Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 12 May 2011 08:09 and updated at 12 May 2011 11:09
The table below is an alphabetical list of keywords found in Rig Veda. The noun-definition is relaxed to consider interesting verbs, pronouns, adverbs, prepositions and postpositions (those in full capital letter or starting with a capital letter). English Translation by Ralph Griffith in is used for analysis. The whole of the Rig Veda Samhita, all the 10 Mandalas (books) and all the 1028 hymns are analyzed. The extended characters denoting Sanskrit pronunciations are reduced to normal characters to subject the text to software analysis. A table depicting correct pronunciation will be published later. Some interesting compound words too are added in the list.
Hope this will be useful to Rig Veda Research Community.
n | Noun / Word(s) |
1 | Aaiti |
2 | Abandoned |
3 | Abandoning |
4 | Abhyavartin Cayamana |
5 | Abider |
6 | About |
7 | Above |
8 | Absolve |
9 | Absorbed |
10 | Abundant |
11 | Accelerated |
12 | ACCEPT |
13 | Acceptable |
14 | Accepting |
15 | Accepts |
16 | Accompanied |
17 | Accompany |
18 | Accordant |
19 | According |
22 | Acknowledged |
23 | Acting |
24 | ACTIVE |
25 | Active Ones |
26 | Adbvaryus |
27 | Adbyaryu |
28 | Add |
29 | Adding |
30 | Address |
31 | Addressed |
32 | Adhaerens |
33 | Adhrigu |
34 | Adhvaryu |
35 | Adhvaryus |
36 | Adid |
37 | Aditi |
38 | Aditya |
39 | Aditya Deities |
40 | Adityas |
41 | Adorable |
42 | Adored |
43 | Adoring |
44 | Adorned |
45 | Adorning |
46 | Aduras |
47 | Advance |
49 | Afar |
50 | Agai |
51 | Against |
52 | Agastya |
53 | Age |
54 | Aghasva |
55 | Agn |
56 | Agnayi |
57 | Agni |
58 | Agni Agni |
59 | Agni Angiras |
60 | Agni Bharata |
61 | Agni Conqueror |
62 | Agni Guest |
63 | Agni Jatavedas |
64 | Agni Saucika Gods |
65 | Agni Soma |
66 | Agni Vaisvanara |
67 | Agnis |
68 | Agnivesi |
69 | Agree |
70 | Agreeing |
71 | Agru |
72 | Aha |
73 | Ahi |
74 | Ahibudhnya |
75 | Ahisuva |
76 | Aid |
77 | Aided |
78 | Aiders |
79 | Aim |
80 | Air |
81 | Aja Ekapad |
82 | Ajamilhas |
83 | Ajas |
84 | Akhandala |
85 | Akin |
86 | Aksara |
87 | Alas |
88 | Alayya |
89 | Alighting |
90 | Alike |
91 | Alinas |
92 | Alive |
93 | All |
94 | All Deities |
95 | All God |
96 | All Gods |
97 | All Inspirer |
98 | All Plants |
99 | All Soma |
100 | All Sons |
101 | All Sustainer |
102 | All Universal Deities |
103 | Allbounteous Giver |
104 | Allied |
105 | ALLIED |
106 | Aloft |
107 | Alone |
108 | Along |
109 | Already |
110 | Also |
111 | Altar |
112 | Although |
113 | Ambarisa |
114 | Ambrosia |
115 | Amid |
116 | Among |
117 | Among Angirases |
118 | Ample |
119 | Amrit |
120 | Amrta |
121 | Amsa |
122 | Amsumati |
123 | Anarsani |
124 | Anava |
125 | Ancient |
126 | Ancient Invoker |
127 | Ancient King |
128 | Ancient One |
129 | Ancient Star |
130 | And Amsu |
131 | And Aryaman |
132 | And Ausija |
133 | And Did |
134 | And Earth |
135 | And Hero |
136 | And Indra |
137 | And KanVa |
138 | And Mitra |
139 | And Rudhikras |
140 | And Soma |
141 | And Syava |
142 | And Trasadasyu |
143 | And Tvastar |
144 | And Vala |
145 | Anger |
146 | Angiras |
147 | Angirasa |
148 | Angirasa Hiranvastupa |
149 | Angirases |
150 | Animal |
151 | Anirta |
152 | Anitabha |
153 | Annihilate |
154 | Another |
155 | Answer |
156 | Antaka |
157 | Anu |
158 | Anumati |
159 | Anus |
160 | Anustup |
161 | Anuyaja |
162 | Apart |
163 | Apaya |
164 | Api |
165 | Apnana |
166 | Apnavana |
167 | Apparent |
168 | Appear |
169 | Appeased |
170 | Apply |
171 | Apportion |
172 | Approach |
173 | Approaching |
174 | Approve |
175 | Apris |
176 | Apsaras |
177 | Apsarases |
178 | Aptya |
179 | Aptyas |
180 | Apva |
181 | Aramati |
182 | Aranyani |
183 | Araru |
184 | Arayi |
185 | Arbuda |
186 | Arcananas |
187 | Archer |
188 | Arise |
189 | Arising |
190 | Arjika |
191 | Arjikas |
192 | Arjikiya |
193 | Arjuna |
194 | Arjuneya |
195 | Arjuni |
196 | Arjuris |
197 | Arka |
198 | Arksa |
199 | Armed |
200 | Armour |
201 | Arna |
202 | Around |
203 | Arouse |
204 | Arousing |
205 | Arrange |
206 | Arranger |
207 | Arrangers |
208 | Arrayed |
209 | Arrow |
210 | Arrows |
211 | Arstisena |
212 | Art |
213 | Artists |
214 | Arya |
215 | Aryaman |
216 | Aryaman Agni |
217 | Aryan |
218 | Aryarnan |
219 | Aryas |
220 | Asamati |
221 | Asanga |
222 | Ascend |
223 | Ascending |
224 | Asikni |
225 | Ask |
226 | Asmanvati |
227 | Asna |
228 | Assail |
229 | Assemble |
230 | Assembly |
231 | Assist |
233 | Assuming |
234 | Astrabudhna |
235 | Asuniti |
236 | Asura |
237 | Asura Pusan |
238 | Asuras |
239 | Asva |
240 | Asvaghna |
241 | Asvamedha |
242 | Asvatha |
243 | Asvin |
244 | Asvin Pair |
245 | ASvin Pair |
246 | Asvin Pair Agni |
247 | Asvini |
248 | Asvins |
249 | Asvins Twain |
250 | Asvya |
251 | Atharvan |
252 | Atharvans |
253 | Atiratra |
254 | Atithigva |
255 | Atiyaja |
256 | Atka |
257 | Atri |
258 | Atris |
259 | Attack |
260 | Attacking |
261 | Attained |
262 | Attend |
263 | Attendant |
264 | Attendants |
265 | Attracted |
266 | Attractest |
267 | Atvins |
268 | Aucathya |
269 | Aulana |
270 | Aurnavabha |
271 | Aurva Bhrgu |
272 | Ausija |
273 | Ausija Rjisvan |
274 | Auspicious |
275 | Auspicious Friends |
276 | Auspicious God |
277 | Auspicious One |
278 | Auspicious Sita |
279 | Autumns |
280 | AVAUNT |
281 | Avenger |
282 | Averting |
283 | Awake |
284 | Awakened |
285 | Awakening |
286 | Awaking |
287 | Away |
288 | Awful |
289 | Axe |
290 | Axle |
291 | Ayasya |
292 | Ayavasa |
293 | Ayu |
294 | AÑjasi |
295 | Babe |
296 | Babe Unborn |
297 | Babhru |
298 | Back |
299 | Baffle |
300 | Baffling |
301 | Bahuvrkta |
302 | Balbaja |
303 | BALM |
304 | Bamboos |
305 | Band |
306 | Banner |
307 | Bard |
308 | Bards |
309 | Barren |
310 | Barring |
311 | Based |
312 | Battered |
313 | Bay |
314 | Bay Coursers |
315 | Bay Horses |
316 | Bay Stallions |
317 | Bay Steeds |
318 | Bays |
319 | Beam |
320 | Beaming |
321 | Bear |
322 | Bearer |
323 | Bearers |
324 | BEARING |
325 | Beast |
326 | Beat |
327 | Beauteous |
328 | Beauteous One |
329 | Beautiful |
330 | BEAUTIFUL Vayu |
331 | Becoming |
332 | Bedew |
333 | BEDEWED |
334 | Before |
335 | BEFRIEND |
336 | Befriend |
337 | Begat |
338 | Begetter |
339 | Begin |
340 | Behold |
341 | Beholder |
342 | Beholding |
343 | Being |
344 | Bellowing |
345 | Belong |
346 | Belongs |
347 | Beloved |
348 | Beloved One |
349 | Bend |
350 | Bending |
351 | Beneath |
352 | Benevolent |
353 | Bereft |
354 | Beside |
355 | Besides |
356 | Best Mother |
357 | Best Priest |
358 | Best Sacrificer |
359 | Best Vrtra |
360 | Bestow |
361 | Bestowing |
362 | Betake |
363 | Bethink |
364 | Better |
365 | Between |
366 | Bewildering |
367 | Beyond |
368 | Bhaga |
369 | Bhaga Aryaman |
370 | Bhaga God |
371 | Bhaga Savitar |
372 | Bhajeratha |
373 | Bhalanas |
374 | Bharadvaja |
375 | Bharadvajas |
376 | Bharata |
377 | Bharatas |
378 | Bharati |
379 | Bharvara |
380 | Bhavayavya |
381 | Bhavya |
382 | Bhayamana |
383 | Bheda |
384 | Bhrgu |
385 | Bhrgus |
386 | Bhujyu |
387 | Bhutamsa |
388 | Bind |
389 | Bipeds |
390 | Bird |
391 | Birds |
392 | Biters |
393 | Black |
394 | Blameless |
395 | Blameless One |
396 | Blast |
397 | Blasting |
398 | Blaze |
399 | Blazing |
400 | Blend |
401 | Blended |
402 | Blending |
403 | Blent |
404 | Bless |
405 | Blessed |
406 | Blessed Dame |
407 | Blessed God |
408 | Blessed Mother |
409 | Blessed One |
410 | Blessing |
411 | Blest |
412 | Blest Goddess |
413 | Blest Lady |
414 | Blest One |
415 | Blest Sarasvati |
416 | Blirgus |
417 | Bliss |
418 | Blithe |
419 | Blow |
420 | Blowing |
421 | Boar |
422 | Bold |
423 | Bold Assailant |
424 | Bold God |
425 | Bold Hero |
426 | Bold One |
427 | Bold Ones |
428 | Boldly |
429 | Bolt |
430 | Bom |
431 | Bonds |
432 | Boon |
433 | Boon Givers |
434 | Boon God |
435 | Boon Indra |
436 | Bored |
437 | BORN |
438 | BORNE |
439 | BOTH |
440 | Both Bharatas |
441 | Both Deities |
442 | Both Earth |
443 | Both Gods |
444 | Both Heaven |
445 | Both Kings |
446 | Bound |
448 | Bounteous |
449 | Bounteous Dame |
450 | Bounteous Giver |
451 | Bounteous Givers |
452 | Bounteous God |
453 | Bounteous Gods |
454 | Bounteous Indra |
455 | Bounteous Lord |
456 | Bounteous Lords |
457 | Bounteous One |
458 | Bounteous Ones |
459 | Bounties |
460 | Bountiful |
461 | Bountiful Adityas |
462 | Bountilul |
463 | Bounty |
464 | Bow |
465 | Bowing |
466 | Bowls |
467 | Bowstring |
468 | Boy |
469 | Brace |
470 | Brahman |
471 | Brahman Priest Brhaspati |
472 | Brahmana |
473 | Brahmanaspati |
474 | Brahmanaspti |
475 | Brahmans |
476 | Brandishing |
477 | Brands |
478 | Brave |
479 | Brave Indra |
480 | Brbu |
481 | Break |
482 | Breaking |
483 | Breaks |
484 | Brhaddiva |
485 | Brhadratha |
486 | Brhaduktha |
487 | Brhaspati |
488 | Brhaspati All |
489 | Brhaspati Son |
490 | Brhat |
491 | Brhati |
492 | BRIGHT |
493 | Bright Agni |
494 | Bright God |
495 | Bright One |
496 | Bright Ones |
497 | Bright Usas |
498 | Brightly |
499 | Brilliant |
500 | Brilliant Babe |
501 | BRING |
502 | Bring Heaven |
503 | Bringers |
504 | BRINGING |
505 | Bringing |
506 | Brings |
507 | BRISK |
508 | Bristle |
509 | Briyamedhas |
510 | Broad |
511 | Brother |
512 | Brother Agni |
513 | Brother Varuna |
514 | Brotherhood |
515 | Brought |
516 | Broughtest |
517 | Brown Soma |
518 | Brsaya |
519 | Bruised |
520 | Buffalo |
521 | Bull |
522 | Bull Brhaspati |
523 | Bullock |
524 | Bulls |
525 | Burn |
526 | Burning |
527 | Busied |
528 | But Vrtra |
529 | Butter |
530 | Caidya |
531 | Cakavas |
532 | Cake |
533 | Calf |
534 | CALL |
535 | Call Indra |
536 | Called |
537 | Calling |
538 | Calves |
539 | Came |
540 | Car |
541 | Carefully |
542 | Carers |
543 | Carouse |
544 | Carried |
545 | Cast |
546 | Caster |
547 | Casters |
548 | Casting |
549 | Cattle |
550 | Cause |
551 | Caused |
552 | Ceaseless |
