Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 02 Jul 2011 18:00 and updated at 02 Jul 2011 18:00
avs.5.22 | [0502201] Hence, filled with holy strength let Agni, Soma, and Varuna, the Press stone, and the Altar. |
avs.7.28 | [0702801] Blest be the Broom, may the Mace bring a blessing, and may the Altar and the Hatchet bless us. |
avs.7.99 | [0709901] Strew thou the Grass, and spread it on the Altar: rob not the sister who is lying yonder. |
avs.10.9 | [1000902] Thy skin shall be the Altar; let thine hair become the Sacred Grass. |
avs.19.10 | Kind be the fixing of the Sacred Pillars, kind be the tender Grass, and kind the Altar. |