Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 03 Jul 2011 14:37 and updated at 03 Jul 2011 14:37
avs.1.9 | [0100901] May Indra, Pushan, Varuria, Mitra, Agni, benignant Gods, maintain this man in riches. |
avs.1.11 | O Pushan At this birth let Aryaman the Sage perform as Hotar priest, [p. a12] As one who bears in season let this dame be ready to bring forth her child. |
avs.3.14 | [0301402] May Aryaman pour gifts on you, and Pushan, land Brihaspati, And Indra, winner of the prize. |
avs.3.16 | [0301601] Agni at dawn, and Indra we invoke at dawn, and Varuna and Mitra, and the Asvins twain: Bhaga at dawn, Pushan and Brahmanaspati, Soma at dawn, and Rudra we invoke at dawn. |
avs.3.17 | [0301704] May Indra press the furrow down, may Pushan guard and cherish her. |
avs.3.20 | May Vayu hedge me round about May Pushan make me pros perous. |
avs.5.28 | [0502803] In three threaded Charm rest triple fulness! Let Pushan cover it with milk and butter. |
avs.5.28 | [0502812] Aryaman be thy binder on, and Pushan and Brihaspati: Whatever name the brood of day possess, therewith we fasten thee. |
avs.6.3 | [0600301] Guard us the Maruts! Guard us well, O Indra, Pushan, Aditi. |
avs.6.67 | [0606701] Indra and Pushan have gone forth along the ways on every side. |
avs.6.73 | Before us may Pushan make your path unfit to travel. |
avs.6.112 | [0611203] The elder brother s bonds, still left unwedded, fettered in every limb and bound securely, Loose these, for they are bonds for loosing: Pushan, turn woes away upon the babe destroyer. |
avs.6.113 | Pushan, wipe woes away upon the babe destroyer! |
avs.7.9 | A prayer to Pushan for protection and the recovery of lost property |
avs.7.9 | [0700901] Pushan was born to move on distant pathways, on roads remote from earth, remote from heaven. |
avs.7.9 | [0700902] Pushan knows all these realms: may he conduct us by ways that are most free from fear and danger. |
avs.7.9 | [0700903] We are thy praisers here, O Pushan: never let us be injured under thy protection. |
avs.7.9 | [0700904] From out the distance, far and wide, may Pushan stretch his right hand forth. |
avs.7.33 | [0703301] Let Pushan, let the Maruts, let Brihaspati pour forth on me; This present Agni pour on me children and riches in a stream! May he bestow long life on me. |
avs.11.6 | [1100603] We call on Savitar the God, on Pushan the establisher, [p. 59] Tvashtar the foremost we address: may they deliver us from woe. |
avs.14.1 | [1400115] Twin Lords of Lustre, at the time when ye to Surya s wooing came, Then all the Gods agreed to your proposal Pushan as son elected you as father. |
avs.14.1 | To him, your friend, may Pushan, all the Maruts, to him may Dhatar, Savitar send vigour. |
avs.14.1 | Aryaman s fire let her encircle, Pushan! Fathers in law stand, with their sons, expectant. |
avs.14.2 | [1400238] Send her most rich in every charm, O Pushan, her who shall be the sharer of my pleasures; Her who shall twine her eager arms about me, and welcome all my love and soft embraces. |
avs.16.9 | May Pushan set me in the world of virtue. |
avs.18.2 | Go to that world and send us Pushan hither to bear us on the paths the goat hath trodden. |
avs.18.2 | [1800254] Guard of the world, whose cattle never are injured, may Pushan bear thee hence, for he hath knowledge. |
avs.18.2 | [1800255] Lord of all life, let Ayu guard thee, Pushan convey thee forward on the distant pathway. |
avs.19.10 | [1901001] Befriend us with their aids Indra and Agni, Indra and Varuna who receive oblations! Indra and Soma give health, wealth and comfort, Indra and Pushan be our strength in battle! |
avs.19.10 | May Vishnu give felicity, and, Pushan, and Air that cherisheth. |
avs.19.20 | [1902001] May Soma, Varuna the King, both Asvins, Yama and Pushan guard us well from Mrityu Death caused by men, which Indra Agni, Dhatar, Brihaspati and Savitar appointed. |
avs.19.51 | [1905102] Under the impulse of the God Savitar, sent forth from the arms of the Asvins and both hands of Pushan I have taken thee. |
avs.20.127 | Here, with a thousand rich rewards, doth Pushan also seat him self. |