Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 02 Jul 2011 18:05 and updated at 02 Jul 2011 18:05
avs.2.12 | [0201204] Together with thrice eighty Sama singers, Angirases, and Vasus, and Adityas, May the felicity of the Fathers guard us. |
avs.2.12 | Angirases, Fathers worthy of the Soma! woe fall on him who, caused the hateful outrage! |
avs.3.21 | [0302108] The golden handed Savitar and Indra, Brihaspati, Varuna, Mitra, and Agni, The Angirases we call, the Visve Devas: let them appease this Agni, Flesh devourer. |
avs.6.35 | [0603503] Vaisvanara hath formed the hymn and laud of the Angirases. |
avs.8.7 | [0800717] May these be pleasant to our heart, auspicious, rich in store of milk, These Plants of the Angirases which grow on mountains and on plains. |
avs.8.7 | [0800724] Plants of Angirases which hawks, celestial Plants which eagles. |
avs.8.8 | [0800813] The Visve Devas from above shall come depressing it with might, And in the midst the Angirases, slaying the mighty host, shall go. |
avs.9.5 | Though thee Angirases knew that radiant region. |
avs.10.6 | With them the sage Angirases broke through the Dasyus fortresses. |
avs.10.7 | [1000718] Who out of many, tell me, is that Skambha Of whom Vaisvanara became the head, the Angirases his eye, and Yatus his corporeal parts? |
avs.10.7 | [1000734] Homage to highest Brahma, him whose two life breathings were the Wind, The Angirases his sight: who made the regions be his means of sense. |
avs.12.3 | Adityas and Angirases pursue him! |
avs.12.3 | [1200344] This meath do I announce, mingled with butter, to the Angirases and the Adityas. |
avs.16.8 | Let him not be freed from the noose of the Angirases, etc. |
avs.16.8 | Let him not be freed from the noose of the Angirases, etc. |
avs.18.1 | [1800158] Our Fathers are Angirases, Navagvas, Atharvans, Bhrigus, who deserve the Soma. |
avs.18.1 | [1800159] Come, Yama, with Angirases, the holy; rejoice thee here with children of Virupa. |
avs.18.1 | O Yama, accordant with Angirases and Fathers. |
avs.18.3 | [1800320] Atris, Angirases, Navagvas, givers of liberal gifts, continual sacrificers, Devout and pious, granting guerdon freely, sit on this holy grass and be ye joyful. |
avs.18.4 | [1800403] Carefully look on Sacrifice s pathway whereon the Angirases, the righteous, travel. |
avs.18.4 | [1800408] The Angirases pathway is the eastern Agni, the Adityas path way is the Garhapatya: The southward Agni is the way of Southerns. |
avs.19.22 | [1902201] With the first five chapters of the Angirases, Hail! [p. 229] |
avs.19.22 | [1902218] To all the Vidagana Angirases, Hail! |
avs.20.25 | [2002504] First the Angirases won themselves vital power, whose fires were kindled through good deeds and sacrifice. |
avs.20.28 | [2002802] Showing the hidden he draye forth the cows for the Angirases, And Vala he cast headlong down. |
avs.20.39 | [2003903] Showing the hidden cows he draye them forth for the Angirases, And Vala he cast headlong down. |
avs.20.77 | Hymned by Angirases, bursting the cowstalls, thou foundest ample strength for us as leader. |
avs.20.91 | [2009102] Thinking aright, praising eternal Order, the sons of Dyaus the Asura, those heroes, Angirases, holding the rank of sages, first honoured sacrifice s holy statute. |
avs.20.135 | [2013506] O singer, the Adityas brought rich guerdon to the Angirases. |