Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 03 Jul 2011 12:47 and updated at 03 Jul 2011 12:47
avs.3.9 | [0300902] The bands hold fast without a knot: this is the way that Manu used. |
avs.7.37 | [0703701] With this my robe, inherited from Manu, I envelop thee, So that thou mayst be all mine own and give no thought to other dames. |
avs.7.82 | [0708206] Butter to thee in heaven thy home, O Agni! Manu this day hath kindled thee with butter. |
avs.8.10 | They called her, Come unto us, come hither thou Free giver! Earth was her milking pail, the calf beside her Manu Vaivasvata, Vivasvan s offspring. |
avs.12.1 | [1200102] Not over awded by the crowd of Manu s sons, she who hath many heights and floods and level plains; She who bears plants endowed with many varied powers, may Prithivi for us spread wide and favour us. |
avs.14.2 | [1400241] Sent by the Gods associate with Manu, the vesture of the bride, the nuptial garment, He who bestows this on a thoughtful Brahman, drives from the marriage bed all evil demons. |
avs.20.61 | [2006102] Wherewith thou also foundest lights for Ayu and for Manu s sake: Now joying in!!this sacred grass thou beamest forth. |
avs.20.126 | [2012623] Daughter of Manu, Parsu bare a score of children at a birth. [p. 362] Her portion verily was bliss although her burthen caused her grief. |