If you examine the Mahabharata carefully, you will find that it describes two very different Levels of Technology:
- On the one Hand a Society on the Level of the bronze Age with war elephants, horse driven chariots, conches for signals on the battlefield, bows and arrows, swords and so on as weapons. All of this is on the technological Level of the bronce Age and very ordinary Technology of that time.
- On the other Hand flying machines (vimanas), arrows with properties, which remind us on rocketry and weapons with efects, which seem very similar to atomic bombs..
As far as I know the Mahabharata, the Technology of the second described Level was Technology of the gods, given to their progeny or devotees. In my opinion this shows clearly, that these two Levels of Technology are not inventions but descriptions on a real Basis. This is very clear to see in the description of the Propulsion of a vimana (I'm not sure, this is in Mahabharata, maybe it was in Ramayana, but that doesn't matter in this purpose). Even the description is on a very high Level, because it needs a lot of experience, to give a description as short as possible but with all Information, needed to understand and reconstruct the object. I'm very sure, this was originally part of a technical description.
So from this Point of view it seems clear, that the technological descriptions are not imaginary but real achievments of the gods. In this Connection we have to see, that the Indian yuga System originates from the krita- or satyayuga, at which time the first Generation of gods, called "Jayas" or "Sons of Brahma" (this term also appears in the Bible as "Sons of God" and in other ancient scriptures) were "mind Born" by Brahma. From them in Tretayuga were begotten the daityas as the second Generation, from which came in Dvaparayuga the devas as the third Generation. This is the depiction of the Puranas but it is in accordance with the religious Believes of a lot of different peoples at different Locations, even different Continents. Apart from the fact, that the Indian yuga System no longer applies remains the fact, that this System pushes back the history of advanced human societies (which means the offspring of gods and former human races!) to more than 2 Million (2,.000.000) years. This is surely time enough, to develop an advanced Technology, if you compare the advancement of human Technology in the last say 500 years,.