Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 04 Jul 2011 11:34 and updated at 04 Jul 2011 11:34
avs.1.7 | [0100701] Bring the Kimidin hither, bring the Yatudhana self declared For Agni, God, thou, lauded, hast become the Dasyu s slaughterer. |
avs.1.8 | [0100803] O Soma drinker, strike and bring the Yatudhana s progeny: Make the confessing sinner s eyes fall from his head, both right and left. |
avs.4.20 | [0402008] Kimidin, Yatudhana from their hiding places have I dragged. |
avs.4.28 | [0402806] Hurl your bolt, strong Gods, at the Yatudhana, him who makes ready roots and deals in magic: Lords of this world both quadruped and biped, Deliver us, ye twain, from grief and trouble. |
avs.8.3 | [0800304] Pierce through the Yatudhana s skin, O Agni; let the destroying dart with fire consume him. |
avs.8.3 | [0800305] Where now thou seest, Agni Jatavedas! a Yatudhana, standing still or roaming. |
avs.8.3 | Demolish with thy flame his ribs, O Agni: the Yatudhana s root destroy thou triply. |
avs.8.3 | Let arrows pierce the liar in his vitals, and Visva s net enclose the Yatudhana. |
avs.8.3 | [0800317] The cow gives milk each year, O Man Beholder: let not the Yatudhana ever taste it. |
avs.8.4 | Yea, may he lose all his ten sons together who with false tongue hath called me Yatudhana. |