
Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 03 Jul 2011 12:32 and updated at 03 Jul 2011 12:32


avs.3.10 [0301009] The Seasons, and the Seasons Lords I worship, annual parts and groups.
avs.4.28 Lords of this world both quadruped and biped.
avs.4.28 [0402802] Lords of all near and even of what is distant, famed as the best and skilfullest of archers, Lords of this world both quadruped and biped, Deliver us, ye twain, from grief and trouble.
avs.4.28 [0402803] Thousand eyed foe destroyers, I invoke you, still praising you the strong, of wide dominion: Lords of this world both quadruped and biped, Deliver us, ye twain, from grief and trouble.
avs.4.28 [0402804] Ye who of old wrought many a deed in concert, and showed among mankind unhappy omens; Lords of this world both quadruped and biped, Deliver us, ye twain, from grief and trouble.
avs.4.28 [0402805] Ye from the stroke of whose destroying weapon not one among the Gods or men escapeth, Lords of this world both quadruped and biped, Deliver us, ye twain, from grief and trouble.
avs.4.28 [0402806] Hurl your bolt, strong Gods, at the Yatudhana, him who makes ready roots and deals in magic: Lords of this world both quadruped and biped, Deliver us, ye twain, from grief and trouble.
avs.5.24 [0502405] May Mitra Varuna, Lords of rain, preserve me.
avs.5.24 [0502406] Lords of the mountains, may the Maruts save me.
avs.6.3 [0600303] Preserve us both the Asvins, Gods and Lords of Light, and let the Dawns and Night bring us deliverance.
avs.6.69 [0606902] With your delicious honey balm me, Asvins, Lords of splendid light! That clear and resonant may be the voice I utter to mankind.
avs.7.25 [0702501] The early morning prayer hath come to Vishnu and Varuna, Lords through might, whom none hath equalled, Gods by whose power the realms of air were stablished, strongest and most heroic in their vigour.
avs.7.73 Lords of the brave, balm lovers, guards of sacrifice, drink ye the warm libation in the light of heaven.
avs.7.81 [0708145] With that unwasting stalk which Gods, unwasting Gods, in crease and eat, [p. a307] May Varuna, Brihaspati, and Indra, the Lords and Guardians of the world, increase us.
avs.8.4 Do ye, as Lords of men, animate these my prayers.
avs.9.1 [0900119] May both the Asvins, Lords of Light, balm me with honey of the bees, That I may speak among the folk words full of splendour and of strength. [p. a358]
avs.9.7 [0900714] The river is the womb, the Lords of the Rain are the breasts,.
avs.10.1 Run, be gone! Indra and Agni, Guardian Lords of living creatures, shield us well!
avs.11.2 Homage to you, twin Lords of beasts and spirits! Shoot not the arrow aimed and drawn against us: forbear to harm our quadrupeds and bipeds.
avs.11.6 [1100617] We speak to Seasons, Season Lords, to years and sections of the year, To Months, half months, and years complete: may they deliver us from woe.
avs.14.1 [1400115] Twin Lords of Lustre, at the time when ye to Surya s wooing came, Then all the Gods agreed to your proposal Pushan as son elected you as father.
avs.14.2 Ye, Lords of Splendour have become our twofold guard: may we as dear friends reach the dwelling of the friend.
avs.14.2 Give, Lords of Light a fair ford, good to drink at: remove the spiteful stump that blocks the pathway.
avs.19.11 [1901101] May the great Lords of Truth protect and aid us: blest to us be our horses and our cattle.
avs.20.13 [2001301] Lords of great wealth, Brihaspati and Indra, rejoicing at this sacrifice drink Soma.
avs.20.17 [2001712] Ye twain are Lords of wealth in earth and heaven, thou, O Brihaspati, and thou, O Indra.
avs.20.87 [2008707] Ye twain are Lords of wealth in earth and heaven, thou, O Brihaspati, and thou, O Indra
avs.20.125 [2012504] Ye, Asvins, Lords of Splendour, drank full draughts of grateful Soma juice, And aided Indra in his work with Namuchi of Asura birth.
avs.20.139 [2013904] Asvins, for you with song of praise this hot oblation is effused, This your sweet Soma juice, ye Lords of wealth and spoil, through which ye think upon the foe.

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