553 | Cedi |
554 | Cedis |
555 | Celestial |
556 | Celestial Axe |
557 | Celestial Bird |
558 | Celestial Coursers |
559 | Celestial Doors |
560 | Celestial Folk |
561 | Celestial God |
562 | Celestial Guardian |
563 | Celestial Heralds |
564 | Celestial Host |
565 | Celestial King |
566 | Celestial Lady |
567 | Celestial Mornings |
568 | Celestial Nature |
569 | Celestial People |
570 | Celestial Priest |
571 | Celestial Race |
572 | Celestial Ruler |
573 | Celestial Strengthener |
574 | Centre |
575 | Champion |
576 | Champions |
577 | Changeless |
578 | Chanter |
579 | Chanting |
580 | Charanyu |
581 | Charger |
582 | Chariot |
583 | Charioteer |
584 | Charioteers |
585 | Chariots |
586 | Chase |
587 | CHASING |
588 | CHEER |
589 | Cheered |
590 | Cheerer |
591 | Cheerers |
592 | Cheerful |
593 | CHEIF Priest |
594 | Cherished |
595 | Cherisher |
596 | Chief |
597 | Chief Consort |
598 | Chief Friend |
599 | Chief Priest |
600 | Chief Sire |
601 | Chief Vrtra |
602 | Chiefs |
603 | Chieftain |
604 | Child |
605 | Childless |
606 | Children |
607 | Choice |
608 | Citra |
609 | Citraratha |
610 | Clad |
611 | Claiming |
612 | Clans |
613 | Clean |
614 | Cleanse |
615 | Cleansed |
616 | Cleanser |
617 | Cleansing |
618 | Cleansing Apala |
619 | Clear |
620 | Clearly |
621 | Cleaver |
622 | Close |
623 | Closed |
624 | Closely |
625 | Clothed |
626 | Clothing |
627 | Cloud |
628 | Cloud God |
629 | Clouds |
630 | Cods |
631 | Coloured |
632 | Combined |
633 | COME |
634 | Comes |
635 | Comforter |
636 | COMING |
638 | COMMON |
639 | Companies |
640 | Companion |
641 | Companions |
642 | Company |
643 | Compared |
644 | Compass |
645 | Compassed |
646 | Compassing |
647 | Compassionate |
648 | Complete |
649 | Comprehensive |
650 | Comprising |
651 | Comrade |
652 | Comrades |
653 | Conceal |
654 | Concealed |
655 | Concealing |
656 | Condemn |
657 | Conquer |
658 | Conquering |
659 | Conqueror |
660 | Conquerors |
661 | Conquest |
662 | Consort |
663 | Consorts |
664 | Conspicuous |
665 | Constant Giver |
666 | Consume |
667 | Consumed |
668 | Consumer |
669 | Consumers |
670 | Consuming |
671 | Consumption |
672 | Consumptions |
673 | Contemplative |
674 | Contending |
675 | Continually |
676 | Continue |
677 | Continuous |
678 | Controller |
679 | Controllers |
680 | Controlling |
681 | Convey |
682 | Cool |
683 | Counsel |
684 | Counsellor |
685 | Couple |
686 | Couples |
687 | Courser |
688 | Courser Dadhikras |
689 | Courser Dadhikravan |
690 | Courser Etasa |
691 | Courser Savitar |
692 | Coursers |
693 | Coursers Seven |
694 | Cover |
695 | Covered |
696 | Cow |
697 | COWS |
698 | Craftsman |
699 | Crashing |
700 | CRAVE |
701 | Craving |
702 | Create |
703 | Created |
704 | Creating |
705 | Creation |
706 | Creator |
707 | Creator Dyaus |
708 | Creature |
709 | Creatures |
710 | Crop |
711 | Crunch |
712 | Crush |
713 | Crushed |
714 | Crusher |
715 | Crushing |
716 | Crying |
717 | Cumuri |
718 | Cupid Took |
719 | Curse |
720 | Cut |
721 | Cutting |
722 | Cyavana |
723 | Cyavatana |
724 | Dabhiti |
725 | Dadhikras |
726 | Dadhikravan |
727 | Dadhikris |
728 | Dadhyac |
729 | Dadhyac Navagva |
730 | Dadhyach |
731 | Daivavata |
732 | Daksa |
733 | Daksina |
734 | Dam |
735 | Dame |
736 | Dames |
737 | Dames’ Lord |
738 | Danava |
739 | Danava Aurnavabha |
740 | Dancer |
741 | Dancers |
742 | Danu |
743 | Danus |
744 | Darbha |
745 | Darbhya |
746 | Dark |
747 | Dark One |
748 | Dark Ones |
749 | Darkness |
750 | Darling |
751 | Darter |
752 | Darva |
753 | Dasa |
754 | Dasa Balbutha |
755 | Dasa Sambara |
756 | Dasa Susna |
757 | Dasa Varcin |
758 | Dasadyu |
759 | Dasagva |
760 | Dasagva Angira |
761 | Dasagvas |
762 | Dasagvas Indra |
763 | Dasas |
764 | Dasavraja |
765 | Dasgvas |
766 | Dash |
767 | Dasni |
768 | Dasoni |
769 | Dasonya |
770 | Dasras |
771 | Dasyave |
772 | Dasytis |
773 | Dasyu |
774 | Dasyus |
775 | Daughter |
776 | Daughters |
777 | DAWN |
778 | Dawn Heaven |
779 | Dawns |
780 | Day |
781 | Days |
782 | Dead |
783 | Deal |
784 | Dealer |
785 | Dealing |
786 | DEAR |
787 | Dear Narasamsa |
788 | Dear One |
789 | Dearer |
790 | Dearest One |
791 | Death |
792 | Deathiess One |
793 | Deathless |
794 | Deathless God |
795 | Deathless Ones |
796 | Deck |
797 | Decked |
798 | Decking |
799 | Declare |
800 | Deeming |
801 | Deep |
802 | Deer |
803 | Defend |
804 | Defender |
805 | Defer |
806 | Deft |
807 | Deft Agni |
808 | Deftly |
809 | Deities |
810 | Deity |
811 | Delicate |
812 | Delight |
813 | Delightful |
814 | Delighting |
815 | Deliver |
816 | Deliverance |
817 | Demolish |
818 | Depart |
819 | Descended |
820 | Descends |
821 | Desert |
822 | Desire |
823 | Desiring |
824 | Destined |
825 | Destri |
826 | Destroy |
827 | Destroyed |
828 | Destroyer |
829 | Destroying |
830 | Destruction |
831 | Devaka |
832 | Devapi |
833 | Devapi Arstisena |
834 | Devasravas |
835 | Devavan |
836 | Devavata |
837 | Developed |
838 | Devotion |
839 | Devour |
840 | Devouring |
841 | Devout |
842 | Dharma |
843 | Dhatar |
844 | Dhisana |
845 | Dhuni |
846 | Dhvanya |
847 | Dhvasra |
848 | Dice |
849 | Did |
850 | Didst |
851 | Diminishing |
852 | Dire |
853 | Direct |
854 | Directed |
855 | Directly |
856 | Director |
857 | Dirghanitha |
858 | Dirghasravas |
859 | Dirghatamas |
860 | Discern |
861 | Discerner |
862 | Discerning |
863 | Disclose |
864 | Disclosed |
865 | Discloser |
866 | Discordant |
867 | Discover |
868 | Discovering |
869 | Disease |
870 | Dispel |
871 | Dispelling |
872 | Dispenser |
873 | Display |
874 | Disporting |
875 | Disposer |
876 | Disposers |
877 | Distilling |
878 | Distinguished |
879 | Distinguishing |
880 | Distributes |
881 | Distributing |
882 | Divided |
883 | Divine |
884 | Divine Adityas |
885 | Divine One |
886 | Divine Ones |
887 | Divinities |
888 | Divodasa |
889 | Divodasa Atithigva |
890 | Divodasa Sambara |
891 | Doer |
892 | Doers |
893 | Doing |
894 | Doors |
895 | Doors Divine |
896 | Doth |
897 | Dove |
898 | DOWN |
899 | Downward |
900 | Dragon |
901 | DRAUGHTS |
902 | Draw |
903 | Drawing |
904 | Drawn |
905 | Drbhika |
906 | Dread |
907 | Dream |
908 | Dress |
909 | Dressed |
910 | Dresser |
911 | Drew |
912 | DRINK |
913 | DRINK Soma |
914 | Drink Soma |
915 | Drinker |
916 | DRIVE |
917 | Drive Raksasas |
918 | Drives |
919 | Drivest |
920 | Driving |
921 | Drop |
922 | Dropping |
923 | Drops |
924 | Drsadvati |
925 | Druh |
926 | Druhyu |
927 | Druhyus |
928 | Drum |
929 | Drunk |
930 | Dubsasu |
931 | Duhsima Prthavana |
932 | DULY |
933 | Durgaha |
934 | Durmitra |
935 | Durva |
936 | Dust |
937 | Dvita |
938 | Dweller |
939 | Dwelling |
940 | Dyatis |
941 | Dyaus |
942 | Dyays |
943 | Each |
944 | EAGER |
945 | Eager Ones |
946 | Eagerly |
947 | EAGERLY Sacrifice |
948 | Eagle |
949 | Earliest Priest |
950 | Early |
951 | Earner |
952 | Earth |
953 | Easily |
954 | East |
955 | Eastward |
956 | Easy |
957 | Eat |
958 | Eaters |
959 | Eatest |
960 | Effecting |
961 | Effectual |
962 | Effortless |
963 | Effulgence |
964 | Effused |
965 | Eight |
966 | Ekadhenus |
967 | Ekadyu |
968 | Elders |
969 | Elect |
970 | Eleven |
971 | Eleven Gods |
972 | Eloquent |
973 | Emasculate |
974 | Embrace |
975 | Empoisoned |
976 | Empowered |
977 | Enclose |
978 | Enclosed |
979 | Encourage |
980 | Endow |
981 | ENDOWED |
982 | Endued |
983 | Enduing |
984 | Energetic |
986 | Engulfer |
987 | ENJOY |
988 | Enjoyment |
989 | Enjoys |
992 | Enkindling |
993 | Enlightener |
994 | Enough |
995 | Enouncing |
996 | Enrich |
997 | Enriched |
998 | Enricher |
999 | Enriching |
1000 | Enrobed |
1001 | Ensign |
1002 | Enter |
1003 | Entering |
1004 | Enthroned |
1005 | Entreated |
1006 | Entrust |
1007 | Enveloped |
1008 | Envoy |
1009 | Enwrapped |
1010 | Enwrapt |
1011 | Ere |
1012 | Erect |
1013 | ERPOWERING Vrtras |
1014 | Erst Saptavadhri |
1015 | Eruption |
1016 | Establish |
1017 | Established |
1018 | Establishing |
1019 | Etaga |
1020 | Etaia |
1021 | Etasa |
1022 | Etasas |
1023 | Etc |
1024 | Eternal |
1025 | Eternal Being |
1026 | Eternal Father |
1027 | Eternal Law |
1028 | Eternal Lofty Agni |
1029 | Eternal Lord |
1030 | Eternal Mothers |
1031 | Eternal One |
1032 | Eternal Pavamana |
1033 | Eternal Purifier |
1034 | Eternal Star |
1035 | Eulogize |
1036 | Evavada |
1037 | Evayamarut |
1038 | EVEN |
1039 | Even Agni |
1040 | Even Earth |
1041 | Even Immortal Gods |
1042 | Even Pavamana |
1043 | Ever Truthful |
1044 | Ever Youthful |
1045 | Ever Youthful One |
1046 | Everlasing |
1047 | Everlasting |
1048 | Everlasting God |
1049 | Everlasting One |
1050 | Everlasting Ones |
1051 | Evil One |
1052 | Exalted |
1053 | Exalters |
1054 | Exalting |
1055 | Exceeding |
1056 | Excellent |
1057 | Excellent Agni |
1058 | Excellent God |
1059 | Excellent Indra |
1060 | Excellent Lord |
1061 | Excellent One |
1062 | Excellent Pavamana |
1063 | Excellent Savitar |
1064 | Excellently Wise |
1065 | Excited |
1066 | EXERTING |
1067 | Exhaustless |
1068 | Exhaustless Ones |
1069 | Exhilarating |
1070 | Exhilarator |
1071 | Existence |
1072 | Expanses |
1073 | Expiring |
1074 | Extend |
1075 | Extended |
1076 | Extinguished |
1077 | Extolled |
1078 | Extolling |
1079 | Exulting |
1080 | Eye |
1081 | FAIN |
1082 | Fair |
1083 | Fair Indu |
1084 | Fair One |
1085 | Fair Ones |
1086 | Faith |
1087 | Faithful |
1088 | Faithful One |
1089 | Falcon |
1090 | Falcons |
1091 | Falls |
1092 | Fame |
1093 | Famed |
1094 | Famous |
1095 | FAR |
1096 | FAR SHINING |
1097 | Far Strider |
1098 | Faring |
1099 | Farstriding |
1100 | Fashion |
1101 | Fashioned |
1102 | Fast |
1103 | Fat |
1104 | FATHER |
1105 | Father Dyaus |
1106 | Father Heaven |
1107 | Father Manu |
1108 | Fathers |
1109 | Fatness |
1110 | Favour |
1111 | Favoured |
1112 | Favoured Dhvasanti |
1113 | Favouring Usana |
1114 | Fbr |
1115 | Fear |
1116 | Fearless |
1117 | Fed |
1118 | Feed |
