Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 04 Jul 2011 10:44 and updated at 04 Jul 2011 10:44
avs.4.34 | [0403401] The head of this is prayer, its back the Brihat, Odanas s belly is the Vamadevya; Its face reality, its sides the metre, Vishtari sacrifice produced from fervour. |
avs.8.10 | [0801013] Two teats she had, Rathantara and Brihat, two, Yajnayajniya and Vamadevya. |
avs.8.10 | [0801015] They drew the Waters forth with Vamadevya, with Yajnayajniya they milked out worship. |
avs.8.10 | [0801017] Waters from Vamadevya come, from Yajnayajniya sacrifice. |
avs.15.2 | Yajnayajniya and Vamadevya and Sacrifice and Sacrificer and sacrificial victims followed him. |
avs.15.2 | The man who reviles the Vratya possessing this knowledge is alienated from Yajnayajniya and Vamadevya, Sacrifice, Sacrificer and sacrificial victims. |
avs.15.3 | [1500305] Brihat and Rathantara were the two long boards, Yajnayajniya and Vamadevya the two cross boards. |
avs.15.4 | For him they made the two Summer months pro tectors from the southern region, and Yajnayajniya and Vamadevya superintendents. |