Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 03 Jul 2011 16:19 and updated at 03 Jul 2011 16:19
avs.5.13 | [0501305] Listen to me, Black Snakes and hateful creatures, Lurker in Grass, Karaita, and Brown, and Spotty, Approach not near the house my friend inhabits: give warning, and rest quiet with your poison. |
avs.10.4 | [1000403] Strike out, white courser! with thy foot, strike both with fore and hinder foot, Stay the dire poison of the Snakes, and make it weak as soaking wood. |
avs.10.4 | Loud neighing he hath dived below, and rising up again replied, Stayed the dire poison of the Snakes, and made it weak as soaking wood. |
avs.10.4 | These are the tracks the courser left, the mighty slayer of the Snakes. |
avs.11.6 | Snakes, [p. 60] And to the hundred deaths and one: may these deliver us from woe. |
avs.11.9 | [1100924] Tall trees, and those who live in woods, the herbs and creeping plants of Earth, Gandharvas, and Apsarases, Snakes, |