1119 | Felicitous |
1120 | Fervour |
1121 | Field |
1122 | Fiend |
1123 | Fierce |
1124 | Fifteen |
1125 | Fig |
1126 | Fight |
1127 | Fighting |
1128 | Fill |
1129 | FILLED |
1130 | FILLING |
1131 | Find |
1132 | Finder |
1133 | Finders |
1134 | Finding |
1135 | Fire |
1136 | Fires |
1137 | Firm |
1138 | Firmament |
1139 | FIRST |
1140 | FIRST Agni |
1141 | Fist |
1142 | Fit |
1143 | Five |
1144 | Five Lands |
1145 | Five Peoples |
1146 | Five Priests |
1147 | Five Races |
1148 | Five Tribes |
1149 | Fivefold |
1150 | Fivefold People |
1151 | Fivefold Race |
1152 | Fixing |
1153 | Flame |
1154 | Flashing |
1155 | Fleet |
1156 | Flood |
1157 | Floods |
1158 | FLOW |
1159 | Flowed |
1160 | Flowest |
1161 | Flowing |
1162 | Flows |
1163 | Fly |
1164 | FLYING |
1165 | Foe |
1166 | Foeless |
1167 | Folk |
1168 | Follow |
1169 | Following |
1170 | Follows |
1171 | Food |
1172 | Foodful |
1173 | Foolish |
1174 | Fools |
1175 | Footless |
1176 | For Aditi |
1177 | For Atri |
1178 | For Bharadvaja |
1179 | For Divodasa |
1180 | For Dvita |
1181 | For Excellent |
1182 | FOR Ila |
1183 | For Indra |
1184 | For Indra |
1185 | FOR Indra |
1186 | For Indra Thunder |
1187 | FOR Jatavedas |
1188 | For Kutsa |
1189 | For Puru |
1190 | For Saptavadhri |
1191 | For Savitar |
1192 | For Sovrans |
1193 | For Tvastar |
1194 | For Vrtra |
1195 | Forbear |
1196 | Force |
1197 | Forced |
1198 | Foreknowing |
1199 | Foremost |
1200 | Forest |
1201 | Forest Lord |
1202 | Forest Queen |
1203 | Forest Sovran |
1204 | Forest Sovrans |
1205 | Forest Trees |
1206 | Forests |
1207 | Forgetting |
1208 | Forgive |
1209 | Forgreat |
1210 | Form |
1211 | Formed |
1212 | Former |
1213 | Forming |
1214 | Forsake |
1215 | Fort |
1216 | FORT RENDER |
1217 | FORTH |
1218 | Forthwith |
1219 | Forts |
1220 | Fortunate |
1221 | Fortune |
1222 | Forty |
1223 | FORWARD |
1224 | Forward |
1225 | Found |
1226 | Founder |
1227 | Foundest |
1228 | Four |
1229 | Fraught |
1230 | Free |
1231 | Freed |
1232 | Freedom |
1233 | Freeing |
1234 | Friend |
1235 | Friendly |
1236 | Friendly Courser |
1237 | Friendly Natures |
1238 | Friendly One |
1239 | Friends |
1240 | Friendship |
1241 | Frog |
1242 | Frogs |
1243 | FROM |
1244 | From Agni |
1245 | From Atithigva |
1246 | FROM Fervour |
1247 | From Hotar |
1248 | From Indra |
1249 | From Uksanyayana |
1250 | Fuel |
1251 | Fulfil |
1252 | Fulgent One |
1253 | FULL |
1254 | FULL Many |
1255 | Fully |
1256 | Further |
1257 | Further Paijavana |
1258 | Furtherer |
1259 | Furtherers |
1260 | Furthering |
1261 | Furthers |
1262 | Gain |
1263 | Gainer |
1264 | Gaineth |
1265 | Gainst |
1266 | Gairiksita |
1267 | Gan |
1268 | Gandharium |
1269 | Gandharva |
1270 | Gandharva Visvavasu |
1271 | Gandharvas |
1272 | Gandharvi |
1273 | Gape |
1274 | Garutman |
1275 | Gatha |
1276 | Gather |
1277 | Gathered |
1278 | Gathering |
1279 | Gaud |
1280 | Gauriviti |
1281 | Gave |
1282 | Gavisthira |
1283 | Gay |
1284 | Gaya |
1285 | Gayatri |
1286 | General Gods |
1287 | Generate |
1288 | Genuine |
1289 | Germ |
1290 | Germ Celestial |
1291 | Gharma |
1292 | Ghosa |
1293 | Ghosa Bhrgu |
1294 | Ghrta |
1295 | Gift |
1296 | Girt |
1297 | GIVE |
1298 | Give Vitahavya |
1299 | Giver |
1300 | Givers |
1301 | Gives |
1302 | Giving |
1303 | GLAD |
1304 | GLADDEN |
1305 | Gladdened |
1306 | Gladdener |
1307 | Gladdening |
1308 | GLADLY |
1309 | Gleaming |
1310 | Glorified |
1311 | GLORIFY |
1312 | Glorious |
1313 | Glorious One |
1314 | Glory |
1315 | Glowing |
1316 | Goat |
1317 | Goats |
1318 | GOD |
1319 | God Agni |
1320 | God Bhaga |
1321 | God Brhaspati |
1322 | God Immortal |
1323 | God Indra |
1324 | God Karulati |
1325 | God Most Mighty |
1326 | God Most Youthful |
1327 | God Much |
1328 | God Rudra |
1329 | God Savitar |
1330 | GOD SERVING |
1331 | God Soma |
1332 | God Surya |
1333 | God Tvastar |
1334 | God Tvastar Wealth |
1335 | God Varuna |
1336 | God Visnu |
1337 | Goddes |
1338 | GODDESS |
1339 | Goddess Adid |
1340 | Goddess Aditi |
1341 | Goddess Dawn |
1342 | Goddess Floods |
1343 | Goddess Ila |
1344 | Goddess Morning |
1345 | Goddess Mother |
1346 | Goddess Night |
1347 | Goddess Providence |
1348 | Goddess Rodasi |
1349 | Goddess Svasti |
1350 | Goddesses |
1351 | Goddesss Aditi |
1352 | Godhead |
1353 | Godhead Never |
1354 | Godhead Varuna |
1355 | Godliest |
1356 | Godlike |
1357 | Godlike Babe |
1358 | Godlike Chariot |
1359 | Godlike Dawns |
1360 | Godlike Indra |
1361 | Godlike One |
1362 | Godlike Savitar |
1363 | Godlike Soma |
1364 | Godlike Waters |
1365 | Godloved |
1366 | Godly |
1367 | GODS |
1368 | Gods Excellent |
1369 | Gods High Priest |
1370 | Gods Immortal |
1371 | Gods Invoker |
1372 | Gods Laws |
1373 | Gods Spouses |
1374 | Gods Varuna |
1375 | Gods Who |
1376 | Godswith |
1377 | Goes |
1378 | Going |
1379 | Gold |
1380 | Golden |
1381 | Golden One |
1382 | Golden Reed |
1383 | Golden Swing |
1384 | Gomati |
1385 | Gone |
1386 | Good |
1387 | Good Hero |
1388 | Good Lord |
1389 | Good Son |
1390 | Good Vrtra |
1391 | Gopavana |
1392 | GoSarya |
1393 | Gotama |
1394 | Gotamas |
1395 | Governing |
1396 | Governor |
1397 | Gracious |
1400 | Grandson |
1401 | GRANT |
1402 | Granter |
1403 | Granthini |
1404 | Granting |
1405 | GRASP |
1406 | Grasping |
1407 | Grass |
1408 | GREAT |
1409 | Great Aditi |
1410 | Great Agni |
1411 | Great Being |
1412 | Great Chief Priest |
1413 | Great Conqueror |
1414 | Great Eternal |
1415 | Great God |
1416 | GREAT Indra |
1417 | Great Kings |
1418 | Great One |
1419 | Great Ones |
1420 | Great Priest |
1421 | Great Sire |
1422 | Great Varuna |
1423 | Greater |
1424 | Greatest |
1425 | Greatness |
1426 | Greedily |
1427 | Green |
1428 | GREEN HUED |
1429 | Grind |
1430 | Grow |
1431 | Grown |
1432 | Grtsamadas |
1433 | Grudge |
1434 | Guard |
1435 | Guarded |
1436 | Guardeth |
1437 | Guardian |
1438 | Guardian God |
1439 | Guardian Never |
1440 | GUARDIANS |
1441 | Guards |
1442 | Guerdon |
1443 | Guest |
1444 | Guide |
1445 | Guided |
1446 | Guides |
1447 | Guile |
1448 | Guileful |
1449 | Guileless |
1450 | Guileless Gods |
1451 | Guileless One |
1452 | Guilelew |
1453 | Guilt |
1454 | Gungu |
1455 | Gungus |
1456 | Hail |
1457 | Hallow |
1458 | Halting |
1459 | Happily |
1460 | Happy |
1461 | Harayana |
1462 | Hard |
1463 | Hardens |
1464 | Haritala |
1465 | Hariyupiya |
1466 | Harm |
1467 | Harness |
1468 | Harnessed |
1469 | Harnessing |
1470 | Hast |
1471 | HASTE |
1472 | Hasten |
1473 | Hastening |
1474 | HASTING |
1475 | Haters |
1476 | Hath |
1477 | Hating |
1478 | Hatreds |
1479 | HAVE |
1480 | Having |
1481 | Hawk |
1482 | Hawks |
1483 | Head |
1484 | Healer Rudra |
1485 | Health |
1486 | HEAR |
1487 | HEARD |
1488 | Hearers |
1489 | Hearing |
1490 | Hearken |
1491 | Heart |
1492 | Heat |
1493 | Heave |
1494 | HEAVEN |
1495 | Heavenly |
1496 | Heavenly Army |
1497 | HEAVENLY Dawn |
1498 | Heavenly Folk |
1499 | Heavenly Host |
1500 | Heavenly Ladies |
1501 | Heavenly Lord |
1502 | Heavenly One |
1503 | Heavenly Ones |
1504 | Heavenly People |
1505 | Heavenly Race |
1506 | Heifer |
1507 | Held |
1508 | HELP |
1509 | HELPED |
1510 | Helper |
1511 | Helpers |
1512 | Helpest |
1513 | Hemispheres |
1514 | HENCE |
1515 | Hence Rudra |
1516 | Her |
1517 | HERALD |
1518 | Herald Priest |
1519 | Heralds |
1520 | Herb |
1521 | HERBS |
1522 | Herd |
1523 | Herdsman |
1524 | HERE |
1525 | Here Kanva |
1526 | Here Krsna |
1527 | Here Tvastar |
1528 | Hereby |
1529 | Herein |
1530 | Herewith |
1531 | Hero |
1532 | Hero Agni |
1533 | Hero Gods |
1534 | Hero Indra |
1535 | Hero Lord |
1536 | Hero Thunder |
1537 | HEROES |
1538 | Heroes Twain |
1539 | Heroic |
1540 | Heroic Indra |
1541 | Heroless |
1542 | Hid |
1543 | Hide |
1544 | HIGH |
1545 | High Brahman |
1546 | High God |
1547 | High Ones |
1548 | High Priest |
1549 | Highest |
1550 | Highest Father |
1551 | Hill |
1552 | Hills |
1553 | Him |
1554 | Him Atri |
1555 | Him Matarisvan |
1556 | Himself |
1557 | Hini |
1558 | Hinva |
1559 | Hiranyagarbha |
1560 | Hiranyahasta |
1561 | Hirn Wise |
1562 | HIS |
1563 | His Father |
1564 | His Mother |
1565 | HITHER |
1567 | Hitherward |
1568 | Hnly Ones |
1569 | HOLD |
1570 | Holding |
1571 | Holiest |
1572 | Holy |
1573 | Holy Agni |
1574 | Holy Deities |
1575 | Holy Gods |
1576 | Holy Grass |
1577 | Holy Herald |
1578 | Holy Indra |
1579 | Holy Ladies |
1580 | Holy Law |
1581 | Holy Laws |
1582 | Holy Odes |
1583 | Holy One |
1584 | Holy Ones |
1585 | Holy Order |
1586 | Holy Prdikusanu |
1587 | Holy Sages |
1588 | Holy Singers |
1589 | Holy Sovran |
1590 | Holy Thoughts |
1591 | Homage |
1592 | HOME |
1593 | Homestead |
1594 | HONOUR |
1595 | Honoured |
1596 | Horns |
1597 | Horse |
1598 | Horseless |
1599 | Horses |
1600 | Host |
1601 | Hota |
1602 | Hotar |
1603 | Hotars |
1604 | Hotra |
1605 | Hotras |
1606 | House |
1607 | House Friend |
1608 | House Lord |
1609 | Household |
1610 | Household Friend |
1611 | Household Lord |
1612 | Household Priest |
1613 | How |
1614 | However |
1615 | Hradecaksus |
1616 | Humble |
1617 | Humbler |
1618 | Hundred Powers |
1619 | Hundreds |
1620 | Hurl |
1621 | Hurled |
1622 | Hurler |
1623 | Hurling |
1624 | Hurried |
1625 | Hurt |
1626 | Husband |
1627 | Husbands |
1628 | Hymn |
1629 | Hymned |
1630 | Hymns |
1631 | Iap |
1632 | Idaspati |
1633 | Idne |
1634 | Iight |
1635 | Iksvaku |
1636 | Ila |
1637 | Ilibisa |
1638 | Ilis |
1639 | Ill |
1640 | Ille |
1641 | Illumine |
1642 | Illuming |
1643 | Illumining |
1644 | Illustrious |
1645 | Immolator |
1646 | Immortal |
1647 | Immortal Agni |
1648 | Immortal Asvins |
1649 | Immortal Beings |
1650 | Immortal Deities |
1651 | Immortal God |
1652 | Immortal Goddesses |
1653 | Immortal Gods |
1654 | IMMORTAL Jatavedas |
1655 | Immortal Lady |
1656 | Immortal Messenger |
1657 | Immortal One |
1658 | Immortal Ones |
1659 | Immortal Priest |
1660 | Immortal Race |
1661 | Immortal Sage |
