Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 03 Jul 2011 16:07 and updated at 03 Jul 2011 16:07
avs.4.10 | [0401001] Child of the wind firmament, sprung from the lightning and the light, May this the gold born Shell that bears the pearl preserve us from distress. |
avs.4.10 | [0401002] Shell that wast born from out the sea, set at the head of things that shine! With thee we slay the Rakshasas and overcome voracious fiends. |
avs.4.10 | [0401003] We stay disease and indigence, and chase Sadanvas with the Shell. |
avs.4.10 | May the all healing Shell that bears the pearl preserve us from distress. |
avs.4.10 | This gold born Shell shall be to us an amulet to lengthen life. |