Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 04 Jul 2011 11:48 and updated at 04 Jul 2011 11:48
avs.4.24 | Of sweetest sacrifice with seven Hotars. |
avs.5.3 | This boon shall the celestial Hotars win us: may we, unwound ed, have brave heroes round us. |
avs.5.12 | [0501207] Come the first two celestial sweet voiced Hotars, arranging sacrifice for man to worship, [p. a169] As singers who inspire us in assemblies, showing the eastern light with their direction! |
avs.5.27 | [0502709] Celestial Hotars, with the tongues of Agni praise and extol our lofty ceremony, so that our sacrifice be well conducted! |
avs.11.7 | [1100719] And the four Hotars, Apri hymns, the Nivida, and Four monthly rites, Oblations, sacrifices, and animal offerings, and their forms. |