Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 03 Jul 2011 12:09 and updated at 03 Jul 2011 12:09
avs.10.1 | [1000107] Whoever said to thee, Go forth against the foeman up the stream, To him, O Kritya, go thou back. |
avs.10.1 | [1000115] This, Kritya, is thy path, we say, and guide thee. |
avs.10.1 | [1000117] As wind the trees, so smite and overthrow them: leave not cow, horse, or man of them surviving Return, O Kritya, unto those who made thee. |
avs.10.1 | Kritya, we know thy joints and all their places. |
avs.10.1 | [1000121] O Kritya, I will cut thy throat and hew thy feet off. |
avs.10.1 | Even as a daughter knows her sire, so know thy marker, Kritya, thou. |
avs.10.1 | [1000126] Kritya, begone, stay not. |
avs.10.1 | [1000129] The slaughter of an innocent, O Kritya, is an awful deed. |
avs.10.1 | Crush thou, O Kritya spare not, kill those practisers of magic arts. |