Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 03 Jul 2011 12:35 and updated at 03 Jul 2011 12:35
avs.1.1 | May we adhere to Sacred Lore. |
avs.7.61 | [0706101] Since, Agni, with our fervent zeal we undergo austerity, May we be dear to Sacred Lore, may we be wise and live long lives. |
avs.7.61 | So listening to Holy Lore may we grow wise and full of days. |
avs.10.7 | [1000719] Who out of many, tell me, is that Skambha Whose mouth they say is Holy Lore, his tongue the Honey sweetened Whip, his udder is Viraj, they say? |
avs.10.7 | [1000724] Where the Gods, versed in Sacred Lore, worship the loftiest Power Divine The priest who knows them face to face may be a sage who knows the truth. |
avs.10.7 | [1000727] The three and thirty Gods within his body were disposed as limbs: Some, deeply versed in Holy Lore, some know those three and thirty Gods. |