1662 | Immortal Soma |
1663 | Immortality |
1664 | Immortals |
1665 | Impelled |
1666 | Impeller |
1667 | Impelling |
1668 | Imperial |
1669 | Imperial Kings |
1670 | Imperial Lady |
1671 | Imperial Lord |
1672 | Imperial Lords |
1673 | Imperial Sovrans |
1674 | Imperishable Agni |
1675 | IMPETUOUS |
1676 | Impetuous Ahisuva |
1677 | Impetuous God |
1678 | Impetuous Hero |
1679 | Impetuous One |
1680 | Impetuous Ones |
1681 | Impetuous Speeder |
1682 | Incite |
1683 | Incited |
1684 | Inciter |
1685 | Inciters |
1686 | Incline |
1687 | Inclining |
1688 | Increase |
1689 | Increaser |
1690 | Increasing |
1691 | Indestructible |
1692 | Indigence |
1693 | Indra |
1694 | Indra Agni |
1695 | Indra Agnip |
1696 | Indra Brhaspati |
1697 | Indra Dyaus |
1698 | Indra Indra |
1699 | Indra King |
1700 | Indra Maghavan |
1701 | Indra Never |
1702 | Indra Rbhuksan |
1703 | Indra Satakratu |
1704 | Indra Soma |
1705 | Indra Son |
1706 | Indra Thunder |
1707 | Indra Thunderer |
1708 | Indra Vaikuntha |
1709 | Indra Varuna |
1710 | Indra Vayu |
1711 | Indra Visnu |
1712 | Indrafor |
1713 | Indraless |
1714 | Indralni |
1715 | Indrani |
1716 | IndraVaruna |
1717 | Indrota |
1718 | Indrv |
1719 | Indu |
1720 | Indu Indra |
1721 | Indu Pavamana |
1722 | Infallible |
1723 | Infant |
1724 | Infinite |
1725 | Inflamed |
1726 | Inhabiting |
1727 | Injure |
1728 | Innocuous |
1729 | Inquiring |
1730 | Inspire |
1731 | Inspired |
1732 | Inspirer |
1733 | INSTALL |
1734 | Instruct |
1735 | INSTRUCT |
1736 | Intelligent |
1737 | Into |
1738 | Inventor |
1739 | Invincible |
1740 | Inviolable |
1741 | INVITE |
1742 | Inviting |
1743 | INVOCATE |
1744 | Invoke |
1745 | INVOKED |
1746 | Invoker |
1747 | Invoker Agni |
1748 | Invokers |
1749 | Invoking |
1750 | Invoking Priest |
1751 | Invoking Priest Agni |
1752 | Iong |
1753 | Iovest |
1754 | Ioving |
1755 | Iron One |
1756 | Islands |
1757 | Its |
1758 | Jagati |
1759 | Jahnu |
1760 | Jahusa |
1761 | Jamadagni |
1762 | Jamadagnis |
1763 | Jarutha |
1764 | Jatavedas |
1765 | Jatavedas Agni |
1766 | Jatavedas Vaisvanara |
1767 | Jatayedas |
1768 | Jatusthira |
1769 | Jnanam |
1770 | Joint |
1771 | JOY |
1772 | Joying |
1773 | Joys |
1774 | Juice |
1775 | Juices |
1776 | Just |
1777 | Kadru |
1778 | Kainva |
1779 | Kakambira |
1780 | Kaksivan |
1781 | Kaksivan Ausija |
1782 | Kakuha |
1783 | Kalasa |
1784 | Kali |
1785 | Kamadyu |
1786 | Kanita |
1787 | Kaniva |
1788 | Kanva |
1789 | Kanvas |
1790 | Kanya |
1791 | Kapi |
1792 | KapiÑjala |
1793 | Karanja |
1794 | KaraÑja |
1795 | Karkandhu |
1796 | Kasoju |
1797 | Kasu |
1798 | Kasyapa |
1799 | Kavasa |
1800 | Kavi |
1801 | Kavya |
1802 | Kavya Usana |
1803 | Kavyas |
1804 | Keen |
1805 | Keep |
1806 | Keeper |
1807 | Kept |
1808 | Kesi |
1809 | Kesins |
1810 | Khayar |
1811 | Khela |
1812 | Kikatas |
1813 | Killing |
1814 | Kimidins |
1815 | Kimsuka |
1816 | Kin |
1817 | Kind |
1818 | Kind God |
1819 | KINDLED |
1820 | Kindler |
1821 | Kine |
1822 | King |
1823 | King Agni |
1824 | King Pavamana |
1825 | King Soma |
1826 | King Trasadasyu |
1827 | King Universal |
1828 | King Varuna |
1829 | Kings |
1830 | Kings Adityas |
1831 | Kings Mitra |
1832 | Kings Varuna |
1833 | Kinship |
1834 | Kinsman |
1835 | Kinvayanas |
1836 | Kissing |
1837 | Knew |
1838 | Knit |
1839 | Knower |
1840 | Knowing |
1841 | Knowing Eternal Law |
1842 | Known |
1843 | Krivi |
1844 | Krpa |
1845 | Krsa |
1846 | Krsanu |
1847 | Krsna |
1848 | Krumu |
1849 | Krvi |
1850 | Ksatra |
1851 | Ksatriyas |
1852 | Ksetrapati |
1853 | Kubha |
1854 | Kulisi |
1855 | Kulitara |
1856 | Kunaru |
1857 | Kundapayya |
1858 | Kurira |
1859 | Kurunga |
1860 | Kurusravana |
1861 | Kusara |
1862 | Kusava |
1863 | Kusika |
1864 | Kusikas |
1865 | Kutikas |
1866 | Kutsa |
1867 | Kutsa Arjuneya |
1868 | Kutsas |
1869 | Kuyava |
1870 | Kuyavac |
1871 | Labouring |
1872 | Laden |
1873 | Ladies |
1874 | Lady |
1875 | LAID |
1876 | Laidest |
1877 | Laksmana |
1878 | Lances |
1879 | Lapped |
1880 | LARGE |
1881 | Last |
1882 | Lasting |
1883 | LAUD |
1884 | Laud Agni |
1885 | Lauded |
1886 | Law |
1887 | Law Eternal |
1888 | Law Observer |
1889 | Laws |
1890 | Lay |
1891 | Lead |
1892 | Leader |
1893 | Leader God |
1894 | Leaders |
1895 | Leading |
1896 | Leagued |
1897 | Leave |
1898 | Leaving |
1899 | Led |
1900 | Leeches |
1901 | Lending |
1902 | Lengthen |
1903 | Lengthened |
1904 | LET |
1905 | Let Aditi |
1906 | Let Agni |
1907 | Let Aryarnan |
1908 | Let Bharati |
1909 | LET Brahmans |
1910 | Let Dyaus |
1911 | Let Hotra |
1912 | Let Indra |
1913 | LET Indra |
1914 | Let Jatavedas |
1915 | Let Mitra |
1916 | Let Narya |
1917 | Let Nirrti |
1918 | Let Pusan |
1919 | Let Savitar |
1920 | Let Sindhu |
1921 | Let Varuna |
1922 | LET Vrtra |
1923 | Letting |
1924 | Libation |
1925 | Libations |
1926 | Liberal Ones |
1927 | Liberality |
1928 | Lick |
1929 | Licking |
1930 | Life |
1931 | Lift |
1932 | Light |
1933 | Lighting |
1934 | Lighting Gods |
1935 | LIGHTLY |
1936 | Lightnings |
1937 | LIKE |
1938 | Like Agni |
1939 | LIKE Angiras |
1940 | Like Angiras |
1941 | Like Aryaman |
1942 | LIKE Atri |
1943 | Like Heaven |
1944 | Like Heroes |
1945 | Like Indra |
1946 | Like Manu |
1947 | Like Savitar |
1948 | Like Sun |
1949 | Like Surya |
1950 | Like Tugra |
1951 | Like Varuna |
1952 | Like Vayu |
1953 | Limbs |
1954 | Linger |
1955 | Lion |
1956 | List |
1957 | Listen |
1958 | Lit |
1959 | Live |
1960 | Living |
1961 | Living Being |
1962 | Living One |
1963 | Living Ones |
1964 | Lodged |
1965 | Lofty |
1966 | Lofty Arrow |
1967 | Lofty One |
1968 | Lofty Ones |
1969 | Lofty Sage |
1970 | Long |
1971 | Longed |
1972 | LONGING |
1973 | Look |
1974 | Looker |
1975 | LOOKING |
1976 | Loord |
1977 | Loose |
1978 | Loosed |
1979 | Loosen |
1980 | Looser |
1981 | Lopamudra |
1982 | Lord |
1983 | Lord Divine |
1984 | Lord Immortal |
1985 | Lord Victorious |
1986 | Lords |
1987 | Lost |
1988 | Loud |
1989 | LOUD Singers |
1990 | Loudly |
1991 | Love |
1992 | LOVED |
1993 | Lovely |
1994 | Lovely One |
1995 | Lover |
1996 | Lovers |
1997 | LOVING |
1998 | Loving Ones |
1999 | Low |
2000 | Lower |
2001 | Lull |
2002 | MADE |
2003 | Magha |
2004 | Maghalan |
2005 | Maghavan |
2006 | MAGHAVAN Indra |
2007 | Maghavan Indra |
2008 | Maghavans |
2009 | Maghavari |
2010 | Maghayan |
2011 | Magic |
2012 | Magician |
2013 | Magnify |
2014 | Mahi |
2015 | Maid |
2016 | Maiden |
2017 | Maidens |
2018 | Maids |
2019 | Maintain |
2020 | Majestic |
2021 | MAKE |
2022 | Make Vayu |
2023 | Maker |
2024 | Makers |
2025 | Makha |
2026 | Makhavan |
2027 | Making |
2028 | Malignities |
2029 | Mamata |
2030 | Mamateya |
2031 | Man |
2032 | Mana |
2033 | Manas |
2034 | Manasa |
2035 | Mandarya |
2036 | Mandhatar |
2037 | Manifold |
2038 | Manliness |
2039 | Manly |
2040 | Manly One |
2041 | Manti |
2042 | Manu |
2043 | Manu Life |
2044 | Manu Samvarani |
2045 | Manus |
2046 | Many |
2047 | Manya |
2048 | Manyamana |
2049 | Manyu |
2050 | March |
2051 | Mares |
2052 | Mark |
2053 | Marked |
2054 | Marketh |
2055 | Martanda |
2056 | Martits |
2057 | Marudvrdha |
2058 | Maruis |
2059 | Marut |
2060 | Marut Friends |
2061 | Marutasva |
2062 | Marutr |
2063 | Maruts |
2064 | Maruts Bharati |
2065 | Marvels |
2066 | Masarsara |
2067 | Master |
2068 | Masters |
2069 | Matarigvan |
2070 | Matarisvan |
2071 | Matchless |
2072 | Matchless One |
2073 | Mati |
2074 | Matron |
2075 | Matrons |
2076 | MAY |
2077 | May Adid |
2078 | May Aditi |
2079 | May Agni |
2080 | MAY Agni |
2081 | May Aja Ekapad |
2082 | May Ayu |
2083 | May Bhaga |
2084 | May Bharati |
2085 | May Brahmanaspati |
2086 | May Dadhikras |
2087 | MAY Dyaus |
2088 | May Dyaus |
2089 | May Earth |
2090 | May Goddess Aditi |
2091 | May Gods |
2092 | May Heaven |
2093 | May Herald Agni |
2094 | May Ila |
2095 | MAY Indra |
2096 | May Indra |
2097 | May Indra Maghavan |
2098 | May Mitra |
2099 | May Mitra Varuna |
2100 | May Mornings |
2101 | May Narasamsa |
2102 | May Night |
2103 | May Pavamana |
2104 | May Pusan |
2105 | May Rbhu |
2106 | May Rodasi |
2107 | May Rudra |
2108 | May Sarasvati |
2109 | MAY Savitar |
2110 | May Savitar |
2111 | May Soma |
2112 | MAY Sovran Indra |
2113 | May Surya |
2114 | MAY Surya |
2115 | May Tvastar |
2116 | May Uruvasi |
2117 | May Usas |
2118 | May Vaja |
2119 | MAY Varuna |
2120 | May Varuna |
2121 | May Vatsa |
2122 | MAY Visnu |
2123 | May Visnu |
2124 | May Waters |
2125 | Mayabheda |
2126 | Mayava |
2127 | Mayest |
2128 | Mayin |
2129 | Mayst |
2130 | Maywe |
2131 | Mean |
2132 | Measure |
2133 | Measured |
2134 | Measuring |
2135 | Meath |
2136 | Medbyatithi |
2137 | Medhatithi |
2138 | Medhya |
2139 | Medhyatithi |
2140 | Meed |
2141 | Meet |
2142 | Meet Yama |
2143 | Meeting |
2144 | Mehatnu |
2145 | Membrum |
2146 | Men |
2147 | Mena |
2148 | Mere |
2149 | Merrily |
2150 | Mid |
2151 | Midmost Mothers |
2152 | Might |
2153 | Mightier |
2154 | Mightiest |
2155 | Mightiest God |
2156 | Mightiest Indra |
2157 | Mightiest Lord |
2158 | Mightiest One |
2159 | Mightiest Vrtra |
2160 | Mightily |
2161 | Mighty |
2162 | Mighty Agni |
2163 | Mighty Beings |
2164 | Mighty Bird |
2165 | Mighty Company |
2166 | Mighty God |
2167 | Mighty Goddess |
2168 | Mighty Gods |
2169 | MIGHTY Governor |
2170 | Mighty Guide |
2171 | Mighty Indra |
2172 | Mighty Lady |
2173 | Mighty Lord |
2174 | Mighty Lords |
2175 | Mighty Men |
2176 | Mighty Mother |
2177 | Mighty Mothers |
2178 | Mighty One |
2179 | Mighty Ones |
2180 | Mighty Pair |
2181 | Mighty Power |
2182 | Mighty Races |
2183 | Mighty Son |
2184 | Mighty Steer |
2185 | Mighty Stride |
2186 | Mighty Twain |
2187 | Mighty Victor |
2188 | Mighty Worker |
2189 | Milch |
2190 | Milchkine |
2191 | Milk |
2192 | Milking |
2193 | Mind |
2194 | Mine |
2195 | Mingled |
2196 | Mingling |
2197 | Minister |
2198 | Ministers |
2199 | Missile |
2200 | Mitali |
2201 | Mitra |
2202 | Mitra Varuna |
