Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 03 Jul 2011 14:51 and updated at 03 Jul 2011 14:51
avs.5.24 | [0502414] May Yama, Regent of the Fathers, save me. |
avs.12.3 | [1200355] To the eastern region, to Agni the Regent, to Asita the Protector, Aditya the Archer, we present thee, this offering of ours. |
avs.12.3 | [1200356] To the southern region, to Indra the Regent, to Tiraschiraji the Protector, to Yama the Archer, we present, etc. |
avs.12.3 | [1200357] To the western region, to Varuna the Regent, to Pridaku the Protector, to Food the Archer, we present, etc. |
avs.12.3 | [1200358] To the northern region, to Soma the Regent, to Svaja the Protector, to Thunderbolt the Archer, we present, etc. [p. 95] |
avs.12.3 | [1200359] To the stedfast region, to Vishnu the Regent, to Kalmashagriva the Protector, to Plants the Archers, we present, etc. |
avs.12.3 | [1200360] To the upper region, to Brihaspati the Regent, to Svitra the Protector, to Rain the Archer, we present thee, this offering of ours. |
avs.13.3 | [1300307] He who, consuming food, became its master, the Lord of Prayer, the Regent of Devotion, The world s Lord, present and to be hereafter, This God, etc. |