Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 04 Jul 2011 10:59 and updated at 04 Jul 2011 10:59
avs.1.9 | May the Adityas and the Visve Devas set and support him in supremest lustre. [p. a10] |
avs.3.21 | [0302108] The golden handed Savitar and Indra, Brihaspati, Varuna, Mitra, and Agni, The Angirases we call, the Visve Devas: let them appease this Agni, Flesh devourer. |
avs.6.47 | [0604702] At this our second offering may Indra, Maruts, and Visve Devas never fail us. |
avs.7.24 | [0702401] What treasure hath been dug for us by Indra, by Agni, Visve devas, tuneful Maruts, On us may Savitar whose laws are faithful, Prajapati, and Heavenly Grace bestow it. |
avs.7.98 | Hail! let the sacrifice go forth anointed to Indra with the Gods and Visve Devas. |
avs.8.7 | Plants, dear to the Visve Devas, powerful, giving life to men. |
avs.8.8 | [0800813] The Visve Devas from above shall come depressing it with might, And in the midst the Angirases, slaying the mighty host, shall go. |
avs.11.1 | Let Agni my protector, all the Maruts, the Visve Devas guard the cooked oblation. |
avs.14.2 | [1400253] Her whom Brihaspati hath loosed the Visve Devas keep secure. |
avs.14.2 | [1400254] Her whom Brihaspati hath loosed the Visve Devas keep secure. |
avs.14.2 | [1400258] Her whom Brihaspati hath freed the Visve Devas keep secure. |
avs.19.11 | [1901102] Kind to us be the Gods and Visve Devas, Sarasvati with Holy Thoughts be gracious. |
avs.19.18 | [1901810] Let those who vex me from the zenith, sinners, extol Brihaspati with the Visve Devas. |
avs.19.39 | [1903905] Born thrice from the Adityas, thrice from Bhrigus, thrice from Angiras sons, born from the Visve Devas thrice, [p. 243] Healer of every malady, that Kushtha stands by Soma s side. |