Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 04 Jul 2011 10:54 and updated at 04 Jul 2011 10:54
avs.3.17 | Viraj vouchsafe us hearing fraught with plenty! Let the ripe grain come near and near the sickle. |
avs.8.5 | [0800510] May the Gods bind the Charm on him for armour, Indra, and Vishnu, Savitar Rudra, Agni, Prajapati, sublimest Parameshlhin, Viraj, Vaisvanara, and all the Rishis. |
avs.8.8 | [0800823] Year is the car, Full Year the seat for driving, Viraj the pole, the chariot s front is Agni, Indra the warrior, and the Moon the driver. |
avs.8.9 | [0800901] Whence were these two produced? which was that region? From what world, from which earth had they their being? Calves of Viraj, these two arose from water. |
avs.8.9 | [0800902] He who prepared a threefold home, and lying there made the water bellow through his greatness, Calf of Viraj, giving each wish fulfilment, made bodies for him self far off, in secret. |
avs.8.9 | [0800907] We, Kasyapa! six present Rishis, ask thee for thou hast prov ed things tried and meet for trial They call Viraj the Father of Devotion: tell her to us thy friends in all her figures. |
avs.8.9 | [0800908] She whom, advancing, sacrifices follow, and when she takes her station stand beside her, By whose control and hest the spirit moveth, she is Viraj, in highest heaven, O Rishis. |
avs.8.9 | [0800909] Breathless, she moves by breath of living creatures, Svaraj pre cedes, Viraj comes closely after. |
avs.8.9 | Some men behold her not, and some behold her, Viraj meet shaped, who thinks of all existence. |
avs.8.9 | [0800910] Who hath perceived Viraj s duplication, perceived her seasons and her rule and practice? Who knows her steps, how oft, how far extended, who knows her home and number of her dawnings? |
avs.8.10 | A glorification of the mystical abstraction Viraj |
avs.8.10 | [0801001] Viraj at first was This. |
avs.9.2 | [0900205] She, Kama! she is called the Cow, thy daughter, she who is named Vak and Viraj by sages. |
avs.9.5 | The whole together was Truth: Viraj his head and Faith his breathing. |
avs.9.10 | [0901024] Viraj is Speech, and Earth, and Air s mid region. |
avs.10.7 | [1000719] Who out of many, tell me, is that Skambha Whose mouth they say is Holy Lore, his tongue the Honey sweetened Whip, his udder is Viraj, they say? |
avs.11.4 | [1100412] Prana is Deshtri, and Viraj Prana is reverenced by all. |
avs.11.5 | [1100507] The Brahmachari, fathering Prayer, world, Waters, Viraj, Prajapati, and Parameshthin, Lay as a germ within the Immortal s bosom, then became Indra and destroyed the demons. |
avs.11.5 | Prajapati shines bright; the bright Viraj grew potent Indra s self. |
avs.11.8 | Viraj with Brahma at her side: Brahma into the body passed: Prajapati is Lord thereof. |
avs.13.1 | [1300133] Calf of Viraj, the Bull of prayers and worship, whitebacked, he hath gone up to air s mid region. |
avs.13.3 | [1300305] In whom Viraj, Prajapati, Parameshthin, Agni Vaisvanara abide with Pankti, He who hath taken to himself the breathing of the Supreme, the vigour of the Highest, This God, etc. |
avs.15.6 | Viraj and all the Gods and all the Deities followed him. |
avs.15.14 | [1501405] He, when he went away to the stedfast region, went away having become Vishnu and having made Viraj an eater of food. |
avs.15.14 | He who hath this knowledge eats food with Viraj as food eater. |
avs.19.6 | [1900609] In the beginning rose Viraj: Purusha from Viraj was born. |