Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 03 Jul 2011 12:09 and updated at 03 Jul 2011 12:09
avs.6.76 | A benediction on a new born Kshatriya child |
avs.6.76 | [0607603] The man who knows his fuel laid in order by the Kshatriya Sets not his foot upon the steep declivity that leads to Death. |
avs.6.76 | [0607604] Those who encompass slay him not: he goes not near his lurk ing foes The Kshatriya who, knowing well, takes Agni s name for length of life. |
avs.10.10 | [1001018] The Kshatriya s mother is the Cow, thy mother, Svadha! is the Cow. |
avs.12.5 | [1200505] Of the Kshatriya who taketh to himself this Brahman s cow and oppresseth the Brahman. |
avs.12.5 | [1200511] All these blessings of a Kshatriya depart from him when he oppresseth the Brahman and taketh to himself the hhman s cow. |
avs.12.5 | [1200544] The Brahman s cow, not restored by a Kshatriya, ruins the marriages and all the kinsmen of the Brahman s oppressor. |
avs.12.5 | So shall it be with the Kshatriya who takes to himself the cow of the Brahmana who hath this knowledge. |