Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 03 Jul 2011 08:21 and updated at 03 Jul 2011 08:21
avs.2.10 | Away pass Nirriti, away Consumption! From family sickness, kinsmen s curse, Destruction, from Druh, from Varuna s noose I thus release thee. |
avs.2.33 | [0203301] From both thy nostrils, from both eyes, from both thine ears, and from thy chin, Forth from thy brain and tongue I root Consumption seated in thy head. |
avs.2.33 | From arms and shoulder blades I root Consumption seated in thine arms. |
avs.2.33 | [0203303] Forth from thy heart and from thy lungs, from thy gall bladder and thy sides, From kidneys, spleen and liver thy Consumption we eradicate. |
avs.2.33 | [0203304] From bowels and intestines, from the rectum and the belly, I Extirpate thy Consumption, from flanks, navel and mesentery. |
avs.2.33 | Forth from thy loins and hips I draw Consumption setted in thy loins. |
avs.2.33 | [0203306] Forth from thy marrows and thy bones, forth from thy tendons and thy veins I banish thy Consumption, from thy hands, thy fingers, and thy nails. |
avs.3.12 | [0301209] Water that kills Consumption, free from all Consumption, here I bring. |
avs.4.9 | [0400908] Three are the slaves that serve the Salve, Fever, Consumption, and the Snake. |
avs.5.4 | Make all Consumption pass away and render Fever powerless. |
avs.5.22 | [0502211] Take none of these to be thy friends, Cough, or Consumption or Decline: Never come thence again to us! O Fever, thus I counsel thee. |
avs.5.22 | [0502212] Go, Fever, with Consumption, thy brother, and with thy sister, Cough. [p. a184] And with thy nephew Herpes, go away unto that alien folk. |
avs.5.30 | Consumption, conquered by my voice, hath, like a hawk, fled far away. |
avs.6.14 | [0601403] Begone, Consumption, hence away, like a young foal that runs. |
avs.6.59 | [0605902] Let the Plant give us sheltering aid, Arundhati allied with Gods; Avert Consumption from our men and make our cow pen rich in milk. |
avs.6.85 | A charm against Consumption |
avs.6.127 | [0612702] Those nerves of thine, Consumption! which stand closely hidden in thy groin I know the balm for that disease: the magic cure is Sipudru. |
avs.7.53 | [0705306] I send thee back thy vital breath; I drive Consumption far from thee, May Agni here, most excellent, sustain our life on every side. |
avs.8.7 | [0800702] This man let them deliver from Consumption which the Gods have sent. |
avs.8.7 | From every limb of thine have they removed Consumption caused by sin. |
avs.8.7 | [0800705] The conquering strength, the power and might which ye, victo rious Plants, possess, Therewith deliver this man here from this Consumption, O ye Plants: so I prepare the remedy. |
avs.8.7 | Expelled by Plants, let men s and kine s Consumption pass from us to the navigable rivers. |
avs.9.3 | [0900323] Water that kills Consumption, free from all Consumption, here I bring. |
avs.9.8 | A charm for the cure of various diseases connected with Consumption |
avs.9.8 | [0900803] So that Consumption may depart forth from thine ears and from. |
avs.9.8 | [0900807] Disease that creeps about the thighs and, after, reaches both the groins, Consumption from thine inward parts we charm away with this our spell. |
avs.10.3 | The Gods have stayed and driven off Consumption which had seized this man. |
avs.11.3 | Consumption will destroy thee |
avs.12.1 | [1200162] Let thy breasts, frec from sickness and Consumption, be. |
avs.12.2 | Together with Consumption in the cattle, Consumption in our men, go henee, go southward. |
avs.12.2 | [1200214] The Breaker up, the Burster, the Destroyer, and the Silent One, [p. 84] These have expelled Consumption far, far off from thee and all thou hast, |
avs.12.5 | [1200522] Utter destruction when she moveth her ears this way and that, Consumption when she droppeth water; |
avs.19.36 | [1903602] It drives off demons with its horns and sorceresses with its root, It stays Consumption with its waist: from this no wickedness escapes. |
avs.19.38 | [1903801] Never Consumption, never curse touches the man, Arundhati! Whom the delicious odour of the healing Bdellium penetrates |
avs.19.39 | Banish thou all Consumption, drive all sorceresses far away. |
avs.19.39 | Banish thou all Consumption, drive all sorceresses far away. |
avs.19.39 | Banish thou all Consumption, drive all sorceresses far away. |