Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 03 Jul 2011 12:01 and updated at 03 Jul 2011 12:01
avs.1.14 | [0101404] With Asita s and Kasyapa s and Gaya s incantation, thus As sisters pack within a chest, I bind and tie thy fortune up. |
avs.2.33 | [0203307] In every member, every hair, in every joint wherein it lies, We with the exorcising spell of Kasyapa drive far away Con sumption settled in thy skin. |
avs.4.20 | [0402007] Thou art the sight of Kasyapa and of the hound who hath four eyes. |
avs.4.29 | [0402903] Mitra and Varuna who help Agasti, Atri, and Angiras, and Jamadagni, Ye who help Kasyapa, who help Vasishtha, deliver us, ye twain, from grief and trouble. |
avs.4.37 | Kasyapa smote with thee, with thee did Kanava and Agastya smite. |
avs.5.28 | [0502807] Three lives of Jamadagni, thrice the vital force of Kasyapa, Three sights of immortality, three lives have I prepared for thee. |
avs.8.5 | [0800514] Kasyapa formed and fashioned thee, Kasyapa raised and sent thee forth. |
avs.8.9 | [0800907] We, Kasyapa! six present Rishis, ask thee for thou hast prov ed things tried and meet for trial They call Viraj the Father of Devotion: tell her to us thy friends in all her figures. |
avs.13.3 | Kasyapa, thou hast refulgent, what brightly shining lotus flower collected, Wherein are gathered seven Suns together, This God, etc. |
avs.17.1 | [1700127] Encompassed by Prajapati s devotion as shield, with Kasyapa s bright light and splendour, Reaching old age, may I made strong and mighty live through a thousand years with happy fortune. |
avs.17.1 | [1700128] Compassed am I with prayer, my shield and armour; compassed with Kasyapa s bright light and splendour. |
avs.18.3 | [1800315] Kanva, Kakshivan, Purumidha, Agastya, Syavasva Sobhari, and Archananas, This Visvamitra, Jamadagni, Atri, Kasyapa, Vamadeva be our helpers! |
avs.19.53 | From Kala self made Kasyapa, from Kala Holy Fire was born. |