Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 04 Jul 2011 10:19 and updated at 04 Jul 2011 10:19
avs.8.10 | son, milked her, this Svadha. |
avs.10.10 | [1001006] Her foot is sacrifice, her milk libation, Svadha her breath, Mahiluka the mighty: To the God goes with prayer the Cow who hath Parjanya for her lord. |
avs.10.10 | [1001017] Then came and met the Blessed Ones, Deshtri, the Cow, and Svadha, where Atharvan, consecrated. |
avs.10.10 | [1001018] The Kshatriya s mother is the Cow, thy mother, Svadha! is the Cow. |
avs.12.4 | [1200432] By Svadha to the Fathers, by sacrifice to the Deities, By giving them the Cow, the Prince doth not incur the mother s. |
avs.15.14 | [1501407] He, when he went away to the Fathers, went away having be come King Yama and having made the exclamation Svadha an eater of food. |
avs.15.14 | He who hath this knowledge eats food with the exclamation Svadha as food eater. |
avs.18.3 | And give them to the Fathers who consumed them with Svadha. |