Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 03 Jul 2011 08:38 and updated at 03 Jul 2011 08:38
avs.3.16 | [0301606] To this our sacrifice may the Dawns incline them, and come to the pure place like Dadhikravan. |
avs.6.3 | [0600303] Preserve us both the Asvins, Gods and Lords of Light, and let the Dawns and Night bring us deliverance. |
avs.7.22 | [0702202] The Bright One hath sent forth the Dawns, a closely gathered band, Immaculate, unanimous, brightly refulgent in their homes. |
avs.8.9 | [0800912] Both Dawns on wings of song, with rich adornment, move on together to their common dwelling. |
avs.14.1 | [1400124] Thou, born afresh, art new and new for ever; ensign of days, before the Dawns thou goest. |
avs.14.1 | May Dawns that come for glory, bright with Soma, here may all Gods fix and enchant your spirits. [p. 132] |
avs.18.1 | After the Dawns, after their rays of brightness, Surya hath enter ed into earth and heaven. |
avs.18.3 | [1800321] As in the days of old our ancient Fathers, speeding the work of sacred worship, Agni! Sought pure light and devotion, singing praises, they cleft the ground and made red Dawns apparent. [p. 194] |
avs.18.3 | [1800324] We have worked for thee, we have toiled and laboured: bright Dawns have shed their light upon our worship. |
avs.18.4 | [1800458] Far seeing he flows on, the Bull, the Lord of hymns, promoter of the Sun, of Days, of Dawns, of Heaven. |
avs.20.11 | Those holy songs he taught the bard who praised him, and widely spread these Dawns resplendent colour. |
avs.20.26 | [2002606] Thou, making light where no light was, and form, O Men! where form was not, Wast born together with the Dawns. |
avs.20.47 | [2004712] Thou, making light where no light was, and form, O Men r where no form was, Wast born together with the Dawns, |