Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 03 Jul 2011 07:11 and updated at 03 Jul 2011 07:11
avs.2.5 | Like Bhrigu he cleft Vala through, and quelled his foes in Soma s rapturous joy. |
avs.5.19 | They well nigh touched the heavens, but they wronged Bhrigu and were overthrown. |
avs.20.9 | [2000903] I crave of thee that hero strength, that thou mayst first regard this prayer, Wherewith thou helpest Bhrigu and the Yatis and Praskanva when the prize was staked. |
avs.20.49 | [2004906] I crave of thee that hero strength that thou mayst first regard this prayer Wherewith thou helpest Bhrigu and the Yatis and Praskanva when the prize was staked. |