2203 | Mitratithi |
2204 | Mix |
2205 | Mixt |
2206 | Monarch |
2207 | Moon |
2208 | Moons |
2209 | MORE |
2210 | Moreover |
2211 | Moreover Tvastar |
2212 | Morn |
2213 | Morning |
2214 | Mornings |
2215 | Mortals |
2216 | Mortar |
2217 | Most |
2218 | Most Active |
2219 | Most Adorable |
2220 | Most Blessed Savitar |
2221 | Most Bounteous |
2222 | Most Bounteous Givers |
2223 | Most Bounteous Ones |
2224 | Most Bountiful |
2225 | Most Bright |
2226 | Most Effectual One |
2227 | Most Excellent |
2228 | Most Exhilarating |
2229 | Most Glorious One |
2230 | Most Heroic |
2231 | Most Holy |
2232 | Most Lofty One |
2233 | Most Manly |
2234 | Most Marvellous |
2235 | Most Mighty |
2236 | Most Mighty Ones |
2237 | Most Potent |
2238 | Most Resplendent |
2239 | Most Resplendent One |
2240 | Most Sage |
2241 | Most Sapient One |
2242 | Most Valorous |
2243 | Most Wise |
2244 | Most Wise One |
2245 | Most Wonderful |
2246 | Most Wondrous |
2247 | Most Youthful |
2248 | Most Youthful Agni |
2249 | Most Youthful God |
2250 | Most Youthful One |
2251 | MostYouthful |
2252 | Mother |
2253 | Mother Cow |
2254 | Mother Earth |
2255 | Mother Prsni |
2256 | Mother Rasa |
2257 | Mothers |
2258 | Mothers Seven |
2259 | Mount |
2260 | Mount Indra |
2261 | Mountain |
2262 | Mountains |
2263 | MOUNTED |
2264 | Mounting |
2265 | Mounts |
2266 | Mourner |
2267 | MOVE |
2268 | MOVED |
2269 | Mover |
2270 | Movers |
2271 | Moves |
2272 | Moveth |
2273 | Moving |
2274 | Mrgaya |
2275 | Mrtyu |
2276 | Much |
2278 | Mudgala |
2279 | Mudgalani |
2280 | Mujavan |
2281 | Muni |
2282 | Munificent Heroes |
2283 | Munihood |
2284 | Must |
2285 | MuÑja |
2286 | Nabhaka |
2287 | Nabus |
2288 | Nahus |
2289 | Nahusa |
2290 | Nahusas |
2291 | Nahusyas |
2292 | Nam |
2293 | Namuci |
2294 | Nanilbld |
2295 | Narasamsa |
2296 | Narasamsi |
2297 | Narasarhsa |
2298 | Narmara |
2299 | Narya |
2300 | Nasatyas |
2301 | NAUGHT |
2302 | Navagva |
2303 | Navagvas |
2304 | Navavastva |
2305 | Nay |
2306 | Near |
2307 | Nearest |
2308 | Need |
2309 | Neer |
2310 | Neglect |
2311 | Neigh |
2312 | Neither |
2313 | Nest |
2314 | Nestar |
2315 | Never |
2316 | New |
2317 | New Life |
2318 | Nigh |
2319 | Night |
2320 | Nightly |
2321 | Nights |
2322 | Ninditasva |
2323 | Nine |
2324 | Nipatithi |
2325 | Nirrti |
2326 | Nirrtis |
2327 | Nisatyas |
2328 | Nistigri |
2329 | Nitosa |
2330 | Nivid |
2331 | Noble |
2332 | Noble Ones |
2333 | Nobles |
2334 | Nodhas |
2335 | Noisily |
2336 | Non |
2337 | None |
2338 | Nor |
2339 | NOT |
2340 | Not Being |
2341 | Nothing |
2342 | Nourished |
2343 | Now |
2344 | Now Brahmanaspati |
2345 | Now Mitra |
2346 | NOW Mitra Varuna |
2347 | Now Morning |
2348 | Now Srutakaksa |
2349 | Nrmedha |
2350 | Nrmedhas |
2351 | Nrsad |
2352 | Nurtured |
2353 | Obedient |
2354 | Obeying |
2355 | OBEYING Indra |
2356 | Oblation |
2357 | Oblations |
2358 | Observant |
2359 | Observant Agni |
2360 | Observed |
2361 | Obtain |
2362 | Obtaining |
2363 | Obtains |
2364 | Ocean |
2365 | OFFER |
2366 | Offered |
2367 | Offerer |
2368 | Offering |
2369 | Offipring |
2370 | Offspring |
2371 | Oft |
2372 | Oganas |
2373 | Oil |
2374 | Old |
2375 | Omniscient |
2376 | Omniscient Asvins |
2377 | Onc |
2378 | Once |
2379 | One |
2380 | One Autocrat |
2381 | ONE MINDED |
2382 | One Thing |
2383 | Ones |
2384 | Only Lord |
2385 | Only One |
2386 | ONWARD |
2387 | Open |
2388 | Opening |
2389 | Opulent |
2390 | Ordained |
2391 | Ordainer |
2392 | Ordainers |
2393 | Order |
2394 | Orderer |
2395 | Orderers |
2396 | Ordinance |
2397 | Other |
2398 | Others |
2399 | Our |
2400 | Our Agni |
2401 | Our Fathers |
2402 | Our Friend |
2403 | Our God |
2404 | Our Sages |
2405 | OUrmya |
2406 | Ours |
2407 | Ourselves |
2408 | Out |
2409 | Over |
2410 | Over Vaisanta |
2411 | Padgrbhi |
2412 | Paijavana |
2413 | Pails |
2414 | Pair |
2415 | Pajra |
2416 | Pajras |
2417 | Pajri |
2418 | Pakasthaman |
2419 | Pakasthaman Kauraya |
2420 | Paksa |
2421 | Paktha |
2422 | Pakthas |
2423 | Pani |
2424 | Panis |
2425 | Paramajya |
2426 | Parasara |
2427 | Paravatas |
2428 | Paravrj |
2429 | Pardon |
2430 | Parent |
2431 | Parents |
2432 | Pargvata |
2433 | Parijman |
2434 | Parjanya |
2435 | Parna |
2436 | Parnaya |
2437 | Parsu |
2438 | Part |
2439 | Partake |
2440 | Parthya |
2441 | Partners |
2442 | Paru |
2443 | Parus |
2444 | Parusni |
2445 | Parvata |
2446 | Parvatas |
2447 | Pasadyumna |
2448 | Pass |
2449 | PASSED |
2450 | Passest |
2451 | Past |
2452 | Patakratu |
2453 | Path |
2454 | Pathfinders |
2455 | Pathya |
2456 | Paura |
2457 | Pauras |
2458 | Pav |
2459 | Pavamamas |
2460 | Pavamana |
2461 | Pavamana Indu |
2462 | Pavamana Soma |
2463 | Pavamanas |
2464 | Pavamani |
2465 | Pavarnana |
2466 | Pavarridna |
2467 | Paved |
2468 | PAY |
2469 | Pays |
2470 | Payu |
2471 | Pedu |
2472 | Peer |
2473 | Penetrate |
2474 | Penury |
2475 | People |
2476 | Perfect God |
2477 | Perform |
2478 | Performer |
2479 | Performing |
2480 | Perish |
2481 | Peruk |
2482 | Pervade |
2483 | Pervading |
2484 | Physician |
2485 | Physicians |
2486 | Pierce |
2487 | Piercing |
2488 | Pillar |
2489 | Pillars |
2490 | Pious |
2491 | Pious Ones |
2492 | Pipru |
2493 | Pithinas |
2494 | Place |
2495 | Placing |
2496 | Plaguing |
2497 | Plans |
2498 | Plant |
2499 | Plants |
2500 | Plati |
2501 | Play |
2502 | Playing |
2503 | Playoga |
2504 | Pleasant |
2505 | PLEASANT |
2506 | Pleased |
2507 | Plentiful |
2508 | Plenty |
2509 | Ploughing |
2510 | Poet |
2511 | Pondering |
2512 | Poor |
2513 | Portals |
2514 | Post |
2515 | Potar |
2516 | Potent |
2517 | Potent God |
2518 | Potent One |
2519 | Pounding |
2520 | POUR |
2521 | Poured |
2522 | Pourer |
2523 | Pourers |
2524 | Pouring |
2525 | Poust |
2526 | Power |
2527 | Power Divine |
2528 | Powerful |
2529 | Powerful God |
2530 | Powers |
2531 | PRAISE |
2532 | Praise Agni |
2533 | Praise Indra |
2534 | PRAISE Indra |
2535 | Praised |
2536 | Praiser |
2537 | Praises |
2538 | Praiseworthy |
2539 | Praising |
2540 | Prajapati |
2541 | Pramaganda |
2542 | Pramara |
2543 | Prapathi |
2544 | Praskaniva |
2545 | PrasKanva |
2546 | Prastoka |
2547 | Pratardani |
2548 | Prathas |
2549 | Pratrdas |
2550 | Pravargya |
2551 | Pray |
2552 | Prayaja |
2553 | Prayer |
2554 | PRAYERS |
2555 | PREPARE |
2556 | Prepare |
2557 | Prepared |
2558 | Preparing |
2559 | Presence |
2560 | PRESENT |
2561 | Presented |
2562 | Presenter |
2563 | Presenting |
2564 | Preserve |
2565 | Preserver |
2566 | Preserving |
2567 | President |
2568 | Press |
2569 | PRESSED |
2570 | Pressers |
2571 | Pressing |
2572 | Priest |
2573 | Priests |
2574 | Priests Celestial |
2575 | Priests Divine |
2576 | Primeval |
2577 | Prince |
2578 | Princedom |
2579 | Princes |
2580 | Priyamedha |
2581 | Priyamedhas |
2582 | Priyaratha |
2583 | Prksayamas |
2584 | Proceed |
2585 | Proclaim |
2586 | Produce |
2587 | Producer |
2588 | Producing |
2589 | Productive Power |
2590 | Progeny |
2591 | Prolific |
2592 | Prolong |
2593 | Promise |
2594 | Promote |
2595 | Prompt |
2596 | Promptly |
2597 | Prope |
2598 | Prosper |
2599 | Prosperer |
2600 | Prosperity |
2601 | Protect |
2602 | Protect Tryaruna |
2603 | Protectest |
2604 | Protector |
2605 | Protectors |
2606 | Proud |
2607 | Proudly |
2608 | Provide |
2609 | Providence |
2610 | Provident |
2611 | Provider |
2612 | Proving |
2613 | Prsadhra |
2614 | Prsadvana |
2615 | Prsana |
2616 | Prsni |
2617 | Prsnigu |
2618 | Prstha |
2619 | Prthi |
2620 | Prthivi |
2621 | Prthu |
2622 | Prthusravas |
2623 | Puffing |
2624 | Pungent |
2625 | Punish |
2626 | Punisher |
2627 | Purandbi |
2628 | Purandhi |
2629 | Puraya |
2630 | Pure |
2631 | Pure One |
2632 | Purely |
2633 | Purified |
2634 | Purifier |
2635 | Purifier Agni |
2636 | Purifiers |
2637 | Purify |
2638 | Purify Soma |
2639 | Purifying |
2640 | Puru |
2641 | Puruhanman |
2642 | Purukutsa |
2643 | Purumayya |
2644 | Purumilha |
2645 | Purumitra |
2646 | Purunitha |
2647 | Purupanthas |
2648 | Pururavas |
2649 | Purus |
2650 | Purusa |
2651 | Purusanti |
2652 | Puruvasu |
2653 | Pusan |
2654 | Pusan Pavamana |
2655 | Pusan Visnu |
2656 | Pusana |
2657 | Pusans |
2658 | Pustigu |
2659 | PUT |
2660 | Putakrata |
2661 | Quaff |
2662 | Quaffed |
2663 | Quarters |
2664 | Quasi |
2665 | Queen |
2666 | Queens |
2667 | Quell |
2668 | Queller |
2669 | Quelling |
2670 | Quick |
2671 | Quicken |
2672 | Quickeners |
2673 | Quickly |
2674 | Quiver |
2675 | Quum |
2676 | Racer |
2677 | Races |
2678 | Races Five |
2679 | Radiant |
2680 | Radiant God |
2681 | Radiant One |
2682 | Radiant Ones |
2683 | Radiant Priest |
2684 | Raging |
2685 | Rahugana |
2686 | Raibhi |
2687 | Raiment |
2688 | Rain |
2689 | Rainer |
2690 | Raining |
2691 | Rains |
2692 | Raise |
2693 | RAISING |
2694 | Rajanya |
2695 | Raji |
2696 | Raka |
2697 | Raksas |
2698 | Raksasa |
2699 | Raksasas |
2700 | Ram |
2701 | Rama |
2702 | Ranged |
2703 | Rapid |
2704 | Rapidly |
2705 | Rasa |
2706 | Rat |
2707 | Ratahavya |
2708 | Rathantara |
2709 | Rathantara Saman |
2710 | Rathaprosthas |
2711 | Rathaspati |
2712 | Rathaviti |
2713 | Rati |
2714 | Rauhina |
2715 | Raw |
2716 | Rays |
2717 | Rbhu |
2718 | Rbhuksan |
2719 | Rbhuksanas |
2720 | Rbhuksans |
2721 | Rbhus |
2722 | Rbus |
2723 | Rcas |
2724 | Rcatka |
2725 | Rcisama |
2726 | Reaching |
2727 | Readily |
2728 | Ready |
2729 | Rebha |
2730 | Reblia |
2731 | Receiving |
2732 | Reconcile |
2733 | Red |
2734 | Red Bird |
2735 | Red Bull |
2736 | Red Cows |
2737 | Red Dawn |
2738 | Red God |
2739 | Red Horses |
2740 | Red Mares |
2741 | Red One |
2742 | Red Steeds |
2743 | Red Steer |
2744 | Red Treasure |
2745 | Reeling |
2746 | Refresh |
2747 | Refreshing |
2748 | Refulgent |
2749 | Refulgent One |
2750 | Regard |
2751 | Regent |
2752 | Regents |
2753 | Regions |
2754 | Rein |
2755 | Reins |
2756 | Rejecting |
2757 | Rejoice |
2758 | Rejoicing |
2759 | Relax |
2760 | Release |
