Interesting article on Arjuna. It gives a fresh perspective. There are a few spelling mistakes though. The images and videos too are great. Are you making a video game on Arjuna? Your articles are very useful and gives interesting perspectives on many topics. Keep the good work!
Thanks. Please let me know of any more spelling or grammatical errors. No video game on Arjuna for the moment but I may take up such activities in future. Updates on these will be provided at my other web-site viz. Technospace which deals with game development, software and other technical articles.
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To Jijith Nadumuri,
Greetings from Australia,
I just read your page about the journey from Indraprastha To Magadh by Arjuna and companions…
This history in my opinion is very nicely presented and well written
I saw a blog comment where you asked for spelling correction…
the word 'lied' is used incorrectly, so here is some minor corrections as you asked :-)
,,,thus included territories that lied lay to the south of Kuru-Panchala (or 'were positioned' to the south)
…included the kingdoms that lied in the southern banks of Ganga-Yamuna (or 'were situated on' the southern…
…The route that lied went to the immediate south of [the] Himalayan mountains, was another Uttarapatha route leading to Pragjyotisha, passing through the Kirata territories
…The populated regions of the Kuru kingdom <…> lied lay between Ganga and Yamuna
…the immediate region where it lied lay was considered as part of Kuru country (or 'was situated')
…passed through Kuru-jangala that lied lay to the north (or 'was situated')
…Kalakuta lied lay in the territories controlled by the Kurus (or 'was situated')
…that lied lay on the banks of Sarayu with Ayodhya
Magadh should read Magadha
"here is some" should read "here are some" :-)
Bharat Charitra pariksha tells about the base of Mahabharat. The event of the Samhita period is reshaped in Mahabharat and with the inserting of Geeta inthis epic , it reached to the present position. Ganapati muni clearly showed the event of this Samhita period (War between KUTSA and Shushna) . Arjuna,s name is also KUTSA. Shushna of Samhita period is considered as KARNA in Mahabharat. Shushna is another name of Karna.
it is strange matter that , in Samhita period Arjuna is the other name of Kutsa and Karna was the another name of Shushna.
Bharat Charitra Pariksha written by Vasistha ganapati Muni and presented in Valter(Andhra Pradesh )
I am translating this book into Kannada (Dravidian language) Vol No1 and Vol 2.
Vol No 1 is available.
This is for your information
Puttu Kulkarni
=91 9448774920