Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 03 Jul 2011 07:16 and updated at 03 Jul 2011 07:16
avs.4.37 | The Blyxa fed Gandharvas, those who bring no sacrificial gift. |
avs.4.37 | [0403709] With those dread hundred golden spears, the darts of Indra, let it pierce. [p. a148] The Blyxa fed Gandharvas, those who bring no sacrificial gift. |
avs.4.37 | [0403710] O Plant, be thou victorious, crush the Pisachas, one and all, Blyxa fed, shining in the floods, illumining the selfish ones. |
avs.4.37 | The Blyxa fed Gandharvas, those who bring no sacrificial gift. |
avs.4.37 | [0403709] With those dread hundred golden spears, the darts of Indra, let it pierce. [p. a148] The Blyxa fed Gandharvas, those who bring no sacrificial gift. |
avs.4.37 | [0403710] O Plant, be thou victorious, crush the Pisachas, one and all, Blyxa fed, shining in the floods, illumining the selfish ones. |