Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 03 Jul 2011 14:07 and updated at 03 Jul 2011 14:07
avs.1.35 | [0103502] This man no fiends may conquer, no Pisachas, for this is might of Gods, their primal offspring. |
avs.2.18 | [0201804] Pisachas ruiner art thou, give me to drive Pisachas off. |
avs.4.20 | Make me see all Pisachas With this prayer, O Plant, I hold thee fast. |
avs.4.36 | [0403604] I conquer the Pisachas with my power, and take their wealth away. |
avs.4.36 | [0403606] I trouble the Pisachas as the tiger plagues men rich in kine. |
avs.4.36 | [0403607] Naught with Pisachas can I do, with thieves, with roamers of the wood. |
avs.4.36 | Pisachas flee and vanish from each village as I enter it. |
avs.4.36 | [0403608] Into whatever village this mine awful power penetrates, Thence the Pisachas flee away, and plot no further mischief there. |
avs.4.37 | [0403710] O Plant, be thou victorious, crush the Pisachas, one and all, Blyxa fed, shining in the floods, illumining the selfish ones. |
avs.5.29 | [0502905] Whatever of his body hath been taken, plundered, borne off, or eaten by Pisachas, This, Agni, knowing it, again bring hither! We give back flesh and spirit to his body. |
avs.5.29 | [0502906] If some Pisacha in my food raw, ready, thoroughly cooked, or, spotty, hath deceived me, Let the Pisachas with their lives and offspring atone for this, and let this man be healthy. |
avs.5.29 | Let the Pisachas, etc. |
avs.5.29 | [0502908] If one, flesh eater, in a draught of water have wronged me lying in the bed of goblins, Let the Pisachas, etc. |
avs.5.29 | [0502909] If one, flesh eater, in the day or night time have wronged me lying in the bed of goblins, Let the Pisachas, etc. |
avs.5.29 | [0502914] Here, Agni, is the fuel, here are logs that crush Pisachas down. |
avs.6.32 | [0603202] Let Rudra break your necks, O ye Pisachas, and split your ribs asunder, Yatudhanas! Your herb of universal power with Yama hath allied itself. |
avs.8.2 | [0800212] Far off we drive Malignity, Destruction, Pisachas banqueters on flesh, and Grahi. |
avs.12.1 | [1200150] Gandharvas and Apsarases, Kimidins, and malignant sprites, Pisachas all, and Rakshasas, these keep thou, Earth! afar from us. |