Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 04 Jul 2011 10:41 and updated at 04 Jul 2011 10:41
avs.15.2 | Vairupa and Vairaja, the Waters, and King Varuna followed him. |
avs.15.2 | He who reviles the Vratya possessing this knowledge is alienated from Vairupa and Vairaja, the Waters and Varuna the King. |
avs.15.2 | He who possesses this knowledge becomes the dear home of Vairupa and Vairaja, the Waters and King Varuna. In the [p. 151] western region Ira is his leman, Laughter his panegyrist, knowledge, etc. |
avs.15.4 | [1500403] They made the two Rain months, his protectors from the western region, and Vairupa and Vairaja superintendents. |