2761 | Released |
2762 | Releasing |
2763 | Reliever |
2764 | Remember |
2765 | Remember Kanva |
2766 | Remembering |
2767 | Remove |
2768 | Remover |
2769 | Removing |
2770 | Rend |
2771 | Render |
2772 | Rending |
2773 | Renowned |
2774 | Repel |
2775 | Repels |
2776 | REPOSING |
2777 | Reproach |
2778 | Reproached |
2779 | Rescuer |
2780 | Resistless |
2781 | Resistless One |
2782 | Resolute |
2783 | Resolve |
2785 | Resplendent Agni |
2786 | Resplendent One |
2787 | Responding |
2788 | Resting |
2789 | Restorers |
2790 | Restrain |
2791 | Return |
2792 | REVERING |
2793 | Revived |
2794 | Reward |
2795 | RICH |
2796 | Rich Daughter |
2797 | Rich Dawn |
2798 | Rich Lord |
2799 | Riches |
2800 | Ride |
2801 | Riders |
2802 | Right |
2803 | Righteous |
2804 | Righteous Ones |
2805 | Righteous People |
2806 | Rings |
2807 | Rise |
2808 | Rising |
2809 | River |
2810 | Rivers |
2811 | Rjisivan |
2812 | Rjisvan |
2813 | Rjisvan Indra |
2814 | Rjrasva |
2815 | Rjunas |
2816 | Rksa |
2817 | Rkvans |
2818 | Rnancaya |
2819 | Roam |
2820 | Roamer |
2821 | Roar |
2822 | Roarers |
2823 | Roaring |
2824 | Roars |
2825 | Robed |
2826 | Robing |
2827 | Rodasi |
2828 | Rodasl |
2829 | Roll |
2830 | Rolled |
2831 | Root |
2832 | Round |
2833 | ROUSE |
2834 | ROUSED |
2835 | Rouser |
2836 | ROUSING |
2837 | Rowed |
2838 | Rowing |
2839 | Rsi |
2840 | Rsi Dasyave |
2841 | Rsi Kutsa |
2842 | Rsi Samvarana |
2843 | Rsi Vatsa |
2844 | Rsi Vimada |
2845 | Rsi Vyasva |
2846 | Rsihood |
2847 | Rsis |
2848 | Rsisters |
2849 | Rstisena |
2850 | Rtastup |
2851 | Rtu |
2852 | Rtus |
2853 | Rub |
2854 | RUBBED |
2855 | Ruddy |
2856 | Rudra |
2857 | Rudra Lord |
2858 | Rudras |
2859 | Rudriyas |
2860 | Rule |
2861 | Ruler |
2862 | Rulers |
2863 | Ruleth |
2864 | Ruling |
2865 | Ruling Power |
2866 | Ruma |
2867 | RUN |
2868 | Runs |
2869 | Rursus |
2870 | Rusama |
2871 | Rusama Paviru |
2872 | Rusamas |
2873 | Rusati |
2874 | Rushing |
2875 | Sabardhu |
2876 | Sabardhuk |
2877 | Sabardugha |
2878 | Saci |
2879 | Saci Paulomi |
2880 | Sacivan |
2881 | Sacred Grass |
2882 | Sacred Syllable |
2883 | Sacrifice |
2884 | Sacrificer |
2885 | Sacrificers |
2886 | Sacrificial Implements |
2887 | Sacrificing Priest |
2888 | Sad |
2889 | Sadaprna |
2890 | Sadhri |
2891 | Sadhyas |
2892 | Safe |
2893 | Safely |
2894 | Sage |
2895 | Sage Agni |
2896 | Sage Maruts |
2897 | Sage Soma |
2898 | Sages |
2899 | Sagest |
2900 | Sahadeva |
2901 | Sairya |
2902 | Sakaputa |
2903 | Sakra |
2904 | Sakvari |
2905 | Salmali |
2906 | Sama |
2907 | Saman |
2908 | Sambara |
2909 | Sambara Divodasa |
2910 | Samsa |
2911 | Samvarta |
2912 | Sanctifiers |
2913 | Sanda |
2914 | Sandikas |
2915 | Santanu |
2916 | Sapatnanasanam |
2917 | Sapatnibadhanam |
2918 | SAPIENT |
2919 | Sapient One |
2920 | Sapient Ones |
2921 | Saprathas |
2922 | Saptagu |
2923 | Saptatha |
2924 | Saptavadhri |
2925 | Saptavadliri |
2926 | Sapya Nami |
2927 | Sara |
2928 | Sarablia |
2929 | Sarakratu |
2930 | Sarama |
2931 | Saranyu |
2932 | Sarasvad |
2933 | Sarasvan |
2934 | Sarasvati |
2935 | Sarayti |
2936 | Sarayu |
2937 | Sarya |
2938 | Saryakiavan |
2939 | Saryanavan |
2940 | Saryandyan |
2941 | Saryata |
2942 | Sasarpari |
2943 | Sasvati |
2944 | Satakratu |
2945 | Satakratu Indra |
2946 | Satavani |
2947 | Satayatu |
2948 | Sate |
2949 | Sathsa |
2950 | Satisfy |
2951 | Satri |
2952 | Saturate |
2953 | Satyasravas |
2954 | Satyatravas |
2955 | Savarnya |
2956 | Savasi |
2957 | Save |
2958 | Saves |
2959 | Saving |
2960 | Savistha |
2961 | Savitar |
2962 | SAVITAR God |
2963 | Savya |
2964 | SAW |
2965 | SAY |
2966 | Saying |
2967 | Sayu |
2968 | Sayya |
2969 | SCARCELY |
2970 | Scared |
2971 | Scatter |
2972 | Scattering |
2973 | Scion |
2974 | Scorcher |
2975 | Scorpion |
2976 | Sea |
2977 | Seasons |
2978 | Seat |
2979 | Seated |
2980 | Seating |
2981 | Secret |
2982 | Secure |
2983 | SEE |
2984 | Seeing |
2985 | Seek |
2986 | Seeking |
2987 | Seeming |
2988 | Seen |
2989 | Seer |
2990 | Seers |
2991 | Seize |
2992 | Self |
2993 | Self Refulgent |
2994 | Selfresplendent |
2995 | Semal |
2996 | SEND |
2997 | Sending |
2998 | Sends |
2999 | Sent |
3000 | Serpent |
3001 | Serve |
3002 | Serve Agni |
3003 | SERVED |
3004 | Serving |
3005 | SET |
3006 | Set Agni Jatavedas |
3007 | Set Jatavedas |
3008 | Sets |
3009 | Settle |
3010 | Seven |
3011 | Seven Bay Steeds |
3012 | Seven Godlike Rsis |
3013 | Seven Mighty Ones |
3014 | Seven Milch |
3015 | Seven Mother Streams |
3016 | Seven Mothers |
3017 | Seven Rivers |
3018 | Seven Rsis |
3019 | Seven Sisters |
3020 | Seven Sons Aditi |
3021 | Seven Streams |
3022 | Sevenfold Race |
3023 | Sever |
3024 | Shaft |
3025 | Shake |
3026 | Shaker |
3027 | Shakers |
3028 | Shaking |
3029 | Shall |
3030 | Shaped |
3031 | Shared |
3032 | Sharers |
3033 | Sharing |
3034 | Sharinging |
3035 | Sharp |
3036 | Sharpen |
3037 | Shatterer |
3038 | SHE |
3039 | Shed |
3040 | SHEDDING |
3041 | Shelter |
3042 | Shield |
3043 | Shine |
3044 | Shines |
3045 | Shinest |
3046 | Shining |
3047 | Shining One |
3048 | Ship |
3049 | Shoot |
3050 | SHORTEN |
3051 | Should |
3052 | Shouting |
3053 | Show |
3054 | Showing |
3055 | Shown |
3056 | Shrill |
3057 | Sidrya |
3058 | Signs |
3059 | Sigrus |
3060 | Silamavati |
3061 | Silrya |
3062 | Silvery |
3063 | Simida |
3064 | Simple |
3065 | Simply |
3066 | Simyu |
3067 | Simyus |
3068 | Since |
3069 | Since Kanvas |
3070 | Since Matarisvan |
3071 | Sindhu |
3072 | SING |
3073 | Singer |
3074 | Singers |
3075 | Singing |
3076 | Single Eye |
3077 | Sings |
3078 | Sinivali |
3079 | Sinivali Queen |
3080 | Sinjara |
3081 | Sink |
3082 | Sinking |
3083 | Sinless |
3084 | Sinsapa |
3085 | Sipada |
3086 | Sipha |
3087 | Sipivista |
3088 | Sira |
3089 | Sire |
3090 | Sire Rudra |
3091 | Sires |
3092 | Sirimbitha |
3093 | Sistas |
3094 | Sister |
3095 | Sister Pair |
3096 | Sister Rivers |
3097 | Sisters |
3098 | Sisters Seven |
3099 | SIT |
3100 | Sits |
3101 | Sitting |
3102 | Siurya |
3103 | Sivas |
3104 | Six |
3105 | Sixfold |
3106 | Skilful |
3107 | Skilful Ones |
3108 | Skilled |
3109 | Skillful Ones |
3110 | Sky |
3111 | Slacken |
3112 | Slain |
3113 | Slaughter |
3114 | Slaughterer |
3115 | Slavelike |
3116 | Slay |
3117 | Slay Vrtra |
3118 | Slayer |
3119 | SLAYERS |
3120 | Slayeth |
3121 | Slaying |
3122 | Sleep |
3123 | Slew |
3124 | Slewest |
3125 | SLIGHT |
3126 | Slina |
3127 | Slung |
3128 | Smadibha |
3129 | Smite |
3130 | Smith |
3131 | Smoke |
3132 | Smooth |
3133 | Smote |
3134 | Snatch |
3135 | Snorting |
3136 | Sobbari |
3137 | Sobhar |
3138 | Sobhari |
3139 | Sobharis |
3140 | Soft |
3141 | Softly |
3142 | Soldier |
3143 | Sole |
3144 | Sole God |
3145 | Sole Hero |
3146 | Sole Lord |
3147 | Sole Ruler |
3148 | Sole Spouse |
3149 | Solicit |
3150 | Soliciting |
3151 | Soloa |
3152 | Soma |
3154 | Soma Indra |
3155 | Soma Juice |
3156 | Soma Lord |
3157 | Soma Never |
3158 | Soma Pavamana |
3159 | Soma Pavanana |
3160 | Soma Pavarnana |
3161 | Soma Rudra |
3162 | Soma Set |
3163 | Somadrinker |
3164 | Somajuice |
3165 | Somaka |
3166 | Somas |
3167 | Some |
3168 | Some Pavamana |
3169 | SON |
3170 | Song |
3171 | Song Lover |
3172 | Songs |
3173 | Sons |
3174 | SOON |
3175 | Sorria |
3176 | Sought |
3177 | Soul |
3178 | Sounds |
3179 | Soviran |
3180 | Sovran |
3181 | Sovran Indra |
3182 | Sovran Kings |
3183 | Sovran Lord |
3184 | Sovran Lord Parjanya |
3185 | Sovran Pair |
3186 | Sovran Ruler |
3187 | Sovran Rulers |
3188 | Sovran Varuna |
3189 | Sovrans |
3190 | Sparkler |
3191 | SPEAK |
3192 | Speaker |
3193 | Speaking |
3194 | Spears |
3195 | Specially |
3196 | Sped |
3197 | Speech |
3198 | Speed |
3199 | Speeder |
3200 | Speedily |
3201 | Speeding |
3202 | Speedy |
3203 | Spin |
3204 | Spinning |
3205 | Spirit |
3206 | SPLENDID |
3207 | Splendid One |
3208 | Splendour |
3209 | Splendours |
3210 | Spoil |
3212 | Sporting |
3213 | Spotless |
3214 | Spotted |
3215 | Spotty |
3216 | Spouse |
3217 | Spouses |
3218 | SPREAD |
3219 | Spreading |
3220 | Springing |
3221 | Sprinkle |
3222 | SPRUNG |
3223 | Srbinda |
3224 | Sreni |
3225 | Srngavrs |
3226 | Srustigu |
3227 | Srutaratha |
3228 | Srutarvan |
3229 | Srutarya |
3230 | Srutavit |
3231 | SrÑjaya |
3232 | Ssvarni |
3234 | Stakes |
3235 | Stallion |
3236 | Stallion Dadhikravan |
3237 | Stallions |
3238 | Stand |
3239 | Standing |
3240 | Stands |
3241 | Star |
3242 | Starting |
3243 | Stay |
3244 | Stayer |
3245 | Stealing |
3246 | Stedfast |
3247 | Steed |
3248 | Steeds |
3249 | Steeping |
3250 | Steer |
3251 | Steers |
3252 | Stega |
3253 | Step |
3254 | Sthurayupa |
3255 | STILL |
3256 | Still Victor |
3257 | Stir |
3258 | Stirred |
3259 | Stirrer |
3260 | Stirrest |
3261 | Stirring |
3262 | Stirs |
3263 | Stone |
3264 | Stone Darter |
3265 | STONE DARTING Indra |
3266 | Stones |
3267 | Storing |
3268 | Stormer |
3269 | Straight |
3270 | Straightway |
3271 | Strained |
3272 | Strange |
3273 | Stranger |
3274 | STREAM |
3275 | Streaming |
3276 | STREAMS |
3277 | Strength |
3278 | Strengthen |
3279 | Strengthened |
3280 | Strengthener |
3281 | Strengtheners |
3282 | Strengthening |
3283 | Stretch |
3284 | Stretching |
3285 | Strew |
3286 | STREWN |
3287 | Strike |
3288 | Strip |
3289 | Stripped |
3290 | Stripping |
3291 | Striving |
3292 | STRONG |
3293 | Strong Courser Savitar |
3294 | Strong Farseeing One |
3295 | Strong Friend |
3296 | Strong God |
3297 | Strong Gods |
3298 | Strong Hero |
3299 | Strong Horse |
3300 | Strong Host |
3301 | Strong Indra |
3302 | Strong Indu |
3303 | Strong Lord |
3304 | Strong One |
3305 | Strong Ones |
3306 | STRONG Pusan |
3307 | Strong Rudra |
3308 | Strong Soma |
3309 | Strong Sons |
3310 | Strong Steed |
3311 | Strong Strengtheners |
3312 | Strong Subduer |
3313 | Strong Supporter |
3314 | Stronger |
3315 | Stronger One |
3316 | Strongest |
3317 | Strongest God |
3318 | Strongest One |
3319 | Struck |
