
Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 03 Jul 2011 11:26 and updated at 03 Jul 2011 11:26


avs.6.48 [0604802] Thou art the Ribhu, lord of Jagati: I hold thee fast.
avs.8.9 they formed both halves of worship, Gayatri, Trishtup, Jagati, Anushtup, Brihadarki lightening the sacrificer.
avs.8.9 [0800920] How hath the Gayatri filled out three triads? On the fifteen how is the Trishtup moulded, Jagati fashioned on the three and thirty? How is Anushtup formed? how Ekavinsa?
avs.9.10 [0901001] How on the Gayatri the Gayatri was based; how from the Trishtup they fashioned the Trishtup forth: How on the Jagati was based the Jagati they who know this have won themselves immortal life.
avs.9.10 [0901003] With Jagati the flood in heaven he stablished, and saw the Sun in the Rathantara Saman.
avs.19.21 [1902101] Gayatri, Ushnih, Anushtup, Brihati, Trishtup, Jagati.

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