Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 02 Jul 2011 18:05 and updated at 02 Jul 2011 18:05
avs.6.45 | [0604503] Indra and Brahmanaspati! whatever foolish deed we plan, May provident Angirasa preserve us from the sin and woe. |
avs.8.10 | Angirasa, her milker, Drew from her udder Prayer and Holy Fervour. |
avs.10.1 | [1000106] Against her comes the Angirasa, the Priest whose eye is over us. |
avs.11.10 | [1101010] Brihaspati Angirasa, Rishis made strong and keen by prayer, Have set Trishandhi in the heaven, dire weapon that destroys the fiends. |
avs.11.10 | [1101012] The Gods, victorious, won themselves all worlds by this oblation, which Brihaspati Angirasa effused, a very thunderbolt, a weapon to destory the friends. |
avs.11.10 | [1101013] That fiend destroying weapon which Brihaspati Angirasa poured out and made a thunderbolt. |
avs.19.4 | [1900404] Prajapati Angirasa with favour regard this word and this my settled purpose! May he, whence Gods and Deities had being Kama attend us with his gentle guidance. |