Earth, the Vasus, the Viswedevas, Dhatri, Aryyaman, Sukra, Vrihaspati, the Rudras, the Saddhyas, Varuna, Brahma, Sakra, Maruts, the Upanishads that deal with knowledge of Brahman, Truth, the Vedas, the Sacrifices, Sacrificial Presents, Brahmanas reciting the Vedas, Soma, Sacrificer, the shares of the deities in sacrificial offerings or clarified butter poured in sacrifices, Raksha, Diksha, all kinds of restraints in the form of vows and fasts and rigid observances, Swaha, Vashat, the Brahmanas, the celestial cow, the foremost acts of righteousness, the wheel of Time, Strength, Fame, Self-restraint, the Steadiness of all persons endued with intelligence, all acts of goodness and the reverse, the seven Rishis, Understanding of the foremost order, all kinds of excellent touch, the success of all religious acts, the diverse tribes of the deities, those beings that drink heat, those that are drinkers of Soma, Clouds, Suyamas, Rishitas, all creatures having Mantras for their bodies, Abhasuras, those beings that live upon scents only, those that live upon vision only, those that restrain their speech, those that restrain their minds, those that are pure, those that are capable of assuming diverse forms through Yoga-puissance, those deities that live on touch as their food, those deities that subsist on vision and those that subsist upon the butter poured in sacrifices, those beings that are competent to create by fiats of their will the objects they require, they that are regarded as the foremost ones among the deities, and all the other deities, O descendant of Ajamila, the Suparnas, the Gandharvas, the Pisachas, the Danavas, Yakshas, the Charanas, the snakes, all that is gross and all that is exceedingly subtile, all that is soft and all that is not subtile, all sorrows and all joys, all sorrows that come after joy and all joy that comes after sorrow, the Sankhya philosophy, Yoga, and that which transcends objects which are regarded as foremost and very superior, all adorable things, all the deities, and all the protectors of the universe who entering into the physical forces sustain and uphold this ancient creation of that illustrious Deity, have sprung from that Creator of all creatures. |
Mbh.13.31.3923 | I worship the Brahmanas, O puissant one, who constantly worship Varuna and Vayu and Aditya and Parjanya and the deity of Fire, and Sthanu and Skanda and Lakshmi and Vishnu and the Brahmanas, and the lord of speech, and Chandramas, and the Waters and Earth and the goddess Saraswati. |
Mbh.13.34.4092 | Aditya, Chandramas, Wind, Water, Earth, Sky and the points of the compass, all enter the body of the Brahmana and take what the Brahmana eats |
Mbh.13.62.6036 | Aditya and Varuna and Vishnu and Brahman and Soma and Hutasana, and the illustrious and trident-bearing Mahadeva, all applaud the man that makes a gift of earth. |
Mbh.13.86.7946 | His shoulders were broad, and he had a dozen arms, and the splendour of his person resembled that of fire and Aditya. |
Mbh.13.86.7953 | Chandramas gave him a sheep, and Aditya gave him some dazzling rays of his. |
Mbh.13.91.8186 | Others also are numbered amongst them, viz, Somapa, Suryasavitra, Dattatman, Pundariyaka, Ushninabha, Nabhoda, Viswayu, Dipti, Chamuhara, Suresa, Vyomari, Sankara Bhava, Isa, Kartri, Kriti, Daksha, Bhuvana, Divya, Karmakrit, Ganita Panchavirya, Aditya, Rasmimat, Saptakrit, Somavachas, Viswakrit, Kavi, Anugoptri, Sugoptri, Naptri, and Iswara, these highly blessed ones are numbered as the Viswedevas. |
Mbh.13.147.12305 | From Dakshayani will spring Aditya, and from Aditya will spring Manu. |
Mbh.13.165.13692 | Then comes the three-eyed Lord of Lima; then Skanda the generalissimo of the celestial forces; then Visakha; then Agni the eater of sacrificial libations; then Vayu the god of wind; then Chandramas; then Aditya the god of the sun, endued with effulgence; then the illustrious Sakra the lord of Sachi; and Yama with his spouse Dhumorna; and Varuna with Gauri; Kuvera the lord of treasures, with his spouse Riddhi; the amiable and illustrious cow Surabhi; the great Rishi Visravas; Sankalpa, Ocean, Gangs: the other sacred Rivers; the diverse Maruts; the Valkhilyas crowned with success of penances; the island-born Krishna; Narada; Parvata; Viswavasu; the Hahas; the Huhus; Tumvuru; Chitrasena; the celestial messenger of wide celebrity; the highly blessed celestial maidens; the celestial Apsaras, Urvasi, Menaka, Rambha; Misrakesi, Alamvusha, Viswachi, Ghritachi, Panchachuda, Tilottama, the Adityas, the Vasus, the Aswins, the Pitris; Dharma Righteousness; Vedic lore, Penances, Diksha, Perseverance in religious acts, the Grandsire, Day and Night, Kasyapa the son of Marichi, Sukra, Vrihaspati, Mangala the son of Earth, Vudha, Rahu, Sanischara, the Constellations, the Seasons, the Months, the Fortnights, the Year, Garuda, the son of Vinata, the several Oceans, the sons of Kadru, viz, the Snakes, Satadru, Vipasa, Chandrabhaga, Saraswati, Sindhu, Devika, Prabhasa, the lakes of Pushkara, Ganga, Mahanadi, Vena, Kaveri, Narmada, Kulampuna Visalya, Karatoya, Amvuvahini. |
Mbh.14.43.1780 | Aditya who always resides in the eye has been appointed in the perception of colour. |
Jijith Nadumuri Ravi
Research data published for the interest of people researching on Mahabharata.
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Reference:- Mahabharata of Krishna Dwaipayana Vyasa, translated to English by Kisari Mohan Ganguli; Source of Plain Text:; Wikified at AncientVoice. |