
Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 04 Jul 2011 10:20 and updated at 04 Jul 2011 10:20


avs.2.34 By paths which Gods have travelled go to Svarga.
avs.4.34 Fire burneth not their organ of enjoyment: much pleasure have they in the world of Svarga.
avs.4.34 Abundant with their overflow of sweetness, these streams shall reach thee in the world of Svarga, whole lakes with lotus blossom shall approach thee.
avs.4.34 [0403406] Full lakes of butter with their banks of honey, flowing with wine, and milk and curds and water Abundant with their overflow of sweetness, these streams shall reach thee in the world of Svarga, whole lakes with lotus blossom shall approach thee.
avs.4.34 [0403407] I give four pitchers, in four several places, filled to the brim with milk and curds and water. [p. a144] Abundant with their overflow of sweetness, these streams shall reach thee in the world of Svarga, whole lakes with lotus blossom shall approach thee.
avs.6.122 3, Stand on my side and range yourselves in order, ye two! The faithful reach this world of Svarga. [p. a258] When your dressed food hath been bestowed on Agni, to guard it, wife and husband, come together!
avs.9.5 [0900518] The Goat Panchaudana, when cooked, transporteth, repelling Nirriti, to the world of Svarga.
avs.9.5 [0900526] The five gold pieces, area light to light him, robes become armour to defend his body; He winneth Svarga as his home who giveth the Goat Panchaudana illumed with bountry. [p. a371]
avs.9.6 [0900609] With the couch that the men bring, he wins for himself the world of Svarga.
avs.9.6 [0900623] Now these guests, as priests beloved or not beloved, bring one to the world of Svarga.
avs.9.7 [0900704] His universe is Vayu, Svarga is his world, Krishpadram is the tendons and Vertebrae. [p. a378]
avs.11.1 Erect, rise upward to the sky s high station, rise to the lofty world which men call Svarga.
avs.12.3 As such, conduct us io the world of Svarga.
avs.12.3 [1200317] Unto the world of Svarga shalt thou lead us: there may we dwell beside our wife and children.
avs.12.3 Thus may they lead us to the world of Svarga.
avs.12.3 Our mess, presented seeking heaven, hath mounted in three divisions all three realms of Svarga.
avs.12.3 couple, to the world of Svarga.
avs.18.3 of Gods which lies before thee, This is thy husband: joyfully receive him and let him mount into the world of Svarga.
avs.18.4 Tread thou God travelled paths whereby the righteous, payers of sacrifices, go to Svarga.
avs.18.4 By those same pathways go thou up to Svarga where the Adityas take their fill of sweetness, There make thy home in the third vault of heaven,
avs.18.4 The worlds of Svarga shall, filled full of Amrit, yield food and power to him who sacrificeth. [p. 202]
avs.18.4 As meed, the Svarga worlds, overspread with fatness shall yield the sacrificer all his wishes.
avs.18.4 [1800410] Do ye, with your most kindly forms, O Agni, waft, turned to rapid steeds whose ribs bear burthens, The sacrificer to the world of Svarga where with the Gods they banquet and are joyful.
avs.18.4 world of Svarga, Let all the fires, each Jatavedas, welcome Prajapati s completely offered victim.
avs.18.4 [1800414] Fain to fly up from the sky s ridge to heaven, the worshipper hath mounted visible Agni. [p. 203] Lucid from out the mist to him, the pious, gleams the God travelled path that leads to Svarga.
avs.19.3 [1900303] Thy majesty among the Gods in Svarga, thy body which hath past into the Fathers.
avs.19.61 [1906101] May my self remain in my body: may I enjoy the full time of life, Rest thee pleasantly: pour forth abundance, purifying thyself in Svarga.

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