Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 03 Jul 2011 10:12 and updated at 03 Jul 2011 10:12
avs.6.133 | [0613303] As I am now Death s Brahmachari claiming out of the living world a man for Yama, So with Austerity and Prayer and Fervour I bind this Girdle round the man before me. |
avs.6.133 | [0613304] She hath become, Faith s daughter, sprung from Fervour, the sister of the world creating Rishis; As such, O Girdle, give us thought and wisdom, give us religious zeal and mental vigour. |
avs.8.10 | Angirasa, her milker, Drew from her udder Prayer and Holy Fervour. |
avs.8.10 | Fervour and Prayer maintain the Seven Rishis. |
avs.10.7 | [1000701] Which of his members is the seat of Fervour: Which is the base of Ceremonial Order? [p. 21] Where in him standeth Faith? Where Holy Duty? Where, in what part of him is truth implanted? |
avs.10.7 | Skambha, who is he of many, In whom, exerting every power, Fervour maintains her loftiest vow; [p. 22] In whom are comprehended Law, Waters, Devotion and Belief |
avs.10.7 | [1000729] On Skambha Fervour rests, the worlds and Holy Law repose on him. |
avs.10.7 | [1000730] On Indra Fervour rests, on him the worlds and Holy Law recline. |
avs.10.7 | [1000736] Homage to highest Brahma, him who, sprung from Fervour and from toil, Filled all the worlds completely, who made Soma for himself alone. |
avs.10.7 | [1000738] Absorbed in Fervour, is the mighty Being, in the world s centre, on the waters surface. |
avs.11.1 | Oft, in Brahmaudana, and well I call on: Rishis, their sons, and those who sprang from Fervour. |
avs.11.5 | He hath established firmly earth and heaven: he satisfies his Master with his Fervour. |
avs.11.5 | With fuel, with his zone the Brahmachari contents the worlds, with labour and with Fervour. |
avs.11.5 | [1100505] The Brahmachari, earlier born than Brahma, sprang up through Fervour, robed in hot libation. |
avs.11.5 | The Brahmachari guards them with his Fervour. |
avs.11.5 | The Brahmachari with his Fervour guards them. |
avs.11.5 | The Brahma chari enters them through Fervour. |
avs.11.5 | [1100517] By Fervour and by self restraint the King protects the realm he rules. |
avs.11.5 | [1100519] By Fervour and by self restraint the Gods draye Death away from them, And Indra brought by self restraint heaven s lustre to the deities. |
avs.11.8 | [1100802] Fervour and Action were the two, in depths of the great billowy sea? These were the wooers of the bride; Brahma the chief who courted her. |
avs.11.8 | [1100806] Fervour and Action were the two, in depths of the great billowy sea; Fervour sprang up from Action: this they served and worship ped as supreme. |
avs.12.1 | [1200101] Truth, high and potent Law, the Consecrating Rite, Fervour, Brahma, and Sacrifice uphold the Earth. |
avs.12.3 | [1200346] To Deities, to Truth, to holy Fervour this treasure we consign,. |
avs.13.4 | [1300422] Devotion and Religious Fervour, and renown and glory, and force and cloud, the Brahman s splendour, and food and nourishment. |
avs.15.1 | [1500103] That became unique, that became distinguished, that became great, that became excellent, that became Devotion, that be came holy Fervour, that became Truth: through that he was born. |
avs.18.2 | [1800215] Let him, O Yama, go to those Rishis austere, of Fervour born, First followers of Law, the sons of Law, upholders of the Law. |
avs.18.2 | [1800246] Invincible through Fervour, they who by their Fervour went to heaven. [p. 186] Who practised great austerity, even to those let him depart. |
avs.18.2 | [1800218] Let him, O Yama, go to those Rishis austere, of Fervour born, Skilled in a thousand ways and means, the sages who protect the Sun. |
avs.19.72 | Through this assist me here, ye God, with Fervour. |