Atharva Veda Alphabetical Uncategorized Nouns Part2

Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 26 Jun 2011 16:35 and updated at 13 Jul 2011 10:21

Read Part 1 first.

The table below is an alphabetical list of nouns found in Atharva Veda. English Translation by Ralph Griffith in is used for analysis. The whole of the 20 books of the Saunaka version of Atharva Veda are analyzed. The extended characters denoting Sanskrit pronunciations are reduced to normal characters to subject the text to software analysis. A table depicting correct pronunciation will be published later.

Various types of nouns, adjectives etc are found below:-


n Verb-Noun
1 Archer
2 Archers
3 Banisher
4 Bearers
5 Beholder
6 Biter
7 Boiler
8 Borer
9 Breaker
10 Brother
11 Burster
12 Casters
13 Charger
14 Charmer
15 Cleaver
16 Conqueror
17 Consumer
18 Controller
19 Controllers
20 Courser
21 Creator
22 Creators
23 Creeper
24 Daughter
25 Daughters
26 Destroyer
27 Dhartar
28 Dhatar
29 Dilator
30 Disposer
31 Dissector
32 Dresser
33 Drier
34 Drinker
35 Dropper
36 Dweller
37 Eaters
38 Ender
39 Exalters
40 Father
41 Fathers
42 Feeders
43 Feeler
44 Finisher
45 Flasher
46 Gatherer
47 Giver
48 Granter
49 Groper
50 Haunters
51 Healer
52 Healers
53 Heifer
54 Holder
55 Hotar
56 Hotars
57 Hoter
58 Immolator
59 Immolators
60 Impeller
61 Inciter
62 Increaser
63 Intoxicater
64 Invoker
65 Keener
66 Keeper
67 Kindler
68 Lawstrengtheners
69 Leader
70 Licker
71 Lover
72 Luller
73 Lurker
74 Maker
75 Master
76 Masters
77 Milker
78 Mother
79 Mothers
80 Oppressor
81 Ordainer
82 Parcher
83 Philter
84 Piercers
85 Potar
86 Preserver
87 Protector
88 Purifier
89 Ranger
90 Receiver
91 Releasers
92 Rescuer
93 Ruler
94 Sacrificer
95 Seer
96 Sender
97 Shaker
98 Singer
99 Singers
100 Slaughterer
101 Slayer
102 Sniffer
103 Soother
104 Stirrer
105 Straighter
106 Strider
107 Subduer
108 Supporter
109 Sustainer
110 Sweeter
111 Thunderer
112 Upholder
113 Vidhatar
114 Viewer
115 Viper
116 Vipers
117 Wanderer
118 Warrior
119 Winners
120 Wooer
121 Workers
122 Wronger
123 Yearners


n Number
1 Eight
2 Eighty
3 Fifteen
4 Five
5 Forty
6 Four
7 Half
8 Hundred
9 Millions
10 Nine
11 One
12 Seven
13 Six
14 Sixteenths
15 Sixty
16 Ten
17 Thirty
18 Thousand
19 Thousands
20 Three
21 Twelve
22 Twenty
23 Two


