Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 03 Jul 2011 16:07 and updated at 03 Jul 2011 16:07
avs.6.12 | [0601201] I, As the Sun goes round the heaven, have travelled round the Serpents race. |
avs.8.7 | I call, to aid this man, the Plants which Serpents and Gandharvas know. |
avs.8.8 | [0800815] Gandharvas, and Apsarases, Gods, Serpents, Fathers, Holy Men, Seen and unseen, I send them forth that they may strike this army dead. |
avs.8.10 | [0801029] She mounted up, she came unto the Serpents. |
avs.8.10 | The Serpents called her, Venomous! come hither. |
avs.8.10 | That poison quickens and supports the Serpents: He who knows this becomes a meet supporter. |
avs.10.4 | The last, the Serpents chariot, struck the pillar and then sped away. [p. 12] |
avs.10.4 | Cast thou aside the Serpents from the pathway whereupon we tread. |
avs.10.4 | [1000423] Serpents which fire or plants have generated, those which have sprung from waters or the lightning, Whose mighty broods are found in many places, these serpents we will reverently worship. |
avs.11.10 | [1101001] Rise up, with all your banners rise; prepare your strength, ye vapoury Forms! Serpents and fiends and Other Folk, charge and pursue our enemies! |