
Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 02 Jul 2011 17:07 and updated at 02 Jul 2011 17:07


avs.1.1 A prayer to Vachaspati for divine illumination and help.
avs.1.1 [0100101] Now may Vachaspati assign to me the strength and powers of Those Who, wearing every shape and form, the triple seven, are wandering round.
avs.1.1 [0100102] Come thou again, Vachaspati, come with divine intelligence. Vasoshpati, repose thou here.
avs.1.1 This let Vachaspati confirm.
avs.1.1 [0100104] Vachaspati hath been invoked: may he invite us in reply.
avs.13.1 [1300117] To us, Vachaspati, may Earth be pleasant, pleasant our dwelling, pleasant be our couches.
avs.13.1 [1300118] And those, Vachaspati, our own five seasons, sacred to Visva karman their creator.
avs.13.1 [1300119] Breed, O Vachaspati, joy and understanding, kine i n our stall and children in our consorts.

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