Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 03 Jul 2011 07:20 and updated at 03 Jul 2011 07:20
avs.9.4 | [0900418] With hundred sacrifices he worships: the fires consume him not: All Gods promote the Brahmana who offers the Bull in sacrifice. |
avs.10.8 | [1000820] The sage who knows the kindling sticks whence by attrition wealth is drawn, Will comprehend what is most high, will know the mighty Brahmana. |
avs.10.8 | Whither they go and speak, they say there is the mighty Brahmana. |
avs.10.8 | [1000837] The man who knows the drawn out string on which these crea tures all are strung, The man who knows the thread s thread, he may know the mighty Brahmana. [p. 31] |
avs.10.8 | I know the thread s thread also, thus I know the mighty Brahmana. |
avs.11.3 | The Brahmana (divine power) will kill thee With the hands of Right. 49. And [p. 52] thence, etc. |
avs.12.4 | [1200444] Vilipti, cow, and she who drops no second calf, Brihaspati! Of these none not a Brahmana should eat if he hope for emi nence. |
avs.12.5 | So shall it be with the Kshatriya who takes to himself the cow of the Brahmana who hath this knowledge. |
avs.13.3 | [1300301] He who engendered these, the earth and heaven, who made the worlds the mantle that he weareth, In whom abide the six wide spreading regions through which the Bird s keen vision penetrateth, This God is wroth offended by the sinner who wrongs the Brahman who hath gained this knowledge Agitate him, O Rohita; destroy him: entangle in thy snares the Brahmana s tyrant. |