Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 03 Jul 2011 09:56 and updated at 03 Jul 2011 09:56
avs.7.50 | [0705009] Dice, give me play that bringeth fruit as it were a cow with flowing milk! And, as the bowstring binds, the bow, unite me with a stream of gains. |
avs.7.109 | [0710902] Bear butter to the Apsarases, O Agni, and to the Dice bear dust and sand and water. |
avs.7.109 | [0710906] Fellow inhabitants, such is your title, for Dice with looks of power support dominion. [p. a318] As such with offerings may we serve you, Indus! May we have riches in our own possession. |
avs.7.109 | [0710907] As I invoke the Gods at need, as I have lived in chastity, May these, when I have grasped the Dice, the brown, be kind to one like me. |
avs.19.34 | [1903402] Dice witcheries, the fifty threes, the hundred witchcraft practi sers, All these may Jangida make weak, bereft of their effectual force. |