n Adjective
1 Abundant
2 Accordant
3 Active
4 Alone
5 Among
6 Ancient
7 Aught
8 Auspicious
9 Avaunt
10 Awful
11 Beauteous
12 Beautiful
13 Benign
14 Best
15 Black
16 Bold
17 Boneless
18 Bounteous
19 Bountiful
20 Brave
21 Breathless
22 Bridal
23 Bright
24 Brilliant
25 Brown
26 Carnivorous
27 Ceaseless
28 Celestial
29 Ceremonial
30 Cloudy
31 Colic
32 Conspicuous
33 Cool
34 Cosmogonical
35 Dark
36 Dear
37 Deep
38 Delicate
39 Descendat
40 Desireless
41 Destructive
42 Devout
43 Dusky
44 Eager
45 Enigmatical
46 Eternal
47 Evil
48 Excellent
49 Exhaustless
50 Expellent
51 Fair
52 Faithful
53 Famous
54 Fat
55 Feeble
56 Felicitous
57 Fierce
58 Firm
59 First
60 Foeless
61 Foodful
62 Footless
63 Foremost
64 Fortunate
65 Fragile
66 Fragrant
67 Fulgent
68 Full
69 Gayest
70 General
71 Gentle
72 Glorious
73 Godlike
74 Golden
75 Good
76 Gracious
77 Great
78 Grey
79 Handless
80 Happy
81 Hard
82 Hasty
83 Heiress
84 High
85 Highest
86 Holy
87 Hundredfold
88 Immortal
89 Imperial
90 Impetuous
91 Innate
92 Insane
93 Intelligent
94 Invincible
95 Invisible
96 Keen
97 Kind
98 Lasting
99 Liberal
100 Lofty
101 Long
102 Loose
103 Loud
104 Loving
105 Low
106 Lucid
107 Lunar
108 Many
109 Masculine
110 Mature
111 Mean
112 Mightiest
113 Mighty
114 Mild
115 Milky
116 Moist
117 New
118 Next
119 Northern
120 Nothing
121 Observant
122 Old
123 Omniscient
124 Ones
125 Peerless
126 Perfect
127 Pleasant
128 Potent
129 Powerless
130 Praiseworthy
131 Priestly
132 Primal
133 Primeval
134 Princely
135 Prolific
136 Propitiatory
137 Propitious
138 Prosperous
139 Pungent
140 Pure
141 Quadruped
142 Quick
143 Quicken
144 Radiant
145 Rainy
146 Real
147 Red
148 Reft
149 Religious
150 Renown
151 Replete
152 Resistless
153 Resonant
154 Rich
155 Rough
156 Round
157 Royal
158 Rude
159 Sacirifical
160 Sacred
161 Sacrificial
162 Safe
163 Sagacious
164 Seated
165 Sharp
166 Shrill
167 Shy
168 Sightless
169 Silent
170 Single
171 Sinless
172 Slack
173 Sleepless
174 Slumberless
175 Snouty
176 Snowy
177 Sole
178 Southern
179 Splendid
180 Spotty
181 Starry
182 Stedfast
183 Stern
184 Straight
185 Strong
186 Stronger
187 Strongest
188 Such
189 Super
190 Supreme
191 Sweet
192 Swift
193 Swollen
194 Tall
195 Terrible
196 Threefold
197 Thrice
198 Triple
199 Triumphant
200 TRUE
201 Twice
202 Unanimous
203 Unborn
204 Unholy
205 Universal
206 Unlucky
207 Unman
208 Unripe
209 Unslain
210 Useful
211 Vain
212 Vast
213 Vedic
214 Venomous
215 Victorious
216 Vigour
217 Vital
218 Wakeful
219 Watchful
220 Watery
221 Weak
222 Wealthy
223 Well
224 Whole
225 Wide
226 Wild
227 Winged
228 Wise
229 Witchery
230 Wonderful
231 Worshipful
232 Worthy
233 Wrathful
234 Wrong
235 Wrought
236 Yon
237 Young
238 Youthful

Errors corrected

n Error
1 Adh
2 Agins
3 Al
4 Angi
5 Arayis
6 Arundhatr
7 Auchchai
8 Bhav
9 Brah
10 Brahmachgri
11 Brahmau
12 Braman
13 Brihas
14 Chan
15 Con
16 Consump
17 Devah
18 Eartht
19 Ekapad
20 Ele
21 Fheaven
22 Firma
23 Fxertions
24 Gandhar
25 Garha
26 Hotai
27 Im
28 India
29 Indranf
30 Kagyapa
31 Kanava
32 Karnva
33 Kha
34 Kuhl
35 Lfrom
36 Lme
37 Lout
38 Lthe
39 Marutes
40 Narads
41 Nyar
42 Obla
43 Pafichaudana
44 Panchaud
45 Parameshlhin
46 Parmeshthin
47 Pavam
48 Piishan
49 Pis
50 Pisa
51 Praja
52 Prish
53 Protec
54 Pur
55 Purmilha
56 Rathantarr
57 Sidra
58 Siirya
59 Skam
60 Stallien
61 Tis
62 Tvashar
63 Upa
64 Vaisva
65 Vamdevya
66 Varupa
67 Varuria
68 Vive
69 Yajnayaj

Further Reading

Internal Articles

  1. Introduction to Atharva Veda
  2. Atharva Veda Nouns
  3. Atharva Veda Nouns-Part 2
  4. Atharva Veda Frequency Spectrum

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