Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 03 Jul 2011 11:22 and updated at 03 Jul 2011 11:22
avs.6.132 | [0613203] The Philter, burning with the pangs of longing, which Indrani hath effused within the waters depth, That spell for thee I heat by Varuna s decree. |
avs.7.49 | [0704902] May the Dames, wives of Gods, enjoy our presents, Rat, Asvini Indrani and Agnayi; May Rodasi and Varunani hear us, and Goddesses come at the matrons season. |
avs.9.7 | [0900708] Indrani is the hinder parts, Vayu the tail, Pavamana the hair. |
avs.14.2 | Watchful and understanding like Indrani wake thou before the earliest light of Morning. |
avs.15.6 | Diti and Aditi and Ida and Indrani followed him. |
avs.20.126 | [2012611] So have I heard Indrani called most fortunate among these dames, For never shall her Consort die in future time through length of days. |
avs.20.126 | [2012612] Never, Indrani have I joyed without my friend Vrishakapi, Whose welcome offering here, made pure with water, goeth to the Gods. |
avs.20.126 | [2012616] Indrani speaks. |