3320 | Subandhu |
3321 | Subandlin |
3322 | Subdue |
3323 | Subduer |
3324 | Subduing |
3325 | Subhara |
3326 | Sublime |
3327 | Sublime One |
3328 | Suca |
3329 | Sucanti |
3330 | Success |
3331 | Succour |
3332 | Such |
3333 | Sudaksa |
3334 | Sudas |
3335 | Sudas Indra |
3336 | Suddenly |
3337 | Sudeva |
3338 | Sudhanvan |
3339 | Sudra |
3340 | Suffer |
3341 | Sujirni |
3342 | Sumedhas |
3343 | Sumidha |
3344 | Sumitra |
3345 | Sumitras |
3346 | Summoned |
3347 | Summoning |
3348 | Sumne |
3349 | Sun |
3350 | Sun God |
3351 | Sun God Savitar |
3352 | Suna |
3353 | Sunahotra |
3354 | Sunahotras |
3355 | Sunahsepa |
3356 | Sung |
3357 | Sunitha Sucadratha |
3358 | Sunk |
3359 | Sunrta |
3360 | Suns |
3361 | Supitrya |
3362 | Supply |
3363 | Supporter |
3364 | Supporting |
3365 | Supports |
3366 | Suppress |
3367 | Supreme |
3368 | Sura |
3369 | Suradeva |
3370 | Suradhas |
3371 | Sure |
3372 | Sure Protector |
3373 | Surely |
3374 | Surpasses |
3375 | Surpassing |
3376 | Surround |
3377 | Surrounding |
3378 | Surya |
3379 | Surya Lord |
3380 | Susaman |
3381 | Susartu |
3382 | Sushna |
3383 | Susna |
3384 | SuSnia |
3385 | Susoma |
3386 | Susravas |
3387 | Sustainer |
3388 | Sutambhara |
3389 | Sutudri |
3390 | Suvastu |
3391 | Svadha |
3392 | Svaha |
3393 | Svaitreya |
3394 | Svanadratha |
3395 | Svanaya |
3396 | Svarbhanu |
3397 | Svarga |
3398 | Svarnara |
3399 | Svasna |
3400 | Svasti |
3401 | Svetya |
3402 | Svitra |
3403 | Swan |
3404 | Swans |
3405 | SWAYING |
3406 | Sweet |
3407 | Sweetest |
3408 | Sweetness |
3409 | Sweets |
3410 | Swell |
3411 | Swelling |
3412 | SWIFT |
3413 | Swift Charger |
3414 | Swift One |
3415 | Swift Ones |
3416 | SWIFT Soma |
3417 | Swift Travellers |
3418 | Swiftest |
3419 | Swiftly |
3420 | Swimming |
3421 | Syava |
3422 | Syavaka |
3423 | Syavasva |
3424 | Symmetrical |
3425 | Syumarasmi |
3426 | Take |
3427 | Takes |
3428 | Taking |
3429 | Tall |
3430 | Tanunapat |
3431 | Tanva |
3432 | Taranta |
3433 | Tarksya |
3434 | Tarry |
3435 | Taruksa |
3436 | Tarya |
3437 | TASTE |
3438 | Tastes |
3439 | Tawny |
3440 | Tawny Courser |
3441 | Tawny Coursers |
3442 | Tawny Horses |
3443 | Tawny One |
3444 | Tawny Steed |
3445 | Tawny Steeds |
3446 | Tawny Steer |
3447 | Tbat |
3448 | Teach |
3449 | Teaching |
3450 | Team |
3451 | Tear |
3452 | Tell |
3453 | TELLING |
3454 | Tempest Gods |
3455 | TEN |
3456 | Ten Dames |
3457 | Ten Kings |
3458 | Tended |
3459 | Tending |
3460 | Terrible |
3461 | Terrible Maruts |
3462 | Terrific |
3463 | Terrify |
3464 | Than |
3465 | THAT |
3466 | That Aditi |
3467 | That Agni |
3468 | THAT Brahman |
3469 | That Brahmanaspati |
3470 | That Day |
3471 | That Earth |
3472 | That Hero |
3473 | THAT Indra |
3474 | That Indra |
3475 | That Maghavan |
3476 | That Marut |
3477 | That Matarisvan |
3478 | That Mitra |
3479 | That Priest |
3480 | That Soma |
3481 | That Strong One |
3482 | That Varuna |
3483 | The Anavas |
3484 | THE Ancient |
3485 | The Apsaras |
3486 | The Asvins |
3487 | The Atris |
3488 | The Babe |
3489 | The Bays |
3490 | The Bhrgus |
3491 | The Bird |
3492 | The Bird Celestial |
3493 | The Black Drop |
3494 | The Bounteous |
3495 | The Brahmacari |
3496 | The Brahman |
3497 | The Brahman Atri |
3498 | The Brahmans |
3499 | THE Bull |
3500 | The Bull |
3501 | The Chariot |
3502 | THE Child |
3503 | The Consort Queen |
3504 | THE Cow |
3505 | THE Daksina |
3506 | The Dames |
3507 | The Darter |
3508 | The Dasa |
3509 | The Dasyus |
3510 | The Daughter |
3511 | THE Dawn |
3512 | The Dawns |
3513 | The Deities |
3514 | The Dragon |
3515 | The Drop |
3516 | The Eagles |
3517 | The Earth |
3518 | The Everlasting Pair |
3519 | The Excellent |
3520 | The Fair |
3521 | The Falcon |
3522 | The Father |
3523 | THE Father |
3524 | The Fathers |
3525 | The Footless Maid |
3526 | The Friend |
3527 | The Gayatri |
3528 | The Germ |
3529 | The Giver |
3530 | The God |
3531 | THE God |
3532 | The Goddess |
3533 | The Goddess Mother |
3534 | The Goddesses |
3535 | THE Godlike |
3536 | The Gods |
3537 | THE Gods |
3538 | The Golden |
3539 | The Gotamas |
3540 | The Great Inviolate |
3541 | THE Guileless Ones |
3542 | The Hamsa |
3543 | The Hawk |
3544 | THE Heavens |
3545 | The Heifer |
3546 | The Hero |
3547 | The Heroes |
3548 | The Holy |
3549 | The Holy Fig |
3550 | The Holy Ones |
3551 | The Holy Pair |
3552 | The Horse |
3553 | The Horses |
3554 | The Housewife Goddess |
3555 | The Immortal Gods |
3556 | The Infant |
3557 | The Kanvas |
3558 | THE Kine |
3559 | The Kine |
3560 | The King |
3561 | THE King |
3562 | The Kings |
3563 | The Loving Ones |
3564 | The Male |
3565 | The Man |
3566 | The Manly |
3567 | THE Maruts |
3568 | The Maruts |
3569 | The Migbty |
3570 | The Mighty |
3571 | The Mighty Child |
3572 | The Mighty One |
3573 | The Milch |
3574 | The Moon |
3575 | The Morning |
3576 | The Mother |
3577 | The Mother Floods |
3578 | The Mothers |
3579 | The Muni |
3580 | The Munis |
3581 | THE Night |
3582 | The Pavamanas |
3583 | The People |
3584 | The Pious One |
3585 | The Pious Ones |
3586 | THE Priest |
3587 | The Priyamedhas |
3588 | The Prudent |
3589 | The Rbhus |
3590 | The Red |
3591 | The Red Bull |
3592 | The Rivers |
3593 | The Rsis |
3594 | The Rudras |
3595 | The Rusamas |
3596 | The Sacrificer |
3597 | THE Sage |
3598 | The Sage |
3599 | The Sapient One |
3600 | THE Season |
3601 | The Seven |
3602 | The Seven Rivers |
3603 | The Sire |
3604 | The Sister |
3605 | The Sisters Seven |
3606 | The Soma |
3607 | The Somas |
3608 | The Son |
3609 | The Sovran |
3610 | The Sovran Varuna |
3611 | The Speaker |
3612 | The Spring |
3613 | The Steed |
3614 | The Steer |
3615 | The Stones |
3616 | The Strong |
3617 | The Strong God |
3618 | The Strong One |
3619 | The Sun |
3620 | The Swans |
3621 | THE Thirty Gods |
3622 | The Tree |
3623 | The Twain |
3624 | The Two |
3625 | The Universal Gods |
3626 | The Varsagiras |
3627 | The Vasus |
3628 | THE Very Active |
3629 | The Visvamitras |
3630 | The Visvedevas |
3631 | The Vrtra |
3632 | The Warrior |
3633 | The Waters |
3634 | The Waters Son |
3635 | THE Wind |
3636 | The Wise One |
3637 | The Woman |
3638 | The Youngest |
3639 | The Youthful One |
3640 | THEE |
3641 | THEE Agni |
3642 | Their |
3643 | Theirs |
3644 | Themand |
3645 | THEN |
3646 | Then Agni |
3647 | Then Heaven |
3648 | Then Indra |
3649 | Then Savasi |
3650 | Then Trita |
3651 | Then Will |
3652 | Thence |
3653 | THERE |
3654 | Thereafter |
3655 | Thereby |
3656 | Therefore |
3657 | Therefrom |
3658 | Therein |
3659 | Thereof |
3660 | Thereon |
3661 | Thereto |
3662 | Therewith |
3663 | Theri |
3664 | THESE |
3665 | These Agnis |
3666 | These Asuras |
3667 | These Asvins |
3668 | These Brahmanaspati |
3669 | These Brahmans |
3670 | These Bulls |
3671 | THESE Dawns |
3672 | These Gods |
3673 | These Maruts |
3674 | These Pavamanas |
3675 | These Soma |
3676 | These Somas |
3677 | These Sons |
3678 | These Stones |
3679 | These Trtsus |
3680 | These Twain |
3681 | These Two |
3682 | THEY |
3683 | Thieves |
3684 | Thine |
3685 | Think |
3686 | Thinking |
3687 | Thirdly |
3688 | Thirst |
3689 | Thirty |
3690 | Thirty Deities |
3691 | Thirty Gods |
3692 | THIS |
3693 | This Agni |
3694 | THIS Agni |
3695 | This Bull |
3696 | THIS Chariot |
3697 | This Dawn |
3698 | This God |
3699 | This Hero |
3700 | This Indra |
3701 | This Indu |
3702 | This King |
3703 | THIS Lady |
3704 | This Lord |
3705 | This Pavamana |
3706 | This Payamana |
3707 | This Purusa |
3708 | This Sage |
3709 | THIS Sage |
3710 | This Savitar |
3711 | This Singer |
3712 | This Soma |
3713 | THIS Soma |
3714 | This Steed |
3715 | THIS Steer |
3716 | This Varuna |
3717 | This Vrtra |
3718 | Thither |
3719 | Thornless |
3720 | Those |
3721 | Those Asvins |
3722 | Those Goddesses |
3723 | Those Stakes |
3724 | THOU Agni |
3725 | Thou Agni |
3726 | Thou Bolt |
3727 | Thou Everlasting |
3728 | Thou God |
3729 | Thou Indra |
3730 | Thou Lord |
3731 | Thou Mighty One |
3732 | Thou Priest |
3733 | Thou Savitar |
3734 | Thou Soma |
3735 | THOUGH |
3736 | Though Nirrti |
3737 | Thought |
3738 | Thoughts |
3739 | THOUSAND |
3740 | Thousandfold |
3741 | Three |
3742 | Three Dawns |
3743 | Three Goddesses |
3744 | Three Gods |
3745 | Three Steers |
3746 | Three Times Seven |
3747 | Threefold |
3748 | Thrice |
3749 | Thrice Eleven |
3750 | Thrice Eleven Deities |
3751 | THROUGH |
3752 | Through Agni |
3753 | Throughout |
3754 | Thrown |
3755 | Throws |
3756 | Thrust |
3757 | Thundeicr |
3758 | Thunder |
3759 | THUNDERER |
3760 | Thundering Ones |
3761 | Thunderwielder |
3762 | Thus Agni |
3763 | Thus Agni Jatavedas |
3764 | Thus Order |
3765 | Thus SrÑjaya |
3766 | Thy Father Dyaus |
3767 | Thy God |
3768 | Thy Steers |
3769 | Thyself |
3770 | TIOU |
3771 | Tirasci |
3772 | Tirindira |
3773 | Tisya |
3774 | Tlat |
3775 | Tle |
3776 | Tlese Soma |
3777 | Tlirough |
3778 | Tliy |
3779 | Tlou |
3780 | Together |
3781 | Tongue |
3782 | Touch |
3783 | Touched |
3784 | Traitana |
3785 | Trample |
3786 | Transport |
3787 | Transported |
3788 | Transversely |
3789 | Trasadasyu |
3790 | TRAVEL |
3791 | Traveller |
3792 | Travelling |
3793 | Travels |
3794 | Traversing |
3795 | Trce |
3796 | Tread |
3797 | Treading |
3798 | Treasure |
3799 | Treasure Finder |
3800 | Treasure Lord |
3801 | Treasury |
3802 | Tree |
3803 | Trees |
3804 | Trembles |
3805 | Tribes |
3806 | Trikadruka |
3807 | Trikadrukas |
3808 | TRIM |
3809 | Trisoka |
3810 | Tristup |
3811 | Trita |
3812 | Trita Aptya |
3813 | Trkadrukas |
3814 | Trksi |
3815 | Trnskanda |
3816 | Troop |
3817 | Trstama |
3818 | Trstup |
3819 | Trta |
3820 | Trta Aptya |
3821 | Trtsu |
3822 | Trtsus |
3823 | TRUE |
3824 | Truly |
3825 | TRUST |
3826 | TRUTH |
3827 | Truth Eternal |
3828 | Truthful |
3829 | Trvrsan |
3830 | Tryambaka |
3831 | Tryaruna |
3832 | Tryaruya |
3833 | Tugra |
3834 | Tugrya |
3835 | Tugryas |
