Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 03 Jul 2011 12:53 and updated at 03 Jul 2011 12:53
avs.4.15 | [0401515] Khanvakha, ho! Khaimakha, ho! thou in the middle, Taduri! Fathers, enjoy the rain from one who strives to win the Marut s heart.[p. a123] |
avs.6.122 | May Indra, Marut girt, grant me the blessing I long for as I pour you this libation. |
avs.11.1 | purifie d and holy Women, May Indra, Marut girt, grant me the blessing which as I sprinkle you, my heart desireth. |
avs.15.14 | [1501401] He when he went away to the eastern region, went away having become the Marut host, and having made Mind an eater of food. |
avs.19.17 | [1901708] May Indra, Marut girt, protect me from this region. |
avs.19.18 | [1901808] Let those who vex me from this quarter, sinners, praise Indra with the Marut host about him. |