Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 03 Jul 2011 14:48 and updated at 03 Jul 2011 14:48
avs.8.10 | [0801013] Two teats she had, Rathantara and Brihat, two, Yajnayajniya and Vamadevya. |
avs.8.10 | [0801014] With the Rathantara the Gods milked from her the Plants, and all the wide expanse with Brihat. |
avs.8.10 | [0801016] For him who knoweth this, Rathantara poureth out Plants, and Brihat yieldeth wide expansion. |
avs.9.10 | [0901003] With Jagati the flood in heaven he stablished, and saw the Sun in the Rathantara Saman. |
avs.11.3 | The Brihat is, the stirring spoon, the Rathantara the ladle. |
avs.13.3 | [1300311] In front the Brihat Saman is his mantle, and from behind Rathantara enfolds him, Ever with care robing themselves in splendour. |
avs.15.2 | The Brihat, the Rathantara, the Adityas and all the Gods followed him. |
avs.15.2 | That man is alienated from the Brihat, the Rathantara, the Adityas, and all Gods who reviles the Vratya who possesses this knowledge. |
avs.15.2 | He who hath this knowledge becomes the beloved home of the Brihat, the Rathantara the Adityas, and all the Gods. |
avs.15.3 | [1500305] Brihat and Rathantara were the two long boards, Yajnayajniya and Vamadevya the two cross boards. |
avs.15.4 | [1500401] For him they made the two Spring months protectors from the eastern region, and Brihat and Rathantara superintendents. |
avs.15.4 | The two Spring months protect from the eastern region, and Brihat and Rathantara superintend, the man who possesses this knowledge. |