3836 | Tuji |
3837 | Tum Dii |
3838 | TURN |
3839 | Turned |
3840 | Turning |
3841 | Turva |
3842 | Turvaga |
3843 | Turvasa |
3844 | Turvasa Purodas |
3845 | Turvasas |
3846 | Turvayana |
3847 | Turviti |
3848 | Tvastar |
3849 | Twain |
3850 | Twain Gods |
3851 | Twain Worlds |
3852 | Twelve |
3853 | Twice |
3854 | Twin |
3855 | Twin Children |
3856 | Twin Sisters |
3857 | Twins |
3858 | Twixt |
3859 | Two |
3860 | Two Birds |
3861 | Two Bright Ones |
3862 | Two Chief Priests |
3863 | Two Gods |
3864 | Two Kings |
3865 | Two Lords |
3866 | Two Mother Cows |
3867 | Two Mothered Son |
3868 | Two Omnipresent Deities |
3869 | Two Parents |
3870 | Two Priests |
3871 | Ucathya |
3872 | Ugradeva |
3873 | Ukthas |
3874 | Unbar |
3875 | Unbarred |
3876 | Unborn |
3877 | Unbounded |
3878 | Unbridled Courser |
3879 | Unchecked |
3880 | Unclose |
3881 | Unconquerable Lord |
3882 | Uncovering |
3883 | Undaunted |
3884 | Undecaying |
3885 | Undeceivable |
3886 | Under |
3887 | Unequal |
3888 | Unequalled |
3889 | Unfailing |
3890 | Unharmed |
3891 | Unhindered |
3892 | Uniform |
3893 | Uninjured |
3894 | Unit |
3895 | Unite |
3896 | United |
3897 | Uniting |
3898 | Universal |
3899 | Universal Gods |
3900 | Universal One |
3901 | Universe |
3902 | Unlike |
3903 | Unlovely |
3904 | Unmenaced |
3905 | Unreachable |
3906 | Unripe |
3907 | Unrivalled |
3908 | Unsatisfied |
3909 | Unseen |
3910 | Unsought |
3911 | Unstained |
3912 | Unswerving |
3913 | Unthreatened |
3914 | Unto |
3915 | Untouched |
3916 | Unwearied |
3917 | Unweariedly |
3918 | Unwelcome |
3919 | Unyielding |
3920 | Unyoke |
3921 | Upamasravas |
3922 | Upastuta |
3923 | Upastutas |
3924 | Upholder |
3925 | UPHOLDERS |
3926 | Upholding |
3927 | Uplifted |
3928 | Upon |
3929 | UPRISEN |
3930 | Uprises |
3931 | Upstanding |
3932 | Upward |
3933 | Urana |
3934 | URGE |
3935 | Urge Aryaman |
3936 | URGED |
3937 | URGING |
3938 | Urging |
3939 | Urjani |
3940 | Urjavya |
3941 | Urmya |
3942 | Urnavabha |
3943 | Urnavati |
3944 | Uruksayas |
3945 | Urvasi |
3946 | Usana |
3947 | Usana Kavya |
3948 | Usas |
3949 | Usinarani |
3950 | Using |
3951 | Usnih |
3952 | Uttering |
3953 | Vadhrmati |
3954 | Vadhryaiva |
3955 | Vadhryasva |
3956 | Vaidadasvi |
3957 | Vaijns |
3958 | Vaikarna |
3959 | Vainya Prthi |
3960 | Vaisvanara |
3961 | Vaisvanara Agni |
3962 | Vaisvanara Jatavedas |
3963 | Vaisya |
3964 | Vaitarana |
3965 | Vaivasvata |
3966 | Vaja |
3967 | Vajas |
3968 | Vajin |
3969 | Vajins |
3970 | Vak |
3971 | Vala |
3973 | Valiant One |
3974 | Valiantly |
3975 | VALUE Agni |
3976 | Vamadeva |
3977 | Vamra |
3978 | Vamraka |
3979 | Vanaspati |
3980 | Vandana |
3981 | Vangrida |
3982 | Vanguard |
3983 | Vanquisher |
3984 | Varasikha |
3985 | Varcin |
3986 | Varima |
3987 | Various |
3988 | Various Deities |
3989 | Various Gods |
3990 | Varosusaman |
3991 | Varuina |
3992 | Varuna |
3993 | Varuna Daksa |
3994 | Varunani |
3995 | Varuni |
3996 | Varutri |
3997 | Varutris |
3998 | Varuva |
3999 | Vasa |
4000 | Vasa Asvya |
4001 | Vasat |
4002 | Vasisistha |
4003 | Vasistha |
4004 | Vasisthas |
4005 | Vasits |
4006 | Vast |
4007 | Vaster |
4008 | Vastoshpatim |
4009 | Vastospati |
4010 | VASU |
4011 | Vasu |
4012 | Vasu Jatavedas |
4013 | Vasukra |
4014 | Vasurocis |
4015 | Vasus |
4016 | Vasus Twain |
4017 | Vata |
4018 | Vatapi |
4019 | Vatsa |
4020 | Vayata |
4021 | Vayu |
4022 | Vayus |
4023 | Vayya |
4024 | Vegetable |
4025 | Vena |
4026 | VENOMOUS |
4027 | Vent |
4028 | Venya |
4029 | VERILY |
4030 | Verily Indra |
4031 | Verity |
4032 | Verses |
4033 | Very Bounteous Givers |
4034 | Very Mighty |
4035 | Veta |
4036 | Vetasu |
4037 | Vetasus |
4038 | Viands |
4039 | Vibhiavas |
4040 | Vibhindu |
4041 | Vibhus |
4042 | Vibhvan |
4043 | Victor |
4045 | Victorious Agni |
4046 | Victorious God |
4047 | Victorious Ones |
4048 | Victors |
4049 | Vidathin |
4050 | Vidhatar |
4051 | Viewer |
4052 | Viewing |
4053 | Vigorous |
4054 | Vigorous One |
4055 | Vigour |
4056 | Vimada |
4057 | Vimadas |
4058 | Vipas |
4059 | Viraj |
4060 | Virana |
4061 | Virapatni |
4062 | Virupa |
4063 | Virupas |
4064 | Visanins |
4065 | Visible |
4066 | Visinu |
4067 | Visisipra |
4068 | Visit |
4069 | Visnapu |
4070 | Visniu |
4071 | Visnu |
4072 | Visnu Indra |
4073 | Visnu Speeder |
4074 | ViSnxu |
4075 | Vispala |
4076 | Visva |
4077 | Visvac |
4078 | Visvaka |
4079 | Visvakarman |
4080 | Visvamanas |
4081 | Visvamitra |
4082 | Visvamitras |
4083 | Visvarupa |
4084 | Visvas |
4085 | Visvasaman |
4086 | Visvavara |
4087 | Visvavasu |
4088 | Visvedevas |
4089 | Vita |
4090 | Vitahavya |
4091 | Vitasta |
4092 | Vitra |
4093 | Vivasvan |
4094 | Vivasvan MatariSvan |
4095 | Vivifier |
4096 | Viyu |
4097 | Voice |
4098 | Voices |
4099 | Voracious |
4100 | Votaries |
4101 | Vouchsafe |
4102 | Vrcaya |
4103 | Vrcivan |
4104 | Vrcivans |
4105 | Vritra |
4106 | Vrka |
4107 | Vrkadvaras |
4108 | Vrsaganas |
4109 | Vrsakapi |
4110 | Vrsan |
4111 | Vrsansva |
4112 | Vrsanvati |
4113 | Vrstihavya |
4114 | Vrtra |
4115 | Vrtra Slayer |
4116 | Vrtras |
4117 | Vyamsa |
4118 | Vyasva |
4119 | Vyatya |
4120 | Wait |
4121 | WAKE |
4122 | WAKEN |
4123 | Waker |
4124 | Waking |
4125 | Wanderer |
4126 | Wandering |
4127 | War |
4128 | Warding |
4129 | Warlike |
4130 | Warmth |
4131 | Warring |
4132 | Warrior |
4133 | Warrior Indra |
4134 | Warriors |
4135 | Washed |
4136 | Wast |
4137 | Watch |
4138 | Watchful |
4139 | Watchful One |
4140 | Water |
4141 | Waters |
4142 | Waters Child |
4143 | Waters Child Jatavedas |
4144 | Waters Offspring Savitar |
4145 | Waters Soma |
4146 | Waters Son |
4147 | Wax |
4148 | Waxed |
4149 | Waxen |
4150 | Waxing |
4151 | Wcll |
4152 | Weak |
4153 | Weal |
4154 | Wealth |
4155 | Wealth Giver |
4157 | Wealthy |
4158 | Wealthy God |
4159 | Wealthy Gods |
4160 | Wealthy One |
4161 | Wealthy Ones |
4162 | Wealthy Vrsakapayi |
4163 | Weaponless |
4164 | Weapons |
4165 | Wearing |
4166 | Weave |
4167 | Weaving |
4168 | Welcome |
4169 | WELL |
4170 | WHAT God |
4171 | What God |
4172 | WHAT Matarisvan |
4173 | What Soma |
4174 | WHAT Splendid One |
4175 | What Varuna |
4176 | What Vrtra |
4177 | WHATEVER |
4178 | Whatever Rsis |
4179 | When Aditi |
4180 | When Asvins |
4181 | When Gods |
4182 | When Indra |
4183 | When Indra Maghavan |
4184 | When Maghavan |
4185 | When Sahadeva |
4186 | When Sarama |
4187 | When Soma |
4188 | When Strength |
4189 | When Sura |
4190 | When Surya |
4191 | When Tvastar |
4192 | When Varuna |
4193 | When Visnu |
4194 | When Vrtra |
4195 | WHEN Will |
4196 | Whence |
4197 | WHERE Heaven |
4198 | Wherewith Patharva |
4199 | WHETHER |
4200 | Whetting |
4201 | While Soma |
4202 | While Tvastar |
4203 | Whilst |
4204 | Whip |
4205 | White |
4206 | Whither |
4207 | Whitherward |
4208 | Whoever |
4209 | Whole |
4210 | Whom Surya |
4211 | Whomso |
4212 | Whoso |
4213 | Wide Ruler |
4214 | Wide Strider |
4215 | Widely |
4216 | Wider |
4217 | Wield |
4218 | Wielder |
4219 | Wifehood |
4220 | Wild |
4221 | WILL |
4222 | Willing |
4223 | Wilt |
4224 | Win |
4225 | Wind |
4226 | Wind God |
4227 | Winds |
4228 | WINNER |
4229 | Winners |
4230 | Winning |
4231 | Winning Vivasvan |
4232 | Winnner |
4233 | Wins |
4234 | Wisdom |
4235 | WISE |
4236 | Wise Agni |
4237 | Wise Agni Jatavedas |
4238 | Wise Deities |
4239 | Wise God |
4240 | Wise Master |
4241 | Wise One |
4242 | Wise Pusan |
4243 | Wise Soma Pavamana |
4244 | WISELY |
4245 | Wish |
4246 | Wishes |
4247 | Wishing |
4248 | With Aditi |
4249 | WITH Agni |
4250 | With Asikni |
4251 | With Avatsara |
4252 | With Bow |
4253 | With Gayatri |
4254 | With Gods |
4255 | With Holy Thoughts |
4256 | With Holy Thoughts Sarasvan |
4257 | With Indra |
4258 | With Jagati |
4259 | With Kutsa |
4260 | With Mitra |
4261 | With Plenty |
4262 | With Rbhu |
4263 | With Rbhus |
4264 | With Rtu |
4265 | With Soma |
4266 | With Svaha |
4267 | With Vajas |
4268 | With Vasat |
4269 | With Visnu |
4270 | With Vrtra |
4271 | Witherward |
4272 | WITHIN |
4273 | Without |
4274 | Withstand |
4275 | Wives |
4276 | Wno |
4277 | Woe |
4278 | Women |
4279 | Wonder |
4280 | Wonder Worker |
4281 | Wonder Workers |
4282 | WONDERFUL |
4283 | Wonderful Mitra |
4284 | Wonderful Vayu |
4285 | WonderWorker |
4286 | WonderWorkers |
4287 | Wondrous |
4288 | Wondrous God |
4289 | Wondrous Gods |
4290 | Wondrous Hero |
4291 | Wondrous Indra |
4292 | Wondrous One |
4293 | Wondrous Pair |
4294 | Wondrous Steed |
4295 | Wondrous Strong |
4296 | Wondrous Wealth |
4297 | Wondrous Wise |
4298 | Wondrously |
4299 | Wood |
4300 | Woods |
4301 | Words |
4302 | Work Controllers |
4303 | Worker |
4304 | Workers |
4305 | WORKING |
4306 | World |
4307 | World Immortal |
4308 | World Supporters |
4309 | Worlds |
4310 | Worn |
4311 | WORSHIP |
4312 | Worshipful |
4313 | Worshipped |
4314 | Worshipped Onel |
4315 | Worshipper |
4316 | Worshippers |
4317 | Worshippeth |
4318 | Worshipping |
4319 | WORTHY |
4320 | Wrought |
4321 | Yadavas |
4322 | Yadu |
4323 | Yadus |
4324 | Yadva |
4325 | Yajata |
4326 | Yajus |
4327 | Yaksus |
4328 | Yam |
4329 | Yama |
4330 | Yama Yami |
4331 | Yami |
4332 | Yamuna |
4333 | Yarna |
4334 | Yatis |
4335 | Yatudhana |
4336 | Yatudhanas |
4337 | Yavyavati |
4338 | Yayati |
4339 | YEA |
4340 | Year |
4341 | Yearning |
4342 | Yearningfor |
4343 | Yield |
4344 | Yielders |
4345 | Yielding |
4346 | YOKE |
4347 | Yoked |
4348 | Yoking |
4349 | Yon |
4350 | YON Sun |
4351 | YONDER |
4352 | You Furtherers |
4353 | Young |
4354 | Young Agni |
4355 | Young Rudras |
4356 | Youngest |
4357 | Youngest God |
4358 | Youngling |
4359 | YOUR |
4360 | Your Lord |
4361 | Your Mother Aditi |
4362 | Your Sister |
4363 | Your Soma |
4364 | Yours |
4365 | Yourselves |
4366 | Youth |
4367 | Youthful |
4368 | Youthful Lord |
4369 | Youthful One |
4370 | Youthful Ones |
4371 | Youthful Twain |
4372 | Youthfullest |
4373 | Youths |
4374 | Yudhyamadhi |