Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 03 Jul 2011 10:09 and updated at 03 Jul 2011 10:09
avs.6.133 | [0613304] She hath become, Faith s daughter, sprung from Fervour, the sister of the world creating Rishis; As such, O Girdle, give us thought and wisdom, give us religious zeal and mental vigour. |
avs.9.5 | The whole together was Truth: Viraj his head and Faith his breathing. |
avs.10.7 | [1000701] Which of his members is the seat of Fervour: Which is the base of Ceremonial Order? [p. 21] Where in him standeth Faith? Where Holy Duty? Where, in what part of him is truth implanted? |
avs.11.7 | [1100709] Faith fire oblation, fervent zeal, service, and sacrificial cry, Guerdon, good works and their reward, are stored within the Residue. |
avs.13.4 | [1300423] And past and future, and Faith and lustre, and heaven and sweet oblation, |
avs.15.2 | In the eastern region Faith is his leman, the hymn his panegyrist, knowledge his vesture, day his turban, night his hair, Indra s two Bays his circular ornaments, the splendour of the stars his jewel. |
avs.15.7 | [1500702] Prajapati and Parameshthin and the Father and the Great Father and the Waters and Faith, turned into rain, followed him. |
avs.15.7 | [1500703] The Waters, Faith, and rain approach him who possesses this knowledge. |
avs.15.7 | [1500704] Faith, and Sacrifice and the world, having become food and nourishment, turned toward him. |
avs.15.7 | [1500705] Faith Sacrifice, the world, food and nourishment approach him who possesses this knowledge. |
avs.15.16 | [1501604] His fourth downward breath is Faith. |