Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 03 Jul 2011 08:39 and updated at 03 Jul 2011 08:39
avs.6.114 | [0611401] Whatever God provoking wrong we priests have done, O Deities. |
avs.6.130 | Send the spell forth, ye Deities! Let him consume with love of me. |
avs.6.130 | Send forth the spell, ye Deities! Let him consume with love of me. |
avs.6.130 | Send forth the spell, ye Deities! Let him consume with love of me. |
avs.6.131 | Send forth the charm, ye Deities! Let him consume with love of me. |
avs.6.131 | [0613102] Assent to this, O Heavenly Grace! Celestial Purpose, guide it well! Send forth the charm, ye Deities! Let him consume with love of me. |
avs.8.8 | [0800821] Let Heaven and Earth roar out in wrath against them, and Air with all the Deities in concert, Let them not find a surety or a refuge, but torn away go down to Death together. |
avs.9.2 | May all the Deities be my protection, all Gods come nigh to this mine invocation. |
avs.10.6 | [1000617] The Amulet Brihaspati formed for the swiftly moving Wind, This salutary Amulet the Deities assumed and wore. [p. 19] This yieldeth them the universe, again, again, from morn to morn. |
avs.10.6 | [1000629] That Amulet may the Deities bestow on me to win success, The conquering, strength increasing Charm, the damager of enemies. |
avs.10.7 | [1000713] Who out of many, tell me, is that Skambha He in whose body are contained all three and thirty Deities? |
avs.10.7 | [1000723] Whose secret treasure evermore the three and thirty Gods protect? Who knoweth now the treasure which, O Deities ye watch and guard? |
avs.10.7 | To him the Deities, one and all betake them. |
avs.10.7 | To whom the Deities with hands, with feet, and voice, and ear, and eye. |
avs.10.10 | The Deities who breathe in her all separately know the Cow. [p. 37] |
avs.11.7 | [1100727] The Deities, the Fathers, men, Gandharvas, and Apsarases. |
avs.11.8 | [1100817] All Deities had lent their aid: of this a noble Dame took note, Isa, the Consort of Command. |
avs.11.8 | [1100830] All Waters, all the Deities. |
avs.11.8 | [1100832] Therefore whoever knoweth man regardeth him as Brahman s self: For all the Deities abide in him as cattle in their pen. |
avs.12.2 | Here let this other, Jatavedas, carry oblation to the Deities, fore knowing. |
avs.12.2 | [1200217] Whereon the Deities, whereon men too have purified themselves, Exalting fatness, cleanse thyself, Agni, therein and mount to heaven. |
avs.12.3 | The three and thirty Deities attend them. |
avs.12.3 | [1200335] On the earth s breast stand firmly as supporter: may Deities stir thee who never hast shaken. |
avs.12.3 | Greet this, ye Deities, with gentle murmur, as lowing cows wel come their tender suckling. [p. 93] |
avs.12.3 | Herein be cooked the buffalo, strong pinioned: the Gods shall give the Deities this oblation. |
avs.12.3 | [1200346] To Deities, to Truth, to holy Fervour this treasure we consign,. |
avs.12.4 | [1200420] The Deities have begged the Cow, using the Brahman as their mouth: The man who gives her not incurs the enmity of all the Gods. |
avs.12.4 | [1200423] Whoso to others, not to him who hath this knowledge, gives the Cow, Earth, with the Deities, is hard for him to win and rest upon. |
avs.12.4 | [1200424] The Deities begged the Cow from him with whom at first she was produced: Her, this one, Narada would know: with Deities he drove her forth. |
avs.12.4 | [1200432] By Svadha to the Fathers, by sacrifice to the Deities, By giving them the Cow, the Prince doth not incur the mother s. |
avs.13.4 | [1300413] In him these Deities become simple and One |
avs.13.4 | [1300421] In him these Deities become simple and One |
avs.14.2 | [1400246] To Surya and the Deities, to Mitra and to Varuna, Who know aright the thing that is, this adoration have I paid. |
avs.15.6 | Viraj and all the Gods and all the Deities followed him. |
avs.18.1 | Bring Heaven and Earth, the Deities Parents, hither: stay with us here, nor from the Gods be absent. |
avs.18.2 | [1800205] When thou hast made him ready, Jatavedas, then do thou give him over to the Fathers. [p. 185] When he attains unto the life that waits him he will obey the Deities commandment. |
avs.18.3 | May all the Deities vouchsafe me riches, and pleasant Waters purify and cleanse me. [p. 193] |
avs.18.3 | [1800348] Come, Agni, come with countless ancient Fathers, dwellers in light, primeval, God adorers, [p. 196] Eaters and drinkers of oblation, truthful, who travel with the Deities and Indra. |
avs.18.4 | [1800402] The Seasons, Deities, form and order Worship, butter, cake, ladles, sacrificial weapons. |
avs.19.4 | [1900404] Prajapati Angirasa with favour regard this word and this my settled purpose! May he, whence Gods and Deities had being Kama attend us with his gentle guidance. |
avs.19.6 | The Deities, the Sadhyas, all the Vasus sacrificed with him. |
avs.19.24 | With that wherewith the Deities invested Savitar the God. |
avs.19.27 | [1902710] With friendly thoughts the Deities, three and thirty, and three great Powers preserved it in the Waters. |
avs.19.40 | With all the Deities, fully approving, Brihaspati supply the want! |
avs.19.46 | Again let all the Deities bring thee hither. |
avs.19.59 | [1905902] When, ignorant, we violate the statutes of you, O Deities, with whom is knowledge, Wise Agni shall correct our faults and failings, and Soma who hath entered into Brahmans. |
avs.20.25 | [2002502] The heavenly waters come not nigh the priestly bowl: they but look down and see how far mid air is spread: The Deities conduct the pious man to them: like suitors they delight in him who loveth prayer. |
avs.20.92 | [2009208] Indra hath drunk; Agni hath drunk all Deities have drunk their fill. |